I walked out the theater the minute they mentionned b*zzfeed

I walked out the theater the minute they mentionned b*zzfeed.

Attached: b02761a3cb55d0c97820a852c830c316.jpg (750x742, 56K)

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o k a y

Attached: Based_AntMan.jpg (1493x873, 237K)

You've been at this all day man, making one dumb thread after another that gets swiftly deleted. Go spank it and chill out or something.

No you didn't.

>they still got your money

Oh yeah? Well I walked out of the theater LESS than a minute after I saw Nick Fury in space

Well thanks for your money anyway dummy.

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thank you, based ant-man

Thank you, based Ant-Man

I havent been in a movie theater for 5 years now

>you walked into the theater

thank you based ant-man

thank you scott lang

I walked out the thread when you asterisk censored a word.

Then how are you here

Because he turned 360 degrees and walked away, duh

Thank you, based Ant-Man

Thank you, based Ant-Man

No you didn't

But they were making fun of those exaggerated web articles.

Thank you based Ant-Man

Attached: CELERYMAN.gif (139x226, 755K)

Thank you, based Ant-Man

Thank you based Ant-Man

No, you didn't.

Uh, so you paid money and got nothing out of it other than a waste of time and excuse to shitpost? Congrats?

so you're some sort of easily triggered snowflake?

>Walking out because they shat on buzzfeed and calling it shit journalism

Bye bye zoomer.

>>they still got your money

Attached: that'll show em.png (509x588, 256K)

This. Either I pirate or wait until everything comes out to DVD release. Last movie I saw in theaters was Batman V Superman.

Special sensitive snowflakes, the lot of 'em.

isnt buzzfeed, vox and vice going bakrupt?

thank you based ant man

Thank you, based Ant-Man.

Attached: ants 2.jpg (1500x1024, 408K)

Thank you, based ANTS-man

What's with Projared?

thank you based ant-man

thank you based ant-man

thank you based ant man

Thank you, based Ant-Man

who cares, marvel still got your money

thank you, based ant-man

thank you based ant-man

"thank you based ant-man"

Attached: anteeater.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

A quick search suggests no, not unless you trust "Salamander News" or a YouTube video from 2016 (weird how these stories pop up during election season).

thank you based ant-man

thank you based ant man

Attached: 1562545934023.png (302x289, 259K)

thank you based ant-man

I thought they were mocking Buzzfeed. It's followed by a something like "They aren't news", IIRC.

>Shitting on Buzzfeed
>Shitting on Captain Marvel
>Shilling for VPN and internet privacy

Based movie.

>Shilling for VPN and internet privacy
Half of my theater audience were confused and some one even asked what VPN is.

You're pretty easy to trigger then.

No thank you, un-based Antman spammer.

Because they're not one of us, user. They're normies, not losers.

Considering they are going to EU countries, with all of the article 13 and 17 going on it could have been a jab at EUs fucking bullshit.

Walked out of what, and what's bozzfeed?

thank you based ant-man

And then the entire audience clapped as you walked out, right user?
So brave. About time someone took a stand.


They didnt.
>MJ Wears a votes for women shirt
>Fat friend talks about strong powerful women
>MJ being a mary sue

Yes they are. The other user is a faggot that probably interns at one of the shit places.


>Movie shits on Buzzfeed clickbaits
>idiot leaves
Are these also the same idiots that claim that Spiderman in the MCU is bad character because because god forbid he steps out of Queens ONCE?

Yeah, probably someone who only saw one or two of the Raimi movies, taking them as gospel and never read a comic.

Thank you based Ant-Man poster

>Pay nearly $20 to watch a film
>Leave when they mention a website you don't like
absolutely pathetic

Thank you based Ant-man.

but they immediately discredit them

Yeah, because Disney shills read comics...

thank you based ant-man.

Never said they do.

Thank you based Ant-Man

Thank you, based ants man.

thank you based ant-man

Would you say you were triggered?

Thank you based Ant-Man

They were making fun of Buzzfeed you fuck. One of the main themes is the polluted waters that is our modern news/information landscape.

Thank you Based Ant-Man

thank you based ant-man