Ariel is soooooooo dumb

Ariel is soooooooo dumb.

>I’m gonna give up everything for a boy I didn’t even talk to once.
>imagine thinking an already awful character is getting ruined with the recent casting.

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Eric should have gone for Ursula. Her true form

Just like black girls orbit around crack gangstas.
Disney was 100% right.

Eric is almost as dumb too. Ariel and Eric deserve each other.

The Little Mermaid isn't a love story, it's about the purpose and passion of youth. Everyone in her life is trying to mold her into being one thing, but Ariel wants to find herself for herself, for her own sake. Bland-ass, personality-less Eric is a catalyst, but Ariel wanted to be more than the people in her life had chosen long before she ever met him.

Yeah, they Disney it up by making them get married, because love and sex without Jesus's official blessing is gross and evil, but ultimately it's not a story about love, it's a story about doing dumb shit to impress a boy/girl when you're young, and growing and learning from it.

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many have said the same thing about Romeo and Juliet.

her passion was humans. she gave up her voice to become an anthropologist, and her main goal was peace between the human and atlantean kingdoms. the hot husband was just a bonus

I don't like the movie purely because Ariel is too stupid.
That part that makes me seeth the hardest is when Ursula tells Ariel "oh yeah, people haven't held up their end of the bargin and I had to turn them into these things a few times" yet her cave is covered in them. Why didn't Ariel think something was up?

No one likes your black mermaid and she'll never be accepted except by tumblr types. It's just the truth.
We'll see who the real audience thinks, which will be the little girls who buy the merch. They're not going to be buying the black mermaid.

Gingers being race swapped. Ginger is an anagram of a certain word really makes you think.

because the story is about a father having to let go of his daughter in the disney version, but yes ariel is a dumb ass

Wasn't she killed in the original fairytale

Hans Christen Anderson's LM has her turning into a freaky air spirit that helps people to earn her eventual place in heaven. The message being more that to earn a "soul" and redemption you need to do genuinely altruistic deeds with no expectation of reward, which she does when she refuses to kill the prince despite thinking she'll just dissolve into sea foam as a result.

That kind of genuinely selfless, kindness pushing moral is rare today. The only really un-PC message today is being kind to others even if you get nothing in return.

not that uncommon though
>tfw I sacrificed a doctorate scholarship in burgerland just to be with my bf
>tfw He cheats on me and gets my youger sister pregnant

>because love and sex without Jesus's official blessing is gross and evil
This, but unironically.

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What did Ariel learn, though? Daddy and boyfriend both bailed her out and she ultimately got what she wanted.

that people should stick to their own kind

Superior Little Mermaid movie.

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Teenagers bro. They are dumb as absolute fuck.

In most mythologies with merfolk, they lack souls and try to get them through various means, many of them less than altruistic.

I was going to say I've seen this one, but the one I remember from my long-ago childhood the mermaid was topless with Godiva hair over her tits and she had a dolphin as a best friend, and on her way to the Sea Witch she and him had to face a giant squid and a worm-covered giant clam.

Andersen wanted to write a tale about christian morals, so no, she regrets not having a immortal soul like humans but shows she is a good candidate for God's mercy by exercising good christian morals and not killing the prince for material gain, becoming a spirit instead that helps children behave so she'll eventually gain a soul and go to God's Kingdom.

It's a story about being a good christian, not a romance at all. Disney made it about romance.


She's a teenager

They wanted to encourage rebellion against fathers at the time. They succeeded so now it's past even premarital sex and onto the LGBT.

What part of "she's a teenager" don't you understand? She's blossoming physically but still ruled by emotions and hormones.

She wanted revenge but loved him too much. Basically it's about the pain of unrequited love.

We'll pick better boyfriends next time.

Gotta love how he posted a pic of a guy singing about a shitty loveless romance...they keep trying to destroy the sanctity of marriage and ruin our ability to love and have relationships and eventually forgo having families.

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>'Part of Your World' will be a remake with distinct R&B vibe to it
>Ariel will be interested in the above world foremost, Eric secondmost, because god forbid a women protag ever has men on her mind, despite this literally being the central theme of both original animation and original fairy tale
>Triton will be a commentary on sexism and toxic masculinity
>Ursula will 100% be a tragic villain, not just the scumbag she was in the animated fil
>It will be Ariel who kills her in the final fight
>It will likely end with Ariel being made the queen and ruler of Atlantis, and not sacrifice her royal birthright for her prince, because again sacrifice is forbidden, but yass queen, WoC, female empowerment

but who will be gay?

Still not as dumb as Aladin.

>Triton will have banished Ursula for being a strong independent octowoman and not an evil witch
>Scuttle will be intelligent and not a dope.

Sebastian and/or maybe the Prince's Manservant

you're deluding yourself if you think they didn't premaritally fuck

>>Ariel will be interested in the above world foremost, Eric secondmost
didn't you watch the movie? part of your world ring any bells?
>>It will be Ariel who kills her in the final fight
that was going to be in the original film. they changed it to give eric something to do since he's basically just a seatwarmer
>>It will likely end with Ariel being made the queen and ruler of Atlantis, and not sacrifice her royal birthright for her prince, because again sacrifice is forbidden, but yass queen, WoC, female empowerment
whats wrong with that faggot? can't handle mommy ariel?

>implying sebastian wasn't gay

will Ariel have a sassy female sidekick too?

she has like 6 sisters, so duh

The story kind of loses the point when it's turned into a family friendly cute romance story. Just like with Romeo & Juliet, its purpose is to show that teenagers are stupid and often do irrational things because of their hormones and then everyone suffers.