and why's it never been rebooted?
What went wrong?
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Is janny having a sick day? Usually he deletes SK threads pretty swiftly.
Why? Its a cartoon
Why do the two on the left have fur but the one on the right doesn't?
She has fur, its just not shaggy.
its like a long hair vs. a short hair.
But she does have long hair.
That aside, I think fur on their faces are more like an allegory to beards.
Seriously though, why'd it die and why won't it come back? It was like a western anime, had decent characters and a nice set of villains with unique traits that set them apart from each other.
Ted Turner shut it down, despite it being the most popular cartoon on cable at the time. I think it was shortly after his Hanna Barbara acquisition.
The Tremblays themselves are kind of idiots, who make garbage. Swat Kats just so happened to be the only thing they ever did that somewhat resembled quality. And even it was behind the times, and often resembled an old 80s product cartoon. The kickstarted reboot they are purportedly still shipping around was pretty edgy looking. It wouldn't be too surprising to learn it was just as out of date and tone deaf as everything else they make.
They were the ones responsible for Mega Babies and Loonatics. Most of their stuff, you've likely never heard of. Most of the rest looks like the same X-treme garbage you'd find in the early 90s:
The Swat Kats IP would probably be best put in the hands of other creative directors.
>callie brigs twerks in glorious 2d.
>Ted Turner shut it down, despite it being the most popular cartoon on cable at the time. I think it was shortly after his Hanna Barbara acquisition.
It was a lower level executive who made that call based on the expense of the show; the Tremblays themselves said that Ted was supportive of them but didn't meddle in the decisions his people made.
Tremblay's still trying to get SWAT Kats Revolution greenlit, right?
Didn't they have Warners Animation on board just for Cartoon Network to say no?
They raised $140,000 dollars to make a pitch bible and some scripts. They probably pocketed over half of that. People got fleeced. Hard.
considering all the literal trash that netflex, amazon, etc pick up I don't understand why they are having any trouble at all, irregardless of the kickstarter pilot that was never delivered.
Do they fully own the IP or is some other entity involved that is slowing things down?
Ultimately, now and before, Swat Kats is a show that requires an anime animation studio.
Which is more expensive than other shows on TV if you are not selling toys of it.
And toy companies are probably not going to take a risk by financing a cartoon when Cartoon Shows have a small-to-who-knows-streaming-numbers ratings.
Like, Mattel itself is just about to go bankrupt.
Look at the other shows it was competing with at the time. Now look at the time slots it was allotted on which channels.
it would be rebooted as SWAT C€cks
God I'm glad that spyro cartoon never saw the light of day
I liked SWAT cats back in the day. Was one of my favorite cartoons I was exposed to as a kid. Almost turned me into a furry.
Dr Sinian was cuter
Dr. Sinian is for hug and snugg.
don't be fooled, this is a capeshit board user you can't discuss actual cartoons on /co, half of them are banned
>half of the postable content is banned
Where do you think you are, Yea Forums?
Its less a capeshit board and more a waifufag board, if they wanna stroke it to cartoon chicks they need to take that shit to /aco/
isn't a revival supposed to be planned?
I remember all of those pussycat's were capable and Sexys
Wrong pic
I'm gonna enjoy my ban
I would rather they bring back Swat Kats and Rescue Rangers than all those shitty Shera's and Care Bears. I guess SJW's already took over entire cartoon industry and they hate any attractive furry character in any show.
It's furfaggotry and does not belong here.
It was a kickstarter, of course they got fleeced.
I miss GFD so damn much.
i have no idea what you talk about
How do you go from making Swat Kats to creating Mega Babies?
This is just tragic.
Character with global appeal
That was one of the finest pics that artist did.
Head trauma.
what if you made more cartoon threads??!?
this will always be my head canon
Thats why the only kickstarters that I've supported have been for webcomics that I like that are printing a book. They already have the product made, they just needed a certain number of orders to take to the printer.
Screw that mindset. Just make it for Toonami as a mature animal story
Being released from a major animation studio and forced to go to a c-list company and do cartoons that appeal to the L.C.D.
You can’t call every show with anthro protagonists “furfaggotry”.
Just need to come up with a derogatory term for a show with no anthro protagonists.
Boring human drama
Needs to have "fag" in there somewhere. Immediately lets them knows its derogatory, dismissive, and condescending all in one word.
Motherfucker this is the kind of stupid mentality that started the Caturday pissing contest between mods and drawfags
It's not officially summer until some kid can't see the difference between an anthro cartoon and furfaggotry. They even say this about the Looney Tunes for fuck's sake.
>a 10 years long summer
Scooby doo has a talking dog. Furfaggotry, better go start deleting threads!
Make that 11 years
Humanfag drama it is then
It is done, the pact is sealed. You will receive a package in the mail shortly with more instructions.
Despite a large number of cartoons having furry characters the moderation of furry content is still stuck in the early 00s when "yiff in hell" was the favorite phrase of anons and the sentiment was enforced by mods. So a lot of legitimate cartoons are flat out deleted on sight and that's why a cartoon only board would never survive.