What kind of comics do girls read? I mean that genuinely, don't give me girly comics. I want the truth
What kind of comics do girls read? I mean that genuinely, don't give me girly comics. I want the truth
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought this one was pretty good.
>girls reading comics
What's next, you think girls watch cartoons OP?
There's a reason "femanons" are a literal meme.
Whatever the fuck i want
>Yea Forums
you can only pick one
Currently reading Waid's Strange and Aaron's Thor, also really liked McElroy's Journey Into Mystery but that's done now.
>inb4 a bunch of trannies show up
Honestly most female comic fans read mostly (crappy) indies and webcomics. Capes to most are viewed in the same vein a lot of guys view shipping fanfiction; a total waste of invested time regardless of actual quality unless porn/cheesecake is involved.
Though I find myself not enjoying most comics and webcomics. Shit like Saga and YA novel oc doughnut steal boring bullshit is the norm (any girl who recommends either is a normie that doesn't have enough experience to know what quality shit it) and unfortunately I find myself reading more out of investment and morbid curiosity to see how bad that shit gets than actually enjoying it. The webcomic Vattu is probably the only Yea Forums thing I've actually enjoyed reading in a long time.
The shocking truth is that it varies by person. Women don't all have the same taste just like men, sorry to complicate your life with this new info.
Girls like manga and webcomics mostly
Vattu's a good one, haven't read it in a few years so it'll be nice to catch up.
Girls tend to read just as much a variety as guys do. Traditionally girls tend to enjoy the relationships between the characters and the complexities of each character, which is something prevalent in most stories.
Instead of trying to find a new comic to enjoy, re-examine the comics you like and really read into the character relationships and the intricate differences between them.
Once you've done that, find yourself a fandom or Facebook group centered around that comic and discuss it with other people.
Girls can be hard to find, especially in male dominated groups. It's not that they don't exist (amazing, I know), but rather they tend to try to avoid bringing attention to themselves for the sake of avoiding a sausage-fest.
Maybe approach them in a less intensive setting like a Private Message, but not before getting to know them on the group first. No one likes random messages from strange people on the Internet.
It's a little tricky OP, we're all brothers in arms here. Good luck and godspeed.
Ultra violent, ultra sexual obscure indie comics
Not even memeing
Females are a scary bunch
Please post some of those
...femanon here, as stated by someone else, women have varied taste though there's a few patterns I've been noticing with a lot of females I know:
>they enjoy fantasy
>character driven drama
>slice of life or anything that isn't super actiony. It's why most female created works tend to be characters dicking around doing shit or a fuc k ton of ship fuel.
>optionally cute boys, most women are straight so this makes a lot of sense
Capeshit lacks most of them and although attempts are made to cater to a female demographic results vary from okay to very patronizing and stereotypical.
Once again, women have varied taste like anyone else so it really doesn't matter. For me personally I'm more into action oriented stuff and comedy when done well. Romance I'm indifferent with and prefer it to be more like a subplot then the main focus of the story.
Oh, and I can never get into manga. Not for its cliches or story but rather the format. It gives me a aneurysm reading this sorts of shit.
>all these posts saying women have "varied taste"
All they give a shit about is romance drama.
Anything else going on in a comic is an irrelevant backdrop to shitty romance drama.
Women unironically read shit like Questionable Content, because whatever (doesn't) happen in the comic is an irrelevant backdrop to shitty romance drama.
They are incredibly simple creatures that only appear complex due to their senselessly volatile emotions.
Obviously, there's a lot of variety as has been stated. The girls into comics I know really love Hellraiser
shut up faggots op said girls
>All these delusional males thinking women are a hivemind
I read Asterix and Tintin while some of you weren't even fucking born yet. I don't care for capeshit but I like franco-belgian comics, some webcomics and yes "indie" comics too (i take that indie probably means non-capeshit for americans)
Archie Comics
Girls come with at least 4 issues
>the third most vagina heavy board
They don't
Girls like muh edgelords, big hunks with hyper dicks and shotas
They pretend to be PC in public but they buy - read nasty shit in private
kill yourself moid
cutting off your feminine penis does not a vagina make
>Not for its cliches or story but rather the format
What do you mean by that?
>names only the most basic BD
>haha I’m so much more patrician than you capecucks
>Hurrr hurr muh obscure taste is better than popular shit
There's a reason why Asterix and Tintin are popular, because they're good. I wrote those as examples because they were some of the first comics I ever read, one Asterix album being the first ever book/comic album I have ever owned.
None of the superhero comics. Cape comics has very few husbandos for my specific taster (I prefer medium to long hair and most comic character have really short hair).
Plus I find a lot of them childlish with super forced messages. My time is better spent elsewhere.
(Fe)male here
That one with the stoned owl and witch haha
>he doesn't know this board is mostly girls
pretty much exactly the same shit as the dudes desu. maybe less of a proportion of capeshit readers and a higher proportion of graphic novel readers. but if you read comics you're a freak by normie standards anyway lol
dearest user don't sully yourself, he doesn't actually care
Korean webcomics on webtoon so they can pretend to know what its like to have a hot bishie bf
I bought this a while ago and I want to storytime but idk how to rip from kindle
Not *mostly* girls. It's like a 30% female population here.
Forgot pic
And 29% of those are trannies.
Looks cool. What's it about?
>Currently reading Waid's Strange
Same, if you’re actually a femanon
I don't read a lot of capeshit so is somewhat close to truth.
From the top of my head from the capeshit I enjoyed Lemires Moon Knight, New Superman, Black Hammer, though I'm a bit behind on that one plus a bunch of short runs. Some classics like Sandman or Watchmen though Watchmen are overrated, I'm sure it was much better in the context of the times but it aged and it's less enjoyable without that context though still good. A whole bunch of shorter ones especially when they're storytimed but I constantly forget the titles. Things like The Marquis, Rachel Rising, Chew. Usagi Yojimbo was a lot better than I thought, I avoided reading it before because of it's apparent connection to Yea Forums but I admit being wrong about that. Used to read more IDW titles but they're hot garbage now, some local comics a friend lent me which I'll storytime at some point. Webcomics yes but I try to drop the low quality ones even despite the compulsion to read them in hopes they get better. I would recommend Stand Still Stay Silent, Kill Six Billion Demons, Vattu, Sword Interval, The Savage Beard of She Dwarf and and a couple of shorter already finished ones that I don't remember titles.
but i thought trans girls like only animu and mlp, at least from what ive seen
>29% of 30%
user math is not your strong suit
they're all trannies
how she got into the animation industry as a storyboarder without going to art school basically, was interesting
Femanon here. I just don’t get comics of any for at all. It’s midway between a cartoon and a novel. It does neither the action aspect or the storytelling aspect well.
Most american comics are.read.from.left to right and most books I read are done like this. But when it comes to manga it's kinda unorthodox. It's read from right to left and makes my eyes ball over in confusion with the added bonus of too much empty space as a side effect of purely black and white manga. I personally prefer manga art styles that incorporate Grey's and shading as a means to pop more.
It's the main reason why I order to watch the anime than read the manga.
still buttmad that hina festival season 2 isn't happening
>tfw no smelly overweight Yea Forums browsing gf
Find a way to rip that shit because that sounds cool.
>femanon here
hilarious keep em coming "girls"
Sauce on this?
>midway between cartoon and a novel
And that's your problem, you treat comics as if it weren't a medium of it's own itself instead of half-cartoon and half-novel. The words and pictures go together and complete eachother.
I met my fair share of Femanons on Yea Forums. Either from the Vocaroo threads or those Big Boob Problem comic threads.
user, I knew a bunch of people from here. Most aren't overweight and are relatively normal people.
Oh, okay. I wondered if the problem was the reading order. It felt a bit weird when I first encountered it, but I don't feel like it's that much of an issue after getting used to it.
Love & Rockets
Well yeah comics seem to work great for a lot of people or otherwise it wouldn’t sell so much. Personally it doesn’t do anything for me. I much rather read a novel about a similar story or watch a cartoon about it. The only comics I enjoy are those one/two panel caricature political comics.
Sorry for ruining your gay fantasy.
Every person has their own taste, you don't read everything other men do too, you know?
Even so, here are some of my recent pickups:
>Head Lopper
There's a reason why Asterix and Tintin are popular, because they're good.
Asterix was good when it was still written by Goscinny, Uderzo fucked it up (he still wrote some good ones, but that doesn't mean quality didn't drop overally) and I say that as a big Asterix fan.
anyone looking forward to disney’s twinkified villains game? mentioning it here cuz it’s made for girls in mind.
>Waid's Strange
Good taste
lol no u
better get back to your dilation station
trannies read girl manga
actual female at birth and has actual female genitals and womb aka Regular women who does read comics, read everything
There are legit more cis chicks then trannies on co. Just visit any voice acting thread.
So many newfags here. Remember in 2011 people were massively and consistently complaining about how many females are on Yea Forums? It’s called Yea Forumsmblr for a reason.
>I'm a guy
>I unironically like Otome games
>That Cruella de Vil is doing it for me
I spent fifteen minutes laughing at it with a buddy on skype. I really can’t wait to see more designs.
I read Batman mostly. Can't stand Tom King's take on the character though so I've been reading Rhato, Super Sons and Deathstroke mostly now. Watchmen & Sandman are among my favorite pieces of literature of all time.
Black white haired folk are my fucking weakness
It’s the summer posters. We used to have active fanfic advice threads, mostly populated by chicks talking about capeshit on AO3.
Animation is hard and western animation do not go for non-kid-friendly stuff.
Give me a cartoon that will be like Transmetropolitan. Or hell, give me Oglaf cartoon (with a bit less gay dickings, please).
>so many newfags
yep caught 2 right here ready for extradition
But you guys are talking to actual girls. If anything this is a fucking good thing. I need some fucking variety after seeing the same incel shit over and over again.
For me, it's classic Beto. It's unfortunate, but he will never surpass Heartbreak Soup.
Some femanon plz answer: why do so many of you read a large variety of indies but only one capeshit company? Literally every chick at my LCS does this.
Yeah, they might not do much for you but acting as if they were half-something is wrong. There are things that only work in comics.
An example from one of my books. How do you express this contrast as effectively in novels like in here? One look, and you see it: Contrast between night in the woods, and day in the city. This spread itself can be seen as single piece of art, but it is part of a bigger story, making a break in it, showing how time and place changes. You could do this with cartoons or movies I guess, have this effective way of showing the contrast with just one glance, but it really isn't the same with scene cut as like I said, this spread works as one piece of art too. Unless you use split screen on tv or something, I guess.
He did with Human Diastrophism.
From the girls I've talked to, X-men, no matter how bad it gets, they stay for the X-mem.
Just go to lol.cow if you want to see the worst women have to offer. Co is mostly normies of both sexes.
Yeah Uderzo's run alone is shitty compared to Goscinny, his album about the attacking aliens was really the shark jumping moment I lost lot of respect for him.
femanon here lol
in case you didn't hear me the first time i have a vagina so i'm qualified to answer this question
i only care about batdick
by the way i'm a girl
After a while I did get use to it but not by much. I just like comics and graphic novels more for general presentation. What stops me is lack of flow I feel with some comics. Could it hurt to have some more dynamic scenes? It's always just people standing around doing nothing (albeit some manga I see are guilty of this too)
I'm trying to think of anything that would contradict your post, but I can't. Every fandom with a sizable female presence and the weaknesses of the work they praise fits your description. Absolutely based
Starting with even one capeshit company turned out to be a mistake. But once you get invested in the characters, you're in too deep to drop it, no matter how much the company punishes you and abuses your loyalty.
So you learn your lesson and avoid the mistake of starting with a second capeshit company.
>What kind of comics do girls read?
Far more than any guys I know read.
>but only one capeshit company?
>a lot of girl on Yea Forums
>so many company wars
Is that why this place has gone to shit? Are girl mostly the ones engaging in the company wars?
Honestly I don't give a shit about most dc comics apart from maybe a few superheroes I like and most of those are b listers and c listers. Marvel is the same way but despite being very left leaning, there stories have plenty of other issues besides the "whole woke" thing.
For once finished there was a actual good modern x men comic or Spider-Man. That's really what am here for.
Same fag here,
*I wish
No, it's the Yea Forums shitters invading us with their live action crap, but nice try.
I can’t speak for other girls but for is because I only have interest in street level. DC street level is just Batman franchise and aside from Cassandra Cain I don’t care for anything else. Marvel street level is far more varied and has a lot more characters involved. Imagine if every Marvel street level was connect to Spider-Man how boring it would be. So this is why I am mostly a Marvel reader.
>I can’t speak for other girls
this is the funniest thread on Yea Forums
Because my autism has been triggered, here's one more example of one comic page, that I think is a good example how to work the text and art together in the story (the guy got divorced from his wife, and the text about how the guy wanted kids and his wife not is written on the guy's packed things he's moving away)
fucking tranny larpers and their gigaerotic fanfictions
My wife likes romance comics and occasionally mysteries. Doesn't care for cape comics at all.
>I want the truth
You Can't Handle The Truth!
>if I keep repeating it enough they will become trannies
Aren't you saying that changing your gender is deluding yourself? And here you are deluding yourself that everyone who doesn't fit your mental image based on your own deep rooted issues is something other than they really are. You might want to talk to a professional about it.
why, because of all the trannies not-so-humblebragging about their wounds
oops sorry kek disagrees
Hate to break it to you but women bleed without being wounded. Isn't it taught in middle school?
>if I keep repeating it enough i will become a woman
the absolute lack of self awareness of trannies
>I moved to Los Angels
Just a bad idea in general
Male writers also don't really get how to create husbandos either. Waifus are looks first, personality second, but women prioritize personality and demeanor much more than men do in a crush of the opposite sex. Men write what appeals to them, and often have a poor understanding of what exactly appeals to women.
t. male writer
I wouldn't know seeing how I was born one and never tried or wanted to be anything else. I'm sorry I can't sympathise with your deeply seated hatred for the way your body works, I have my own problems to deal with without sharing yours.
i am rn you don't hear me banging your mom's head against the wall?
literally none of this happened
I wasn't born? How else do you think I'm talking to you? Why do you have such deep fear of reality user, living inside your own head isn't healthy.
Eh my problem is with modern comic book writers in general whatever the gender. I find a lot of them too preachy and the stories turn in soap operas with blatant political messages. This is my major issue with the superhero comic book industry today and guides me out the door. Then the lack of husbandos just makes me never want to come back.
>t. retarded male writer
Women go for looks, men go for personality. Both in fiction and IRL.
On the contrary. They don't much anymore because you guys are dicks that whine about it, but it used to be hot.
Women have no trouble at all falling in love with fictional ugly characters. Get a clue.
Your personality is ugly that's why you don't have a gf
Webcomics and manga
>I wasn't born?
not with an axewound lol
The best example of this is bara media. Girls who are into it are into more sensitive big guys, while gay dudes are into it for aggressive hypermasculinity. Even when a straight dude writes a bara character, they tend to write them as masculine and aggressive, which turns off some women. One time I tried to write a big guy comic to appeal to women and the girls I showed the script to were turned off because I didn't give the guys the right personality at all. I wrote it like a gay porno that doesn't have any nudity, and it just didn't work.
So I stopped trying to write for specific audiences and I just write what I would want to read. Unfortunately this means no real husbandos to hook female readers, but I'd rather have no husbandos than shitty, forced husbandos.
If you actually look at waifu and husbando posts, you see that guys emphasize personality way more than girls do even in fictional attraction.
Go back to plebbit
t. seething incel
Seriously it isn't men who write all those Bill Cipher porn fics and so on about characters that don't even look human
women in general don’t like men with bara looks
You're absolutely correct, I wasn't born with the wound that you deeply wish you had but are unable to admit it to yourself projecting it on everyone else. Majority of people including me are comfortable with the internal or external organs they are born with, if you're not with yours then projecting on others isn't going to help you, you need to talk to someone qualified to help you which you so very clearly need. Yea Forums isn't a place to get medical advice and your cry for help does not belong here.
lol didn't read tranny
Utter bullshit. 99% of waifus are pretty faced teenaged fuckdolls. Hell, Ayanami Rei is one of the most popular waifus and she is a literal fuckdoll. The very term is synonymous with "cute anime grill"
I know several who are into bara. Personally I like big guys but not so much baras, just chubs. I stopped reading fiction for characters when I stopped being a teenager though, I would much rather read a good story with unlikeable characters than a shit story about engaging characters, but good characters are definitely a plus and bad ones are a minus.
>I need help please help me with my issues
>won't read help when given
Just do what your body tells you and kill yourself then eh? If you don't want to fix yourself then end it.
If it helps I knew a girl who was really into DC (to the point of cosplay), another into Marvel and another into manga, mostly shonen. I only keep contact with one of them though so the other two may have moved past their respective preferred media.
Most media does not portray characters sufficiently deep for genuine attraction, so waifus/husbandos are just personification of fetishes.
I mentioned Venom at work once and like clockwork the only girl working there said she liked venom
Women in general don't read comics. We're talking a specific demographic here son. Teratophilia is a thing.
>Kingdom Heart is not the most bizarre thing Disney did anymore
You bet I want to see more.
40%manga, 50%BD and 10%comics.
"How to kill your Boyfriend" and Rebirth Rhato are the last comics I've picked up.
>Just do what your body tells you and kill yourself then eh?
fired up the ol' projector huh?
lol it's only a matter of time
be that statistic trannynon
>How to kill your Boyfriend
How to spook bfs looking into internet history
New Lobo. New Loki.
like Boundless Comics?
I've heard Sandman is popular with girls. The girls I know read things like SSSS and other web comics, but that's mostly due to it being easily accessible. Manga, too.. For younger girls, they tend to read a lot if it's available to them, like Raina Telgemeier's books, Baby Mouse, and Anya's Ghost.
As for myself, browsing on Yea Forums made me like a shit ton of them, so I'm probably an outlier.
If you're looking for general trends, and have it right.
Does it really make you feel better imagining everyone else is trans? Do you want to belong so badly? Because you're not going to accomplish anything but mildly annoying me and everyone else trying to have a conversation here, your projections don't change the reality, and the reality is that very few people are trans and majority of women on the internet are fully biological women born that way. Your fetishistic roleplay won't magically cause me to grow a dick.
fiiinne i'll fuck your boipucci just shut up tranny
Why the fuck are there retards calling everyone on this thread a tranny? And why the fuck are you retards responding?
So it is a fetish thing. There's some progress, but you still need to talk to a professional, or at least find an actual tranny to date. Projection roleplay online with random people isn't the right way to deal with your urges.
Because he has mental issues and wants attention and I'm notoriously bad at ignoring bait.
look i'm willing to indulge your self-deception and fuck you in your inverted penis ffs what else do you want? cuz i'm pretty sure that's everything
Spooking people browsing at your place + reading a good dark comedy. Win/win scenario.
Currently reading and enjoying the following big 2:
>Immortal Hulk
>Dr Strange
>Green Lantern
>Wonder Twins
I read some creator-owned stuff on the side but fell off them a bit this year
>Why the fuck are there retards calling everyone on this thread a tranny?
Because some idiots spammed the NPC and soiboi memes into oblivion, so now we have to spam the tranny meme instead.
Hows Strange? I read a few issues and it seemed interesting but I forgot about it at some point and never picked it back up.
Stop responding to the incel and post interesting comics instead
If you ever happen to come by english translation or know swedish, Arne Anka is a good comic that got Disney pissed off because Arne was a drunk Donald Duck parody. The author had to change his beak so he wouldn't be a duck anymore but then he made a comic where Arne got a false duck beak and he could just say that his character is not a duck but he just wears the false beak.
>So I stopped trying to write for specific audiences and I just write what I would want to read.
This is what you should always do unless you're specifically pandering for a niche you follow closely or are paying you to make it, in the case of porn/commissions.
Just write/draw a variety of characters and the audience will find their husbandos/waifus by themselves. Most people want a quality story first, fap material second (excluding porn, of course.)
Roasties status... BTFO
>"How to kill your Boyfriend" and Rebirth Rhato are the last comics I've picked up.
I tried to look How to Kill Your Boyfriend, but is it actually called Kill Your Boyfriend?
He only writes waifus. It's depressing.
except with less girls and more hunks with giant mega dicks
These two have the right ideas. I'll also add that taste can change over time, when I was younger I enjoyed actiony shounen stories but as I got older they appealed to me far less.
Only one I follow now is One Piece and not even for the fights.
desu only comics I actually follow are whatever X-23 and Punisher comics are out
and I haven't bought a comic in like 15 years
don't be a sore loser user
there will be plenty of time to dilate later
Not the user you had your retarded fight with. Read some comics you poser.
You're right, I just have shit memory for name. Now that I have it on my lap I can see it's by Grant Morrison, even if you must already know that by now.
>Hey I wanted to ask girls what they-
Ah, classic Yea Forums
not buying it tranny
Yeah, looks like my library has a copy of it in a collection with Vimanarama. I'll probably check it out later.
Remind me user, what's wrong with this exactly?
From my collections for your taste I recommend Max's kinda obscure Peter Pan parody called Peter Pank, if you ever happen to come by it. It has all the childish sex and violence shit someone juvenile like you would enjoy, especially this scene where Peter gets kidnapped and ass raped with a dildo by nymphos is probably something you could enjoy and self insert with, since you most likely suffer from some sort of mommy fetish.
too bad it's a mobage
You know it's just one retard and me being dumb enough to get into the argument with him which encouraged him to continue, right? But yes, tourists should be banned on sight and sent into labor camps and shot at the end of their sentence.
Well, Yea Forums as the name suggests is about discussing comics and cartoons and none of the things user listed have anything to do with the subjects. Imagine you went into grocery store to buy bread and all they sold was weird hair dyes and half of customers were smearing shit over the walls and trying to smear it over you when you entered. You'd be understandably annoyed and would never want to shop there again. However Yea Forums is fairly unique as far as the ways discussion happens go so you can't really pick another site with less morons but the same fast paced discussion not tied to usernames.
Girls and """girls""" are why Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums.
I'm just amused at how /tg/ the 40k and D&D board handles the existence of women better than Yea Forums - which should be flooded with normies since Marvel movies got so popular.
This place is half a step below Yea Forums
Yea Forums is full of underage morons, /tg/ doesn't have the same appeal to that demographic as live action and cartoons. Live action should be completely moved to Yea Forums or a separate board, it doesn't belong here.
Whats a "girls"?
People with vaginas
I like seinen with a lot of unintended homolust between the main characters
A lot of "dark" DC like Swamp Thing and Hellblazer
I don't like Marvel bc Marvel writers would sooner DIE than experience or express a sincere Emotion. These comics don't have any TENDERNESS
Those are real? I always thought that was just something they told to scare little kids...
>this company is better than that company
DC has more quality comics but Marvel has occasionally good ones too and majority of both is shit. Anyone picking a side in company wars instead of just listing good comics is a brainlet.
Where do you think those kids come from? Why are you like that boco, you could pretend to be a relatively normal person if you didn't spend whole day attention whoring here.
I'm just joking around.
I'm bored. And procrastinating.
You've been "joking around" constantly for far longer than I've been here and I've been here for far too long. You don't even seem that weird so why put so much energy into it?
Into what, exactly? Not to offend or anything, I'm just not sure what you mean.
Shitposting, bringing attention to yourself on an anonymous site so that even when you have something to say your identity often prevents people from having a normal discussion with you in favour of memed "shut up boco". Unless people stopped doing that.
they read manga
With a fuck ton of homoerotic
Oh, that. Eh, its not intentional. I just like posting my opinion. If it pisses people off, thats a shame. And if they tell me to shut up, then I probably will because I don't care enough to keep talking about it.
I read a lot of comics. Superheroes, indie, manga. I am not squeamish about edgy stuff. In fact that is kind of what drew me to comics. I got into them in the 90s, my brother introduced me to Spawn and Youngblood and Stormwatch and stuff like that, and I was hooked by the novelty of how visceral and and violent they were, it was nothing like what I thought of comics as. I am probably the only person to ship Youngblood characters. Then the bad girl stuff hit like Witchblade, Darkchylde, Lady Death and that was when I really got into comics. I loved all that. It might seem ridiculous today but back then I thought those were girl comics. They had female protagonists, and they were written sympathetically and intelligently. From there I started reading lots of stuff, Vertigo, Hellboy, Caliber, Bone, Poison Elves, Stray Bullets, all kinds of stuff. Caliber had an Oz comic I really liked. Comics in the 90s were so much more diverse than what we had from the 00s on. Self-publishing, the DIY aesthetic, that was the last time it was mainstream.
Marvel & DC I read at the time but Marvel really lost me with Heroes Reborn and I never really went back. Thunderbolts was the only book I was still following at that point. I was never really drawn to them that much anyway. I have gone back and read silver age Marvel & DC and it's a lot more interesting, they had more ideas then. I think that is why I preferred indies over them, they were something fresh.
I was obsessed with Crossgen in the early 00s, by this point I was looking for more than edge and wanted compelling stories and characters. They had really everything I could want in comics. It still hurts that they're gone... Then manga got big and I got into that.
Currently I read mostly indie stuff, I haven't followed Marvel or DC in a long time. I read Gwenpool though and liked it. And Johns' run had me following Green Lantern for the first time and I enjoyed that.
To spilt hairs most guys are about the same with villain wank. As long as the bad guy is cool and likable the book stays sold well, major reason heroes beat each other up now anymore.
We share 4 out of 7, nice, I like your taste (male here). Too bad I'm sure no one where I live actually follows anything current, my buddy only knows about them because I summarize the stories for him.
Very good, it's agreed that it has a somewhat slow start because he begins by losing his powers again, but it's all a ruse because he ends that arc with a creative power boost and then it veers into classic Strange territory, way different from Cates and Aaron. Fully recommended.
Good taste
The idea of moving back to Yea Forums to discuss live action after I abandoned that board years ago terrify me. I'd rather purge the retards who engage in bullshit from here.
But if you didn't use your trip people wouldn't do that. Your opinions are rarely extreme enough for people to be bothered by them. They just see your name and shitposting and the meme goes on.
There is no way to purge them other than moving them away. Mass scale moderation simply won't happen. A separate board for that could work though.
I'll say this. You have thicker skin then some of the other user posters on this board.
Maybe. But I'm used to it after ten years.
Thank you. I think.
girls i know love Saga and Paper Girls
>terrify me
kek, the jokes write themselves
/tg/ is full of redditors. Relatively high quality discussion like leddit, but without the voting system to keep retards who think length=informed in check, and devoid of any fun and soul other boards may have due to undercurrents of language and thought policing. Great for keeping up with and discussing external media and content once in a whole, but they become more like a tool and less like a hangout.
>high quality discussion
I think you should go back there
I'm posting ITT because I know some of you girls also post on Yea Forums. I want you to stop bullying Billie Eilish and calling her an "industry plant". I know you're all jealous of her youth, looks and success but grow up and stop trying to detract from her deserved success.
As long as you're doing your part and not doing things like talking about comics you haven't read.
I met 7/10 girl who liked Fear itself and Memepool comics. I shamed her into oblivion and she never talked about capeshit since then. Girls unironically has shit taste.
ehh i can't really say that i partake in Company Wars cuz I pirate or borrow most of the stuff i read lmao
I just don't like Marvel because it's just all snarky and mean characters who are barely even heroes. I'll pick up the beginning of a series if it looks promising, but unfortunately, most new characters eventually end up absorbed into the "main" sort of sphere of Marvel
Def not a DC "supporter" cuz Batman is so annoying. I only follow a few characters and settings and those characters barely even appear in mainstream DC
Literally who. This is a board for discussing fictional characters not celebrity gossip circle for middle aged women, go back to Yea Forums.
have sex
I call people out all the time about that shit, so I'm fine.
There was a turning point for me when I still went to Yea Forums where I couldn't start a thread or have a discussion about anything without it devolving into /pol/-tier bullshit (from the racist memes to the conspiranoia) and the constant infighting over celebrities... And that was 4 years ago. So excuse me if I don't want to go back there.
Be honest Yea Forums have you ever met a single not-ulgy girl who were geniunely into comics? Women like any other human beings were memed into geek "culture" by big corporations so they could sell more shit. They "like" capeshit, comics, star wars and other trash but they don't even know why and they'll never tell you why. They simply don't know.
>star wars
women liked star wars before disney bought it
That's most people. I went to see Spider-Man last Friday and it was unbelievable the amount of guys who only knew about Mysterio from the cartoon, and they had no idea where Nick Fury was stationed in the post-credits scene and could only discuss it in terms of the MCU. I chimed in with my knowledge of the comic storylines and where things could be headed based on that and all I got was blank stares.
And yes, it was ALL guys, theorizing about the MCU while having no clue about anything else.
are you offering or...?
Yeah she was pretty cute but in a dyke tomboy way.
A lot more high quality than /tg/ I can tell you that right now. Objective quality, that is. Personally I prefer a lot less self censorship in my discussions. My point is that if you like /tg/, reddit might be a better alternative for you.
I've never went to Yea Forums outside of certain sitewide events when jumping between boards, but I have a feeling you're being melodramatic. Either way, I was making fun of your "terrify me" reaction about an anonymous, online group of people with no ability to influence you in real life.
Most of the ones I know are average, people can grow up ugly and get into geeky things because of that and get better after they're adults. And I don't understand what you're trying to prove with the second part, people like things based on a lot of different reasons and those reasons are virtually never obvious. How many people you know can tell you why they like specific things and not others? Tastes are rarely simple because people are complicated. If women could tell you exactly why they only like some thing and not another that would mean they're simplistic and all follow the same thought patterns which isn't the case for most human beings, so when you ask you get varied responses ranging from story related reasons, to characters, nostalgia and social pressures.
I'll be honest...
I mostly read romance and slice of life webcomics.
Not all females do, but I like to lean more towards emotional story driven stuff then action.
They read Stonetoss, obviously.
> I have a feeling you're being melodramatic.
Women sounds a lot less awkward in this context, when you talk about a group of people use that, when you're talking about a type use female. "Women like x in cartoons" vs "I like reading about female characters". English isn't your first language?
Wrong. SW was considered nerd shit.
Well, people who are watching MCU are lemmings who don't even know what are they watching. They already forgot last movie and they're watching new one becasue there will be quips and because they fell into "shared universe" meme like most of the people.
Did you at least fucked her?
Haven't you noticed that people started to "like" geek shit only in the last decade? It's because corporations normilized all this trash so women and normalfags could consume their products. They don't actually like all these things. They don't understand these things. All of that were created for boys and now its desperately being reconstructed to pander to everyone by including unnatural shit, I'm sure you know what I am talking about. Anyway, women and normalfags are incapable of enjoying things on itself, they're simply following trends.
Kinda invalidates the point that he doesn’t just write out nigger.
That's a no-no word on Twitter.
>I have a feeling you're being melodramatic
They aren't, Yea Forums has been absolutely awful for the past couple of years. Maybe 1/20 threads has any sort of actual discussion going on, the rest is /pol/baiting, actress waifu threads, or some combination of the two
My point exactly.
>Haha, in England you can’t say nigger. Here in America we can say nigger as much as we want.
>I won’t of course say nigger because the consequences would be too sever.
Are they at least allowed to have LOL threads, unlike us?
>all these faggots pretending to be girls
>no one has posted a single shred of proof
This thread is literally newfag central.
been reading the new transformers comic but im a few issues behind so i can read more of the slow build at once (also because either its not being storytimed or im missing them) im also waiting with bated breath for the new legion of superheroes run
Pretty much anything goes, the mods gave up a long time ago
Nah, they're just super careful because people stalk their feeds for any reason whatsoever to get them suspended.
They turned it around though, and started baiting and reporting anyone who in any way broke Twitter's TOS.
I think they got the "God" twitter suspended 8 times in two weeks.
>Be honest Yea Forums have you ever met a single not-ulgy girl
the best way to be cute
Well yeah, you used "terrifying" to describe a worksafe board. But you got me with that reactos thread, you win
Good, because I was just about to point out how their only thread about a really good series in following at the moment (DARK) is actually focused on discussing why Netflix picked it despite "not having any non-whites" and how baffling it was that Germany did this considering "how progressive and woke" they are.
>Haven't you noticed that people started to "like" geek shit only in the last decade?
I wasn't aware me liking nerd things and spending all my time watching cartoons and playing games for my whole life which is significantly longer than a decade has only happened in the last decade.
I only read fanfiction on archive of our own lol. Sometimes interactive novels. I'll tell you comics I've read though which is not much
Batman new 52 the owls and joker arcs
All of Batman Earth One
All of Superman Earth One
Amethyst new 52 all of it
I, Vampire new 52 all of it
Forever Evil
Superior Spider-Man all of it and like 30 issues of amazing spider-man
A few issues of Ennis Punisher
A few issues of Fraction Hawkeye
A few issues of Bendis Daredevil
That's pretty much it from the big two.
Kinda want get to reading Immortal Hulk. Sounds like the kinds of clusterfuck I would enjoy.
>Nerd shit
You realize you are talking one of the most popular film franchises on earth? Why do men get possessive of this kind of normie mainstream shit everyone and their mothers have seen? I would understand it better if it was some actually obscure shit but no you have this territory complex over most mundane shit t I saw original star wars trilogy when some of you weren't born yet
Ew smutty.
Something similar happened with Star Trek, somehow it got co-opted by men even though the original fan clubs were actually created by women and they were the ones who sent letters to the show and organized fan gatherings with the actors. At some point guys found out and the perception shifted to make it seem as if enjoying ST was about the nerdiest, smelliest and geekiest thing you could enjoy.
The summary from this thread is that women like sex and horror
>The summary from this thread is that men that pretends to be women like sex and horror
Fixed, no need to thank me.
>The summary from this thread is that women have no taste
and with UC Gundam -- women were the majority of fans for the CHARMURO lewds. Female fans campaigning and writing letters is the reason we still have Gundam today
It's just so hilarious, I remember when the prequels came out and they had Star Wars toys in fucking Kellog's cereal boxes and men want to act as if liking Star Wars was some sort of exclusive secret club before Disney bought it.
That's because you're nerd yourself, dumb dumb.
No one aside americans considered SW as actual movies and still don't. It's were and still are movies for nerds and manchildren. Women and normalfags were involved into this only by mouse marketing machine.
You're on the right track.
Congratulations. You read more comics than 95% of Yea Forums!
As I said, SW maybe was popular in US for everyone, but outside of it, it was for nerd faggots only. No one considered as an actual movies.
>Haven't you noticed that people started to "like" geek shit only in the last decade?
No idiot. You noticed it because you have the internet and people are able to share and be open now.
I'm not from USA and I saw The Phantom Menace in small town movie theater.
SW was never nerdy. Actual nerds liked Star Trek way more.
You don't know shit, retard. People around me started to like capeshit and other geek trash ONLY after TDK and IM. It started the trend that capeshit is "cool".
So? It doesn't made SW popular in your country. I'm pretty sure there were other trash in your theater too.
It's just sorts of geeks. One are more geeky than others.
It was popular you fucking retard, even the small town that had population of 7000 people showed it and they sure didn't waste time and money screening some random art house films no one would come to see. People collected pic related, it was heavily marketed. World existed before you.
No fucking way. There were regular Star Wars marathons here in South America back when the prequels were fresh, both in cable and public TV. The same goes for the toys and merch, McDonald's specially had a lot of it. It has never been some obscure property that only Americans could identify with.
As a little girl I mostly stuck to webcomics. I loved the Neopets plot comics.
Did you also love Animal Crossing?
You're just part of minority group of nerds who liked this trash just like americans. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you were young but cut the crap.
>reddit might be a better alternative for you.
>I'm not the redditor, you're the redditor!!!
Can you at least try to do better than 'no u' pathetic plebbit-huffer
keep moving those goalposts
>The summary from this thread is that women like sex
Is this thread retarded?
Yes but I preferred Harvest Moon. Muffy best wife.
>That's a no-no word on Twitter.
>comment deleted
and on Yea Forumsmbler too, apparently
"Hey marketing team let's waste time and money making country specific poster campaigning a movie only handful of nerds are going to see! This is how corporations work!"
>unironically fell for mouse tricks
fucking hell
Depending how old you are, this poster might be older than you. It's one of the posters campaigning the release of Star Wars special editions.
Nice, reporting works.
>mouse tricks
>Old Obi Wan on the cover
Alright, mighty bait.
>reporting works
Only because 99% of pebble throw is zero effort ragebait, and we still have a single mod that gives half a fuck about the task he volunteered for. Obviously, he can't be here 24/7 so most shitposting threads still manages to hit 500 and go to archive.
If instead of a very rare ban obvious shitposting resulted in a broken nose this place would clean up real fast.
Well let me rectify, it works sometimes, otherwise this place would be way worse than it is during that odd period during the mornings when the obvious American mod is still asleep.
It would clean up real fast if posting via mobile was either disabled or limited to Pass users only. That alone would kill the vast majority of lolitrolu shitposting, since ban evading would actually require effort or there would be economic consequnces in the form of revoked passes.
Of course this will never happen since shitposting is pageviews and mook is king jew.
Interestingly I know that people aren't being accepted as mods despite applying so apparently having enough people to delete retardposting isn't important.
wtf i am only a few months older than her (April) never heard of her til now but she seems based
>implying people aren't handed 3 day bans just for engaging in regular Yea Forums behavior
There are people in this very thread who may get banned just for suggesting the higher ups aren't doing a good job. That rule about post quality encompasses everything from concentrated retard spam to just calling the wrong person a fag, apparently.
Fuck off, reddit.
I do that all the time and I insult people all the time yet I managed to never get banned. Attention whoring retards blatantly posting completely off topic bait almost never get banned either, even post removal is rare.
>calls people reddit
>posts reddit comic
Imagine thinking that the solution to incompetent moderation that only bans for arbitrary reasons is.... more moderation.
It's not really a surprise that everyone on Yea Forums ban evades when everyone is given a 3 day on all boards for triggering a tranny janny.
>claims to not be reddit
>saves edits from r/stonetossantifa
Double yikes.
I think the last actual, physical comic I read was an old Ducktales at my grandparents’ house like 20 years ago.
Now I just ship cartoon characters.
>Yea Forums filename
>hey did you know that this is from that obscure subreddit that I totally don't browse
Look, it's painfully obvious you're new, you really don't have to keep proving it.
schizophrenia. See an opinion you don't like, obviously that's just a discord tranny infiltrating to astroturf fake opinions, unlike those "true 4channarians" (/pol/yps)
You seriously think that fronting is fooling anyone, antifa tranny?
My sister liked Scott Pilgrim and Giant Days.
>not reading fanfiction
What do you guys do with your time??
I have a 40 minute commute on public transit twice a day so I have dozens of tabs of smut open at any given time. Do guys just stare into space on the bus?
I know some fujos who read venom because they want to see the symbiote fuck eddie
have you tried raruurien?
we stare at women reading porn on their phones
I don't think there are any girls that read any comics.
Unironically the daily newspaper comics. And some webcomics.
Not going to bother reading this thread because I know it’s gonna be shit.
Ah, only two of your bogeyman buzzwords from the stormfag playbook? Not even a CTR or soros bucks accusation? Stop penny pinching with the insults.
You should honestly just kill yourself, insect. You'll probably be happier, I know I will.
My commute is 5-10 minutes depending on wether the bus is late or not. And fuck if I can be assed to read shit on a tiny 5 inch screen.
We watch porn, like me.
Well my stalkee is reading the original V for Vendetta comic, Vinland Saga, and Michael Kirkbride's C0da.
She's so weird.
I read my fair share of smut, but it's at home so I can fap to it. Otherwise all you're doing is sitting there getting horny, what's the point?
be a man and read porn on an iPad so everyone behind you can read it too
When I have downtime like that I am usually mentally planning for my own writing (sometimes of smut).
>Guys can’t covertly get off in public
Damn that must suck
have sex
>reading fanfiction in public
I’m an unironic fujo for little kids cartoons but even I know to keep it behind close doors.
Haha, no. If I ever were to get a tablet it would be literally anything else than an iShit device.
Reading hardcore furry smut piublicly for the reactions could be funny, but I'm well known in my local community, where my workplace is, so that would probably affect me negatively.
people just think you're reading a novel. the beauty of smut through writing is that its hard to tell its smut.
Nope, don't like the art style.
I feel like if somebody were to look over your shoulder and glance any sex words would immediately jump out at them
I'd cuddlefuck you soooooooooo hard
>Edit that manages to be worse than the original
>Not even Ben Garrison's signature, just there because its against the subreddit's rules to include the comic name in any edits
>"bbbut I'm totally a 4cha"
Dilate, antifa tranny
It’s just words dude.
Someone even asked me what I was reading once and I just said “my calc textbook”.
wow great story
Unless proof is posted I'll be assuming everyone posting in this thread is a man
Thank you.
Yeah I’m a gay man larping as a woman
Monstress is popular with girls.
Aha! I knew it!
rent free and delusional, kys
Ok. So?
If someone can accurately explain what omegaverse is and the nuances of it I will believe they are not a man or tranny.
What's wrong antifa redditor tranny?
Come on, let's see some of those totally hilarious leftist edits you have saved! :^]
lol really some of my best orgasms have been in public
>fishing for titties to their fapfolder
beta gets pregnant by his alpha, omega are normal but can get pregnant i think also some heat is involved
not my fetish desu
you're talking to multiple posters, you mentally ill subhuman trash, i never posted any images in this thread
>schizophrenic subhuman repeats the mantra in his head to insist the only people who could ever disagree with him on an anonymous chilean flyfishing forum is one person who embodies all his bogeyman
sounds like Yea Forums aint quite your speed, if you're so worried about samefagging maybe reddits the place for you. Who am I kidding here, that's where you came from.
user, I’m sure you, a wrinkled, storied old soldier, miss the days of tits and gtfo but nobody here actually cares that much.
Proof is off topic user, and what do you need proof for exactly? If you want to live in a fantasy where you exclusively interact with men who am I to ruin it by informing you that you regularly talk to women without knowing it. You live your truth if you want, though I'm not sure if it's healthy long term.
Last day, they post Gaston.
Why they gonna do this if he's not half the man he was.
saving the best for last I see
>and gtfo
Grats, you failed at fitting in. Go back to discord.
>off topic
It's very much ON topic. Being a girl(male) or a tranny doesn't qualify you to speak on behalf of actual girls. Thus timestamped proof is required to make sure those who speak up aren't just /lgbt/ agendapushing faggots.
>capeshit lacks
>character drama
>cute boys
Women are always casuals.
I think that's a decently fair take but guys also like extreme action/violence and stories about bros bro-ing out
Kill yourself Yea Forumstard
This is Yea Forums therefore real people are off topic. And yes that applies to casting choices and twitter posts. OP didn't ask girls to reply, OP asked what do girls like, people who have female friends also can answer that according to him. Posting selfies is completely unrelated to that and a great way to completely derail thread. In short if you want boobs just go to the right board you faggot instead of begging for thread derailment on an already barely on topic board.
Thank you for your service.
Erotic (mostly gay) fantasies based on outdated theories regarding the hierarchies of wild wolves. Includes knotted penises.
I can go more in-depth but I actively avoid stories with the ABO dynamic, only know so much about it because they were everywhere at one point and I was curious.
You dare mock my sacred duty of protecting Yea Forums from the female hordes?
I hope one touches you and gives you cooties, scum.
Also this twink, I whish to know moon runes.
Most of the girls I’ve met in high school and currently in college like manga (mostly shonen stuff), indie comics like Image stuff, Teen Titans, Batwoman and X-Men. One girl I worked with in animation classes had an entire room dedicated to X-Men merchandise, volumes, issues, toys, games and other stuff. She was a HUGE X-Men fangirl and was super pissed about the treatment the X-Men were getting before the Fox buy out. She was super cute, married and a red head, but she was also very much angry almost all the time, mainly because of X-Men related stuff. Another girl I met in college was super into Warhammer 40k, Final Fantasy, Berserk and D&D. In most of the ComicCons here in Puerto Rico, she’d cosplay as armored characters and creatures from those franchises. She cosplayed a Space Marine once and as Bahamut another time. She was a big tall girl, super nerdy and a bit of a cringe memer, but she and a few other friends loved to hear me rant about comics. Most of the nerdy girls like anime and manga. Very few like Western comics. It’s kind of sad, cause the ones that do like Western comics are the least cringy to hang out with, imo.
>the ones that do like Western comics are the least cringy to hang out with,
From my experience weebs are just cringy in general, though I've known more men who are weebs.
Just pretend they're all men. Works for plenty of anons here.
He's probably the magic mirror. The other two in that house are obviously the Evil Queen and the Huntsman from Snow White, and there aren't that many villains in that movie.
The problem with """"women"""" on Yea Forums is that their idea of what it means to be a woman is to be obnoxious as possible. Being trannies, this comes easily to them.
It's like how if we had any transracials on Yea Forums, they would go "OH LAWDY I SHORE DOES LOVE DAT BLACK PANTHA. AND WHATAMELONZ. I MENTION IM A NEGRO, MASSAS?"
It's offensively bad.
But if you can't tell they're here unless OP asks about them then how do you know they're obnoxious?
Because they're so obnoxious that they stick out like a sore thumb.
Actual women don't point out that they're women, or type in various forms of "uhm sweaty" before launching into a diatribe about how it's totally possible to have a female brain in a male body, which ive personally witnessed at least a dozen times this year alone.
I refuse to believe anyone could be retarded enough to claim that. Surely pic related was made as a joke, to mock all the retarded bullshit PoL spews out on a regular basis.
I am loving all the designs coming out for it. I thought the brown cuties from Aladdin were the best but this is looking pretty cute too
I mainly read manga but my favorite western comics are Blacksad, Anya's Ghost, and Beasts of Burden. I like dark and creepy stuff like Petit and Beautiful Darkness. I also read wecomics sometimes, but the only one I keep up with on an update-to-update basis is Devil's Candy, mainly for the monster boy twink factor.
I feel like more girls are into manga and even webcomics than western comics just cause those types of comics are a lot better at appealing to female audiences, and they aren't stereotyped as all being about ripped guys in spandex.
Just one person as far as I know. So no, nobody but mentally ill attention whores claim that.
Bingo, guys turn into awe struck drooling idiots for any random generic anime girl fuck doll.
Women usually have more complex tastes.
Women can have simple tastes too, it's just that women are attracted to a wider range of traits on average. So a guy would be into goth dominatrix women in spandex, while women with similar tastes will split between brooding goth guys or controlling assholes.
Personally I'd prefer the goth guy who attempts the brooding vibe but he's actually a big softie who isn't that great at keeping it hidden.
But I feel you there, I'm not saying women's tastes are more complex inherently, but I've yet to meet a guy who has tastes much more complex than tits or ass.
My mother was apparently into Archie comics as a kid.
I obviously haven't shown her the nudes by Dan DeCarlo
I think there was a study that showed that men focus on physical traits more and have less range in that regard. It would definitely explain why blue alien chicks are so common while women like the somewhat less human aliens just as often as humans. That said I prefer interesting designs over appealing ones most of the time even if they end up unattractive, though obviously I enjoy the attractive ones too. Unfortunately for me my fetish is also quite uncommon in media despite not being too weird so I end up not having any husbandos pretty often.
Boy love manga
>dearest user
Could you sound any more like a white knight?
What's your fetish?
You pretty much nailed why I kinda hate monster girls despite drawing kinda cute monster people, I can't bring myself fondness fully ugly things, maybe monstrous or demonic but never truly ugly
We're in the same boat sister.
People just can't grasp the appeal of a sexy inhuman husbando.
The murderous attitude would obviously not be appealing in reality but fictional characters are held to different standards. Overweight guys, but they're usually either a joke and ugly or kids, grown cute chubby nerds are surprisingly rare in fiction.
same desu
extremely basic, but still good taste
I like things with character development, world building, and just things that feel like they were made with love. I recently started reading Astro City, and I'm rereading Tom Strong. I read older comics, and mostly, I read a lot of comics that aren't about humans. I don't like the modern comic industry. Too much movie synergy and lack of consequence, desu.
But, most smaller comics (looking at you, Image Comics) have way too much trans shit forced in for most actual women to want to read it. I don't care about fantasies about being a cutie lesbian with a penis who has a hawt gf and gets to beat up meanie transphobe strawmen. Stop ruining comics with your delusional sissy fetish stuff. Every indie comic has to have a fetish transbian self insert for the delusional autogynephile author. Stop that shit. We should have a storytime of pain for all of "Magdalene Vissagio's" thinly veiled futa doujins.
This thread has a seriously lack of tits. I guess Yea Forums is full of newfags or literally faggots.
>letting him win the shooting game is the correct option
>even though he's known me long enough to know that I main snipers and am much better than him
Fuck that game
I love Sarah's Scribbles.
I can be a woman even if I was born with a penis.
Depending on your class the aim wouldn't be better, but of course they can't only give the option to sniping classes so every Shepard is the best. The third game is badly written in general and made me lose any interest in the franchise or any other games bioware shits out now.
You want them chubby AND murderous? I can see why that might be hard to find.
>le tranny meme
You realize no one is forcing you to read comics with trannies in them right? Not an excuse to be a casual, dumb cunt.
D i l a t e
Imagine the smell
>and mlp
there are no discord trannies on /mlp/
>fake woman getting angry at a real woman
you will never have sex
Not to be a dick or anything, but the amount of women that I've encountered with a legitimate interest in Western comic books is low. I remember going to my old LCS 13 years ago and encountering a (then) middle-aged, bigger woman quietly reading her newest comic books in-store after purchase. When she finished reading, she chatted with the owner (she was a regular), and then left. There are some women legitimately interested in DC or Marvel comics who often keep their interests to themselves because they know they make themselves into a target of harassment or creeping if they don't. On the other end, there are women who use this to get attention from desperate men. Somewhere in the middle are women who just like the movies and shows without getting into the comic fandom, which is fine, but they don't really count.
Then there are the artsy types who love graphic novels and gush over them.
Then there are the anime weebs.
If some ladies here are being honest that they're ladies and disagree, that's fine. This has just been my experience.
No no, this particular one is and I'm saying that it doesn't bother me. However my standards for fictional characters are much lower when it comes to personality. Traits like being an asshole can be appealing in fiction but is not in real people, and I guess I always wondered where the dissonance comes from.
I mean, I think most guys drawn by women tend to look the same. Tall, lean with muscles but not bara levels, they are more feminine or act more flamboyant like a Disney villain (but who's actually sweet deep down). And even nonhuman males are like this as well such as Most girls that guys are into, as well as the monster girls they like, usually have the same sort of bodytype as well. And they usually follow the 'dere' personalities.
But there are people who are into more niche or unusual body types and personalities. I don't think this is a bad thing, but I do think most men and woman have somewhat similar standard tastes.
You're very insistent on being real for absolutely no reason.
>If some ladies here are being honest that they're ladies and disagree, that's fine. This has just been my experience.
Cringe, you really know how to get a woman dry like a desert.
Having an uterus and experiencing motherhood with my partner instead of living my life as if everyday was halloween seems like a good reason to have a different taste in comics.
And I'm sure your partner cares, but unless you make a story about your life it's not a comic, and you seem awfully eager to share every detail with strangers who have no reason to give a shit. You don't like trans characters, I see no problem with that but you come off as someone with anger management issues.
you will never be a woman. you are only trapped in a fetish, and lack any kind of self awareness beyond masturbating to your impossible fantasies. you do not have anything in common with actual women, and you never will. do you really think women act the way you do? or feel the way you feel? your conception of womanhood is based off of media made by men for other men to jack off to, like all of the cute girls doing cute things genre of anime, or even most of the works on Yea Forums, and porn.
>inb4 "i'm not a tranny"!
no, no non troon cares that much about stanning for them, unless you have gynandromorphophilia, because chasers and autogynephiles respond to the same erotic triggers, fetishist.
anyways, can anyone recommend me something similar to providence by alan moore? i like the lovecraft stuff but would like a little less edge.
I really fucking hate whatever bizarre concept trannies have of "how women are supposed to act".
It's not even tangentially connected to reality.
What makes you think I'm angry right now? I'm having a good laugh at you freakshow. Are you projecting your anger on me?
But yeah different life experience and aspirations obviously lead to different taste in stories.
what an insane post
Women vary on what they are interested in just as men do. I personally read mostly webcomics about interpersonal issues and or some sort of mystery box that peaks my interest.
I don't know that one, but there's another webtoon that's similar called True Beauty.
She's absolutely correct, you see reality as insane because you are a warped tranny.
I have a girlfriend who doesn't like comic books. I got her into Star Trek, though.
As someone into alien hellbeasts, I am in niche.
I tried reading superhero comics and I find a lot of them super corny. I like non-cape comics though.
There is often a backstory or reason for their assholeness in stories that we don't get in real life.
People in real life also sometimes have reasons for their assholeness but they often come off as pathetic reasons.
Do you have any examples of fictional assholes you find attractive?
>What kind of comics do girls read?
The idea that you want to know is actually appalling to me. Why would you want to know what a girl would want? Girls are for taking, dominating, breeding and correcting, what they want before this is irrelevant. 'Femanons' on this board are uncorralled and unkempt, and should be hunted down and converted as pets to the men of Yea Forums. The fact that there is any girl that feels herself equal to or above a man is a sin on the modern world and should be corrected. They are flesh and fetid thought, only made worth by the hand of a man. A girl can only become a woman if she understands and embraces this reality; her worth is in her abject submission.
Girls, apologize for your behavior in this world and show your breasts immediately for this slight.
>I want the truth
A girl I know loved King’s Batman and has an obsession with batcat and she also thought when Bruce almost killed himself for Selina it was so sweet so....
>The murderous attitude would obviously not be appealing in reality
Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great — You have no power over me.
Man, all the cool serial killers get groupies
Me fetish is also very uncommon too. I only found two good fanfics that fulfilled it and because of the nature of it will never show up in mainstream media because of sjws.
That's a hard one to come by. What comics or manga do you like? What made you like alien hellbeasts?
So I'm David Bowie to you?
Absolutely terrible taste on most of these. As expected.
The title roughly translates to "Parts I like". Don't think there is a translation for it yet. About a fat girl trying to get over her obsession with good looking guys along with her insecurity about her own looks. Start with backstory chapter about her ex boyfriend who was exploitive of her. And like any korean romance drama, there's this really nice looking nice guy. Some not subtle foreshadowing that she was a really creepy, watch-someone-sleep level stalker back then.
It's okay to be gay user, but it's not okay to be trans.
I tend to prefer more humanoid monster alien beasties but I don't mind experimenting wink wink
I'm one of those girls that really only reads shoujo, josei and sometimes smut. Only manga caters to girls right.
Last western comic I genuinely enjoyed aimed at girls was Snotgirl. If they could make more comics like that, I'd read them. I'm starting on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina because I like occult and darker themes.
Honestly Boco you aren’t that bad looking. I’ve fucked much uglier guys than you so you could get laid if you wanted to. The problem is I’m assuming you wouldn’t want to fuck a slut.
What I've gathered from the thread is that:
-they don't like cape stuff usually unless it's in a form of a movie or tv show (they're not really interested in the action and are more focused shipping the male stars together)
-they're more into manga, webtoons, and webcomics that are either yaoi or sol romance drama or 'comfy' and cute
-they like independent or European comics that are melancholic, deconstruction of social norms, or deal with the occult
-whatever they read must have at least two cute boys in it or they're not interested
And I thought the whole "I'm not like other girls" meme was sad
you can't really surmise anything because there's zero guarantee that anyone in this thread is actually a girl, or just some bitter incel larping as one
One day you imbeciles will find another dumb insult to use instead of calling everyone "trannies". It reeks of teenagedom whenever I see the typical buzzwords associated to it.
I know fujoshi liked GL
there is a surprising amount of HalXSinestro pics
This is actually pretty good.
My ex likes indie comics, but she also reads a lot of Catwoman. She likes Angel from X-Men as well.
It's always strange to come to a mostly male populated website and see slash fans called fujos. I don't think I've ever seen a slash shipper refer to themselves as fujoshi, it's such an odd term for anything outside of yaoi/shonen-ai.
Dated three women now who were begging me for more issues of this and had no interest what-so-ever in anything else on my graphic novels shelf.
do girls like this series?
I find women tend to be huge characterfags as well, reading anything that has their fav regardless of author/artist.
Sandman and Saga mostly, from what I gather.
pretty sure most female comic fans love this series
I do know of one who kept insisting to me to read it but I just couldn't muster any interest for it. My tastes aren't exactly popular when it comes to comics anyway so it's not her fault.
Ladies like Houston.
I once posted tits and drew Harley lewds for the same thread. I did my time.
Where do men get this "women pretend to be into comics to get attention from men" delusion?
Some do, but it's mostly on social media in the context of general "gamer-gurl" streamers trying to make money from men who think they're like them.
It's hardly as prevalent in normal groups of people as it's made out to be.
Considering I live in a very small town with no social media with a boyfriend who finds superheros childlish, I have no reason to pretend to like cape comics.
So you literally have no excuse for being a capecuck.
ate trannys
ate Yea Forums
ate wimmin
specially ate white wimmin
simple as
Yeah like if they do that shit for attention it's kind of like "love" of a stripper: they don't actually love you you idiots they want something out of you men keep being delusional
I might have issues which is evident by me being here but I'm not insane. Real attractive people should be cuddly, fun, and have common interests with me, not rude, unapprochable or straight up sycopaths. Maybe those people don't have that distinction?
Anything with Nightwing, 100% serious here. Bitches love Nightwing.
You might get diabetes after that.
u fockin wot
I liked it at first but then it got boring and didn't seem to be going anywhere. Y the Last Man was more interesting I thought.
My tastes are weird, I can get into relationship drama in stories and do ship but generally I like more introspective stuff and character arcs, like a flawed character who has to become a better person or learns something about themselves. Or angsts a lot. But I am an aromantic shut-in so maybe that's part of it.
My Puerto Rican Granny used to read archie condorito and Little lulu.
Now a days who knows. I mean they are out there but I have to wonder how they feel with the pandering and sjw stuff everywhere. I'm sure some are into it but then there are the few who are contrarians and in effect try to find the obscure shit.
Any of the girls itt, please be my gf.
I have trouble getting to know people but once I get some intimacy I behave like a normal person.
I'm not some edgy /pol/fag or agressive woke dude, I'm very lonely but I don't have self esteem issues. I feel like I'm good loking even though I'm just average looking. At least I'm tall.
This, but only the ones who like Immortal Hulk, Waid's Strange, Morrison's Green Lantern, etc, that ballpark. Hit me up ladies.
>Immortal Hulk, Waid's Strange, Morrison's Green Lantern, etc, that ballpark
Sounds like you're looking for a boyfriend.
Shut up! Girls also like Kabbalah and Chaos Magic!!
user eats a lot.
I know you're not being serious but as a serious advice I would recommend befriending people first and then seeing if you're actively interested in any of them rather than starting off like that. Even if there isn't mutual interest you get to practice social skills and might meet new people via them, and I imagine having more casual friends with varied interests is always a good thing no matter how you look at it. Plus you didn't offer anything in terms of personality, which this thread has suggested matters more than looks, so how do you expect it to work?
>women read webcomic gold and creative indies
>don't shovel capeshit into their mouths every time the big two release another bendis derivative piece of shit
Yes I was being facetious but the stuff I said were real.
The problem I'm incredibly absurdly introverted. I was getting better when I finished high school but not making friends on college, dropping out, becoming a neet for 2 years then going back to college made me worse than ever before.
I have never been on a relationship so i can't say how I'd behave in one but I have ungodly patience with kids, don't like loud parties or bars (I can drink a little but can't get drunk because of health issues so I'd rather not drink at all) but I enjoy going to the movie theaters and I will watch anything from mainstream stuff to artsy movies. But overall I'm a stay at home guy which doesn't help with meeting new people.
It's hard to judge yourself and talk about your own personality, and since this has nothing to do with the thread I'm dropping off.
Th-thank you miss...
I'm pretty sure at least half of DC's writers ship them by now
I dunno, it turns pretty heavy into boring politicking and soapboxing.
Girls read all your favorite comics. Some of them really obsessed.
Here's the thing, you don't have to talk about your personality or looks if you start with the idea that you only want to befriend someone. That way you start with common interest and see where it goes from that.
Define "ugly"
I've come to realize a large percentage of women blatantly read smut in public. Those shitty romance novels are half the time just sex scenes loosely linked together by a poorly written story
I mostly read manga desu
Honestly, you sound good to go. You just need to get out there. Are you doing that?
I don't think he has friends, so he has no reason to go "out there"
We are his friends, user.
>Meeting 4channers irl
This is a mistake
I know. Almost a decade ago I made that mistake with people from /my/ who, weirdly enough, were also from my country... They weren't exactly the most well-adjusted people.
I met someone I met here irl a few years ago, we're still friends though we don't talk daily. Unless you meet random people you barely know it's not a bad thing.
>"femanons" are a literal meme.
Imagine being this retarded, yes, we are rare, be we do exist.
>mfw I plan to become a witch
>Most aren't overweight and are relatively normal people.
Would a femanon would want to meet an user? No. Same reason an user wouldn't want to meet femanon.
uh why does that reptile have mammary glands
I know which waifus are popular with men but I don;t know which husbandos are popular with women
I assume Nightwing is popular with female readers
I said relatively normal not completely normal. And out of the women I know from here only 1 was above normal weight at all, and I know only one that occasionally uses Yea Forums and is actually overweight. I wanted to meet a lot of people I knew from here so you're definitely wrong about that though I've known them for quite a while, that is until drama happened but that's hardly something that applies to everyone here, just the few specific people. It would be fun to meet the people I still talk to, but since internet friends tend to live far away it's not going to happen unless one of us happens to be on a trip somewhere close.
It varies a lot depending on what crowd you talk to, I couldn't tell you when it comes to capes because I don't see any consistent obsession over any single character. But when it comes to cartoons, games and non cape comics there are usually a couple of popular ones like pic related or
Aren't all husbando threads here are by literal fags?
I have no proof either way but I think they have a bit more women in them than gays.
I don't know. Is there more pretty boys/quirky or bara/hyper-masculine in them? If its the former its women. If its the latter its gays
women don't like bara or muscular men?
>I plan to become a witch
A what?
Women like baras, but the typical superman types are a bit more popular among gays. That said there's a lot of overlap so it's not a good way to judge demographic.
The female equivalent of wizard
The shota ones are right? Not the /ss/ ones I know those are by straight men
My gf enjoys a lot of Junji Ito, Neil Gaiman, and various Daredevil, X-Men (especially Kitty Pryde), and the Penny Dreadful comics.
That sounds alot more difficult than being a wizard.
I don't read comics but I do shitpost about superheroe comics and movies. I love to make bait threads, grab popcorn, and watch anons go at each other will not participating myself.
Whatever I can steal, usually.
Its easier for girls to get laid, probably.
Same. I especially target incels and MRAs with stuff that will rile them up
girls don´t read comics unless the are about some sick sexual fetish like bondage or domination
I vividly remember shy men never making out ever during high school parties while shy girls sat in the corner while their friends would go and ask guys they're interested if they're okay to hook up with them for night.
Women actually have to put effort to remain virgins while men put effort to improve themselves and get laid.
But I don't read comics unless they're about those either
true but women can find a romantic partner way easier than a man can
Pretty common for insecure people without any real hobbies to latch onto whatever their newest friend group is into. It's not a gender thing, it's a "lonely people trying to fit in with a group" thing.
There are probably just as many fake gamer guys as there are girls, but they don't get fetishized so nobody gives a shit.
I never liked things for the sake of appealing to other people, which is probably one of the reasons I had very few friends and no long term good friends until I was in my 20s.
Getting "out there" could also mean making a dating profile.
I'm currently reading Watchmen for the fifth fucking time. I keep noticing small details every time I read it. I personally read a lot of capeshit, horror stuff (haven't checked this genre out much considering how much I like it). The same thing as you. Obviously.
mogg's is good shit.
That relies on the shy girl having friends. You didn't see all the girls who stayed at home.
If she's at the party she's not that shy. And a lot of people aren't into just getting laid, especially for women there's usually emotional investment required.
Black tomboy here, my favorite comics(including webcomics) are as follows, but in no special order:
Saga---yeah, yeah, I know you all are gonna clown on me for this, but I've got a soft spot for it since I've been reading it for so long
Octopus Pie
Lackadaisy Cats
Nature of Nature's Art--almost never seen it discussed on Yea Forums but that's probably for the best
Calvin & Hobbes
Bloom County
Howard the Duck( the original and the Max runs, didn't care for the recent comics)
The Hanna Barbera DC comics(Secret Squirrel, the Banana Splits/Suicide Squad, Scooby Doo Apocaplypse, and the Batman/Elmer Fudd were particular favorites)
Elephant Men
Autumnlands (RIP)
Doom Patrol
Duncan the Wonder Dog (Also RIP)
The Adventure Time/Regular Show comics
I'm probably forgetting some but this is a good general list.
God, I forgot TMNT! I even have a copy of one of the anthologies signed by Kevin Eastman himself
Some of those fucking suck but good tastes as far as it goes.