Post your favourite American Dad jokes

Post your favourite American Dad jokes
>Excuse me, miss, can I talk to you for just a second? My daughter and I were touring the Capitol, and on the way home, our car ran out of gas. We need to get back to Concord for my mom's funeral. All I need is $40 for gas. If you give me your address, I promise I'll send it back to you. I'm a Christian.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Roger’s a dirty cop!
>He’s been on the force for 3 hours!

>is he okay?

>You know I remember a time when this was a safe hallway. I left my door unlocked. Kids played after dark. I could walk home without being scared. And I don't want to be scared anymore!

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Best song?

>and hey, bro. why you peeing in the stall like a shy guy? your dicks super cool
i can not figure out for the life of me why I like it though


tractor boi

cheating but applicable

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I love Jeff's dumb grin in this scene. In fact I love everything about Joint Custody. Including that great B plot

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>Remember Stan the first rule of any wedding is the bride is always beautiful.
>The second rule you can read on my website. You have to be 18 to log on. I have some sexy barnyard stuff that is NOT for everyone, I could get in a LOT of trouble. If you do decide to check it out you need to clear your history right away. You may need to uninstall your browser. I'm telling you scrub that thing clean if you think your being too cautious you're not, they will take us both to jail.

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The whole sequence when they Raid a Dave & Buster's, doing obscene overkill on the innocent workers, and then Stan "crashes" while playing a bike game.


>I hear you like to sample things excessively and then not buy.

>Is that what you like to do?

>Those pizza bagels are my life.

>I make those tiny bagels by hand.

>You are my queen, Rebecca!

>No, tonight, we're gonna find out "Who Shot Mr. Burns"!
>What? 15 years ago? Who was it?
>Really, the baby?!
>I want a baby.

>I'm gonna keep swinging my baby lasso 'til I catch me a man

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isnt that the episode with my boy delroy

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holy kek

>Stan, these are my sons, Alex and Ron. They're in Columbia Film School.
>How is that possible?
>I know. I look too young to have kids in college.
>No, that you have children when your persona is completely fabricated...
>We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.
>That is an unsatisfying answer.
Jeannie Gold's still my favorite Roger persona.

one of my favorites from the recent seasons

>The terrorists have Hayley in the owner's box.
How did Francine not see this coming?
>"Stan, you should take Hayley to the game. It'll be nice, eat some nachos, have some laughs."
>"Francine, it'll be awkward."
>"Stan, what could go wrong at a Bazooka Sharks game?"
>"Hey, Mom, where's the applesauce?"
>"In the fridge, Steve."
>[Echoing] "I only see watery-ass Kroger.
Where's the Mott's?"
>"They taste the same."
>"Have you lost your mind?!"

>I'm not going out like this! This is mexican tar viagra, now down it!
> Ugh, these taste horrible!
>That's cause they're suppositories!

>Steve in later seasons has begun to accurately predict when a new character will just be Roger.



>Oh my god. Nemo is Omen backwards. He is the antichrist.
>But... you picked the name Nemo, that, that doesn’t make any sense

>Time for a little Risky Business. Now all I need is some royalty-fee tunes.
>Alexa, play Bob Sarger's "New Town Rock N' Loll"

Just take those ol' shackles off my elf
I need to punish him by myself
I've just got too many elves to scold
I'll scar their bodies and devour their souls

For me its Hot Tub of Love:

It reads like a Raimi meme.

I love a lot of the songs from the hot tub episode, but man, it's hard to beat Charles Bradley's seemingly raw performance.

>And so, I've decided to name him after my favorite literary character: Nemo. From the novelization of the movie Finding Nemo.

>Do You Eat?

>What the hell was in that sauce?

Yeah I think the motorcycle "accident" gives Stan amnesia

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>kiss her mommy kiss her!

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Stan, are you trying to kill yourself or thrill yourself?

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>Easy, girl.
>They belong to the bleachers now.

>If people can get past...can they also get future?

>I have the money.

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>Cheesers came back


>Steve: "Oh my God, I think I hit someone!"
>Roger: "It was a dog, keep going."
>Steve: "I think it was a homeless person!"
>Roger: "You killed him, keep going."

That part where they drove by Klaus is still one of my favorites. Anyone have that in gif form?

>Francine whispering: Don't wake the bab-
>Stan slams the door as hard as he can

>that bit with Rodger holding the bag of catfood when he was high

>Ugh, yes! Get Ricky Spanish! He's the only one this angry mob should be after!

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Based Clancey Brown

Did they stop putting the show out on DVD? Want to revisit the show without having to deal with catching the show rerunning at odd hours on TBS or Adult Swim......

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>Roger died on the way back to his home planet

Just watch it on, that's the one with the least malware.

>"Steve, I don't have any money. Your father kind of... Controls? The money? I keep a brick in my purse to feel like I have something, and I had to steal the brick!"
>"Oh my God I have nothing."

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I GOT THE CAR KEYS IN MY POCKET YOU STUPID biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>"Francine I haven't been totally honest with you..."

>"Look who decided to come to dinner!"

What did you think of the Stomp episode? I really liked it.

>He's got red eyes from smoking weed.

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I'm still trying to figure out why they wrecked DQ. It's funny but really comes out of nowhere.

>"Enemy reinforcements! Rogu, the Alamo must not fall!"
>"Rogu going to Hell, but he not going alone. RAAAEEERRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!"

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What's DQ?

Rogu Spanish killed me, but I hope they don't overplay him.

Dairy Queen

It wasn't a Dairy Queen. It was a Sonic.

Im not a ghost, Im a perverted boy!

My bad

Oh well that's understandable then

Is it though?

>Barry: I never turn down lunch! [black guy voice] or a fat-assed bitch
What episode was this from, it's driving me nuts because it's the delivery that sells it

>Stan, I'm at Shenanigan's. I'm super drunk and about to get raped, come pick me up... in 45 minutes.

Brains, Brains and Automobiles

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The one where Stan goes into Roger's brain

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Thanks guys
It also reintroduced me to this bit

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Survived on vodka in the freezer
Francine finds him drunk
I'll tell you why. . (Throws up)

>"If only we could thank that mystery underwear salesman!"
>"Ohhh, I don't think we've seen the last of him!"

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>we gon fight in tha field
>what are you doing?
>kapawera bitch
Fucking love reggie

>I can take you there

jesus, the best scene from that episode was at the very end.

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quite literally needs to be framed and hung inside the museum of animated comedy

99.9% of the people in this thread laughed out loud at this scene

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One thing I miss about FOX were the CIA scientists

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>Alright Stand. Just let me do the talking, and remember no matter what happens we stick together
>Hi, it's just me i'm by myself.
>...What happened?

>The horse is ruined. Stand raped it, you're probably gonna lose the house.

>This day isn't about you and your lies
>Its about Roger and his lies

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>Excuse me, but it looks like you guys could use a little help

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Two words.
also as a gun nut this tickles my fancy.

>So there's this girl at school, and she said she'd let me kiss her, but only on her butt cheek. Should I do it?
>Yeah, yeah you should do it.
>Good. Because I already did.

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>Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Just coming in here to love you

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I always call my mom's snobby cat an Ice Queen now

>are you crying?

Behold a grown man WEEPING li-

>I could hear your little dick slapping all the way down the hall

>do you want a special chair with a hole so your little pecker can hang out?
>have you ever met a man?

everything that evil principal said was gold

>I can't do it, Stan! I can't kill!

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>Hulu doesn't have any of the episodes past Mean Francine
Hulu is just a whole bunch of Beckys, that's what they are
basic ass bitches

I'm really lovin' everything the lil homie Rogu does!

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[Spoiler]mister and lady

Friendly reminder that Francine's a freak

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One of my favorites. That dude was fucking great.


>no vore porn
Why was that the one I noticed first?

>Fucking Werner Herzog narrating the ending, talking about a jar full of farts

>you are my kin...and i will let you drive my Camaro when i fix the GOD DANG DRIVESHAFT.

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He was great in that recent one from two weeks ago

What episode was that?

it's definitely the one that pops out the most with the word "porn" in it

the one where Snot and Stan become best friends after putting Snot in fake witness protection to keep him away from Steve

the way steve says have you lost your mind really sells it

Really? So Snot's the one who kissed a girl's ass cheek? Good for him. Stan and Snot are pretty good duo.
>Hey Dad can you tell me more about mom's breast.
>I'll tell you snot they're perfect.

>No adult braces
Why must you wound me like this?

the clown college one was great

oh fuck what episode is this?

this or you can legally stream up to the first half of season 13 on hulu.

Speaking of, when the hell is hulu gonna get the second half of season 13.

my moms favorite and my second favorite

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>Ah shit, it's Roger, isn't it?


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Probably one of my favorite scenes.

>you askew my mirror. I askew yours. Ying. Yang.
>Stan's SUV tumbles down the cliff
>That was not my intent

This scenes gets to me. I'm actually diagnosed with bipolar disorder and this is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when I'm off my meds.

>nothing over 5.1 surround sound

that got me

me too

Guess I'm gonna go beg for money at the beach

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>D-Day, 1944. You think about the bravery, the heroism that happened here
>It's just..humbling
>Men younger than us. Boys, really
>Just boys. Trying to fight off an American invasion
>I-I was talking about the Americans.
>Uh...The Germans were brave too...less brave maybe.
Anything about nazi Klaus is good

in unisen
>We're going to Schaffhausen!

>do i even like girls?
>I must like girls

it's time you knew the truth

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>"I'll need THESE for the road; God-willing I'll be able to slide them on my attackers."

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Allow me to impress upon you the severe mistake you have made. For years my conduct has been largely benign, and yet without provocation you have severed our detante, and forced me to unleash upon you the vengeful flames of 1000 sins! You shall curse your mothers for the day of your birth! So go now! Go! And begin your life of fear, knowing that when you least expect it the looming sword Damocles will crash down upon you, cleaving you in twain! And as you gaze upon the smoking wreckage that was once your life you will regret the day you crossed the wrong fish!

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>"You came back from Jewish-camp?!"

>He didn't think it was funny

What episode was this

>sayonara buttface!

>You don't know why the Americans and Germans were fighting in ww2?
>Nobody knows.

Klaus is so much better when he's not just pathetic.

>Non-segregated clowning academies

Steve and Snot are so fucking cute

Jenny Fromdabloc
It's the B-plot where Stan, after watching Bewitched, wants a martini when he comes home from work, but he can't handle gin for shit, so he gets completely shitfaced
That "opening" was a drunken hallucination

They're adorably pathetic.
>"Steve and I swore that if we were still virgins by the age of thirty, we would get married. We take turns being the girl."
>"No we don't"
>"No... we don't".

>"Hey babe!"

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shit that reminded me of what might be my favorite moment

>I tell ya, I was in the best shape of my life, I was closer to god than I've ever been, and I was FLUSH with cash

>stan, I don't want to talk about the 3rd grade any more

This whole episode is great.
>Why is there a leopard on the cheetos bag?

It's the setup for that joke. With just nested weird made up germanic-ish fables for the entire episode before that line.

There is so much beauty in the world

I'm sorry, what in the living fuck is that?

Rogu, the newest and most beloved character on the show.,

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I thought I was gonna hate him but he's just so much damn fun.

As I read down the list, this is the only "wait, what" one that hit me.

That's not supposed to happen. Normies aren't supposed to know about that.

W-what happens if Francine sees vore porn anyways?

>You're really gonna kill five people over $20?
>Are you really asking that to the guy who, just last week, killed six people over $19?

My mom does bongs.


Pretty much anytime Stan and Steve are the focus. Some of my favorites.

1. Stan Bullies Steve
2. Stan stabs Steve to end his bowling career
3. The time Roger takes off Steve's arm dressed as a shark.

I am sure there are many more.

Charlie, charlie, charlie, charlie listen to me... What's your name again?

Underrated waifu.

The recent B-plot with them swapping Eyebrows might actually be my favorite B-plot of the entire series. At LEAST top 3.

She likes the last Unicorn, well she just got hotter in my book.

>that random moment he trips
where do they come up with this stuff?

Like daughter, like mother.

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Seth really has a hateboner for adult braces.

I'm not a Waifu fag, but she is definitely not underrated, she's at least top 5

>I can't believe you're an educator, Brian

That fight at the end

>they say when a hog escapes into the wild it will instinctively grow tusks
>who says that?
> ...your mother.

>swapping Eyebrows
my brother, fuck that was just so stupid it slayed me

Wasn't it the age of 19 or am I thinking of another episode?

Wow you sound pretty funny and quirky, You should try some electroshock therapy

>single at 21


>Rogu going to hell, but he not going alone!

the nighthawk episode was so fucking good.
really good, having to explain it makes it sound like an aimless episode with no real plot, but its just a really fun episode that really felt like an adventure where anything could happen

lots of vibes of season 5 simpsons

the phrasing is what makes that line great

ive been high in a store and had a reaction quite similar to that

what episode is this from?

Season 8 episode 19, Da Flippity Flop.

>no Dick Butkus


not my favourite but it really stood out. honestly the first time that roger calls stan 'staniel' and the fran 'franiel' might be my favourites. its the little things.

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>someone brought fudge?

I feel like there was a joke about one of the band members saying that there was something suspicious about b8, but now I just don’t know.

I was accepting an award in, what was it dear, ECONOMICS?!

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its not a scripted line, but from the same episode when stan takes frank into the forest and as hes kicking him and the fart machine goes off i lose my shit
>this isn’t an ambulance, it’s a God damn hambulance


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The cocaine wizard fight call me simple, but Steve going bananas is fucking amazing

The second best use of that song in an animated series.

>No Shannon Sharpe highlights
Just noticed that

I loved the ending:

>Simple setup and premise
>Disproportionate response to initial action
>Rapid reaction
>Nonchalant walk-off
>Visible after-effects

A+ composition and execution, only problem is where Stan got that chair from.

I miss the CIA in general, when was the last time Dick showed? I like Dick.


She was hot

The arm is disbombed!

The voice acting for this line was SO fucking funny. Just the utter contempt and disgust in his voice.

It's amazing that this is still funny and has unique, interesting plots.

How is it this was made by the same guy who does Family Guy?

That whole limo bit is my favourite
The best is the limo driving past the bathroom stall, the build up to something so outlandish is too good

What's the first?

Is it worth watching past season 6, it's where I stopped watching.
Also pic related for thread theme

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>mfw it turns out he's real.


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Easily one of the best bits

>On a scale of 90 to 100, how happy are you that I accused you of murder?
>90, I guess.
>Wow! 90, still an A. They don't just give those out.


>I sent Weistmintz out for burritos and he... came back with tacos instead.

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>were getting these girls drunk so we can kiss them.

I would say American Dad has that beat

“Sounds like Steve is going bananas.”
>Steve crashes out of the second story window and flops onto the front lawn screaming
“Yup there he goes.”

>Yea its in my blood. My grandfather was a conductor in auschwitz!

>You came back from jewish camp?!

Oh man, I'm friends with Jeff Neiderhoff and let me tell you this: everything you've heard about how hot his mom is? 100% true. She's one fine-ass bitch.

>The character that everyone thinks is Roger isn't, and even Roger is surprised.

From season 14 I think, when Roger disguised as a shark bites off Steve's arm

Don't have clips but when Stan is rapidly aging and must climb a mountain with Haley and Steve , on thecwayvdown they get on a buffallo and as it slides down the mountain it looks like it's slowly going into the ground but it's revealed that it just got scraped off against the mountain. I can't properly explain it but I lodt my shit when it happened.

Second is the ep with the frankendog, Stan is at the library and a montage of him doing it set to Weird Science is shown. Later Francine asks him if ge learned anything.
>no, i couldn't concentrate they kept blasting oingo boingo all night.

Found it

First clip is at 1.30

Second is this

>oh god here she comes, stan take the shot. Take the shot stan TAKE THE SHOT. Hi honey best day of my life.

I forget the episode, but the clip takes place at a furry convention, and some guy's dressed like a car and runs over somebody in a squirrel costume seductively
>vroom, vrooooommmm

>Roger disguised as a shark bites off Steve's arm
I taught Steve a valuable lesson, you don't talk shit about sharks

>Come on, Daddy. I-I need my fix
>Remember the deal, Whitney. First you sing, then you get your precious cocaine.
>How dare you! Do you think I would "No matter what they take from me. They can't take away my dignity!"

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This clean...

The excessiveness of Stan falling in that scene still kills me

Agh, ugh, *bam*, oof, ug, ow

>Lands on flat ground, but bounces off

"STILL? OW! Still falling."

>Was that the come back and kick me whistle?


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Why the fuck is Francine smoking always so funny. We don't see it often.

I love that Hailey had to fucking break the phone.That's how disturbing it was.

>it's either Jeff, or the money
>I'll take the money
>Oh man am I the money!? No, wait...I'm Jeff :(

>this midnight fishing is great!
>Sounds to me, like someone doesn't want to go home!
>Yeah, I'm laying low. Today is the anniversary of a huge fight me and Francine got into last year.
>Yeah what about?
>Oh I forgot our anniversary, Ha never gonna do that again!

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I love how realistic the explosions are.

>There it is.

>"So you mean I didn't have to stab you?"

>There it is

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As long as Jeanny Gold is top tier I don't care about anything else.

>My old college javelin

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its really simple

but its my favorite


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>You never know

I love anything that has to do with the arena football team, glad it wasn't just a one off thing

>Give me the Dick I love.

Cheesers came back

>It's a Vietnam reenactment episode
>It ain't me starts playing

The best part is Jackson about to say something and Bullock stopping him so Stan can figure it out for himself

some of the best gags are simple and short


I need some pics of Francine.

>Please, give me some rice. I'll do anything.. I'll make you feel good

If only I had that archive of all the creamy pics of her own rack that she gave that fireman.

I want to play with her tits and call her Mommy.

Could you do one with ALL american dad women?

The boob strikes again

Its Glad Handz with a Z you bastard

God, I love her


>Roger floating away

One of the best jokes in this show hands down

How the fuck is Oscar Gold that high?

gotta give it to the person that wrote that list


>Man, this line blows. Hey, let's go up singles!
>No way, I always end up sitting next to some total weirdo.
>Come on! I swear, you'll meet someone cool.
>All right.
>*winds up sitting next to Klaus in Stan's Body*

Anyone got a clip of this?

I need to know the song that plays when Stan is going to work and does the same thing every morning, it has something along the lines of “ working man” and has a clarinet playing a bit after too.

It’s driving me fucking nuts

>Fireworks go off.
>"I Got you!"
>"No you didn't!"
>"Yes I DID! You're totally dead, Bob!"
>"It's just us! Just let me keep playing!"

Can you be a bit more specific about the episode itself? Which Season?

Fuck it was anywhere between 9 and current I believe

This show any good?

American Dad is great at giving background characters side jokes. Although I'm not sure if the red head is supposed to be that one Olympics skier

You remember more of the episode besides Stan going to work? What's the A plot or B plot?


I can't wait to go swimming tomorrow

Plot A I think he was getting bored with work or doing the same thing all the time

Maybe baby

Any specific jokes?


>Butts McButts

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>You guys keeping this party goin'?

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>Let me tell you something: Collaboration is an important thing. Not just in writing, but in life. Remember, behind every blade of grass, there is a voice, whispering, 'grow'.
>...How high are you right now, H.P.?
>I'm up there.

my theory is that the network got and is way more involved with meddling in family guy than American dad ever had. My best piece of evidence for this is the Orville. A lot of people will blame Seth for being a unfunny writer, and i too used to think that. However after watching the Orville and sort knowing that he got his show as more of "ok we will let you do it because you gave us the money maker family guy" you can really see that he is a decent writer when the studios gave him and his fellow creators space.

most definitely the show only seems to keep getting better and better

Wow, this might just be the first time I look at a tier list and it’s not just pointless bait.

>crtl + f
>’Frank Trueblue’
>No results
You’re better than this Yea Forums

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Clip-Clop was not a persona, just a marriage counseling tool for Roger's pretend psychiatrist persona




>It's mostly administrative.

>Give me the dick I crave

Which was LIKE a cop

>No black (cutoff)

How much input does Seth MacFarlane have on AD? It's a lot better than the other animated shows he's had input on.

>this is why you keep getting molested!

Say what you want about McFarlane, but the guy is a great voice actor

>when you realise some of the members of Boyz 12 are in the audience

That's just some shit Chilly said.

>Do you think we can still have a nice night?

>"You in Vietnam bitches!"

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Anyone got a Mega?

i am also interested for seaosn 14/new stuff

>The “Hot Francine model” female in the top right at :15 looking the wrong way

>We can be together now Avery
>I solved the problem
What is she talking about
>It's quiet now. Just like you wanted.

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>I solved the problem
This line always gets me. That and the part where Bullock tears off his shirt

Perry Ellis is a brand of men's clothing and fashion accessories. Chilly was saying that he was the owner of a Perry Ellis wallet.

That one guy in the audience
"Gasp, the baby!"

>the crowd gasps
>that one idiot: (loud whisper) Not the baby!

How the fuck do they like realistically funny background characters so well

>His eyes are red because he's been smoking weed.

>that one idiot
hey some people just like to think out loud sometimes okay

you're one of them aren't you

>I once knew another jewish girl who kept a end well for Fran Drescher
>But then again, nothing did
>haha, you thought I was making a holocaust joke!

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the american dad/family guy style is not attractive by any means, but this is worse

>Did you hear that? They gave us nicknames! The only nickname I ever got was in eighth grade. They called me Stan Frank because I was always hiding and writing in my diary.

I forget, did Shad remember Francine brand mark? Most porn artist love canon things that get forgotten in Seth shows. Like Meg's prison tattoos.

Cam you honestly say you've never used "I WANT MORE DIZZY WATER" while drinking with friends?

>and louis

why yes, yes he did

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> I don't have x-ray visioooon.
>yes you do Billy!

>Don't use the belt
Really doesn't make sense when you can see Stan already mauled her.

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>Steve, did you notice there wasn't one black doll head?

Also when you know Francine is probably into that.

>A week from Monday!
>*5 days later*

>Stan, I told you. I have a fever. That's why I went to bed right after dinner.
>What to do, what to do, what to do?
>Please. I really am not well.

Wow one of the first times I’ve seen one of shads works and genuinely though “its a bit edgey” unironically

>Saint's Row

It's not something you can translate to text, but Stan eating that slice of meat drenched in horseradish is one of the funniest things ever put on television.
>that little sob he lets out before breaking down crying

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When klaus isn't pathetic, he's just more boring stewie

Isn’t this just that book that Klaus writes where Stan beats Francine?

>Hey, you're cutting!
>How about I show you what real cutting is, huh?
>I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. Can you speak into my microphone?
>Whoa, things just got real!

Attached: keeping it real.jpg (1920x1079, 208K)

I think of that part every time I see horse radish.

>can you speak into my microphone

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How many times has he messed up his digestive system?

I'm going to fuck that fucker in the tushy. Hand me the anal tarring brush.

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How good is Steve as a flirter? Also, how would he react if a boy has a crush on him?

>And if you eat a ton of horseradish in one go you WILL blow out your sphincter.

>also, if anyone you know has recently died with an intact size 3 sphincter, please contact me as I am currently very low on the donor list.

Fake and gay. Stan would have forgotten their anniversary

Gonna need a link or episode brudda

What's your favorite song/musical sequence? Mine's probably Girl You Need a Shot (of B12)

You couldn't have bothered to search "American dad horse radish"

Dude this is a 300+ post thread and the favorite song shit was brought up very early in it. You don't need to just jump into the thread to post a "new topic" when the thread is already fun enough to scroll through the whole thread. Not trying to be a dick or anything but you should follow American dad threads from the beginning, allot of the jokes never get old and following the comment chain makes shit easier

I honestly use that line a lot when I'm drinking with friends.

Thanks man
Also I'm drunk so if I sound like an asshole I'm sorry

Whoops didn't mean to reply to myself I meant to reply to
My friend

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Fuck me I'm gonna stop posting and just say thank you source guy, and sorry if I seemed like an asshole to the music subject guy.
On another note was there a new episode tonight or not because I can't find it if there is

It's rained every fucking Monday for like weeks in a row, and satellite TV doesn't work in the rain. I haven't seen a new episode since nighthawks.
That doesn't answer your question but I wanted to complain about my shit reception.

Drunk apologetic user here. you live in NY? Weather's been shit

Sorry, I didn't think to check if it had already been brought up. Don't worry you don't sound like an asshole, it's a fair point to make.

You're my new best anonymous friend while I wait for the new episode to upload and for the subs to kick in and i pass out. I'm fucked up as it is so fare well comrade because Iforgot my brothers birthday just started so I will be staying up doing drugs and drinking. See you in the afterlife

Was there a new episode tonight?

When did roger enter the thread?

Been on it all day(s) but just started getting extra fucked up about two hours ago. Wish my brother happy birthday fellas it'd mean allot to him and I'm sure he'd appreciate some anonymous happy birthdays.
Seriously though he would, I'm a shit brother and it might make him feel better considering he might be spending his birthday in the hospital

Yeah, the guys minus Steve did a mall fashion show and Snot got rich.

Is there anywhere to watch the new episode? I can't find it anywhere online.

The speed of the gif kind of kills the impact of the joke.

Isnt there a to be continued gag with Jeffs hat thats still going on along with the golden turd or is something else with Jeff? (Not him being an alien)

he can be very good, he was literally about to bang a hot popular cheerleader and it was only fucked up by his parents antics.

Do people not use torrents anymore?

Also, have they changed some artists in the last couple of seasons? Swear to God, something changed about the color palette. A lot of stuff seems more vivid nowadays. Especially clothing on various background characters.


Believe it or not, lots of basic faggots use ad-ridden streaming sites. Even here.

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That episode where Bullock goes on steroids for the CIA calendar pictures

Attached: BullockSteroids.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Phantom of the Telethon is one of the best episodes.

>"I'll kill you Roger!"
>"I'm not Roger, I'm the Phantom!"
>Stan takes off his mask and gasps
>"Well, yeah who did you think.. What?"

>Our birdhouse business had been hard on me, but it had taken a real toll on Roger. I knew it wasn't true. The classes, the girlfriend, the sobriety. It was all a lie. That's why I wasn't surprised to read in the paper that he had OD'd not ten seconds later.

Attached: 1458680233589.gif (500x242, 74K)

I tried to use the normal gif but it was too large for Yea Forums

>Not him being an alien
They're way passed that joke. Roger already ate his brain and birth him again as a normal human.

Such a powerful man. Checked by the way

>jeff got alien superpowers
>then he lost them when he got his body back
>only got his body back because haley thought she might want kids
>then she didn't
>jeff was cool with it because he's a retard


>There's no distinction! No demarcation! Hell and Earth slumber in the same bed tonight!

>the open read is too dangerous.
>uh, what if we go through sector 16?
>sector 16? the perfect man just proposed the perfect way to die.
>fine! then what about sector 35?
>heh, sector 35 makes sector 16 look like sector 48.

Attached: rapture's delight.png (1309x765, 1.09M)

>Because I may be a moron...

Attached: 5c8e5484893930029d46f816.png (275x383, 46K)

>108603905 #
I love this episode

If you're still alive and/or care, I live in CO and the weather has only been shit on Monday. Like 90% of the channels still come in but tbs looses signal if there's a single cloud in the sky.

Happy birthday drunk anons brother.

>Snot's been dying to fight you for years
>Oh, Snot will get his but he will not see it coming

Attached: 154666452.jpg (992x640, 78K)

>You had me at lasagna.
>But I didn't say lasagna..
>But I was thinking it.

I was thinking about that very dialogue the other day. Good shit.

>a whiplash parody about clowns
Holy shit

>"Oh God, no!"

I heard Yea Forums saying Rachel MacFarlane does most of the writing for American Dad.

I've been looking for a clip of this for so long but can't find it.

>Rodge the Dodge

>Will you go there?
>Do you eat?
>I have the money

This is off memory, Roger's roast episode
>Don't worry Roger is in the most isolated prison ever, escape is impossible
>TV: Breaking news
>Steve: Oh boy...

I absolutely love the joke cakes. "Contazulations" is one of my favorites too.

Attached: bad dad sad.png (1077x605, 1.02M)

>Just pretend SpongeBob is me. And instead of having amazing adventures under the sea, he's sorry he insulted his family.

I haven't had a real tv in a couple years is the show still good or did it fuck itself over like a hermaphrodite with a weirdly articulated penis?

Viet Cong Roger reveal had me dying

"Have you met my uncle Roger?"
>Toshi in Japanese: You mean the alien in a wig?
"Yeah on my moms side."

>Why do you speak Japanese? I don't even speak Japanese!

It's funny because the joke relies on a degree of realism involving guns that cartoons don't normally have!

Feels good to have setup a seedbox with RSS torrents and a plex server. Never have to touch those shit sites again.


Any vpn recs? I don't wanna get dinged by my isp again

I use private internet access. Never had an issue and all my roommates use it for their stuff.

>No parking meters, Francine sees them as silver dicks
>No polka dots, Francine sees them as dicks.

>sees them as dicks [Obscured by thumb] at her. Head on dicks

>I hate hot dogs! They remind me of uncircumcised penises and you know I don't stand for no wormies!


Boil water....what am I a chemist?!

Give her space!...give her space so she can die...

Attached: q2w0taalhv831.jpg (960x559, 96K)

What's a torrent?


>Boy, every time. You add one ingredient too many and you end up Raider Dave.

Yep. Only thing that is a bit rough is the first tbs season.

Marmalade deserves his own category above god tier.

We talkin' Q?

Took me a while to get this one

Attached: Books_books_books[1].jpg (720x540, 38K)

>What happened to Luis?
>He basically got away.
>Luis gets awaaay agaaaaaaain!
>Wanna buy a mattress factory?
>Fuck yeah!

>that ancient samurai ghost who speaks old Japanese that Toshi can't understand

Attached: Minamoto.png (720x540, 398K)

Weird, could have sworn I saw a gif not too long ago that played it at the right speed, though maybe the resolution was altered to fit a better size.

>And his mom ran away before he was born.
>Ho...How could she do that?

Attached: Proto Man hears about MN9.jpg (427x960, 148K)

mullvad. cheap and good.

doesn't opera come with a free one?

Oh god, this is the gay call!
>pops suicide pill

>*cries* I made a swear.

>What? What? Toshi, I can't understand what you're saying. I don't know why I call you.

Attached: 45khgu5bith11[1].jpg (512x384, 18K)

>ctrl f
>popper clops
>0 results

Attached: 1530479171241.jpg (472x482, 16K)

>That's a doormat, Barry.
>Who's Matt Barry?

Attached: 1543150159084.gif (656x368, 150K)


>"You have the envelope, dipshit!"

I'm honestly really surprised there isn't a mega or streaming upload yet of the new episode

>~Byesies!~.... I mean, BYE-SIES!

>It's true. I put that ass to sleep

The seasons after 6 go up and down, but it is honestly bizarre how quality the show is. Simpsons got shit, Family Guy is unwatchable, but fucking American Dad manages to continue to be fucking hilarious. It's the one good thing in this timeline.

Certainly surprising given they had that forced writer swap up at one point that saw some FG folk go to AD, and some AD staff go to FG. Guess it wasn't that bad enough of a mix up to completely destabilize AD.

>Ah yes, the alien in the wig

Yeah, from my mom's side

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>my wife!
>my wife fondue!


Does anyone know where I can watch the episode from yesterday? TBS site doesn't work and it's not on rarbg

My Eyes!
My Back!
My Begonias!
My Sharona!
My Best Friend's Wedding!
My Eyes again!

>Look, Avery called to apologize for what he said at the carnival. We met for coffee, and, well, I know it's crazy, but I like him. He challenges me. And besides, he has a huge... >Penis, I mean, Hayley! Damn it. I was trying to cut you off before you said...
>I was gonna say heart, but, well, you shined his shoes.

>Steve actually gets married in the future.
There is still hope lads.

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>She will learn to love him

Attached: e8271efc-0a4a-4cc2-95d7-1016240aabb0_screenshot.jpg (640x480, 34K)

>Okay, it's May 14, 1981. President Jimmy Carter leaves the White House in disgrace. Pope John Paul II is shot in Rome by a deranged Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter kidnaps and devours thirteen Christian babies. Hmm. Maybe I should have read a real history book instead of the one Dad wrote.

He lost his virginity to a qt3.14. It's ogre.


Hm, peanut butter... Crunchy... Creamy...
>[gasps] CREAMY!
>No, no. That means nothing.

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Really nailed that pale skin tone just hammer in that he was dead before he hit the water there.

*sniff* mm strawberry
hey kiddo, get enough sleep last night

Yes, but it just gives china even more information about you.

>Cops already? What, are we next door to a freakin' Krispy Kreme?

I'm Greek, what are they gonna know?


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That you don't pay your debts

>Did you see him? The Indian?
>Who, Kevin? Of course I saw him, we picked him up at the reststop an hour ago.
>Dropped my Rolos.
I laughed for five minutes after he held up his tool box.

Is Shark Roger added yet.

I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme to remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so far

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It's funny, but that boy was made for R&B. I'm not sure if this has been posted yet. Because I'm not clicking every fucking link

After Roger elbowed that guys brains out from a high dive
"Have you heard anything? Is Chazz going to be okay?"

His VA is an RnB singer, just not famous for it outside of American dad

My favorite thing in the entire show. I also love that twinanigans bit from the new season that's pretty reminiscent of it. and the punch of death from Eagleheart


>Stan and Roger interrupting their argument to watch the birth of a baby cow, driving back, and then continuing from the exact word they left on

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i dont get it

It used to be a brothel.

>Tell them how you killed our baby, Amanda

>No Israeli couscous, and I mean zero.

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The grim reality of of your average Yea Forumsster, revealed

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Wasn't there a new episode yesterday? Torrent sites are just reuploading the one from last season where Francine becomes school advisor

Ex-Futurama writers on the staff. I thought everyone knew this.

My brother wet himself watching this, and even that didn't ruin the mood

I'll give him this, he made Haley's default hair look good for a change

That's believable, but not running adblock and scriptblock is stranger

Where do you people find downloads for these new episodes?

I can't find any of the latest episode.

I didn't get it when I was younger, but now I'm older and I get it now.
I want to fuck Hayley so bad.

>I had the premonition again!

>Haha, you stupid idiot! I'm not a ghost, I'm a perverted boy!

How do you gather?


>Roger, I'm surprised. I thought Reynolds Jasperterian was going to be you.
>I gotta tell you, I did too.

Where the hell's the link for this week's episode?

It's not on rarbg wtf?

My friend and I would constantly shout "you're my queen Rebecca!" at each other in college.

>Hopefully you'll pick up this voice mail before you eat a hot dog.
>And if not, if you're listening to this from heaven, I love you, kiddo.
>Well, I warned Toshi.


>Snot (with Steve voice): Daaad? What do mom's boobs feel like?
>Stan (over the phone): I'll tell ya, Snot!

>But you had to go and fuck up the whole deal

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That really is one of the best somewhat subtle jokes in this show

>(Stan showing off his tv) And you should see the blacks on this thing, Steve put in the Nutty Professor.

Holy shit, I just remembered that this was a parody of Trapped in the Closet

Just watched the Nighthawks episode... pure kino

>In Steve we thrust.

why isn't the latest ep up anywhere?

>Francine not getting off on this
>Stan remembering their anniversary
Really taking me out of it, here.

What does that have to do with anything!?

just support the fucking show, degenerate.

I've seen plenty of torrents.