Isn’t Bucky far more suited to using the shield and being captain America than Sam?
A shield for a non super powered dude, who’s main thing is flying around, seems mismatched
Isn’t Bucky far more suited to using the shield and being captain America than Sam?
A shield for a non super powered dude, who’s main thing is flying around, seems mismatched
They killed Rhodie so that he couldn't become Iron Man, don't give them ideas.
Isn't he tired of fighting and bullshit like that? They kind of stressed that in Infinity War and Black Panther. Dude just wants to chill for the most part.
Bucky doesn't want the damn job, he joined the actual military instead of becoming Stars-and-Stripes Boy
Imagine if your best friend got a sinecure while you had to actually work hard, but then somehow your best friend gets promoted to Chief Jackass, and then you get beaten up and put into filing for decades, and then your best friend goes back in time to fuck someone else's wife, and then they suddenly want you to be Chief Jackass? Who would want that?
MCU Rhodey isn't dead.
He’s spent his entire life as a brain washed kill machine. Watch the beginning of Civil War, Black Panther and Infinity War. He looks totally content being a farmer living alone in his hut. He only helps fight when he absolutely needs to.
Not to mention he’s still regarded as a terrorist to most of the world in the MCU. Nobody in the US knew where he was after Civil War. Even if Steve publically announced Bucky is best boy, there’d still be a ton of outrage.
Sam stuck by Cap’s side since they met. He was an actual Avenger and followed him post-Raft break out. Bucky’s interaction with him leading into the scene where Sam gets the Shield suggests Bucky knew he was going to get it. He and Steve had already talked about it.
Joy, another thread where no one read Brubaker Cap
And yes the shield makes no sense with Falcons powerset. He can still be Cap though. He just doesn't need the shield nor does it mesh with his abilities.
should have given bucky the shield and gave sam the emblem/his outfit/whatever
that way bucky can at least melt it down if he loses his arm in a drunk poker game or something
Nah, they gave it to the nigger because hollywood's SJW liberal boner can't stand white men.
Falcon needs to wear the shield even if he doesn't use it because it's a symbol. He can just weld it to his backpack or whatever.
If you actually read comics then you'd know the MCU is emulating the time old man Steve gave the mantle over to Sam. Bucky as Cap was never an option in Steve'a mind and it was Tony who gave him the shield. Bucky doesn't want the title anyway. He just wants to chill on a Wakandan farm with his goats.
>with his goats
Not a nice way to refer to Shuri
Comic Rhodey is back too, thanks to Bendis-fu.
Absolutely SEETHING
T'Challa should hook Falcon up with some vibranium wings, they could work as a shield for him
His current wings already block bullets. Some kind of upgrade would be cool though. I want Bucky to get a stronger arm at least, that shit is weak as hell
He was already using his wings as shields in Civil War.
Yes, he is the better match. It'd be a good redemption arc for him too. Falcon gets nothing out of being Cap.
>"Oh hey, thanks for saving me from the decades of torture and brainwashing while you were fucking Peggy, Steve."
Im hoping he will reluctantly take over the mantle. Not really, i have no hope, but I'd like it to happen. I just hate the guy who plays Sam.
Stan still has a few films in his contract. We'll see.
>Not to mention he’s still regarded as a terrorist to most of the world in the MCU
The badly edited video from those kids in Far from Home shows he is seen as a hero
Bucky's too gungho on using Guns as his first choice for solving conflicts.
The captain america persona is too much of a "Non-lethal force outside of war" kind of guy, and they're not in a war situation anymore.
>it's okay that falcon got it even though he's the most forgettable avenger and got completely eclipsed by bucky, it's like the comics!
>spider-man doesn't HAVE to be anything remotely like the comics!
pick a fucking lane
Read Brubaker Cap you filthy casual. Bucky was basically the perfect fit for the Cap role
>war hero turned brainwashed assassin tries to find redemption and come to terms with what he's done by stepping into the shoes of his hero
IIRC he used a gun alongside the shield in 616 so that isnt really an excuse to hold him back.
Buckys a non-character only liked by fujos. The reason he eclipsed Sam is because he only serves as a plot device after TFA.
On the topic of Bucky/Winter Soldier, is he going to appear in any more movies in any kind of significant role?
At the very least he's still recovering. BP had to pull him out early because of the severity of the situation and thanks to being dusted it was still technically the same fight for him five years later. On a more technical front, not that Cap would consider this, Bucky has a much bigger PR issue. He's done a lot of shit, albeit under mind control, but the public will have a hard time making that distinction. They'll never fully trust him or consider him the symbol Captain America is supposed to be. Cap wouldn't care about that. He'd want Bucky to own it and prove them wrong, that is if Bucky wanted the job. The two men clearly understand how much shit they both have been through. Bucky clearly knows what Cap is going to do by shacking up with Peggy, you can tell from how they act and the dialogue. Hell, maybe they even discussed things ahead of time and both agreed to choose Sam. Bucky was the one who told Sam to go over and meet with the older Cap.
as opposed to being a non-character neither liked nor disliked by anybody
I'm pretty sure mcu falcon's confused with don cheadle more than literally any other possible opinion about him combined
I'm more curious about how FalCap will work fighting wise.
Cap was all about CQC with occasional shield throws. Falcon is all about long-range fighting and he doesn't have enough strength to pull off Cap's physics-defying throws.
Plus how is he gonna carry that shit when he's not wielding? He won't be able to fit it into his back like Cap due to the wingpack.
I don't think the public is aware of the shit he's done. Even then, easy to turn that into stories. People trying to discredit this new Cap, Bucky struggling with his past and being a public figure etc.
Maybe he can put the shield on Redwing
It was some rinky dink SHIELD-issued pistol that just happened to hit a fair bit harder than your typical pistol, at least enough to faze Ares with repeated shots to the face.
It would be nice to see Bucky's gun-fu in action though, something to at least contrast with Steve's more reserved and defensive fighting style which is mostly less than lethal.
He wasn't brainwashed for decades, he was brainwashed for like 2 years before being put back on ice.
It doesn't. In the comics Hawkeye is one of the few who can use it thanks to his inhuman marksmanship, Bucky can make it bounce with his robo arm but will never be able to match Steve's finesse.
The Bucky fujos dropped the MCU because of Steves ending in Endgame. They're royally pissed and accusing Marvel of being homophobes so even if Bucky took up the shield they still won't watch anything after it.
It's possible, though after Black Widow dumped all SHIELD and Hydra files on the web you think there would be some information on him. I mean she dumped her own dark past, so she clearly wasn't trying to protect anyone. She just posted it all. Obviously the Stark family snuff film wasn't included, fwiw.
It's possible. That could be a big moment though, and way to re-introduce zemo as a big villain
>Bucky cap semi established as Cap, doing a post alien invasion/Hydra/demon victory speech in times square
>mid speech all the displays are hacked and zemo gives a "I know what you really are" speech and plays a montage of Bucky murdering people
>chaos ensues
fuck you I like buck
Seems anyway you put it, Bucky makes for a more interesting Cap than Sam.
At this point it's better they never try something like since it would end in countless thread about how Bucky helped save 50% of all life on Earth, not to mention the entire universe, but still gets shit on for being a mind controlled assassin. It probably wouldn't be quite as popular as "y thanas not doubble reesorces" threads.
>threads about how (hero x) did (good thing y) but still gets shit on for (bad thing possibly out of their control z)
that's not a bucky-exclusive phenomenon, how many years have we gone on about hank pym slapping his wife after not sleeping for a week or whatever now
shit we're bound to get plenty of "how iron boy helped save 50% of all life on earth but still gets shit on for maybe killing donnie darko" in the coming months
Pym's just gotten that as his rep. if you've seen the threads people post all the others who have done shit. Reed has slapped Sue on more than one occasion, and you gotta love when he tells her to get back in the kitchen. MCU Pym has his own issues but not that one.
As for "iron boy" they don't really compare. It isn't like you can use saving the world as a blanket excuse for killing anyone you want, but to prove you aren't the bad guy you were when you were a mind controlled puppet? Sure.
Look at it like this, Hulk came back from destroying a major city in a rampage (albeit due to mind control). Now he can openly sit in restaurants and sign autographs for the kiddies. But Spider-Man not having to deal with being called a Spider-Menace isn't as fun. They gotta get JJ in there eventually, right?
>thanks to Bendis-fu.
wasn't Bendis the one who killed him off, because he thought the movies were going to do so as well?
>>it's okay that falcon got it even though he's the most forgettable avenger
comics Falcon was always a boring character, and the MCU version is an improvement. That being said, him becoming a legacy character does take away from the Falcon title.
>Isn’t Bucky far more suited to using the shield and being captain America than Sam?
Bucky has severe PTSD from his brainwashing and litterally denied the shield.
>I don't think the public is aware of the shit he's done.
No, but they do think he blew up the UN, even if at the end Zemo was revealed to be the true culprit, the public would still have doubts if he did or didn't do it.
Then what happens when Zemo breaks out and starts his trigger agian?
It's probably more to due with who has the cheaper contracts.
Then you have him train with Doctor strange to overcome his old commands
Eat shit and get a life off the internet
I liked BuckyCap but he wasn't the perfect Cap and that was kind of the point and why it was fun.Also MCU Bucky has none of the charisma comic Bucky has but I blame that on the writers since Sebastian Stan and Mackie have crazy chemistry when people interview them.
Hell the reason why he went back to the past for a second chance was because of what Sam asked Steve.
>"It's just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously, you could do whatever you want to do. What makes you happy? "
I feel like the racists are ironic shitposters and the liberals are sock puppets
Agreed on all accounts, I meant perfect as in its perfect from a story telling perspective. Bucky Cap is fun because he struggles to live up to the ideal of Captain America. MCU Bucky COULD be just as charismatic if they gave a shit but he's really been sidelined since Civil War.
Woulda made bringing back Zeemo more dynamic
T'Challa should hook Falcon with the real Redwing.