Thoughts? It never really seems to get talked about at all compared to Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows

Thoughts? It never really seems to get talked about at all compared to Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows.

Attached: legion-fx-show.jpg (752x440, 58K)

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>compared to Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows
ive enver heard it compared to them its way better than that tripe
the story is boring as fuck imo but the trippy headfucks are cool

Switch is new waifu
god she redeems season 3

That because it's too trippy/complicated for most people to get into. LEGION is phenomenal, by far the BEST of CBTV.

I just thought it fell kinda flat at the end desu. I didn't even bother giving S2 a shot.

It's a shame. Shadow King is the single best villain on comic-book shows but rarely anyone mentions him.

Attached: legion_202_0901r.jpg (3000x1996, 605K)

>YWN hang out in your own muscle tranny/Casablanca fusion headspace
Why are we here?

I have only watched first season . I dont think it was good. But i was captivated to watch more.

Great but niche, like Doom Patrol.

so why didn't you

unironically one of the best shows on tv rn

Pretty fantastic. Watching through season one a second time before season two. Now that I don't have to focus on the story as much, the cinematography and effects are even more impressive than I first thought, especially considering how much they're doing with practical effects.

I just want my sexy mind-control parasite dom.

I find Leigon has a more enjoyable version of (not-)SHIELD than the actual SHIELD show.

>Doom Patrol
Now that I finally got around to reading Morrison's Doom Patrol, I am gonna check that out. I assume it is a toned down version of Grant's mixed with some pre-Crisis stuff.

Actually, the Legion show has kinda a trippy 90s Morrison / Vertigo vibe to it.

>Actually, the Legion show has kinda a trippy 90s Morrison / Vertigo vibe to it.
It's actually toned down from his comic, which is a good thing. People complain about it being hard to follow now, imagine if they used his xyz personalities.

I did watch full first season till the end . I dont want to experience the same for second season.

It's not as fun to hate as Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows.

Attached: 1536751563720.png (1280x720, 493K)

Yea Forums doesn't talk about good things

because fox doesn't have shills the way disney has

You must not have been here for the Gifted threads.