This Movie made a Billion because it remained true to the characters especially skin Color why does Disney think the...

This Movie made a Billion because it remained true to the characters especially skin Color why does Disney think the same will happen by Blackwashing Little Mermaid I do not know

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People want to see the same shit they saw in the animation.

That's literally the point of these cashgrab movies

Yeah don’t get it. Not to mention a lot Disney princesses are diverse. We Arabic, Chinese, Black, Native American, and a Gypsy. Why don’t they make a Hunchback or Princess and the Frog movie if they want diversity?

TLM is dump anyways, and Ariel is a shitty character.

Ah yes. The folk who know how to make a billion when it comes to marketing are always on Yea Forums on Saturday night.

That movie didn't make billions just because it stayed to the original, it made billions also because of Emma Watson being casted as Belle, eversince her role in Harry Potter, a lot of people then actually wanted her to be cast as Belle since the two doesn't look that far different from each other.

>Everyone sick of Disney's half-hearted live action bullshit that purely exists to get free money to hold onto their copyrights
>Aladdin sucked and Lion King looks terrible
>Interest declining
>Make Ariel black
>Get tons of free publicity and views from people who wouldn't watch it otherwise
Parents will still take their kids to it. The number of people outraged that Disney made a modification to their own retarded copyright is outweighed by people who will give it money just to promote a black star. Every retarded adult faggot making a stink over it on twitter was never going to watch it anyway or was going to pirate it if they were.

This. Imagine actually caring about Ariel enough to get mad over this lmao.

Its a Disney movie banking on nostalgia.
The little mermaid will have that plus money from the black community. Thats why Black Panther made bank.

>Every retarded adult faggot making a stink over it on twitter was never going to watch it anyway or was going to pirate it if they were.
There’s a fair amount of people who purchase movies they hate on repeat , which is also a problem

Nah, it wont even make it to 500 mil. Plenty of Chinese are upset about Ariel as well. They are bigger than america.

But Wrinkle in time didnt. Not even with Oprahs presence. So theres a chance it can Bomb.

>It won't because I say so
Yes I'm sure the top level Disney wageslaves who know their markets and potential profit ratios are surely schooled by your expert knowledge. It doesn't deserve to break 30 million because it'll be a soulless copy just to renew a copyright, not because muh black lead

and all they could respond is that race isn't that important in TLM unlike to those mentioned but then if that were the case then they shouldnt have bothered changing the race and stick to the original if it were'nt that important.
They try to justify that race isnt that important yet they cant justify why they have to change it as if there were something wrong with the original.

Wrinkle in time isn't really comparable. The only person I knew who ever knew or even gave a shit about that book was my mother who's now approaching 50. Ariel is much more recent and well-known.

>it wont even make it to 500 mil.
Yes, user. It will surely flop just as hard as Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Aladdin, and every other Mouse Movie that you Yea Forumsntrarian faggots were sure would be the one to fail because reasons.

They didn't have to change it. They chose to. They got a big star to do it who is probably doing it for cheaper than Watson. Race doesn't matter for The Little Mermaid because the story has nothing to do with her race, unlike say, Mulan where it's literally all about China.

I barely saw marketing for Wrinkle in time. And it wasnt billed as a "black" family film. It was multiple casted.
Again the little mermaid is banking on a property that ppl already know with the added blackness of the lead and setting.
Ppl know the little mermaid, no one knew wrinkle in time.

>especially skin Color

Yet no matter what, you WILL pretend that this is somehow not a racist statement when called on it. Why the fuck is that?

>I'm not racist or anything, I just think niggers should not be in movies at all. Even ones that I am definitely not going to bother watching

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Black people should be pissed the most at the most. It’s a white girl story handed down to a black actresses and treated as diversity. Shameful.!

But fish people aren't white or black user

Black people are pretty pleased with how all the racist white people are coming out of the woodwork to bitch and moan about a movie they were never going to see in the first place.

Are you going to try to make disney great again?

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This is not good. Even a famous black youtuber pointed out it’s a mockery to get the sloppy seconds of a story. They should create real black princesses stories.

why not make the little merman? why can't there be Disney Princes for a change?

Make it the Little Black Merman and change nothing else to really make it a Blockbuster

Its a story about a fish who gives her voice up for the d only to die in the end.

yeah but the ones who are in America are the ones with neither actual culture nor care enough to their African roots so anything handed to them makes their little minds happy because if they actually do then they would've produced an original or at least something like the Princess and the Frog where everything was changed.

Disney is making a Prince Charming movie. Although we don’t know if it’s the one from Cinderella or the one form Snow White since they were both Prince Charming

Get out of here disney shill

Who the fuck cares what some preaching asshole on youtube thinks. Pissing off legions of white people until it drives them stupid is a win in of itself

No it isn’t. It also based on hatred and anger which isn’t any better.

The Wiz would a word. Non white ppl have been doing this for years. Taking a story thats "traditional" white and adding their own flair and it turning out on par if not better than the original.
Im more interested in who is writing this. Because PatF was good on the research but could have did more. Plus the story is taking place in the Caribbean.

but they could have a movie about Tom Holland playing a little merman and Robert Downey Jr. as King Neptune.

Just these two hugging each other while being in their shirtless merman forms would make the movie go past the 1 Billion mark.

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A black little merman falling in love with a white prince for mocha lovin would have made far more money long-term

Or you can have Tom Holland falling in love with a powerful African prince of an advanced African Kingdom.

>Plus the story is taking place in the Caribbean.

Source? Because I’ve lost all interest if it’s a black Eric. WMBW is so yummy.

They'll likely make money anyway and it's got a built in defence.

Film is a flop? It's those damn alt-right White Supremacist Russian trolls!

Its gonna be a racial ambiguous Eric like PatF.
I think its a rumor but it makes sense to have a clear cultural background like that which is centered on black island life.

So it’s all just bullshit coming from you and no real source. Good to know.

>The Amazing Lucas
That coon?
He does not represent Black America.

>Disney already lost the Chinese market

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The chinese will literally do whatever americans want them to do. Americans wanted them to hate blacks? They did it. Now they're just in the transition phase until they accept it. Chinese faggots consume American culture hand over fist.

Ah China. Both America's greatest threat and also the key to the American economy

>yes because china was the reason BP made it 1bil