>Is not even a real character, just a generic "monster"
>They actually make fun of his comic book origin by saying that it's just Buzzfeed nonsense
Poor Hydro-Man, he'll never get any respect.
Is not even a real character, just a generic "monster"
It was never Hydroman, they’re just some elemental monsters.
Well yeah, that's my point.
Must suck to be Hydro-Man, upstaged by Venom on his own cover
Then why are you complaining? Be happy that they at least eluded to this shitty sandman ripoff
Sandman got his female knockoff in Quicksand, so how come Hydro-Man doesn't get one? I think the closest he got was Clone MJ from the 90s cartoon.
Why do evil female clones always get some kind of water power?
Because Hydro-Man only exists because Tom DeFalco had Sandman reform/stop being a villain. Same reason why he created Quicksand, because Gerry Conway threw a temper tantrum when he was told he couldn't use Sandman as a villain.
Note that Hydro-Man pretty much vanished from usage the moment that Byrne infamously turned Sandman evil again, outside of crowd scenes. Fucker wasn't even allowed to rejoin his cronies in the Super Foes team as Chameleon, Silverman, and freaking Overdrive were made members over him!
Hydro-Man himself is a Sandman knockoff, it would just be too many levels of knockoff at that point
He had a brief cameo in Superior Foes showing up to , I believe, Shocker's place for a movie night
>The Non-Mutant Super Hero
What did marvel mean by this?
The Non-Mutant (TM) Super Hero (TM)
Fixed tht for you
>he'll never get any respect.
Kind of like how you don't even acknowledge Molten Man, whose been around far longer?
>Blonde hair
>black shirt
>Todd M. artwork
>Venom blurb
>"Fuck yeah! Venom issue!"
>"Oh, shit, nope, just Hydro-Man."
>Because Hydro-Man only exists because Tom DeFalco had Sandman reform/stop being a villain
Wrong. Sandman didn't reform until after Hydro-Man's debut. In fact, the two being fused together into Mud-Thing and the whole shock of the exprience is what prompted Sandman to reform.
Yeah, and the way he was used was stupid. He was scared by Hammerhead's goons pointing guns at him, so he ran away through the toilet, which makes no sense since Hydro-Man is freakin' bullet-proof.
Isn't the main thing with this guy that his powers should make him versatile, effective and dangerous, but he's too stupid to use them properly?
Hydro Man is shit and the poor mans Sandman
This, desu.
At least he'll always have the Universal Studios ride.
Hydro-Man is more well-known than Molten Man though.
TAS Hydro-Man was a huge improvement.
This is the truth.
maybe if he became a Namor villain, he'd have more limelight than fighting to be an irrelevant D-lister in Spider-Man's gallery.
And fittingly, they only used him because he was a literal Sandman replacement. James Cameron's unmade Spider-Man movie was going to use Sandman, which for some reason meant that they couldn't use him in the cartoon. Same for Electro but they eventually managed to put him in the final season.
I think Green Goblin may have also applied which lead to Hobgoblin appearing first.
That's how it is with most of Spider-Man's villains desu.
No, that was due to Toybiz fucking up.
>Isn't the main thing with this guy that his powers should make him versatile, effective and dangerous, but he's too stupid to use them properly?
Sandman (except when he's fighting the Fantastic Four)
Carnage (not nearly as effective as he should be)
The Spot
All of them should have killed Spidey dead many times if they weren't so dumb.
There was a similar scene in a Kingpin mini, where he was shown being intimidated by regular armed mobsters.
Namor recently stole his powers or something.
Water Wizard/Aqueduct probably would have been a better choice. Namor's so far only been shown controlling water (like he does) and not turning into it (like Hydro-Man does).
Where's the one in which he infiltrates a mobster's private jet by body-snatching one of his thugs and then flooding the cockpit?
>Namor: "yo nigga I'm revoking your water pass"
It was X-Time all the Time in 1989
fun fact: One of the reasons they had so many x-crossovers is because the x-books would hit royalty levels and earn everyone on them huge paychecks. Crossovers boosted all the sales, so everyone got bigger checks. This continued until the crash in the 90s.