By the power of Ra

By the power of Ra...

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So, I remember reading many years ago that the apparent contradiction of
>god ordered Moses to help free the jews
>god was the one who "hardened" the pharaoh's heart so that he would not free the jews
Is because the myth pre-dates monotheism, and in the original version of it, the god of the hebrews was entirely separate entity from the god of egyptians. But eventually it was retconned that all gods are the same guy, so they just scratched out the "of the egyptians" part.

Now, I have recently tried to find where I acquired this bit of trivia, but I can't identify my source. Wikipedia doesn't seem to mention it, and it's difficult to google it. Do we have any experts on Semitic religions here?

Why do they look more jewish than the actual jew?


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Da big boys

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I've read the Bible twice, but still have many questions myself. What I've gotten by asking a few theologists and pastors. The sentence "God hardened Pharoh's heart" was not in the literal sense. God let the Pharoh be vulnerable to his own flaws, letting himself become very greedy and stubborn, without any guidance to that way. In short, God no longer guided the Pharoh to being nice


Yeah, but that's the interpretation by actual believers. I'm looking for info from historians who studied how the faith has changed over the ages.
It's well known that the old testament is a mixture of at least two independently written, mutually contradictory texts. Also, that the ancient hebrews stole various themes and characters from other religions wholesale. Half of the named angels (michael, gabriel...) most likely belonged to a entourage of a different proto-semitic god, just known as El, before the jews decided to claim them for their own frankenstein of a deity

I don't believe that's entirely accurate, but you are on the right path. YHWH used to be a minor Canaanite war god before rising to prominence and supplanting/absorbing the cults of El (means "god" but refers to the supreme head of the pantheon) and Ba'al (means "lord" but refers to a specific storm god in this case). So as the Canaanite pantheon shifted to this new monotheism under the Lord/God/YHWH they had to make themselves look like they followed a god capable of beating out entire teams of gods on his own, hence stories like Exodus' YHWH vs #TeamEgypt and that time he had conflict with Dagon (very ancient and popular god of fishing, agriculture, and fertility).


It's difficult to discern whether or not it's to be taken literally, but I wouldn't put it beyond YHWH, especially in the Old Testament, to be a spiteful jackass when it comes to proving his points and knocking his enemies down several pegs. He was an ethnic war god before anything else.

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I'm feeling the no gf now

God hardened the pharaoh's heart because pharaoh had already decided he was going to do wrong. According to Romans 1, it seems as though that God will lead people into even more sin if they decide to give in.

Yhwh was kind of a bitch. I'd take Horus over him any day.

Did somebody say... WITH THE STRENGTH OF RA?

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They are the Jews' Jews

God will not lead others to sin. He will give them up to their sins if they do not repent. The Hardening of Pharaoh's heart has to do with his stubbornness the plagues gradually got worse as Pharoah's stubbornness continued.


"Sin" isn't a quantifiable thing and what counts as "sinning" depends on who you're talking to, where you are, and when in human history you find yourself. It's all rubbish, with the only shared trait being "don't make daddy mad" because people like being oppressed by a Jew god. YHWH will just as easily push people towards "sin" as he will outright murder people.


Holy shit. I used to watch that show but totally forgot about it. Fantastic post

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All current known myths used to have even more ancient versions.

A common staple of new religion is taking old myths and reconfigure them with their own characters. It's so people can transition more easily.

Even Christmas was once the holiday of Apollo. The ancient Roman Temples to the gods were converted to churches for the Christian god.

Don't forget he also threw in "people like being oppressed by a Jew god" for even more internet cool guy cred.

Back then Yahweh was part of a larger pantheon of pre-jewish gods. The Egyptians had their own pantheon but they all coexisted.

It could easily be that it was the Egyptian gods who hardened pharaoh's heart.

They are the mummies




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Simple theory: By spurring Moses on and sending the plagues, God indirectly prompted Pharaoh to harden his heart.

Like saying "God pressured Pharaoh to free the jews, but he only made Pharaoh angrier."

I'll unzip as many katana as I have to, it's way more chill than sucking up to a two-thousand year old pyramid scheme based around fake "love".

Cool pic reminds me of Capcom's arcades.

You can look at it a few different ways.
>You made your bed now sleep in it.
>mistranslation where the gods of Egypt were the ones to harden his heart

>Is because the myth pre-dates monotheism, and in the original version of it, the god of the hebrews was entirely separate entity from the god of egyptians. But eventually it was retconned that all gods are the same guy, so they just scratched out the "of the egyptians" part.

You can see this in the actual story. Prince of Egypt made the Egyptian priests charletons and shysters but in the actual story they literally can turn wood into snakes, water into blood, etc like Moses. Only Moses's god is more powerful, hence why the Moses snake eats the other snakes, and Moses's God turns the entire Nile to blood. The plaques of Egypt is literally the Jewish God vs the Gods of the Egyptians and the Jewish God is just so Damn Powerful that he can defeat the most powerful nation on Earth and their gods!

Your confusion comes from trying to conflate the modern Jesus God is Love interpretation with the ancient Our God is more powerful then your God original story. Modern Christians and Jews try to iron out the cruelty of the original story, come up with excuses for why God isn't as big of a dick as he comes off of, etc. But they're all ad-hoc re-interpretations of a fairly straight-forward power fantasy story.

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I feel this image is appropriate for this thread

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Grant Morrison was right, these old myths really are just the capeshit of the time.

Anyone has that comic where Jesus jump out from the cross to kicks the ass of the Greek pantheon?

Read more about Akhenaten and the origin of monotheistic Atenism in ancient egypt, and some interesting paralells between Moses's story and this Pharoah will begin to emerge. Once he ascended to the throne during the 18th dynasty he moved the capitol of Egypt to Karnak and completely restructured Egypt's religion, art, and culture. He combined the pantheon of gods into one new religion called Atenism, and de-anthropomorphized Aton, turing all religious iconography of Egypt's gods into a glowing Adonai-like disc. He was the first significant ruler in the ancient world to consolidate a pantheon into Monotheism, but of course none of this went over well. Much of the artistic and cultural economy relied on the presence of the pantheon and whole entire sections of the Egyptian economy began to collapse, along with his new capitol of Karnak. it's believed that Akhenaten and his family suffered from a rare genetic disorder that made them taller and affected their health (believed to be the same thing that Abraham Lincoln had), and that they were removed from power by the priests of the old pantheon. The remaining followers of Akhenaten and the religion of Atenism were then driven northeast to where modern day Israel is located, and it's there in the Levant that Atenism is believed to have influenced the formation of early Abrahamic faiths and eventually coaleced into early Judaism. It's an interesting theory that "moses" could have actually been an Atenist priest who escaped the fall of his Pharoah, or even Akhenaten himself, and there is pottery evidence of migrations from the southwest of the Levant coming out of ancient Egypt. It's a really interesting theory.

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> According to Romans 1, it seems as though that God will lead people into even more sin if they decide to give in.

Then why cant I draw anymore? or fap? does God wants me to commit THE DEED?!

So is it better then the 10 commandments?

Hell no, but it is still very good.

Well I can't decide, there are some stuff that price of Egypt definitely does better then the 10 commandments. Like the burning bush scene and how Moses get to it


It's bullshit, the text explicitly has YHWH take credit for hardening Pharaoh's heart to Moses before the first plague has even happened. Exodus is fucking weird, at one point after telling Moses what to do God personally shows up to beat him to death and is only placated when Moses' wife throws their infant son's foreskin at Moses.

This is the same God who lets Job suffer solely because He and Satan have a bet going on between them.

> text says sword
> picture has a gun

People always focus on this, but it actually isn't the most fucked up part of the story. The real eyebrow-raiser is the part at the end where God gives Job a new wife and kids to replace his old ones who died and it's presented like the original loss is now completely made whole, like his family were just possessions and now that they've been replaced it's all good.

> this guy gets it

Culturally to the israelites back then, women WERE possessions, not people.

Remember Lot's "No, don't fuck these strange men! rape my DAUGHTERS instead!"?

God literally mind-controlled the Egyptians later in the story to make them give their valuables to the Jews, it was completely literal.

I once heard that was a mistranslation

"I'm soooooo cool. Everyone in history was an idiot until I came along, and saw the patently obvious truth that religion is fake and shit. No, I'm not a massively conceited edgelord! I'm cool! Really!"

But God can’t change someone’s intent by accident, he knows how everyone will react to everything

This is why Pastors are so important. Your average suburbanite westerner believes in their head that they 'truly follow the word' but never touch their bible. They need their pastor to read to them and Pastors are very very careful about which passages they select.

It's why 90% of church time is spent on little more than shallow goodwill anecdotes about people having a hard time but then finding solace in religion. The moment you focus on the bible itself is where the miffiness sets in.

It is like a collection of random stories from perverts, liars, drunks and never-do-wells.

Holy fuck?

God "grows up" alongside the jewish faith in the bible the longer it goes on, as their ideas about the implications of one omnipotent god and monotheism becomes more sophisticated over time and their perceptions shift.

It's a cruel story, but I think the emotional part of the message of not allowing yourself to become a villain despite whatever horrible things are inflicted upon you is correct. Because none of that would hurt god or satan, only other innocent people who happen to be in the vicinity. It would've been understandable of Job fucking snapped and went on a tear in the local town, stabbing whoever happened to be around in anguish over what he had taken from him, but it wouldn't be correct if the end result is multiplied suffering.

>hey guys, didn't we say there is only one god?
>find and replace: Ra >yhwh

ctrl+f'ing Ra to edit out any of his presence still ended up serving the purposes of their power play

>Master has given Dobby a white robe
>Dobby is free!

YHWH is not el shaddai. Its like saying YHWH is Allah

YHWH is a retcon of el shaddai
Allah is a retcon of YHWH

Baldur here. You bitches ain't shit.

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Just look at the argonauts, they were basically the avengers/justice league of greek mythology.


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According to the Apocryphal of Moses, it was the Egyptian god Amon who hardened the faraoh's heart (and that the demon/angel of death Abaddon was the responsible for the killing of the firstborn).

I think it's basically as already stated; a pissing contest between the major gods of different pantheons.

>Hades, Hel, and Anubis go hang out in a cemetery and get drunk

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Priests' agenda is to keep you a believer, beneficial to the church's community. They wouldn't entertain the notion of the modern Bible text being a "retcon" of previous myths.

Based YHVH

I know exactly the guy you need for that.

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This show had a great theme

>By the power of Ra...


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Akhetaten coincides with the biblical story of Joseph rising to power in Egypt

Based Alpha et Omega

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Well, that part was left completely authentic to its depicted time. Middle-East patriarchal society, right around the slavery period. "And then God gave him better wives and better children" was a happy ending.

Hel wasn't created yet.

Well can Ares and Tyr have badass adventures?

Grant is always right.


I feel like this show could actually still hold up if remade for today.

>these old myths really are just the capeshit of the time.

It's like our modern super hero comic ideas had some ancient origins in our culture!

I wonder what Gilgamesh would be compared to as modern comics go? Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

Why hang out with a half rotten corpse when you can fool around with the athletic, winged, death goddess of the Etruscans? She goes around showing her tiddies, even.

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Isn't Abaddon the giant locust of the Apocalypse?

So many good anons in one thread, glad I could remind you all of it. Also, yes, I honestly would like a modern look of this show, just to see what they would do with it.

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No, Abaddon is the boss of the locusts of Apocalypse.

That's a Psychopomp, she's with Thanatos and the Valkyries.

I know this was supposed to be sarcastic, cringy song but somehow they made this scene look and sound epic like they are summoning some king devil.

Who would win
>The entirety of Egypt's military might
>A Jew who talked to a burning bush.

Right? I so expected Egyptian Gods to actually fight, as a kid

that would have been pretty cool yet controversial for the religious who make up most of the movie's audience.

Right? If that did happen, I’d be probably be rooting for them as a kid, because I liked mythology


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Ah, so that's where those devils from Hercules comes from

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I think it's a mistranslation the first I think five or six times it's supposed to say the Pharaoh hardened his own heart and then after that God started to hardened the pharaoh's heart so the Pharaoh did have a chance to give up like halfway through but after God's saw he was unreasonable he decided he was going to drive him down to his Doom

Jew here, it's taught in religious schools. God wanted to punish Pharaoh so he harden his heart and thus lay upon him the ten calamities.

Because they didn't went to exile.

You are both brainlets, we read it as Adonai and never say the full name of God.

How did God not know he was unreasonable to begin with

The cover by Jonathan Young & Caleb Hyles is so awesome!

Iirc, it's not that they were replaced and everything was completely good now, but that he literally does have double the amount of family now since when he died he would be rejoined with the other half in heaven. At least, that's what I heard.

About that, what exactly did God say to the family he killed?

I've always thought God did all this stuff just to get it written down. I mean, he knows how time works, he knows what's gonna happen. If he's doing all this stuff to get to a goal of his, he's taking his sweet time to get there. Of course, I'm thinking of time next to how long I live, so it might feel like less to him.

i always interpreted as moving on from tragedy and being able to find love and happiness again.

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The dog wears it better.

catgirls>burning bush

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Sort of this. The story of Job doesn't paint his ending as a happy one. He walked away scarred from his experience and with no definitive answer as to why he had to suffer like he did, except that God's will for him was beyond his right to question.

Mixing metaphors with literalism is a good way to have a bad time in theological discussions

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Call me when they start on the Hindu Cinematic Universe.

Sekmet is cute, CUTE!

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As long as we’re bringing mythology/religion up, could Hercules kill Jesus?

Jesus' mortal state? Obviously. But if you take int account Gnostic teachings or the commonly-held idea that he's part of a trinity, he can't.

His wife and children were douchebags anyway since they basically told Job to scoff at god for all his suffering as if it'd fix his predicament

What about Hercules after he became a god?

He always had divine strength, it's just that he wasn't immortal before achieving godhood. So it's the same answer. This isn't to say that Heracles in't strong, the guy has literally scared off death itself at one point.

Just rewatched this for the first time in like 10 years just last week. The animation is amazing. Forgot how gorgeous the movie was.

Why are egyptian gods so lewd

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>reminder that the people of that city tried to rape angels
You can do a little mental stretch and say that Lot wanted to spare their lives. Not that Hebrews treated rape as a serious matter anyway.


Egyptians were based and their gods weren't such an assholes when you compare them to other pantheons

Alright I'll make this interesting

We'll play a game and if you win your people go free

I win and you all stop complaining

We'll play the ancient game of dubs

I'll go first

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My move. Get your game on

I too am interested

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close but not close enough

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Just this one

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Very well then, let’s try that again

You are a fine foe

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Close my friend

I have no need of Ra right now

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Let’s go

It seems you win my friend

An excellent game

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Thank you. And you as well played a good one.

You're gonna catch burning bush if you know what i mean.


I remember reading somewhere that some medieval Danish historian wrote the Odin was some kind of immortal wizard king that left Scandinavia because there was no more giants to fight and everyone was converting to christianity.

>be romans
>steal the entirety of Greek pantheon
How did they get away with that?

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what a surprisingly informative thread

Because annexation.

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Isn't the idea that God hardened pharaoh's heart so that the Hebrews could see him destroy this powerful nation that held them captive?

Since God is omniscient, he foresaw every action the pharoah would take before he was even conceived and decided to allow the pharaoh to be created anyway. God is therefore responsible for all the pharaoh's actions including the hardening of his heart.

>them captive
they immigrated there. God knows how they got enslaved though (guessing Joseph's circle of protection is only good as long as he's alive).

Bastet is cute too

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because before rome was a thing, the greeks were scattering colonies all over southern Italy. So the Greek pantheon was already being worshiped by a significant amount of people living in italy before the romans got all grabby with their annexation habitis

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How many gods would it take?

Mut! Nut! Khnum! Ptah!

Nephthys! Nekhbet! Sobek! Sekmet!

Hemsut! Tefnut! Heket! Mafdet!

Ra! Mut! Nut! Ptah!

Hemsut! Tefnut! Sokar! Selket!

Seshmu! Reshpu! Sobek! Wadjet!

Heket! Mafdet! Nephthys! Nekhbet!


Based only true son of the one God

For me, it's Anubis. The best Egyptian god.

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Are you fucking kidding me? Anubis? Really? Bitch the best god is clearly Thoth.

So there's really good animated features depicting Joseph and Moses

Is there any really good animated features depcting Jesus of Nazareth?

Carthaginian gods > Roman gods
Baal is based

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