I think you have to be a serious sadistic-masochist in order to write these sorts of books and make an animated series...

I think you have to be a serious sadistic-masochist in order to write these sorts of books and make an animated series about these sorts of books.

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Anne of Green Gables is a lovely book and anime (though I’ll admit I didn’t want to read past the first book. I watched the whole series, though.)

I haven’t seen any western animated adaptations of it, but for whatever reason Japan got it right.

What was it you didn’t like about the story?

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>Japan got it right
>She looks like an inbred

For once the western character is cuter

I detest pretentious rednecks looking down on everyone and being negative assholes for no reason. It's a contradiction. Normally the lower you are, the more humble you should get.

Normally the rich kid is suppose to look down on everyone and nobody is allowed to touch him because he has power.
But a redneck with no power who could easily be beaten to a pulp and could do nothing about it and is still acting all arrogant like he's the king? Too unbelievably far up its own ass for me.

It drives me more to read a story about a rich guy beating the living the crap out of rednecks and educating them on every word about how disgusting and ass backwards they are as a society.

She finally grows out of her enormous forehead as an adult, and learns about the magic of bangs.

I think in the book they mention she’s supposed to be just a little homely and later grows out of it, which translates well to her design, I think. She looks like she’s been abused since she was a baby, and she has.

Also it’s a good way for girls to relate, since they all feel pretty ugly around that age. If Anne were always harping on about how hideous she is and she were a 10/10, it’d be more silly and less sympathetic.

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It took place in PEI not Missouri

Is Anne the pretentious redneck? Because the Cuthberts are just about the most humble people possible without being self-loathing, and they take every opportunity to educate Anne to stop putting on heirs and acting like a stuck up shit.

They have rednecks in Canada- they’re usually Acadians. Nobody in AoGG is Acadian, though, except maybe one or more farmhands.

Wtf do Diana and Gilbert see in Anne?

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Stuff like that is refreshing and wholesome to watch. And with each passing year, more and more so.

I've yet to find a decent release of Candy Candy though.

Well they're Anglos not frog fuckers

Another sad woe is me story.

Anne, Diana, Matthew, Muriel are the boring victim characters and are supposedly lovable compared to the others. It's the teacher Rachel, blonde bitch, Gilbert, Mrs. Barry and the others that irk me.
Marilla is like a softer Herriman from Foster's Home, but is still part of that emotionless stoic stern stereotype.

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>Normally the lower you are, the more humble you should get.

Who has more pride; those who feed, or those who merely eat?

Most of those characters that you have a problem with are relatively rich or powerful within their own circles because the story takes place in bumfuck nowhere and everyone is poor. Also, they generally act in the role of obstacles for Anne and you’re not even supposed to like them. Your reaction to them is mostly in line for what the writing intended, and is not a fault of the writing at all.

Are you rich, user? This kind of boomer talk is rare these days. Tell me about your bootstraps.

God forbid people have fun, right?

They're pathetic characters because even real life people with no abilities would be capable of turning the tides in their favor.

I think it would be entertaining to take all the loser characters like Pip, Anne, Doug, Arthur, Charlie Brown, Gene Simmon's kid, What's With Andy, Cramp Twins who get bullied by everyone and put them in an actual dangerous situation beyond their control, they'd either grow some balls or die like the cushy fags they are.

Meanwhile Chad characters like Stuart Little, George Shrinks, Pinocchio, Nils Holgersson, Willy Fog, Blinky Bill, Tom Sawyer and maybe Princess Sissi, The Little Mermaid/Ariel who actually go through heavy shit would find the virgin's worlds like Green Gables just that; a virgin world ripe for the taking. They'd find it to be paradise. They would easily dominate and overtake the world because of how easy it is.

You can easily see yourself overtaking the odds in Anne and Charlie Brown's position (if you're not mentally weak and feeble just like them)
But if you try to put yourself in the shoes of characters like Pinocchio you wouldn't even make it past the tutorial zone. You actually are impressed and keep wondering how are they going to get away this time.

Normally you have characters with no abilities who sit beside the overpowered hero and even those characters are sometimes capable of matching up to the super hero character by simply not being pussies.

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This show is the opposite of fun. Unless you're the bully doing the bullying and I still don't understand how you find it fun to abuse these sad fucks. It's just sad.

Who is most wholesome girl: Anne, Heidi, or Pippi Longstocking?

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Pippi makes my pippi very hard desu

Heidi is actually wholesome and innocent stuff for children. Pippi is a wish-fulfillment chad in a little girl's body.

>Okay my character just escaped from a burning house, rescued a bunch of children, told off the commissioner for trying to call him a "vigilantee" and got his feet kissed and awarded a medal for bravery and self sacrifice.

>Yeah? well .. my character gets beaten up 12 times a day and is still respectful and humble. He helps a criminal escape and fooled into believing he was groomed to marry a girl who gives no fucks about him. In the end he marries that girl and have a miserable life together.

I'd go with Heidi in this case.

There's an excellent untapped chemistry to be had in this, but I'm not sure how.
Every chad vs virgin type of show like pic related just have the virgin being a virgin. The passive poindexter never helps much with moving along the plot compared to the cool asshole type.

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Are you forgetting that before Anne came to live with the Cuthberts, she was basically a domestic slave who was raised by a hillbilly family that made her take care of their swarm of sick babies, and probably beat her every day when she wasn’t chopping their firewood? She only formed her optimistic attitude as an escapist coping mechanism. Pip similarly came from rough beginnings. They had hard lives. They are in no way comparable to true losers like Doug or Charlie Brown.

>It's the world that made them so weak
No, they were born weak. I've had this realization since I was little and have had it confirmed all my life.
I guess they're in the middle by not really living comfy lives at the beginning. At the same time they are in no way comparable to true chads like Pinocchio and Nils Holgersson who against all odds still manage to win and do so much damage to their enemies that even if they lose they're still winners.

I don't remember Pippi Longstocking and Pinocchio being such squares like Anne and Pip.

Perhaps a virgin meets virgin love story, I think Pip and Anne would make 2 fine losers together, far better than Gilbert and Estella which are literally an anti-moral - marrying a toxic person.

>remember when most people were poor so literary works used to reflect that? Yeah I don't like it, no one should talk about poor people

>Remember when the 2010s were nothing but shallow introverted children raised on tablets and the Internet who were genuinely scared to answer the phone and politely reject someone instead of ignoring them?

>They have rednecks in Canada- they’re usually Acadians.

my family is Acadian....we're the rednecks of Canada?

I swear I felt so sorry for poor Anne and Diana and fuck that blonde bitch and most of Anne's family for treating the 2 along with Matthew and Muriel like shit

Still a comfy show.

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Yes. You are from redneck stock, you have redneck genes. Even if you’re not living the redneck life and pass for a normal person, you will always just be putting on heirs and pretending. I’m a New Englander and my family is Acadian, too, but thank god I got out and can pass for normal.

This kid was a walking tragedy.

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Is it a good book

What's the full name? Google only gave me this: