How can one character have such a perfect send-off film?

How can one character have such a perfect send-off film?
>Quiet, personal stakes as opposed to world ending shit
>introspective, making sure to steer legacy charachter off of path of misery Logan has been on for so long
>knows when to be serious and when to be funny, avoids quipfest
>while ending is sad, it has a streak of hopefulness
>Greatest acting out of the series by Jackman and Stewart
Days of Future Past was great, but Logan is the perfect epilogue

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Perhaps too perfect. I was left yearning for more daddy Logan because of how they kept the good vibes of him and his daughter at a minimum. Thematically, I think the biggest flaw was having a clone Logan be one of the main boss fights instead of Sabertooth.

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You mean giving characters distinct personalities and not making them carbon copies of Tony Stark is actually of good writing?


Thematically, it works because he finally has an opportunity to put his past to rest.

Logan had to literally defeat his old self.

>Literally killing his past
kek, though I meant that if it was Sabertooth, it would mean that he'd be forced to kill what used to be his last remaining family. By killing him, the kid's all he has left.

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I think they have a scene where they were going to have Logan visit old Sabertooth and the two bury the hatchet, but they felt it wasn't necessary to the movie so it never got shot.

I guess? But isn’t that what Xavier is for?

Charles is not a blood relative, sure, but maybe Sabertooth is not a blood relative in this continuity.

He wasn't? Must've confused the comic origin with the vague memories of X-Men Origins

that is a perfect ending
a good ending will leave you content but craving slightly more, this way it leaves you with a good taste in your mouth as opposed to it going on too long and just wishing for it to end (see the Simpsons)

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Is anyone in the MCU like Tony Stark? Cap and Thor aren't...I'm legit trying to think. Strange and Ant-man has his own charm too.
Closest I can think of is Strange

I actually don’t know if he wasn’t, hahaha. All I was getting at with my original comment is that I agreed with you that it was a perfect send-off for the character and Sabertooth would have been too much for a nice, tight movie.

Well I mean it was ripe for one more movie that would still have audiences craving for more simply out of seeing Huge Ackman be a dad to his mexican ninja daughter. Continuity wise, I honestly thought Daken would make an appearance as the lovechild of that japanese lady from The Wolverine.

Checked the wikipedia and it looks like they were half-brothers, or at least had the same father.

>Grumpy old man becomes step father to underaged orphans in a dystopian future

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"You're Welcome."

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If they ever do a standalone X-23 movie in this world, it'd be nice if she came across Sabertooth and they hang out.

In terms of being quip machines

>Uncle and niece adventure where Sabertooth shittalks about Logan in a nice way

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Its mostly good but havign a younger Logan as the final boss was lame. Should've been Daken or some other bastard child, or Sabertooth, even a sabertooth clone.

I was fine with how it sent off Logan and Xavier. Not so much how it basically took a dump on all the other X-men and Mutantkind in general, especially after Days of Future past just unfucked that.

I was fine with it because it was treated as it's own film instead of a final film in the series. Logan was supposed to be a sign of better things, but DC and Marvel studios would never make their films unique. By that, I don't mean factory-made films but a unique stamp