


I ain't got 7.50 to pay

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Tell me there's some big archive out there with all of their podcasts and shit in it, PLEASE.
Also a full version of that theme, if it exists

i believe it's promounced "s'en fiddy"

Pretty sure most of their stuff is swimming around youtube.


Reminder that Spill (and Double Toasted) had/has the best ratings system. Concise, clear and to the point.

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I lost it when they realized that Some Ole Bullshit wasn't a harsh enough rating for that Disaster Movie styled parody schlock. That shit had me in tears.

Their movie reviews are mostly out there but sadly not many of their weekly shows.

I really want a specific episode of League of Extremely Ordinary Gentlemen with the crew talking to their Japanese friend about the Fukushima disaster.

I would put Leon MUCH higher in terms of his voice & banter on mic especially back in Spill days.

But fuck him as a human being for saying joining ISIS is perfectly understandable & moral in the era of Trump.
Also him & Korey claimed at the end of their London has Fallen video that America droning a terrorist known to have killed "more people then Polio" and after confirming their would be zero collateral damage still completely justified their terrorism in the first place.
What the actual fuck.

He's pretty annoying in the early LEOG days. Much more prone to politics than I remembered.

Oh it gets much much worse for them & it's priceless...

i have a complete archive of every LEOG episode (before anyone asks, i only have LEOG). do you know which one it might be? and a good site to upload it to that doesn't require an account?

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It would be after March 2011 but that doesn't really narrow it down.
Thanks for asking regardless.

No idea on a website.

Can't believe there's no porn, at least for the giggles.

>Used to listen to Let's Do This in high school since Co-Host was my favorite
>Stopped listening when Billy came on. Nothing against the dude but having more than two people tickled my autism
>Few months ago discovered a channel uploading all of LDT to youtube with plans for ACOCO
>Holy fucking shit
>Check back a few days ago
>Channel terminated

I'm grateful I got to relive some of my high school memories at least. BUT FUCKING GOD DAMN IT ALL

Favorite review?

The opening to Disaster Movie is burned into my brain

>Be a man you little bitch

does anyone know what happened with tommy from double toasted? i know he was involved in some accident and a woman died but he only got 10 years probation and come community service. when korey had him on one episode recently to explain he hinted that there was some mitigating circumstance that kept him from doing a sentence.

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I wasn't a huge fan of the format where they each only had ten seconds to give their quick thoughts on things, but the Amazing Spiderman one made me laugh a lot. With Corey being the only one trying to stand his ground and defend it and everyone else just relentlessly sandbagging it.


Yeah, I liked the audio reviews better because they were longer and they got to elucidate their points more.

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MEGA makes you make an account but I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble over it. Does anyone even technically own the old Spill stuff? I really doubt copyright would be an issue

Literally every one from the summer of 2008. What a great fuckin year for movies. They were all on the tip of their game.

I guess But at the same time there's still reviews and clips from podcasts and even the odd full podcast around and they haven't been taken out.

hands down lockout

co-host's one direction documentary review talking about him being the only adult man in a theater full of teenagers

>All them thinking he's a cool dad

Anyone else go to spill dot con?

You did by that black tee with the white logo from, did you Yea Forums?

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Not yet. Sorry Korey.

nah. i lived in austin and listened to all of the shows but never wanted to be a part of the community. ever so often i'd see korey or martin or one of the other guys at a drafthouse or sxsw. even talked to korey once and told him i was a big fan of the show.

I miss it almost every day. I was a 13 year-old faggot; one of my biggest regret is that the community died before I got cool.

That brief period where I could listen to those LDT shows and listening to those audio reviews makes me miss it so much. Sure DT is great but I suppose the pain I feel is partially due to nostalgia. Take me back.

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Fuck, that’s a throwback

>started watching them 10 years ago

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binging their reviews after-school was maximum comfy

anyone else feel like they should've been bigger? like they had a pretty established internet presence and brand by the late 00s but never seemed like they fully capitalized on the success. even double toasted now seems like it's only doing just decent business. kinda reminds me of mega64 in a way. they were on the ball early but have since been eclipsed by other shows and entertainers and only really have the die hard fans who have been with them for years.

If they could have hung on for one more year I know they would have made it. Teaming up with Rooster Teeth would have really paid off. Fuck, they would have bought them by now.

>RT owned Spill

Man, I don't know how that would look.

I found I usually agreed with their take on a movie.
So, it was a sad day when that site died.

where's my girl kayla? also rubio was so fuckin funny. even got me to listen to a few episodes of his beer podcast before i remembered i don't care about craft beer.

i'd lol when they'd give something a "high some ol bullshit"

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>Cohost's review of the Dark Knight where he says it's so good that when aliens find us after a nuclear war wiped us out and they learn of Batman through it they'll start worshiping the film as holy.

Bump for this

I never got around to LEOG but since my ACOCO and LDT sources have been terminated, I'll take anything I can get. I've liked Martin/Leon more and more over the years.

Woolie vs Leon as whitest black hit in North America.

Why are you forcing an elderly man to fight instead of letting him read comics in peace?

>Teaming up with Rooster Teeth would have really paid off.

Ask Steven Suptic, Game Attack, and (partially) Cowchop about how that'd pay off.

Martin was the soul of both spill and DT and korey was the energy.

Yep it where I got movie reviews and info back in the day

>Cohost is taking care of his parents or something
>Cyrus is in a podcast
>Korey and Martin have DT
>Cargill is a successful script writer getting dosh and posting motivational shit on twitter.


>>Cohost is taking care of his parents or something
and starring in the biggest movie of the year: alita battle angel
>>Cargill is a successful script writer getting dosh and posting motivational shit on twitter.
god i had to unfollow him after he went into his motivational i love everything phase. i miss the old talk some shit cargill

SP7 was only popular with teenage girls and went to shit as soon as they got an office. Spill was established and had/has a less fickle audience.

>Co-Host in Alita
Exsqueeze me?

rodriguez shot it in a studio in austin. that's tony on the left.

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>Cohost in Alita

Look dude, I know he's a Japanese-Mexican robot but you don't need to say he's in a adaptation of a manga directed by a Hispanic man. As for Cargill, I like the motivational phase. It's wholesome.

Holy shit! What a step up from starring in films made by his friends. Now he's in a film worshiped by Yea Forums circle jerkers.


I bet he hasn't called something "Asstastic" in years.

Dear God someone help this poor man

And while Super Best Friends has disbanded Castle Super Beast (Woolie and Pats Podcast) Is going strong and they all have their own material that is doing well (Pat with Streams, Woolie with LPs, Creative Content and Some Streams and Matt with Shows and some LPs, Liam does stuff too I guess)

Joking aside Matt and Liam Sonic '06 LP going now is one of the best for the game.

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>Are You A FAN~?
>Uh... Mmm... Yes.

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I honestly think they had a not-insignificant impact on my taste and how I watch movies. I about cried when they were canceled.

I never got the chance to listen to volume 9 again but that Johnny dude that would show up every now and then made me cry from laughing more than once.

DT and RLM are about the only movie reviews I pay attention to and I only listen to them for entertainment reasons. The old Spill reviews I dig through every so often just to remember and laugh.

I miss the series Cyrus had with them reviewing old movies being released on Blu ray.
They brought it back with a different name on one of but his co host isn't as good most of the time.

At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I think this show's cancellation parallels my waning interest in movies in general over the years.

I used to really love film, but I think the only thing I've seen in theaters in the last five years or so was Kubo and the Two Strings. Nothing new catches my eye anymore.

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all the Couple of Cold Ones are still up, aren't they?

I haven't come across them sadly.

Theres a whole playlist of them here if you search.

Oh, those. I thought you meant the whole deal IE every one of them. Still a good collection of them.
Well Korey and Martin (leon) are still at it.

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Glad they're still around at least.

Kayle is fucking adorable on the podcast. I'm actually shocked she's so fine in real life too. Fucking Rubio got a date with that, Never give up.

Bump for archives and/or MEGAs

I miss them so.

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I'm glad Carlyle made it as a writer but I missed having him on reviews.


I blew my thirteen year-old mind when I realized their names weren't actually Cyrus and Leon.

He was in a hit and run. The story is that he apparently hit some woman with the side of his car but he didnt think it was a person he thought it was some animal I think. Anyways he went back later on the next day to find that he had killed someone. You can find an article about it just google around.

It's a nice movie rating system but Toy Story 3 and Cloverfield are nowhere NEAR that good.

Yea some films weaken with time. Especially Abrams films since we've now realized his mystery bullshit is cheap garbage.

They're not...?

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