>Homeworld no longer holds the resources to create more gems
I don't get it. Why don't they just start engineering new gems capable of reproducing with foreign species to make more gems
Homeworld no longer holds the resources to create more gems
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Tecnically WD only concieved Earth independence, they won't consume it's resourced, but I'm pretty sure they keep gathering other planets, otherwise HW would fucking collapse.
cuz they see organics as beneith them, they wouldnt mke half organic gems
1: No one seems to be clear on how Rose made Steven. All of the gems that hear about it don't believe it. It COULD be that her nature as a diamond was a necessary component, and that lesser gems literally can't do what she did.
2: Rose had to pass on her gem for Steven to be a hybrid. Breeding with biologicial life won't make new gems for your population, it just repurposes existing gems into new hybrid beings with none of the memories or skills of the original.
>It COULD be that her nature as a diamond was a necessary component
Yeah, Rebecca has said as much on the podcast; they'd also need to be really commited.
Adopt your a Pearl, grown in a 100% organic soil, Go to your local Pearl farm an take one home with you today
I hope she releasesfusion designs with all the gems, like other gems with Ruby or Sapphire, cuz I dont think we gonna see more before the show end definitely, maybe Lapis and Peridot
>Why don't they just start engineering new gems capable of reproducing with foreign species to make more gems
Steven was a literal bag of shit like 90% of his life. He needed many years to even know how to summon his shield. Pure gems don't work like that, as Jasper said she knew she was a warrior and she knew how to fight since she poped out the soil.
Not to mention pure gems have a specific purpose embeded in their system, mixed gems like Steven don't have one, so it would be really hard not only how to teach them but keeping them on that labor.
another down point, unlike other gems Steven not gonna live forever, they would just waste fine gems
>cant create more gems
this is never stated in the show, wtf are you talking about
they're running low on resources, that why Peridot is defective, but somehow she has magnetic powers
Wouldn't Rose/PD have to transform genitals and reproductive organs to make that fully work, and if she accidentally untransformed, would she have accidentally aborted Steven as a result of having no source of organs to let the child survive?
>I don't get it. Why don't they just start engineering new gems capable of reproducing with foreign species to make more gems
Because they dont want to be dominated by alien cock, then their entire gem empire would turn into an alien sex slave trade over night.
How the fuck do you run out of resources when you can zip around to other galaxies extremely quickly? Why don't they just use lifeless rocks? How do you fuck up as a civilization this hard when you have had access to paradox free timetravel tech for thousands of years?
>How the fuck do you run out of resources when you can zip around to other galaxies extremely quickly? Why don't they just use lifeless rocks? How do you fuck up as a civilization this hard when you have had access to paradox free timetravel tech for thousands of years?
Simple answer, war
The gems have been decimated by an as of yet unseen force, crippling their resources and society, and they cant get to more planets probably because theyre occupied and or blockaded by the enemy forces.
>but somehow she has magnetic powers
because shitty writing
That's all fucking headcanon
you know how much money they would make?
>5 Pearls and 10 of those blue water bitches please. I can personalize them? nice
if only gems used money
>Breeding with biologicial life won't make new gems for your population
I know that's why in my original post I said there could be a new generation of gems modified genetically for copulation given the ability to birth new gems without compromising themselves
>That's all fucking headcanon
Is it? All the signs are there, and its the only explanation that works for all of these plot holes. How come we have get to see any other organic life besides on the jungle moon or that caterpillar blue diamond had in her hair in CYM.
>their entire gem empire would turn into an alien sex slave trade over night.
I dont' see the problem there. You gotta get the economy moving
that would be way too convinient, even they made gems that were able to breed with organics they would take time to grow and them more time to learn what would be expected of them, with no guarantee they woud be able to
I dont know, how we dont see any other life form in Mars? user, space is large as fuck, and we havent seen that many planets up close
Steven doesn’t age unless he wants to.
They need living planets to reproduce. They suck the life out of a planet to reproduce.
Considering the gem lifespan what's a couple of decades to them?
Who do you think is a bigger cock slut, Bpearl or Ypearl
correct me if Im wrong, but Becky said awhile ago that Steven wouldnt live forever, as for how fast would he age I dont know
a gem popping out of the ground fully prepared to work is way better than hybrid who wold require time to train and has a limited life span
Yearl, shes thirsty for that Yellow D
Yellow. Those who are against "fun" activities tend to break harder than the rest.
>Sugar still has input/control of the show
because it'd be easier to just seed other planets?
Though I don't exactly get why they had to be so forward with 'reproduction' anyway, gems are basically immortal and highly durable, so it feels like this large scale creation is just making more problems than anything else.
Even the conflicts their involved with are presumably BECAUSE of their expansion/planet seeding, so they're basically avoidable.
Seems like it'd take probably millions of years for gem erosion/accidental shatterings to warrant making a new generation, yet SU paints Homeworld like they just make more gems for fun or some shit.
cuz gems have nothing to do but expand, they dont really need anything
I'll take two
>alien sex slave trade over night.
would they be the slaves or would they enslave us cause that's my fucking fetish
it's the classic opposite personalities in the bedroom trope
they're both sluts, the difference is Ypearl wants it, Bpearl takes it
the only gems fit for being sex slaves would be pearls, since they can be programed to obey. the others would just fuck you up
>they're both sluts, the difference is Ypearl wants it, Bpearl takes it
So Ypearl actively trys to seduce men, while Bpearl just silently muffles and pouts as you pin her down and fuck her?
God, im so hard after writing that
>the only gems fit for being sex slaves would be pearls, since they can be programed to obey. the others would just fuck you up
I think peridots and jaspers would make for pretty good sex slaves. If other amethysts are like CG amethyst they wont need to be your sex slave theyll just be up for it whenever you feel like it.
Just saying, its not really like they NEED to expand either, and if it WAS out of boredom, you'd figure most gems would be off travelling or something instead.
Though in general I kind of doubt it because of the whole 'gems are born knowing exactly what they need to do forever.
>the others would just fuck you up
in the 'use me like a punching bag' way, or the 'death by snu snu' way?
>while Bpearl just silently muffles and pouts as you pin her down and fuck her?
I imagined it the other way round
>gem sex slaves
>implying capturing organics for breeding stock wouldn't be more efficent on a larger scale
>I imagined it the other way round
Oh my
I wish we saw more of emerald
in the how did you balls ended in your throat way
Do you think yellow pear likes to be creampied? Do you think she likes watching the jizz drip out of her vagina and down her leg?
oh she likes it alright she especially likes it when it's hidden under the leggings she wears while only a few feet away from Yellow Diamond
>YD likes to watch YP get railed by her pet human male
>BD likes to watch BP hold down and fuck her pet human male
>she especially likes it when the pet doesn't expect it
>she just wishes the pet didn't like it so much
>>she just wishes the pet didn't like it so much
Why not, isnt the mutual enjoyment the best part? does BD need a human to fuck her instead sometime?
>They need living planets to reproduce. They suck the life out of a planet to reproduce.
Wow, it's almost as if the series 5 finale didn't actually resolve anything.
>Wow, it's almost as if the series 5 finale didn't actually resolve anything.
Gee ya think?
Yeah, but it still very much had a series-finale style ending to it. They even squeezed-in the redesigns for Peridot and Lapis, bringing back Lars, Jasper reforming, and Steven's fusions with Pearl and Garnet at the last minute because they just never got around to doing it sooner. The season 5 finale seemed to try to wrap-up every loose end possible no matter how lazily it was all crammed together, but ignored the actual main conflict of the plot in the progress and just slapped a "they all lived happily ever after" over it and called it a day.
this is why anything SUG belongs in /trash and even in there; It's not even remotely compelling. the world would be a better place if rebecca ended up just moving to japan and disappearing, getting paid by her mother or father to do nothing.
Which one likes anal, BP or YP
The main conflict of the plot is Steven's identity and it resolved that. We can infer that since the Diamonds stopped being dictators they'll actually start listening to their subjects now, and since one Peridot was able to research alternate methods of production imagine what a whole planet-load could do.
So what happens to an entire civilization that's suddenly lost its purpose?
It finds new purpose, or it does whatever it wants. Gems have no need for food or water, or anything we need to survive and thrive. What that purpose is will be the question going forward if they want to examine that angle, but I imagine they'll resolve the resource crisis, create a method of renewable reproduction (Peridot's garden was basically foreshadowing this) and leave it at that.
> still no origin for the artificial lifeforms
you're telling me they just popped out of nowhere one day? hogwash.
my theories being:
something like living piezolectric batteries of some creator species.
or an advanced computational logic system a-la the modrons from planescape with the diamonds being "secundi(or quartians if we are counting)" and their primus/creator equivalent is nowhere to be found
It really wasn't the whole identity crisis started at the beginning of the 4 parter ending, before that it was about Steven trying to convince WD to help them restore the corrupted gems.
Steven's been told he's X or Y his entire life and compared to his mother right from episode 1. The scene in CYM where all the possessed gems try to blast Pink Steven is basically representative of this because even the Crystal Gems wanted him to be something other than himself for a time, even if it wasn't done out of spite.
>White Diamond: I only want you to be yourself! If you can't do that, I'll do it FOR YOU!
the longer I look at this image the worse it gets
That's Blushmallet for you
I think they were made by the Sneople.
Ronaldo has been pretty on-the-nose so far...
I think Rebecca mentioned recently that they're considered a conspiracy in-universe. I don't know if they're real or not.
OK well that didn't link to the time like it should. Go to 3:44
It's possible that the resource shortage was just good old fashioned Diamond Juice, with Pink having an extremely high output despite her small surface area.
They're Von Neumann probes that were either designed with sapience or picked it up somehow
Peridots are actually magnetic IRL. Same with Smokey Quartz having supposed "healing powers" and how the character is one big coping mechanism. Somehow they weren't aware that malachite is toxic in water though which is an amazing coincidence.
>America no longer holds the natality rate to maintain the population
I don't get it. Why don't they just start allowing mexicans and arabs with a higher fertility rate to make more americans
No but Peridot and Yellow Diamond will TEAM UP to discover the origin of Frybo and his secret recipe down in Beach City!
>90% of story is filler to appeal to tumblrites who wish they could just live in a beach town being genderfluid weirdos
>people still think they're going to get satisfying answers for the story's questions
You ask too much
The Gem empire is evil as fuck.
Also why do they need all these gems? Their population doesn't decline due to lifespan or disease.
Is there rival space empires they are fighting against and its draining their numbers?
Sugar is a twit, her worldbuilding is fucked. Like how her human societies are basically less intelligent and driven than cows being led to slaughter.
Evil most likely doesn't exist in that world, and if it does it's sure as hell not some autistic AI's doing what they're programmed to do. The actions of the Diamonds were bad, but they themselves are just as part of the system as any Peridot.
Zombie Lars was completely worthless when he came back, that episode was terrible.
Like it tries to build him up by saying he did all this absolutely amazing stuff... offscreen, and is an amazing leader.
But as soon as we see him in action he's just useless selfish whiny piece of shit again needing Steven to set him straight.
Butthurt homo sapien found
The hell are you talking about? He was commanding the Off Colors perfectly. Do you want an actual character who has flaws or a prop, make up your mind.
This user is literally a human who's mad that one piece of media didn't portray them as the noble and independent saviors of the universe.
No, its these humans are literally retarded, they aren't even capable of forming a society any more than the ones in the Human Zoo.
Humans have never created anything of value. They go on about "muh renaissance" and "muh Apollo missions" when the first one was just drawing men with tits in single point perspective and the second was the most laughably infantile and inefficient space exploration I've seen in seven millenia
The only humans we see are the ones who live in a small beach town, I don't think that's a remotely adequate sample size.
>Like how her human societies are basically less intelligent and driven than cows being led to slaughter
To be honest, homeworld gems really didn't cause any significant threat after Rose manage to swipe them from the Earth. People seem to forget that Earth was in peace for thousands of years. So there's no reason for humans to see gems as a danger.
Yeah we get it you were born on earth and We Wuz Civilized. Run along now humie
They go to Korea at one point and the only difference is there's Centipeetle statues on some of the temples.
What is this post meant to say.
You are also a human being, this is not an RP board.
There was a thread about a Steven Universe themed Duke Nukem mod in an alternate universe where Crystal Gems losing the war and Earth being a gem colony. Does anyone know that?
>Everyone I know is a monkey from a backwater planet so you must be too
Corrupted Gem Monsters do literally exist all over the world, and examples of advanced gem technology as well to research.
Its strange its almost like humans and the gem stuff don't exist in the same setting outside of Beach City despite being spread across the whole Earth.
The Crystal Gems LOST the war.
You mean this one?
>Most of the beach City is in shambles
>All of the gems are shattered or in their gem form, humans bleeding and dying
>Steven is crying and holding the lifeless body of Connie and hopelessly looking at the invading troops of the White Diamond
>An Amethyst from Homeworld troops is about to kill Steven
>I'm so sorry guys, I guess this is the end
>Suddenly, Amethyst's gem is shattered by a shotgun blast and with a loud Harley engine filling up the sky
>A muscular guy with a red tank top and aviators stops in front of Steven and lifts him up
>"There are times where speaking is useless kid"
>W-who are you?
>"I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm here to save humanity again! Ready to rumble, because this'll be a tough ride."
>B-but this is supposed to be my show, about love and acceptance-
>"sorry kid, guess your lesbo maker has already sold your rights, now it's MY turn to clean up your mess, and I won't stop till your pretty rock sisters feel my 12 millimeter! Thank your daddy that you are half human!"
>Duke Nukem theme starts playing
Beach City being built next to the gem temple probably has something to do with it. Pink's palanquin was implied to be a fair ways away from civilization since they had to take a bus to reach it.
Even if humans did see gems as a threat, they can't even unite to save their planet from the side effects of their own primitive combustion-based technology. What hope would they have against superior gem elegance
No but that sounds hilarious
They Lost the War but instead of the Homeworld gems making sure they wiped them out Yellow Diamond just instigated her long term plan to have Earth exploded outwards by the creation of a gigantic crystal superweapon formed out of the millions of shattered shards of gems that existed in eternal agony solely out of spite.
And yet she has never had to answer for this horrific crime against gemkind, ignoring any care about the planet Earth or its inhabitants entire.
What do the Gems even need with a deranged planet-sized superweapon when they have no stellar rivals?
>Also why do they need all these gems?
Why do you think they need a reason to make more gems?
>What hope would they have against superior gem elegance
They have a fair chance when knowing every known gem we've seen yet (except for aquamarine) are complete goofballs and can be easily persuaded.
>had to take a bus to reach it
>far away
We can travel great distances in the modern age, longer than it takes a bus journey to get to. And Gem ruins with functioning tech are spread across the planet all over the place
Also didn't the Palanquin specifically have a chainlink fence infront of it?
the aim of the war was to get the Homeworld Gems off the planet, since that happened the CG "won" in the loosest terms possible
After the gem invasion the whole human race was reduced to slavery and many of them were sent back to gem's homeworld to serve under the tyrannical regime of diamonds, hovewer humanity had one last chance. Duke, as champion of humankind and the last president of United States of America after defeating the Alien Queen, has foreseen this possible outcome in his propethic dreams and ordered to put himself to cyrogenical sleep in order to resurge after 10.000 years. After awakening in his secret chamber still untouched by crystal gems, Duke went outside, long gazed the pink/purple sky of Earth and sneered:
"Damn, those gem bastards will pay for destorying my earth!"
Now it's time for Duke to save the earth and get rid of crystal gems once and for all in Duke Nukem 4:Gem Apocalypse! These 3 episodes include:
Chapter 1: Saving Colony Earth
Chapter 2: Shattered in Space
Chapter 3: Operation: Homeworld
Don’t forget to preorder at 555-REALMS!
>The Gem empire is evil as fuck.
Are humans evil as fuck?
Because we do worse, for worse reasons. Even to our own kind.
Humans BTFO
It was a pyrrhic victory. There's still no answer as to why the gems were corrupted btw, Blue and Yellow had no idea why it happened and apparently White didn't either.
It did and it was clearly out in the countryside somewhere. It was near a range of mountains IIRC.
>There's still no answer as to why the gems were corrupted btw, Blue and Yellow had no idea why it happened and apparently White didn't either.
The answer is shitty writing.
Rebecca wasn't even in charge of the show after a certain point, writers like Zuke were openly inserting their own fanfiction into the show and took ages to get fired for it.
>her human societies are basically less intelligent and driven than cows being led to slaughter.
Too realistic for you?
user, don't spout crap drama as facts. Rebecca has always been in charge of the show and Zuke did fuck all since Peridot and Lapis were always meant to be in the barn and eventually fall out.
If there was a chainlink fence infront of it... then it wasn't outside of the reach of the local government.
Nah you're just a fanboy trying too hard to put the show on a pedestal.
Zuke was also behind mystery girl.
>why the gems were corrupted
They meant to destroy them.
But Earth kept them from being destroyed.
I never implied it was? We were talking about proximity to humans. The temple is literally on the end of the boardwalk so it's more natural for Beach City people to be like "Oh it's just them again". I'm pretty sure an early S1 episode (the one with the beach party) covered this.
>There's still no answer as to why the gems were corrupted btw
That light was high radiation and it had permanently altered the molecular properites of gems. That should be obvious.
In real life we have these things called scientists, or even archaeologists, whos job it would be to research such phenomena instead of just living them sitting around.
Pearl built the fence. It even has her writing on it.
And maybe they have and decided to leave it alone. I'm not seeing the issue is here.
>tfw Beach City and crystal gems are closely monitored by government and UN
>but none of it has been implied because Steven isn't even remotely aware of it and so are we
Only gems can use gem tech anyway, it's not like gathering the pieces or attempting to retrofit stuff would do them any good. I'm sure they have a lot of Pearl crying about Rose over the last twenty years though so that's a funny image.
>Only gems can use gem tech anyway, it's not like gathering the pieces or attempting to retrofit stuff would do them any good.
Do we know that? And in any case, would this stop the various secret agencies from trying?
I feel like there was an example of Connie trying to activate something at one point, but I may be confusing it with Steven activating something made for a Diamond. Things like the Hand Ships definitely are made for gems only though since they have AI interfaces.
As a headcanon, I believe humans ironically have a lot better qualified technology than gems have in the show.
No deep space travel stuff though.
Who knows. Greg seemed to be pretty chill in space.
The idea that any species would run out of resources in fucking SPACE is ridiculous. Especially when they don't need biological resources of any kind, and only energy and rocks.
The idea that the gems are in decline because they've run out of resources to assemble new units to gather more resources to make more units is laughable.
>Smash cut to him screaming all the way to the zoo
What all did Zuke do anyway
Unless that resource was Pink Diamond's used bath water.
>Diamonds make gems
>Lose one Diamond
>It is now much harder to make gems
The Diamonds themselves are a resource and who fucking knows what the conditions are to make gems that powerful. They're quite literally gods.
Have a mental breakdown, leave and shit talk Rebecca on a secret blog. That's about it. Even the secret blog is iffy but I've seen more evidence for it being real than I have it being fake.
I think it's the production problems than having resources like not having enough ingredients for kindergarten juice.
You know, every single question regarding homeworld will be answered when gem progenitor a.k.a. the overseer makes her appearance in S6. Just wait and see.
i 𝖺m 𝖺ver𝖺ge hum𝖺n being i enjoy
b𝖺d subst𝖺nce food
This, we shouldve seen lars space adventures more
Not him but im sick of all the focus on the human characters especially in the last two seasons. Make the gems the focus again or im not watching anymore
Dukes gonna fuck the remaining gems at the end, isnt he?
>Dukes gonna fuck the remaining gems at the end, isnt he?
It'll probably end like Land of the Babes, with Duke forming a gem harem planet.
>It'll probably end like Land of the Babes, with Duke forming a gem harem planet.
Knowing duke its probably all gonna be all lapis and pearls and no fatties like rose quartz.
My bet is that the Diamonds were made to serve a more peaceful purpose, then were reprogrammed for conquest, but kept going after their programmers perished.
There’s also the chance that they’re waging war against someone, we just don’t know who yet.
>Directed energy weapons
>Artificial intelligence
>Superlight space travel
>Intergalactic teleportation
She pushed a lesbian relationship (fair enough in context), threw a shitfit when it was squashed and left. In her defense, she is bipolar.
Oh, and calls... him?self Jesse Zuke now.
She basically got in over her head and raged about Rebecca being a "narcissist with a children's show". Glad she's gone.
Also, this
Dunno why but the funniest part of this to me is "you got this pearl'
I like angry Rebecca.
>the sheer amount of SU cock sucking in this thread
Why are you so pathetic?
the final chapter.
..Or this is.
I like that idea though
well, yes, what did she think made children's shows?
>implying the zoo wasn't just a prototype harem
it was stupid. and pointless. it never amounted to anything. lars just went home straight afterwards anyway.
why does rebecca look like the warden from superjail?
It's more a case of Zuke having an inflated ego and not being prepared for the amount of work that a boarder has to do.
The point is Lars has his own crystal gems and has grown as a person. That's not pointless, it's just not mindless action.
i mean that's true, thematically it's fine
but it's still dumb. scared kid in cave with strangers > space captain with a beloved crew is at least a movie's worth of character development, or eleven minutes with a big montage. cram it offscreen doesnt make any sense. i'd call it fanservice but no one particularly wanted it.
To be fair that was a facade. He's still anxious as fuck underneath, he's just doing that shit to A) Piss Emerald off and B) Keep himself calm. In Letters to Lars he'd gotten better with keeping his sperging intact and was happy about Sadie having fun without him which is MAJOR progress for the guy, so having to mentor these gems actually did do some good in the end. As an aside, the comics fleshed out Lars of the Stars so I recommend checking those out sometime. Each of the Off Colors gets some attention. Not much, but more than the show had time for.
>people on the internet enjoying stuff I don't care about
Go back to your side of the wall