You are now the ruler of your own Toon Kingdom, how would you run it?

You are now the ruler of your own Toon Kingdom, how would you run it?

Attached: toonkingdom.png (850x850, 1.14M)

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Start stealing anime characters and turn them into proper toons

I'd have to settle peace treaties between Disney and Warner Bros.

...but the hardest part is figuring out who'd be my new Queen.

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Lolis have to suck me and shotas get Mommy GFs

Harem bro. Harem

Turn all redheads into black characters.

At 3 copies with 2 Terraforming and 3 Table of Contents. I'll probably run Malefic Stardust just to protect it cause that shit ain't got no protection for itself.

all Yea Forums characters get blacked

Step 1: Remove GR 15
Step 2: Use my toonworld powers to trap barneyfag inside the kingdom.
Step 3: Leave the kingdom for an extended journey, close the book and slip it into a forgotten corner of my closet.

I’d make cartoons out of Manga.

Levy taxes against property you keep behind your back.

Form a committee to take a census, then issue taxes, edicts, and policy based on the information gathered.

shotas belong to gross old men

Alright Yea Forums, you're a toon king. But you need your council.

>Court Chaplain

Which Yea Forums characters do you pick and why?

Attached: King knight.jpg (415x415, 47K)

Am I doomed to choose for my town's tone to either be Toon Town or Coolworld?

Because both seem like they would be Hell after the first few hours.

Me wearing different costumes and speaking in funny accents.

I'm cross-dressing for several of them.

Julius Caesar
The tattle tail from Recess
>Court Chaplain
Judge Frollo
Scrooge McDuck

here you go

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Time to reenact my favorite porn comics with all my cartoon pals.

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General skarr
Waffle woman
>>Court Chaplain
Yellow pearl

Ralph Bakshi's Gandalf.

Noodle from Gorillaz.

Samurai Jack

The Mysterious Stranger from that creepy Mark Twain stop-motion flick.

>Court Chaplain

Uncle Iroh

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which Yea Forums character becomes the mysterious black knight?

I would make cartoon characters paranoid and hateful to Anime characters so they start to think like me.

I'll command all ladies to get Jessica Rabbit proportions when they blow on their thumbs.

I use pot of greed and draw two cards

Attached: PotofGreed-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png (461x669, 685K)

do I get Toon powers into the bargain or am I stuck playing the straight man?

>The Mysterious Stranger
user, he's literally Satan- why would you ever put him in any position of power?

Even better. The gross old men will marry the mommy GFs. Then they will raise the shota.

Why with all the satan hate user, Satan is a good guy he never did anything wrong. I just wanted people to have the power of freewill

got a template?

Similarly to CN City where I take the best parts of every cartoon that I wish to incorporate into it and build a gigantic cartoon metropolis for all the characters to live in. Assuming that I have God-like power to edit and expand my city how I see fit of course.

Got a thing for redheads, do we?


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4 u

Jesus Christ, you sure do love the barneyfag. Are you so obsessed your first thought when given the power to make cartoons and toon force real is to somehow inconvenience or get rid of him? Damn.

You disgust me.

This man gets it.

But what does it do?

>he thinks whatever that thing in the right is can even compare itself to the gorgeous and wonderful Jessica Rabbit
I’m gay but even I can’t say Jessica was really damn hot

all female characters are required to wear tiny miniskirts!

I have a sex harem.

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You'd better believe our primary exports are going to be rubber chickens and joy buzzers.

We're westerners dude, we evolved beyond that gay as fuck delusion.

The only correct answer. Time to exercise those other voices in your head.

Hurry Yea Forums!
There is chaos afoot in Toon Town!

Its gonna be one of those threads

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