Was this an accurate representation of how Spider-Man would've reacted to 9/11?
Spider-Man: Far From Logan International
Spidey? Yes
The Superhero community? Yeah
Villains? Not in a million years
could he have stopped it?
Barely. In continuity, Peter just got beaten badly the night before,
out of continuity, Peter would fight his hardest and save many people, but the plane would still hit something. And 2 planes were hijacked in other cities . Now the Avengers on the other hand...
Is it just me or is making 9/11 into a comic really tasteless?
20 minutes between impacts? Someone in the Marvel universe should have stopped the second plane. Even the NYPD and FD were on scene before the second plane hit
Yeah but it just happened so it seems like they felt they had to do something. The DC stuff was pretty great though, I’ve always been ambivilent about this issue, if not for the doom thing it would be fine, Fisk would’ve made more sense
Never Forget, anons.
Lets play a game, lets list off all the organizations or heroes who 100% would have known 9/11 was going to happen, or who could have stopped it one by one.
I'll start
>Professor X
Which hero would most likely intercept the second plane? Could Flight 93 also be saved?
Shield would 100% have had to known it was going to happen
A bunch of Psychics
Tony Stark could have unironically stopped the second, third, and fourth planes from hitting.
Theres no way in hell, he didn't know about it
Avengers would have clocked on what the president was planning
>9/11 being a big deal in a world where buildings get blown up or taken down every other week by superpowered retards
Tony Stark probably got drunk, fucked some chick and forgot to stop it.
Some of the Avengers at the time could have stopped it solo. Working as a team it would have been a cakewalk.
Thor, Warbird, Iron Man, Vision and even Justice could have knocked it off course or stopped it outright.
Nick Fury, Professor X, Vision, Magneto, Wanda, Quicksilver, Reed Richards, and Sue Storm all could have done something to stop the second plane.
Maybe that's why Doctor Doom was pissed. A bunch of jihadis did a shitload of damage with 3 planes without being stopped by a single superhero.
Whats there to remember? I was 1 year old when it happen. This is the equivalent of 20 year olds born in 1940 feeling nothing for the Pearl Harbor survivors
>Doctor Doom is pissed because 4 towel heads did what he's been trying to do for YEARS
Also, why didnt this event play into Civil War? Like, 500 kids dying because of super hero shenanigans means nothing, but 3000 people dying and not a SINGLE super hero even lifted a finger to try and stop it despite the fact that theres some OP mother fuckers in the Marvel universe would definitely cause a stir
The general rule of thumb is because super-heroes correct super-crime, which means their timeline is ultimately (more or less) the same as ours.
Also, there are teens enlisting in the military to fight in Afghanistan that weren't even born on 9/11, so there's that.
>"Hey Doom, looks like you're having a little trouble with your plots there. You need any help from an expert?"
He could have but his obligations to Stark Industrial's business interests stopped him.
>9/11 happens
>GWB wants Afghanistan and Iraq
>Stark Industries stock goes through the roof
Shit, that's a savvy business move Mr. Stark. How do you think Cap would feel about that?
Angry at first then blackpilled after Stark tells him the truth about Pearl Harbor.
...what's the truth of Pearl Harbor, user?
Howard Stark suggested cutting off oil to Japan before WWII
>Was this an accurate representation of how Spider-Man would've reacted to 9/11?
No, nobody gives a shit about mass casualty events in Marvel.
You have to keep in mind that this was RIGHT FUCKING AFTERWARD in the "how do we make sense of this" period of pop culture. Everyone felt they had to say something but nobody knew what to say. A bunch of hamfisted bullshit came out for years from people that were just trying to process shit and hopefully bring readers/viewers/listeners along for the ride.
Tastelessness didn't really set in until the mid 2000s when it started getting referenced as an emotional ploy.
disgusting propoganda
People are starting to get bored of 9/11, at this point a decade has passed, it's no longer a "recent" event that has happened.
It's definitely gotten more hamfisted into american culture as people reference it in media and Walmart makes fucking soda twin tower sculptures
>at this point a decade has passed
Homie, what year do you think it is?
I shall never be bored of the Subtember 11 promotion
Yeah, pretty sure New York gets destroyed way worse on a monthly basis.
technically he's not wrong
And there it is
Wait, what does blackpilled mean? I know about redpilled and bluepilled, but idk anything about blackpilled.
> That was actually made by someone
Saying "a decade" is a specific amount of time. Saying "more than a decade" would be technically correct. Saying specifically "a decade" is the literal definition of "technically incorrect".