Is the new kick-ass series any good? Back when Kick-ass 3 ended i heard Mark Millar say it was over...

Is the new kick-ass series any good? Back when Kick-ass 3 ended i heard Mark Millar say it was over, so i completely missed the new series. Is it worth a read?

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No one?

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If you love Millar, you will like it

Ill give it a try then, thanks user

Honestly, it is no good. Hit-Girl is alright and it definitely gets something out of the constant writer-artist-changes, but Kick-Ass is just going nowhere.

And that's coming from a guy, who's read almost everything that Millar's written AND I bought Kick-Ass in floppies since it came out in... 2008? Been so long. I have it STILL on my pulllist, but trust me. If I would've had the knowledge beforehand, since this new-girl-stuff started, I wouldn't have picked up the new series.

And I LOVED Kick-Ass 1-3. Still do.

Maybe ill just read some scans instead of buying the volumes. But ill definitely read Hit-Girl

Why not read Silencer?

It's ok, but I'm surprised the (surviving, shit went down between last issue and current issue) people working for her haven't turned on her. One of the Charlie's Angels knockoff triplets was capped in front of them by a supposedly dead man, and after the shooter is killed, bitch just walks off saying deadpan "I'm sorry...this is the cost of working with me. I suggest you bury the body in the desert." while the woman's sisters are on their knees beside her body. Showed next to no actual concern, just zaibatsu tears.

the Hit-Girl minis are really fun

It's not really all that great. The MC isn't all that interesting, the plot repeats itself often which is usually this:

>MC complains things aren't going well despite having tons of money at her disposal
>doesn't touch it to stay 'honest' instead chooses to stash it or give it away to people
>gangs come in
>people die
>gang leader brings out CRAZY person to take out MC
>MC says some shit about being a soldier or her family then manages to escape or kill said Assassin
>repeat for next few issues

whats this girl deal?I stopped reading after the Red Mist conflict was done

Nice tits

Nothing to do with the first kick-ass. Some girl just uses Kick-ass suit to rob some crooks. No idea how she found the suit. She's a soldier so she actually accomplishes what she sets out to do. She ends up running the gang, and bringing in female guns. She's also a mom, so there's drama.

I'm not sure if the events of the original Kick-Ass are canon or even happened in this comic. She buys the suit online and no one ever mentions a 'some guy took down the NY mafia wearing a suit like that' or along those lines. There's never even a mention of her caling herself Kick-Ass. She just dons the suit and that's it. It could've been any other costume and it wouldn't change the plot at all.

Yeah, I've been buying & reading since the first issue, and once MIllar stopped writing, it does feel like this. The MC just ran into another CRAZY assassin in issue #13. The only change in pace has been her brother-in-law (who was an enforcer or something for the first gang she defeated) who was caught in a huge blast has woken up and is now blackmailing her. I'm kinda hoping it ends soon, because outside the brother-in-law thing, I don't see it going anywhere besides spinning it's wheels like in .

Hit-Girl seems semi fresh with each arc. It's good the creative team is different for each one. I'm reminded by 90s Punisher (myriad of locations & eccentric people to kill) & Punisher MAX (insane amounts of violence, cursing, and gore). Kevin Smith's arc was actually the least best outta the bunch.

Nothing is any good

Ah I see they finally make her look more like her movie counterpart

Does she meet hit girl in one issue?

No she doesn't. I know which one you're referring to since Hit-Girl appears on one of the variant covers but they haven't met yet. Frankly when her and her family were kidnapped by the gang thats when I expected Hit-Girl to pop up.

Her being Kick-Ass doesn't even make sense anymore. She did it firstly to steal from hoods to support her family. Now she's got more than enough money to live comfortably as she wants yet she keeps doing it because reasons. I know it's going for the 'soldier never left the battlefield' type shit probably but this story doesn't grip the same way the original did. David kept being Kick-Ass cause he wanted to be a superhero. Patience's motivations don't make sense anymore and she keeps fucking herself over when she has more than enough reason to stop.

>There's never even a mention of her caling herself Kick-Ass
Yeah I think in the first few episodes when they talk about her they mentioned, that she's a different kick-ass that she's a woman.

I want to get fucked by a black futanari like the one in your picture.

I see she it as she made too many waves and if she just did a sudden stop mobs would just start shooting.
I've only enjoyed Hit-Girl in Hollywood. Hit-Girl comics have been the worst you get invested in character only for them to die and Hit-Girl goes on not giving one single fuck.

the original kick-ass comics weren't any good (Millar's worst tendencies as an edgelord writer of hyper-violent schlock combined with awful Romita Jr. art that's muddy as fuck).

This isn't any better.