Is it possible for Secret Wars to get more fun? This has been a great ride so far...

Is it possible for Secret Wars to get more fun? This has been a great ride so far. Now we got Ghost Deadpool and this Jive-ass Thor Brotha here to keep the honkies in check

Attached: Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos 002-021.jpg (1988x3056, 1.26M)

What i read i liked but it would be nice to get a ranking of all the Battleworld books. Which were ass and which to read

Dude that Black Thor looks fucking sick I would totally read a story with him. How is he so far in this?

Wait, this guy is showing up now?

Attached: Cage Thor.jpg (1200x595, 173K)

Modock > Civil War > Ghost Racers > Everything else.

Thors and A-Force were good. Heard good things about the Red Skull one too

infinity gauntlet was good too. i wish they would have brought the family into the 616

weird world and marvel zombies

>i wish they would have brought the family into the 616
They did.

this is a little racist if a white guy wrote this..

Don't be so racist

He didn't do a whole lot actually. Didn't even show up again till two issues later.

The M.O.D.O.K. one was more fun than I expected. I think I have Civil War coming up soon.
I didn't care for most the X-Men ones but the art in the '92 was great.

Attached: X-Men '92 Infinite Comic 007-057.jpg (2048x1536, 905K)

Secret Wars - Master of Kung Fu was the best.
Isolated, focused, the reimagined characters were not bloated and had the right amount of issues.

Thor Corps was great too.

I liked CBatMD, but that was mostly as a coda to CAatMA. And it provoked all that shitposting about A MOOZLUM CAPATIN BIRTAIN? MARBLE IS REALLY LOSING IT

Kind of, yeah.

The whole Thor as Cops thing was the absolute best.

This still remains my favorite event, I really wish Battleworld could have stuck around somehow.

I get that jive had a time and place in the past but doing it now, if it's a white writer, can be seen as a little racist. I get that it's probably a legacy character but it's still a little bit weird.

Stop posting in my thread.

it's a public forum.

What book is that?

Infinity Gauntlet was my favorite read

>Lizard Thor

Attached: erectionon.jpg (1023x1293, 316K)

He's no lizard, he's a dinosaur.

a dinothor?

what? when?

>Blacksploitation Thor
Who is he and where can I read more of his exploits?

>thor oc's

The mother appeared in Duggan's Guardians run, pregnant. She gave birth during Infinity Countdown.

aw fuck. then im gonna have to check that out

Thor Corps' book was pretty good.

>wake up
>my thread is still alive
absolutely fucking whoa
You fags recommended Multiversity and Dark Nights Metal as well when I made some threads last week. I read Multiversity, had a great time, and I've liked what little I've read of Nights as well (maybe halfway through, trying to read it and SW evenly).

>DiscoThor and LizardThor
This looks way more fun than the spiderverse.

>The M.O.D.O.K. one was more fun than I expected.
I miss Yost.

The kung-fu ones about ironfist and chang-chi were pretty good too.

hoboloki was fun

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1872 is the best one . Followed by marvel zombies starring Elsa Bloodstone.

That coat is the pimpin'est shit
