MCU Spider-man

lets adapt a character with one of the most memorable supporting cast's in comic books
and use none of them

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But it's the most true to source Spider-Man because he quips!

Keep in mind here that Disney does not have the full license to Spider-Man, so there might be some kind of limitations on what characters they're allowed to use.

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i personally blame both Marvel and Sony Pictures for the sorry state MCU Spidey is in
Marvel for wanting to shill their posterboy in his movies
and Sony for pushing all of their terrible idea's in the script and stripping Spidey of his own characters for their shit cinematic universe

the only Spidey i look forward for in the future is Spider-verse and Spidey PS4

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You know who I blame? That rabid fanbase who stressed that Peter Parker "Needs to be a Teenage" and "Needs to be funny" as his two defining traits.
Hell, I even blame that Tumblr "Super Family" thing where Tony got Steve pregnant and gives birth to Spider-Man, whom they both raise together cause they really wanted Tony to be Peter's Dad!

>Hell, I even blame that Tumblr "Super Family" thing where Tony got Steve pregnant and gives birth to Spider-Man, whom they both raise together cause they really wanted Tony to be Peter's Dad!

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I am dead serious, after the Avengers came out, Tumblr was obsessed with this thing.

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Who would you cast as Kraven?

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Christian Bale

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Now you know how batfamily fags feel when they only keep using Alfred, Joker, Gordon, and like MAYBE Dick and Barbara if they aren’t too embarrassed to use sidekicks.

>Implying that's a bad thing.
It's like expecting a Spider-man movie to use Spider Gwen, Gwenpool, Silk and all other shitty pandering characters.


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I can see it

All this could have been fixed if they had the balls to use Miles instead of Peter

Only thing they've done right

Alfred and Gordon are kind of core side characters though? That's not at all what the OP is complaining about, you battard.

Proof tumblr is full of female virgins who don't know how biology works

>Does not smoke tobacco*
>Does not sell/distribute illegal drugs*
>Does not abuse alcohol*
>Items with a * are permitted while Spider-Man is wearing the black/symbiote suit
I don't know why but these made me chuckle. Like, of all the things it would do to him, why would the symbiote make him sell heroin?

They know how it works, but they want the fantasy to be real

The only correct answer


>does not have sex before the age of 16
Curses, foiled again!

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And he's totally a nerd! See, they get it?

Fuck off Milesfag. No one likes your shitty OC.

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Give it a few more years...

That would bug me cause I want everyone to be in the MCU eventually.

What this is really saying is spider Gwen is fair game for peter B

You're right, and it's because Disney was terrified of audience fatigue. About the only thing that's worked for MCU Spider-Man is the villains

Why does this movie make Spider-Versefage seethe so hard?

>"Needs to be funny"
That's more Feigy insisting on the MCU primarily being a comedy tv show. But what's more to the heart of Spider-Man, is that he banters with his villains for two reasons: to throw them off their guard in a fight, and more importantly, to help himself cope with his own fears and sadness.

Don't worry,we will have a definitive Spider-Man one day.
It will be the best fucking Spider-Man you've ever seen.
I will make sure of it

and who are you mang?

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I like the idea that even the Symbiote isn't capable of swearing.

I live in eternal fear.

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