What’s the most accurate WW2 comic?

What’s the most accurate WW2 comic?

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Chimera Brigade

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Willie and joe/all bill mauldin

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I'd post more/my real favorites but I'm on vacation and my collection is at home

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That's good

This comic needs to come back. What is Gillen even doing right now?

The one where Donald Duck calls his nephews slant eyes in a fit of PTSD.

Ennis is a hack but I really like his WWII stuff. It's all very pastiche desu but they're fun and interesting.

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We will never know, because the (((Allies))) burned entire libraries after Germany's defeat and even if they haven't, all the books we know purely from indexes have been banned.

Repeat after me.
Do it again Bomber Harris.

based hitler would never burn books

This is probably the most accurate answer.

Kaz, are you a Nazi?

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Russian literature is wild

Jew books belong to the bonfire. As for the Allied crimes against humanity - much of the destroyed literature were anthropological and history books written under Ahnenerbe following the vast expeditions they undertook across the world. They found something we today were forbidden from knowing and this only means that there was truth in those books.

I merely love my race, culture and civilization. Everything beyond that are nuances to me.

it still comes out

search Über:Invasion

Yeah, but you say that right after saying "Jew books belong in the bonfire." Love of one's own culture doesn't necessarily require the hatred of another.

I guess nazis just had to net be retarded.

Jews are proactively evil and harmful to any race they come in contact with. Likewise while I'm not a white supremacist I am a white nationalist. Simply put blacks, muslims and others don't have a place in Europe and white countries in general and they should be expelled forcefully if needed. Hate doesn't come into equation at all, especially when it comes to blacks since they are instinctual creatures who have little to no reasoning ability.

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Worse, he is a Slav

A Slav roleplaying as a nazi. That's some of the most retarded shit I've seen today.

I love how you think the "white race" is all some kind of unified culture and civilization as if different white civilizations haven't historically hated each other and battled for dominance. Fucking Amerimutt logic.

It's just common sense user.

From what I've read about him, he also believes anime girls and figurines are goddesses from the future. He also believes the Judeochristian God was an avatar of Jewry evil and that somehow Nazis and the Thule Society were the last bastions of the Western society. Keep in mind he always does this on threads about shows aimed at little girls such as Star Vs and Harvey Street Kids.

You realize how much Yea Forums media was literally invented by Jews, right? Pretty much all of capeshit as well as things like Popeye, Betty Boop, and Mel Blanc's character voices. Kinda hypocritical to say Jews are evil and only produce bad things when you're literally on a board discussing and consuming their media.

Not American, Slav From some godforsaken country. Croatia or Yugoslavia.

I'm a Croat, newfriend. Don't talk to me about war. I know war. I lived through one. War is the father of all things as they say, and yes, we did slaughter each other quite effectively across the ages. This too results in distinct cultures emerging and fighting for dominance, which is good. However there was Rome and Greece, and we all grew from that. You can see why we can use the term "white culture" though it is inadequate if we go deeper into distinctions.

>I don't hate other races I just think they are scum that need to be removed like the vermin they are.


Here in UK we have polack subhumans wanting to be white while refusing to work or study.

There is no "white culture." You can't seriously say as a Slav that you share a culture or history with the Irish or the Germans, that's just objectively false.

Also stop your warrior larping, it's fucking cringe. I've seen your posts before and I know you're a fucking 33-year-old man who lusts after underage girls from kids' cartoons.

>he always does this on threads about shows aimed at little girls
So he's a pedo. Of course...

yes, obviously and a retarded one at that. he forgets that slavs were viewed as subhuman and lesser whites by the third reich.
>I am white supremacist
"white culture" is a term used by racists to take credit for shit they've never done or have ties to in order to fulfill their supremacist fantasies.


Well that explains his low IQ.

Shaktism emerges in multiple forms across the ages, yes. It's the only true religion and it was known to all traditional cultures worth their salt, from China to Egypt to Greece to Scandinavia. The outer form changes but the content remains the same. Also not "from the future" since time is cyclical, but "from the ancient past" and "distant future" simultaneously. The whole of Creation is happening in one single moment. It's a well known idea, much like everything else I said above. Other people just say it better.

The Jew god is one of many, many, many non-corporeal entities that exists within the people it owns (in this case Jews, christians, muslims). It and others may have once been physical entities, possibly even actual people.

And yes I do tend to go off in unrelated threads. Why say these things to those who know them? I've been doing this shit for about 13 years now.

Each of those things you mentioned was also used to fight and demonize white people and white culture. The mere notion of the "superhero" is by itself a subversion of actual mythological heroes like say Heracles.

The reason why I watch cartoons however will forever remain a secret. Primarily because I know of others who got the same feedback as I did and those guys scare the shit out of me.

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Alright, you can stop with your hot takes
Have no fuckin clue why third worldin’ Yuro’s think they can hot take on Americans and Allies all the time

>We need to preserve western culture
>Also western culture is all degenerate Jew shit that was made to demonize the white man
This is you right now.

Quiet, you half-breed Turk.

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>the Irish or the Germans

Amusingly you chose a terrible example since Croats and the Irish are both catholics who share the experience of being fucked with by bigger players around them. Germans? Croatia was a part of Austria for a very, very long time. The whole of Central Europe has much in common due to the Habsburgs and their glorious reign. We could talk about these things for days.

As for the offended libs I won't bother.

It seems like every time Europeans go to war with each other they invent new horrific ways to murder each other.

Captain America.

Batman is having the time of his life.

Shut the fuck up retard

Are we going to pretend America isn't disintegrating?

Depends how you view it. Is it more horrible to die at the hands of the Mongols or by napalm? Every war usually brings new ways of death and misery. Hell 90s style war is obsolete today.

>the Habsburgs and their glorious reign.

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Look past the shitty /his/ memes and go read stuff about them. As a whole they stand miles above other european monarchs.

Which hasn't been updated in months.

>The reason why I watch cartoons however will forever remain a secret
Are you afraid to admit you jerk it to underaged cartoon girls? I don't get your logic since you're so forthcoming with all your other retarded opinions.

It sounds like it's something esoteric and borderline occult, given his Shakti worship.

Rest assured that I enjoy loli for fapping purposes just like any other Yea Forumsmrade. Let's not play pretend that this is shocking or outrageous because we're way past that. Likewise I do indeed enjoy cartoons as such. Well, older ones given that both Star Vs and TLH have disappointed me. HSK's first season was good though. Currently there's nothing for me to watch until Tartakovsky's Primal comes out.

The core reason as to why I watch cartoons and anime is too complex for me to explain and I doubt you'd understand either way. My silence isn't taking anything from you or denying you anything. There's just no point to talk about it from my end because the reasons are intrinsically tied to my personality and metaphysical beliefs.

>Nazi pedo
Now I've seen everything.

Also Genndy Tartakovsky is Jewish, you know that right?

I expose myself to all kinds of poison from multiple sources. It renders it harmless. Or kills you, whichever comes first is your appointed lot.

Genuine question, are you autistic/schizophrenic? This sounds like some Chris-chan C-197 dimensional merge type shit.

Not at all. I'm your average Joe deep down and fundamentally a very boring person. I also have a tendency towards purple prose because I love English (my second language). This is why my posts usually end up long, disjointed or jump from one seemingly unrelated topic to another or make connections that at first glance seem weird. I simply wish to back up this or that claim by branching out towards related topics, which are sadly topics most people are unaware exist. Much of what i keep talking about would be clear as day to someone who has bothered with reading Evola or got into taoism and general world mythology. Also Jung, Campbell and so on and on.

Though it is absolutely true that much of what I say is idiosyncratic and esoteric. Often totally incomprehensible to others. I'm okay with that purely because I'm not interested in steering others towards dangerous waters so to speak.

>jewish industry
>accurate representation of WW2
pick one

>"Oy vey! Captain Golem, save me from de ebil red skeleton nadsi!"

People pay money to read this shit.