So why are mutants persecuted while other superheroes like the Fantastic Four and The Avengers are adored by the public...

So why are mutants persecuted while other superheroes like the Fantastic Four and The Avengers are adored by the public? It kind of presents an interesting question once the X-Men gets integrated in the MCU, which is a universe where people with powers aren't despised by the public

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probably because the fantastic four actually has a marketing team, reed puts out inventions that help people, they take some care to limit damage, and they fight inter galatic and dimensional threats. oh, and in theory anyone could get powers like them
mutants on the other hand are born that way, at least half of them can't shut up about how their better than humans and are going to replace them, half of them are terrorists or just flat out kill people, constantly demand sympathy while constantly refusing to show any, and represent the inherent inequality that is genetics. Not to mention Xavier might be messing with people's heads to make them hate mutants so other people will see racism and be more sympathetic to mutants, while working with his best friend magneto to remind everyone that if you're not nice and give the mutants what they want, they'll fucking blow you to hell.

Because the gist is they're an other.
They're a race, it's not about superpowers it's about being a race and one with a pretty bad history.
The other heroes aren't really adored, the public is fickle. One minute they're fans the next they're gathering out on the front lawn to protest their existence.

maybe is because they fear random people gaining the power to level cities. Even if the x-men gets better PR most mutants are random joes


Not sure how the MCU will spin people to hate mutants...

Because they weren't meant to share the same universe as Spiderman or The Hulk. The irritating crossover nonsense in marvel comics ruined the tone a lot of series were going for.

can Kurt redirect his Inertia when he teleports? Like if he telepors really high, drop a hundred meters, teleport and have that speed move him horizontally

Hey pal, who do you think you are saying the M word?

It's easy, just have them emerge in a big horrible event.
Like Magneto trying to nuke the world or something. Then the whole idea of Mutants is marred by that bad publicity.

the problem is you cant differentiate mutants from other super powered people

Nice, you sound like a true Marvel civvie

They’re treated like shit because they act like fucking assholes.

ITT: people who don't know that all mutant hatred is because of an osmosis-jones esque bacteria that infected all the humans

Fuck me. Can we not have Magento out of the gate?

MCU is pretty small, so it's easier to do that now.
There's only a handful of heroes, most openly Non-mutant, hell most don't even actually have powers now. Those who aren't openly non-mutant can easily have lines written about people suspecting it, and those who are openly mutant can have even more overt blowback from it.
Any Mutant Supremacist works, or if you really want, a false flag.
Is that still canon?

>Is that still canon?
There are apparently plans to get Charlie Cox for Spider Man 3 so I guess yeah

No, he loses inertia when he teleports. Otherwise any time he's catching someone that's falling out of the air they'll just immediately pancake when he bring them back to the ground.

No, you fool, conservation of inertia is a well known trait of Kurt's BAMFing.
Read a comic besides America Chavez for once.

they will elect a fearmongering president named ronald grump who will use a broad brush to paint the muties as dangerous criminals.

Originally wasn't it supposed to be the vast majority of Mutants had realisticish mutations and drawbacks. The major one being that the vast majority of mutants could not control their power and others had actual freakish mutations that served little purpose. This furthered them from other Super heroes, but over time Mutants became normalized and more and more powerful ones with great control were introduced thus destroying the whole point, but since their existence is to be a representation of the other they kept it in.

but how would that work? unles mutants carry some desease it wouldnt make sense to hate them and give other supers a pass

If the comics keep pushing this agenda of mutant hate, the movies should just follow suit with no kind of real reason.

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You say that, but in Magneto: Black they literally made they had muties in the border camps and little mutie kids in cages instead.

How would you all handle the X-Men?

Personally, I'd make it more nuanced, like maybe have a third group, led by a mutant with weaker powers (or no powers), trying to make themselves accepted by society at large by being as inoffensive as possible.

Oh, and I'd probably have the X-Men universe be separate from the main Marvel one.

>Read a comic besides America Chavez for once.
The fuck is this projection. And America was a fun as fuck storytime, i pity newfags for missing out on that mess.

And he loses inertia because he, and anything he's carrying, has to travel through another dimension. It's how he's saved so many people when they're thrown off something, that's why i used the falling example. But then again there probably has been one writer or another that wrote his teleportation to work differently, so i guess it's just academic.

Again mutants are seen as a race. An entire group looking to usurp humanity. It's not about powers, it will never be about powers. The powers are fluff, the real point is that they're seen apart. Then you simply introduce them onto the scene in a really bad way and it marks them all.
The movies have a far easier job because their world is so small. Marvel always had the issue of having to awkwardly marry the franchises while also keeping them apart. They were never originally made to without a thought of one another and then as it went on it became like trying to herd cats. Different writers with different ideas were hard to wrangle. But the MCU can brute force everyone into line like they always did.

>But then again there probably has been one writer or another that wrote his teleportation to work differently, so i guess it's just academic
Yeah, that's how it's been for the first ~20 or so Claremont issues I've been reading, and every misc issue with Nightcrawler since then.

the best way to random mutants is to make them volatile as fuck, random building buster powers popping out of nowhere an people terrifiyed it coud happen close to them

>Again mutants are seen as a race
Rookie move. The sexuality metaphor fits better, because there is no reason a couple would have to worry if their child turned black someday, and the needing-to-come-out and being openly gay factor too.

No I mean as in a race apart from the human race. They're considered a different species or atleast subspecies.
Also ultimately your gay tranny son is still just a regular ass human. It will always be an awkward clunky metaphor meant to to facilitate spectacle more than sense.

I'd have it start off with there only be possibly three or four dozen at a time on earth, but the first mutants to appear immediately misused their powers/had radically dangerous powers, possibly even start out with the kid from ultimate x-men that wiped out his town but just existing.

Have the massively dangerous mutants be the only ones that are publicly known first, that sets up why people are so afraid and paranoid of them, and also why the X-men work in relative secrecy since Xavier has a long term plan to change how people see them and integrate with normal humans.

I'd also not have it be anything related to evolution, have it be somewhat related to fucking around with the gems on earth so much.

>kid from ultimate x-men
Finally, someone putting some respect on UXM #41
That shit was great.

This. The X-Men should have remained their own thing.

Yeah, a big part of the anti-mutant sentiment is the fear that you or your kid could suddenly become some hideously deformed creature and/or blow up the whole fucking town when they sneeze.

What about comics that dealt with social issues explicitly, and not by using heavy-handed metaphors?

>And America was a fun as fuck storytime
i fear his case is terminal, anons...

The absolute state of newfags.

>Not sure how the MCU will spin people to hate skrulls...

Universe combining crap is why I hate Marvel and DC comics. I want to appreciate a comic on its own merits, not all this piggybacking and fanservice crap that never works because the creator always wants their creation to be the focal point of the universe.
If you create a "universe" where different franchises interact with each other you have to start from scratch and diverge. You can't just say "oh the Hulk / Spiderman was always in the same universe as Wolverine". You have to create an entirely separate universe where this would happen.
No time travel or multiverse retcon bullshit either.

user it's been that way since the 60's.

>If you create a "universe" where different franchises interact with each other you have to start from scratch and diverge. You can't just say "oh the Hulk / Spiderman was always in the same universe as Wolverine". You have to create an entirely separate universe where this would happen.

Easy they are invaders...

user, they've already ruined the skrulls and made them good guys.

He means the "evil" Skrulls like that chick from Secret Invasion.

Well they already did that with Inhumans

Because they're dirty tripfags.

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So make it a blood/sex transmitted disease with really low infection rate?

They are accountable as a private group. Same for the Avengers. X-men have nearly always acted outside the law, the first person to publicly announce that he is a mutant was Magneto trying to steal a nuclear missile, and being a mutant means your son might end up born as Glob Herman, or like that kid in Ultimate X-Men whose power was disintegrating human flesh in a city wide radius.

Also the FF has PR, and even before becoming the FF they were ASTRONAUTS, which is the pinnacle of the jobs a human can ascend to. And even before that, the team leader was already a superstar rocket scientist who was building SPACESHIPS (and this was in the 1960s, in the smack middle of the cold war and the space race).

Did I mention that they are also a honest, hard-working American family? I mean, when Sue is not busy fucking Namor - who is by the way a World War 2 veteran.

>why are mutants persecuted they didu nothin
>they are a mutation of peace
>we have to register guns but not walking weapons of mass destruction

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Yeah exactly the whole purpose of the mutant hating kinda no longer exists which is stupid.

I mean look at the original Xmen they all had actual mutations instead of just Godlike powers like every other superhero.

Cyclops would kill anyone he looked at
Iceman was a living snowman
Beast had big hands and feet
Angel Had wings
Marvel Girl was a ginger.

Kurts teleport keeping inertia has been one of the most defined limitations of his powers ever since he was introduced. Every time the X-mens plane got blown up, and he ported to the ground, they had a caption explaining that because he kept his inertia, he still landed heavily, just not as heavily as if he fell 150 feet. The most he could do was pick a soft spot to port to, instead of leaving it up to Miss Luck whether he lands on the pavement or in the East River.

>If you create a "universe" where different franchises interact with each other you have to start from scratch and diverge.

No, what you need are EDITORS WHO DO THEIR JOB. Marvel being one huge shared universe was the most fucking fun thing about it in the 60s to 80s. But then Crisis of Infinite Earths and Secret War became huge hits, and they started doing company-wide crossovers twice a year, and then Kike Perlmutter fired all the editors in the 90s; and slowly turned into such a big clusterfuck that crossovers can now completely ignore wherever a character is at the moment. The guest character just "appears", even if they are busy in another universe or even dead at the time.

he was, literally, executed



but the perp was hidden from the general public
how many times do you think something like this has happened only for the x-men to cover it up?
and the fact that it can happen without warning is what I think drives the majority of mutant hate that and despite being 13% of the population mutants commit 75% of the genocides

Because the X-Men are an allegory for racism and why it's bad. Except it doesn't quite work out so well when your allegory has people like Magneto running around, or your crazed 15 times dead girlfriend coming back once again due to the magic space force animating her, which only makes her go crazy and do shit like blow up planets.

I always felt that mutants were a closer allegory to people who buy guns than race to be honest

They pretty blatantly across the entirety of the X-Men's comic existence use the racism allegory. Not that you're wrong, since they use it for allegories of other things as well at times, just the racism thing is the most common and easiest for your average reader to grasp.

What if there's a mutant that lies and say that he isn't a mutant. Say that he got his powers from something else. Would Marvel civilians still hate the guy? Would the X-Men try to prove that the guy is actually a mutant?

the latter then the former


Because they're a menace.

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X-men would try to prove the guy is a mutant so that he can accept who he is. When he is proven to be a mutant then the civilians would hate him for lying and being a mutant

Why are the X-Men so evil? Can't he let the guy live his life without the prospect of getting lynched?

Since mutants are allegories of race, Racial passing (how people from one racial group may pass as a member of another racial group) is once of the biggest sins you can commit as a minority so im guessing it is also a big taboo for mutants

>how many times do you think something like this has happened only for the x-men to cover it up?

How is that any different from the billions of times the government is covering up other crap for their benefit?

Because mutants are genetic. The fantastic four are a one off accident as are most of the powered avengers. Mutants make more mutants, and those mutants can mate with humans and create more mutants. It’s like if gay people made gay people, only sometimes they don’t come out as gay and instead make gay children. Soon there will be no humans left! Suffer not a mutant to live.

>How is that any different from the billions of times the government is covering up other crap for their benefit?
because the government no matter how powerful or incompetent they are cant cover up an entire american town/city getting genocided forever
But mutants can especially with their telepaths

Wolverine literally kills children.

Agreed. Mutant women are so bang-able.

Yeah. This is essentially it. X-Men and Marvel in general would've been better if they dumbed down the power levels of mutants and made them like an actual oppressed minority.

>. X-Men and Marvel in general would've been better if they dumbed down the power levels of mutants and made them like an actual oppressed minority.

Aren't most of them weak like the sewer mutants?

Wasn't that from Ultimate X-Men? And it was a person that literally couldn't control his powers? So much that Wolverine had to mercy-kill the kid because it was literally the only way to go.

Dunno. Even the weakest mutant has some sort of power that can fuck up people hard.

imagine trying to deny race realism in a world where the x-gene exists

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>because the government no matter how powerful or incompetent they are cant cover up an entire american town/city getting genocided

In the comic, it was the government who covered it up, said there was a chemical leak or something. The only cleanup on the muties part was Nick Fury asking Wolverine to stab the kid, and that was partially because Wolverine was the only one who could actually get close to him cause he had to start living in a cave.

The rest of the X-men didn't even knew about it.

That would be stupid. Like someone trying to prove that someone is an african american, when they could very well be likely to be from nigeria. Both are black.

Racism isn't rational.

>Even the weakest mutant has some sort of power that can fuck up people hard.
I remember that one mutant in the Xmen series that is only a mutant because he just too hairy and even says that he has no power.

That depends, of course, on what you mean by racism. It's become fashionable these days to define racism on systemic criteria, which makes it an attribute of societies rather than individuals or actions. According to such a definition, getting groceries at a supermarket can be racist, even though it's a rational thing to do.

There are plenty of reason to hate on Mutants

>Literally call themselves HomoSUPERIOR
>Doesnt allow any normie superhero to meddle in their affair
>Everytime a mutie went full terrorist and exploded a city they always come running and crying "but he didnt du nothin"
>Have no qualm brainwashing you
>Or turn you gay
>Either that or go back in time to turn your parent gay so you dont exist anymore
>Refuse to register their power for some reason
>That one time where the muties are allowed a district to live in they turned it into a literal shit hole full of uneducated fags and criminals
>The bad guy group is full of literal terrorist and murderers
>The good guy group is full of literal terrorist "turned good" and murderers


Hey guys, love the memes, but could we maybe tone down the racism a little?

Careful there bub, dont wanna sound like one of those mutie sympathizer , do you?

THE dumbest thread on Yea Forums, hands down. Only the biggest casual would ask such question.



Because mutants are supposed to be a new species that will replace humanity, while the Fantastic Four are ordinary humans who got superpowers.

Even in the context of the Marvel universe this is nonsense, because the source of human superpowers is ultimately Celestial meddling. But that's probably not common knowledge.

But when the X-Men were created, the term 'mutant' meant something else (in pop culture) than it does now. Back then, in pulp stories, the idea had been promoted that 'mutants' were the future evolution of humanity, like Nietzsche's superman, who would view humans as apes (cf. Frank M. Robinson's "The Power").

It's why the separate FF / X-Men / Spider-Man / Avengers / Marvel TV heroes franchises were such a boon; a blessing in disguise.

Yep. Remembered that. He was also on the receiving end of any F.O.H. bullshit. Actually felt sorry for him because he literally had no means of defending himself.

Yeah. I hate that status quo in Marvel. Should make something like House of M scale, but with most mutants getting nerfed and finally having someone who will call X-Men out on their bullshit (preferably by additionally mentally punching any telepath who will try and look into their mind).

Are all human beings good guys?

That's silly. Nobody is born with a gun.

Then again, having dark skin doesn't exactly give you superpowers.

Habitually? Purposefully?

honestly I'd ditch the whole Mutant Persecution angle almost completely, sure there'd be groups that hate Mutants and try to kill them but they'd normally be an extreme minority, so basically back to how it was in the 60's through the early 80's actually

funny thing was that there being widespread mutant hate among the general public and/or in the government wasn't even really much of a thing till like the 80's(around the point that the story in your pic happened in fact), for a good long stretch of the 60's and 70's the X-Men were even quite often the superheroes with the best connections with the US government

>That's silly. Nobody is born with a gun.
Dont mutant powers manifest themselves during puberty?

I would handle them with SHUT THE FUCK UP

>Even the weakest mutant has some sort of power that can fuck up people hard.

Like Ugly John?

I adore Morrison but I am not sure I agree with his decision to just make mutations a random thing.

He must have known, he loves Kirby's stuff..

....Oh, man. An Eternals series by Morrison...

Imagine trying to pretend such a thing could exist, given it pops up completely randomly in any and all ethnic groups.

All humans - all of them - are potential powered mutants.

Typically, not always, but typically. But it's the 'manifesting' part that matters. You can't buy superpowers in a store.

>All humans - all of them - are potential powered mutants.
>what is terrigen mist

>Then again, having dark skin doesn't exactly give you superpowers.
But having white skin does

Which is to say, people with white skin are generally from temperate climates where farming is possible, but only for part of the year, and winters can kill you. Meaning that their ancestors went through some thousands of years of selection for long-term planning and forming stable groups at the same time they went through selection for vitamin D production.

Attached: mutie scum.jpg (1024x1562, 424K)

>farming is impossible in Africa and South America
And Zebras are untamable too, amirite?

Farming is possible in most of Africa and South America year-round. Meaning that people didn't have to plan ahead to stockpile food for winter and pool resources in groups to reduce risk. Zebras are tameable, but to my knowledge Africans have not tried.

Attached: zebras.jpg (794x635, 99K)

Inhumans are not humans.

Jokes aside, the answer is "kind of". Read Jared Diamond.

Is this from 'Ultimate X-Men' or something?

Got it. The answer is "Pretty much".

>Inhumans are not humans.
Isnt terrigen mist deadly to mutants but not to humans or inhumans so not all humans are mutants

>Zebras are tameable, but to my knowledge Africans have not tried.
No you idiot, it's not that they've not tried, it's that they're fucking assholes and generally aren't worth the effort. You can tame individual zebra like your pic, but they're an extremely poor candidate for domestication in general.

Yeah I'm sure that pony-sized animal was way harder to tame than an auroch.

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Like after Age of Ultron, They would have to show people with powers could also be a threat. So far they've only dealt with aliens and robots. How people going to react when army of mutants start causing trouble and they're from earth so you can't just defeat them and kick them off the planet.

Just don't know how they would explain their sudden appearance.

>You can tame individual zebra like your pic, but they're an extremely poor candidate for domestication in general.
So what you do is breed the tameable ones with each other. How do you think horses were domesticated? This only takes a few generations, btw, as shown by silver foxes. The present state of zebras indicates that no one in Africa tried such a thing.

Mutants are tranny, inhuman are gay, Terrigen mist only kill marvel tranny

Id have it that some of the people that came back after the snap had latent mutant genes that somehow got triggered by the effects of the infinity stone

I guess they could do that, could also imagine Xavier's School already exist for pre snap mutants.

>Jokes aside, the answer is "kind of". Read Jared Diamond.
You mean "Guns, Germs and Steel"?
You realize that book is a joke, right?

>write book about the thesis that geography is the main determining factor in the relative success of different civilizations
>put two technological developments in the title

Terrigen is deadly to humans and mutants. As shown in 'silent war', humans can gain powers from terrigen, but it kills them in a few days. Same thing with depowered mutants that are re-empowered with terrigen.

Marvel is not very good with continuity.

And yes, all humans are POTENTIAL mutants.
Any human can develop mutant abilities with the proper trigger.

That's a painted horse, dear heart. Look at the tail and ears.

>You realize that book is a joke, right?

Care to explain?

Spider-Man is already on his way to be hated globablly and being blamed for the Elementals thanks to SJWsyterio. Not hard to spin that off to all "super-humans are bad and Stark isn't here to protect us from them" especially if you have /pol/neato coming in talking about mutant supermacy

im pretty sure they will have Magneto broadcasts his Homo Superior Redpill live all over the planet and that way people will be aware of Mutants and fear them

The short version is that environmental determinism is retarded, no matter the context.

The slightly less short version is that the book is an uncritical narrative that cherry picks facts to support his stupid "environmental determinism" arguments, while blatantly ignoring every single piece of relevant that doesn't fit neatly into his narrative. If you know nothing about anthropology, it all looks very neat, tidy, and convincing, but when you look closer, the book doesn't even amount to a half-truth.

It's already been ripped to shreds by actual anthropologists over the last decade, so if you want a longer version than that, just look up any of the hundreds of articles about it.

>Spider-Man is already on his way to be hated globablly

He always was hated, that was basically half of his status quo.

Well, that's good to know.

We're talking about MCU where he had no problem being well-liked

In addition to what the other user said, consider some examples. East vs. West Germany. North vs. South Korea. Cultural differences can have massive consequences in a single generation even if you start with the same geography and population.

>humans can gain powers from terrigen, but it kills them in a few days
weren't those depowered mutants and humans with inhuman genes and not regular humans?
although if we are talking about MCU then terrigen are harmless to humans

Aren't those examples more sociopolitical than cultural differences

Living under a psychopathic communist dictatorship tends to impact your culture.

Sounds like something a mutie would say.

I mean I agree with you that cultural differences are the biggest factor but for me Rhodesia and Zimbabwe is a better example
Now there's a site I haven't heard of in a long time.

>he actually thinks X-Men was always about racism and minorities
Is this why they always tell you to start reading with Claremont?

>weren't those depowered mutants and humans with inhuman genes and not regular humans?

Nope. I just checked. In 'Silent War' they were baseline humans. They gained powers, but they started dying within days.

Wasn't it, though? Didn't Stan liken Professor X and Magneto to MLK and Malcolm X (sic)?

I'm sorry but that old guy looks way too much like Leslie Nielsen for me to not do this.

Attached: Surely You can't be Nightcrawler.jpg (600x401, 117K)

Stan was taking credit for something Claremont did, and people believed it. Claremont started that in the 1980s, he wrote about 5 or 6 years of X-Men before he started doing that.

Silver Age Magneto was nothing like the character he became after Claremont made him a Holocaust survivor.


u get +1 :)


The problems wouldn't exactly the superhero mutants, but the whole concepts of a new race emerging, and unless you won the genetic lottery, no matter how good/rich/popular you are: There's a new generation of people in town who don't play by the old rules. In no time, you'll be obsolete and at their mercy. The perspective to be an underprivileged minority, is fucking frightening and there's basically nothing can do about (besides genocide).

Yes and Nope. They were meant to be in the same universe (crossovers started with X-Men#6), but back, then even the heroes weren't exactly adored.

There's just a big disconnect in Marvel's heroes actually becoming popular, while the X-men stayed feared and hated.

Silly OP. Muties aren't people.

Ano said early about race realism when the x-gene exists.
It's not really like a race. I mean, the x-gene can happen in any human "race" as we can see it from native Americans to slavs to Germanic to Africans and even abos, if anything, it makes the "we are all human" argument even better and you can follow it with the postHuman, or homosuperior shit naturally.
So imo, drop all the racial argument shit and focus on the natural hatred for anything different

How many people do you unironically think hate others for no other reason than "they're different"?
You know, that would unironically make for a great X-men story.
Have muties declare their superiority over humans and age war against them.
Have "heroes" constantly joining the mutie terrorists, only to come back, and act like nothing's wrong.
Have massive death and destruction when the X-gene randomly awakens in people.
Have entire cities get leveled when muties start fighting each other over the prettiest shit.
Have Jean and Emma constantly mindrape everyone in proximity to them.
Have Charles run interference with public relations spouting progressive bullshit how we're all the same, with burning wreckage and slaughter in the background.
End the issue with "They only hate us just because we're different."

If I was in charge of an X Men movie I swear I'd have Wolverine punch the lights out of Spider Man, little faggot
I would treat all the Avengers superheroes (except the FF) as big time assholes against the mutants


Oh hey I just read that issue a bit ago

The XMen aren’t just people with powers. That’s not all it takes for discrimination and it will still fit in the MCU. The XMen present a different genome in humans, something that people have called the next step in the evolutionary chain. Everyone else is just an outlier.

Have the worlds first experience with them be overwhelmingly negative and have a "hitler" figure to be the face of it. Magneto obviously.

It's hilarious that this is a real panel from a real X-Men comic.

...But that's practically EVERY X-Men story.

It's easy for the MCU. They just have to associate mutant powers being activated with the snap. Maybe only people who disappeared in the snap become mutants? But basically people had latent mutant DNA but it only became activated by the massive energy release of the snap. It would be very easy for conspiracy theorists like J. Jonah Jameson with his Infowars knockoff to claim these people were a fifth column, an alien bioweapon activated by Thanos or whatever. Religious people would get in on it too. Also if the skrull presence on earth gets unveiled as posing as major public figures, and if mutant DNA is the result of alien meddling, people would be extra distrustful.

And it's not even true.

No, it is sad that a panel like this could not be printed nowadays, because it was serious.

>his decision
Yeah, everyone. Remember how Morrison invented the Morlocks?

Yeah, hunting down muties and ghouls... makes you kinda wish for a nuclear winter

That's about the extent of my Xmen knowledge.