I was going to post it last night but I was out in the backcountry and whatever cell tower I was pulling 4G from was IP range banned
Questionable Content
Can we just get Dyke boys lezzing it up?
If you were the guy I just made my godfather I’m very sad and after we watched Mike Tyson mystery’s together
??? What you talking about?
why is this art so bad?
God it’s not you, Ain't got no time for bird sex.
Why does this comic keep getting posted? Can it really generate enough 'will they won't they' ships to keep Yea Forums invested? Are the characters really attractive enough to keep this momentum up?
Jeph introduces new characters like Venezuelans eat zoo animals
>its still going
is the mc still dateing the tranners
Yeah, but they haven't been around in a while. It's a Roko and May arc.
May is banging Sven now and Roko is trying to get May a new body to replace the trashy one the AI felon program gave her, so there's a chance for gay robosexual stuff.
Wait, she's wearing yoga pants?
Shit, Robot Satan is my new favorite girl.
How is a distributed AI consciousness supposed to be impossible? We've already been shown data transfer between robot bodies, the only issue would be wireless signal strength and capacity.
Not going to lie though, that androgynous body in women's workout clothes is doing it for me something fierce.
Webcomics are literally stronger than they've ever been. Just because you personally don't read any doesn't mean other people don't.
Spookybots are nonbinary. Gendered programming is beneath them.
The consciousness stays "nested" in one processing unit. It can transmit to a receiver, but the actual AI consciousness can only occupy a single processor at a time.
This seems to be a retcon for Spookybot, though. Bubbles previously implied that they were linked individuals, not an actual single consciousness.
Who the fuck unironically reads this, though?
Spookybot has consistently worn women's clothing since her debut. Also nothing about QC robots requires them to "nest" in a single AI core. Furthermore, multiple copies of a single AI constantly transferring data allowing them to perfectly experience the events and actions of another in real time is functionally a singular consciousness.
Nigger, this is literally "gender dysphoria: robot edition: the comic". You're attempting to give it depth that is painfully absent.
At least ten thousand three hundred and sixty seven people.
And judging from the one whose email I get the early pages off of, they're mostly just awful. Imagine the kind of person who is blindly trusting enough to let someone else have complete access to their email account.
False. I'm stating that Jeph's attempts to use it as a metaphor fall apart because he always half-assed his worldbuilding.
Thanks, patreonanon. Unfortunately it's not more May/Sven sex and Momocucking, so I'll see you tomorrow.
Jeph uses they/them pronouns for Spookybot, who always uses we/us when referring to themselves. Their first appearance was in a suit and tie a la a government spook.
Having access to experiences and qualia isn't the same as simultaneously experiencing them.
wow, she's flat!
And what's more, they must have chosen to be flat.
Oh goddamit, I laughed
Guess I'll have to read QC for the rest of my life now
>first appearance was in a suit
A women's cut suit, check the buttons; Spooky has been female coded since the beginning, intentionally or not. And I did stipulate "in real time" as Spooky's other bodies all simultaneously reacted to Bubble's thanks.
Spooky is the new Tilly. Androgynous, agender, asexual, this time with a sexy coat of paint.
Why is that supposed to be impossible? Why would it be impossible?
Shouldn' t the hole/ debris in the floor be a fuckton more noticeable than the whole in the ceiling?
Adventure time really went downhill in the later seasons huh?
is SNRKing at melon is a theme? or a meme?
Don't forget that biological females don't have lips in the QCniverse.
>Why would it be impossible?
Network latency and interference. Don't want a thunderstorm to break your mind into chunks, and functioning as a cohesive mind generally takes a lot of throughput with small delays. Kind of like a distributed computer vs. a supercomputer. A distributed computer can work on certain kinds of problems by breaking them down into parts that can be worked on separately, but if you have a single complex problem with lots of interacting parts, you really need a lot of processing all in one place so that processors can talk to each other quickly enough to be productive.
Considering that we've never seen Spooky operate outside a small town, and that humanoid robot bodies would logically have a huge amount of empty space internally, the simple answer could be that each body is packing enough transmitters, receivers, and processing power while operating in close proximity to its other bodies for it not to matter. It'd also fit in neatly with how Spooky loves to make small talk and be opaque in conversation, she's waiting out any lag.
based terrible poster
Awww, young Roko went to Disneyland/world.
The Yea Forums narrative is that webcomics peaked in 2002 and have been dying since.
There are several ongoing AU comics that pull in decent cash. Not quit your day job money, but decent. If anything we're approaching peak webcomic.
Wouldn't even be a big deal. You'd just just have the surviving networked bots check with the individual for any serious input/changes during the disruption and upload/mirror as needed. Also this is supposed to be some post-singularity shit. I imagine they don't have our more mundane wireless communications issues. I wouldn't mind him exploring Spookibot's nodes to see if they have any distinguishing features when they do get separated, though
Seriously, this must be a record for Jeph.
Not a single human being in these past strips
$540 a month. For fanfiction. That tells you just how big the audience for web serials are.
That just tells me how stupid Steven Universe fans are.
He'd just rip off the Tachikomas from GitS.
The autism is truly impressive, but even people who don't watch the show read this shite. That's how hungry for content these people are. Anything with multi-coloured women will pull an audience.
I see, you're just a dumb fag who wants to force SU into a QC thread.
How sad.
thank goodness you were because no one else cared enough to
1% is a common audience monetization metric. Assuming that, QC's audience is in the 1 million range.
It's a bit much to ask us to believe in spontaneously created AIs that no one understands which cannot leverage already existing technology. If there is a reason it cannot be done, it needs to be explained. It's really dumb when fictional properties ask us to believe in magic and put the brakes on when to comes to something comparatively mundane.
I wish I was dead desu.
I just noticed this, so forgive me if its been covered already, why does spookybot use round speech bubbles and all the other robots use square ones?
I checked on some of the older comics and its always been true. Has it been explained at all?
Because the person who keeps saying that Jeph's job is a bubble that's going to pop at any moment and he'll be left with nothing is an idiot.
When's Jeph going to break down and have Momo hook up with Sam?
Better voice modulator that mimics a human voice perfectly. The other humanoid robots have a slightly metallic quality in their voices and Pintsize sounds like a recorded voice from a cheap toy.
>You're my favorite deputy!
Huh, that's underwhelming.
Given that we have pretty good deep fakes right now, the idea that a post-AGI society doesn't seems pretty lazy. But lazy off the cuff worldbuilding is pretty standard for QC i guess.
I could see pintsize going with a cute voice just because hes a troll, but the others are trying to integrate into human society for the most part.
You'd think that watching robots talk would be what is off, since they have zero need to properly move their mouths or have tongues.
Faye gave a used vibrator to Melon for a hundred dollars? Fucking shady shit Faye, bad. Bad girl
This strange androgynous robot is doing things to me. I want to both fuck and be fucked by it.
Ah yes, looks like all the robots have gathered for the annual QC automaton orgy, as is tradition.
I can believe that, because so many of the robots we see want to be around or interact with humans as equals.
Clearly there are AI that don't give a shit about that like the spiderbot or crushbot. The robots that care about being anthropomorphized are just the cast of QC.
It's also pretty lazy worldbuilding to have AIs that speak in an uncanny valley sort of way combined with a singularity event that happened "yesterday" and ending up with a society that wholesale accepts all this with no trepidation whatsoever. That is, except for the business owner who wouldn't hire May because she was a robot and the kids who laughed at Bubbles that one time. Otherwise it's never seen, and the aforementioned events consumed one strip each. Actually, even that's a stretch, because the business owner's alleged prejudiced was obtained second-hand and communicated through the recollection of the comic's sketchiest character. In real life something like half the population would be highly skeptical of these things, and their hackles would rise hearing them talk. It would be a big, every day issue.
Oh, I guess there was that anti-AI church group Momo talked about like 2000 strips ago, but it took me so long to think of it that I had to write it down here.
Yay is in the buildin!
Laughing at retards is a-ok in Maine. Or Vermont. Wherever.
>It's impossible for a network AI
....Why? That's fucking retarded.
These are some pretty slutty-looking robots. Are they, uh, anatomically correct?
Subscribe to Jeph's Patreon and find out as he releases progressively more lewd pinups monthly.
wii fit trainer has a comic?
This comic is terrible.
I wouldn't go that far, but the content is certainly questionable.
I knew it! I'm surrounded by Newfriends!
more like "Questionable Quality" amirite fellas
It's been discussed at a few points that parts of the designs of AI robot bodies are intentionally made to emphasize their "robotness" because it makes humans more comfortable around them. The only reason Momo has a natural human skin color is because she looks like an anime character and obviously isn't human.
I read this shitheap of a comic every day for 10 years and I broke free. There is light at the end of the tunnel, dudes. Some day you can escape the hell prison that is Questionable Content readership.
I'm just amused that he's been seemingly unknowingly led to stop writing human characters because he has no idea how people realistically behave.
QC is better as a slice of life story about robots than it ever was as a slice of life story about hipsters.
Also I can't even remember the name of the main character right now, because hes been unseen for so long. Eventually the comic will go a full year without him making a single appearance.
Can't stop, might miss more Hanners.
Based "Based terrible poster." poster.
It doesn't matter if they want to interact with humans as equals, what matters is the additional cost of a perfect replication of human facial (down to the almost imperceptible minor muscle movements) and tongue movement would make it a high-end feature. Spooky, having billions of dollars just sitting around, could easily afford it, while every other bot we see doesn't have that kind of dosh to throw away on something purely cosmetic for the comfort of humans.
Of the recurring robot cast, Momo is technically anatomically correct, Roku and Winslow are implied to be anatomically correct, and Pintsize has commissioned a giant robot cock from Fay. May is explicitly a barbie doll and Bubbles is implied to not be anatomically correct.
Strictly speaking, she charged a robot that may or may not be malfunctioning $100 for repairing a dildo.
fucking newfriends
Does anything ever happen in this comic?
Its just endless pages of nothing but these two talking to each others.
>started reading this when I was 14
>thought I broke free at 18
>now 30 and getting roped back in because of these threads
The ride never ends user
Also jesus fuck Jeph has been at this a long time
Sometimes a dude gets butt fucked by a tranny and there used to be music references
What is a "multiply-embodied consciousness"?
Are they a hivemind? Are they a collection of individuals who constantly synchronize their data so that each instance is functionally identical? If you put one into a faraday cage, would it become unresponsive or would it begin to deviate from the others?
If the former case, the use of plural pronouns doesn't make sense at all. If the latter case, the use of plural pronouns only kind of makes sense and it still doesn't make sense to use such pronouns when referencing anything outside their own mind e.g. "peering at us." Melon isn't looking at the collective of all Spookybots, she's looking at the single unit who is standing in that room.
I don't see why Jeph felt the need to bring it up at all. They were already mysterious and unexplained enough.
Nothing is just an endless "maybe they will fuck" tease.
I saw the Roko one, has there been one since?
Singular consciousness inhabiting multiple bodies.
Other than the "uncensored" May/Sven fuck strip, not yet, but we'll get there.
The multiple-body consciousness thing is probably supposed to be impossible because of sync lag causing issues, but Spooky operates on some kind of instantaneous communication tech-magic because "the Singularity happened," which means Oef never has to actually explain anything
It's really hard to believe that a self-improving AI (the definition of singularity) would be unable to improve upon already existing AI.
If human intelligence is any indication, the more advanced AIs would rather spend resources on themselves than elevate others.
But this is a self-elevation situation.
It's unstated but apparent that robots in QC run on the same rules as robots in Futurama.
Nothing that's lasted so long can be terrible.
What is the secret to Jeph's success? I need to crack it so I, too, can be rich. Is it the high quality art? The deep characters? The complex stories?
post consistently and daily then convince the burned out dude that made wigu to sell your shrits out of his barn in bumfuck, massachusetts
Consistency, a decent level of interaction with your fanbase, and waifus. Never forget the waifus.
So nothing about actual quality, huh?
You have to have the minimum amount of quality needed to generate a waifu for your audience.
It helps to virtue signal on Twitter for 8 hours a day. Make sure to @ absolutely everyone and then complain to Jack about your mentions when followers of those accounts start shitting on you for being a moron.
No it's mostly just unbearable virtue signalling SJW faggotry masquerading as dialog.
Ok, McStabby, that was actually a snrk-worthy joke.
Because the artist got drunk and stabbed his drawing hand.
I didn't see this, proof?
Not that I really care, obviously. But you should post it anyway.
Spoilered because everything gets you banned from Yea Forums these days, even rated PG QC lewds.
The fan art has been better, specifically right after May/Sven.
I hope May/Sven shows up again soon, I want more fanart.
Considering it's been nothing but sexy robots for days, and all the talk of impending roborgy, I'm surprised no one has been inspired enough to throw something out. Maybe some artist just needs to open a Patreon for drawing all the robo-cucking that Jeff won't. Seems to be why half his audience is around anyway.
Are dildos slightly better in QC universe?
Like if you can make self-aware AI, you can make pulsating self-heating dildos that feel like the real McCoy, yeah?
A dick that literally has a brain, we'd all be screwed.
If the multi-bot has sex with itself, is it incest or masturbation?
Pintsize literally made one and him and Winslow had to chase after it
Spookybot might not have any interest in sex. They're programmed differently than normal AIs, who have simulated libidos to make robopsychology align more closely with human psychology.
What kind of a question even is that? It's obviously masturbation.
Oh god I forgot about this.
Wait a second
Is this a decent joke?
And wait a minute, did Roko have a younger version of her old chassis at one point? Like she was in a child chassis? Are there robot children?