Did anyone even like him?

Did anyone even like him?
He was kind of a Mary Sue.
His sister was a much more believable character, and far more in line with how a child would act.

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Why does he have a clown nose?

Right? Did not care about this guy at all, kept on hoping he would die

t. mabel

Soos did. Grunkle Stan did his best for Dipper, Wendy in a "not going to give you anything but I'll be your friend" type did

>Everyone likes Mabel instead
Is this post bait

>He was kind of a Mary Sue.
He had no friends outside of his family
sacrificed everything for his shitcunt of a sister
ultimately had nothing to do with defeating Bill

>not going to give you anything but I'll be your friend"
That was the worst.


>Mary Sue
Instant proof you don't know what you're talking about and your opinion should be disregarded.

Mabel’s great. She’s an actual example of a childhood character who ACTS like a child. She doesn’t have the moral compass and opinions of an adult despite it being such a common trope.
For that alone, she’s far better than 99% of characters in Yea Forums media.

I get what your saying but, when I was a kid if you acted like Mabel. You got your shit slapped

>I'm annoyed the 12-year-old didn't get laid

Girls loved him. Guys loved to self insert as him.

What else could she do?

This presumes all children act the same and that Mabel's behavior is the only realistic behavior for a child. Dipper didn't seem especially non-childlike, just more mature than Mabel. And even then he still had moments of immaturity, he just wasn't as impulsive as his sister.

mabel was a cunt that was only slightly redeemed in the comics after everyone pointed out to hirsch what a fucking cunt mabel was


He’s Jewish.

>Dipper more of a Mary Sue than Mabel "I'VE LEARNED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL THIS SUMMER" Pines
Kys mabelfag

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He was fine, but I'll say it: mostly guys here just self-insert into him to fuck their shitty non-canon waifu big titty Pacifica while fangirls elsewhere self-insert as him to fuck their shitty non-canon husbando human form twink Bill. Outside of the weird as shit fetish online fandom types he was just pretty generic I guess.

I agree. Maple I hated at first since it was “smart boy, dumb sister” trope.

such a generic cookie cutter protag

Real children are boring to watch.

better than the "smart girl, dumb brother" trope tbqhwyf

Plenty of shows have done the "kids with a weak moral compass" schtick way better. 2 obvious examples off the top of my head are PPG and Adventure Time.

And honestly Mabel acted that way less because it's childlike and more because it's easy to write jokes for characters who act like that. She was a gag vehicle first & foremost.

I acted like Dipper as a kid though.

They’re both awful really. Just make both of believable intelligence.

He was the plain vanilla "relatable straight man" MC, nothing new there.

The character writing wasn't exactly a high priority in GF. I mean Stan and Soos are following the safe old formula of Krabs and Patrick esque characters, right down to Soos having similar proportions and stubby legs like Patrick.

>Mary Sue
He's a fucking beta, got the shit out beaten in more of one occation and he didn't get the girl, what the actual fuck are you talking about?

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And yet kids do it anyway

I thought Stan had some meat on him and a pretty well-done arc but he was really the only character who did. That was OK though, mostly this show was just a comedy with kiddie "spooky" touches and that's okay. It didn't need DEEP characters or brilliant lore.

Stan turned to shit once Ford showed up

Botched series really, they needed another season or two to make Ford (and everyone else really) work.

Girls loved to self insert as him in their Bipper fanfiction

It did have a coherent overall plot at least.

Ford was never gonna work as a real character. He was the mystery, and once solved the show lost its direction

Reminder that Dipper and Mabel cannot sleep unless they sleep with eachother. Is that normal? How much later in life will they be this way? Let's not think about that because it's only cute/sexy when they are kids

Mabel is an obnoxious piece of garbage and the show would be ten thousand times better without her.
>b-b-but it's realistic
I'd take enjoyable and non-grating over "realistic" thank you.

>His sister was a much more believable character, and far more in line with how a child would act.
They were on the cusp of being thirteen. Mabel acted like a six-year-old. A hormonal six-year-old.

Dipper and his creepy obsession with his gay Grunkle Ford plus the shitty way he treated Candy when she revealed her crush... he deserved to die forever alone cucked by the fat preacher kid.
Mabel was the thinking man's twin.

I was this kind of kid because my older cousins and my brother treated me like shit whenever I acted my age
fuck you

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>it's only sexy when they are kids

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he literally has 0 friends and always sacrificed his dreams for his sister, if anything Mabel is the Mary Sue

I knew I had to break up when my ex thought Mabel was right in the end and almost cried because she thought Dipper was going to stay with Ford

It's the self inserters who wish they were Dipper

>Wanting to be the character who's everyone's bitch and lets his shit-ass sister dictate his entire life

There are those who wanted to take the edge off Dipper by fuck his cute little butt until he fires his first sweet and salty cum. Don’t forget us. We haven’t forgotten you.

I wish Alex someday happens upon posts like this, Dipper and Mabel were aparently based off of him and his sister.

Was he trying to tell us that his sister is an annoying retard all along?

>now you know how she feels creep
Fuck this scene always cracks me up.

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>imagine making a post this bad
Mabel was intolerable for most of the show, dipper had his bad moments but atleast he got comeuppance for it

The whole not acting like an actual kid thing was pretty annoying, but for the most part I just found his character boring and irrelevant. His whole personal journey was about solving the mysteries of the town, but in the end he figured out virtually nothing by himself and spent the rest of the time being spoofed all the big answers by Stan and Ford.

His main story was over by the time AToTS came to a close and it left him with no where to really go in terms of personal struggle. From then on the story was driven by the ambition of other characters, while Dipper just kind of felt tacked on.

I guess he still worked well enough as a straight man to the more fun characters though.

It was funny, but comparing an age gap of three years (two by the end of the series) to one of seven was a little hyperbolic. But puberty’s a whole new world so maybe she would view him as just as much of a toddler.

gary stu