You can only read one of the big two for this day on. That means back catalog too of course...which is it and why?
You can only read one of the big two for this day on. That means back catalog too of course...which is it and why?
I wouldn’t read anything then
Fuck, from*.
What Yea Forums material do you enjoy? If ya don't mind me asking.
dc. i've only read red and the outlaws, new superman, and blackest night. so there's plenty of stuff i could read. i'd focus on green lantern.
maybe she just likes comics that are actually good
there's an entire world outside of the big 2
Not him but cartoons have all the same characters but actual good stories.
I grew up with it and I think the quality over all is better
I understand stand that, its a hypothetical my friend.
it's crazy that you post this, I just watched this movie this morning.
Marvel. DC I mostly like for Batman and Superman, but for the universe at large, I make mine Marvel.
DC probably. More stuff I haven't read.
fuck off back to your side of the board
Love it "me so horny ME SO STUPID"
You mad man
Probably DC. I like Marvel fine but on average I enjoy more DC comics.
I tend to enjoy marvel and it's universe more, though I'll miss vertigo. Marvel having the Conan rights is helping them a lot here
I love seeing a comic in a show or film and finding them
DC I guess, don't really care for Marvel at all anyways.
DC. Like their mythology more plus Superman.
And to those complaining, it doesn't mean you cant read other comics.
Hell yes.
DC has more variety.
I remember a comic with this Tony fighting Cap and Spider-man, but I can't recall what it was about. Also why is Evil Tony so fun?
DC. Marvel consists of a bunch of radioactive faggots.
I really can't choose.
Maybe DC? My first comic book was a DC book and I've read more from them. Though, I'm starting to read a lot of Marvel stuff now.
Marvel. I cant deal with DC and their over the top heroes, Street level shit is way more interesting than Super Universal Galaxxy God Z #921746
DC because of all their imprints
It's hard to tell, but I think he's reading this page. The tiny sliver you can see of the next page looks like the speech bubbles at the top of this page
Does that include other lines like the epic line or vertigo?
Either is still hard but probably DC if we are including other lines...
>that one fag who never read any DC
Bet you think Superman is dull and over powdered
And sure we'll make it hard mode. So MAX and all that is included with Marvel.
creator owned comics and manga >>>>> marvel and dc
I enjoy masturbating to cartoons made for children ages 6-12
No one cares
I enjoy seeing you run back to Yea Forums and staying there.
DC, I love Green Lantern and bullshit Silver Age
DC. Nightwing.
Which of you autists can figure out which page he's reacting to in
I choose death
DC. Marvel never really interest me anyway
Probably DC
I only really care about silver age and Shooter era Marvel. They don't really have anything that interesting in the golden age except for Sub-Mariner. They were maybe the fifth or sixth best golden age publisher. DC was top tier in the golden age, their silver age stuff is behind Marvel but still fun for sheer comic bookness, and they had decent stuff through the bronze and modern ages too.
>They were maybe the fifth or sixth best golden age publisher.
What are the 4-5 publishers that were better?
DC, since their work in the 80's and 90's blows pretty much every other cape related book out of the water.
1. Quality
2. Fiction House
3. DC
4. Fox
5. Timely/Harvey/Dell?