When were you the most hyped for a Cartoon?

When were you the most hyped for a Cartoon?

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Most hyped? Kind of hard to tell really. Maybe the day the trailer for the S4 finale of SU popped up. It had been a pretty average season up until the middle where things kept building and building and the finale promised good things.

It delivered[/spoiler[

That's just one example though.


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I was very hyped over Milo Murphy's Law but my high expectations really affected how I judged the show. And not in a good way.

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I was insanely stoked for New Frontier when i first heard they we're sticking with the Darwin Cooke's art style.

I was most hyped for the cartoon revival in 2010-2011 when we finally started getting new shows after the drought that Flapjack/Chowder left when CN hastily cancelled them, or rather as Greenblat put it - "Not renewed". I was 18, things were starting to look cool after HS, we got regular show and adventure time both of which I was trying to sit down everytime a new episode aired. which sucks because I haven't kept up with AT since mortal folly/recoil and I just heard AT finished too, same with regular show and then gumball. Steven universe was at the tail end of all that but I was actually hyped to see it after watching the pilot continuously. Since then I haven't been hyped for anything. Started working at the end of 2014 and subsequently stopped watching TV by middle of 2015. Clarence, TTG and Uncle Grandpa popped up at the time (which Clarence and Uncle Grandpa were actually good) but CN just fucking axed them 7-9 months ago too.

I still haven't seen Gravity Falls by the way.

I was actually hyped for Rick and morty when it started but after season 2 it was fleeting because the yearly wait between seasons I stopped caring when 3 hit

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Anything clone wars after mid season 3 & young Justice/GreenLantern:Tas.
2011 was a fun year for me.

You haven't missed anything in AT. It got worse and worse afterwards to the point where what ever was popular at the time got shoehorned into the show.

First episodes were great, other were just ok

>cartoon revival

I meant in regards to actually getting new shows. CN from 2005 to 2010 didn't do jack shit besides fill the air times with huge gaps of just tom and jerry, looney tunes etc. They had nothing, and then they killed toonami after pushing it to fridays only. Like I said for at least 3 years it was only Flapjack/Chowder and a little bit earlier Lazlo which I don't think ever finished either.

>mfw when i still haven't found the time to finish it

kill me

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It's better this way

I'm so sorry user.

I remember when this clip leaked out of fucking nowhere. Hyped doesnt even begin to describe how I felt. I had wanted a Xiaolin continuation for years.

The it aired. And my soul was completely crushed.

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Legend of Korra season 1 finale.
It didn't live up to expectations.

Most excited I got *while* watching a cartoon was either the reappearance of Uncle Iroh in TLOK or using the original intro in the Samurai Jack series finale.

I wish the scavenger Jack lasted more than 1 episode, it was such a good design. It showed how much he’s grown accustomed to future tech but instead he was a caveman for most of the season

can we all agree that Ashe ruined the last half of the season?

Beard also should've stayed. His S5 design looked better with it than without it.

the threads for samurai jack were a lot of fun

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That was a good thread

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>Rick and Morty
I saw Rick and Morty promos everywhere, there were weird art projects in the streets of this, I saw the leaked first episode on youtube, and The entire first season was reference fuel for my entire middle school period. Too bad by season 3 I became a bitter highschool grade and the show had gone to complete autism fuel with pickle Rick. Seemed like every new episode was either trying to jerk a feel or jerk itself, instead of having fun. The new season will arrive and I'll be over 21, maybe I can get blasted and enjoy it again.

The trailer of this movie.

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if it matters to you, you'll find a way. if it doesn't, you'll find an excuse.

I don't know why they didn't just give Doof his own spin off show. He is basically what made Phineas and Ferb

Season 6 of the clone wars.

And it absolutely lived up to the hype

Still kind of disappointed that nothing came from that.