I don't get it

I don't get it.

Attached: A_Scanner_Darkly_Richard_Linklater_Philip_K_Dick_interpolated_rotoscoping_Keanu_Reeves_sadness_Bob_A (1600x900, 1.14M)

drugs change people
you are now enlightened

Gen X junkies are worst cunts.

The more you know

Did they take out the twist in the story that the people making the drugs and the rehab center for the drug were the same?

fucked if can remember ive slept since then
i dint even know alex jones was in it till about a year ago


He's also in Waking Life. Linklater thought he was a funny contrarian.

Now he's just a sad old peadophile.

Wait, he likes kids? Don't you mean Dan Harmon?

Which one do you mean? I don't care enough about either. I'm just full of trivial information

Drugs are bad

Alex Jones was caught with CP on his emails.
Sent by the lizard people and team Hilary obviously.

Those darn emails. Always getting people in trouble.

Isn't the FBI treating Alex Jones as the victim here?

But the damage to his reputation is already done.
No one reads the follow ups, only the click bait titles: Alex Jones caught with child porn.

Dick took a shitload of drugs in his youth. While he looks on the experiences he had somewhat fondly, ultimately he was forced to realize that all that seemingly Innocent fun he had basically slaughtered an entire generation of people, himself included.

I thought only one other person here besides me had seen that movie.

Yeah it's funny seeing it here, it's one of my favorite movies.

>Gen X junkies
Zoomers were a mistake.

>No one reads the follow ups, only the click bait titles
So: hoist by his own petard, then?

>I don't get it.
"Drugs are BAD, m'kay?"

The movie not the dick novel.

You know using something as a reference you can still change it.

10/10 for being a zoomer yourself lad.

Not really, people thought it would be funny to spam him emails with what I understand as loli and then called the feds so he got 'caught' with it.

The reason why the FBI aren't raw dogging him is because as much as a retard he is; going to jail for shit people spam you doesn't make sense.

>Not really
Yes, really. Jones and his ilk are infamous for putting out shit like "crisis actors" and "pizzagate" that people still bang on about YEARS later.

So the idea that he'd be permanently damaged for something that he legit DIDN'T DO rather than all the shit he ACTUALLY DID DO ... is just poetic justice, senpai.

I'm telling you what happened, dude. I think hes an asshole but we'd all be in jail for sharing a site with pedos who spam thier shit if that was the only thing that would be required to get sent to jail.