We post the best black girls. Talia is best girl.
Best black girls
I love Bumblebee.
How many times do I have to tell you guys... the W.I.T.C.H. girls win in every category. Period.
She's brown, user.
Black people have dark skin. Brown people are terrorists from middle-east. Learn your definitions and stop marginalizing colored people you shitlord.
I don't really judge by skin-
>Blue hair
Fuck you op, how dare you abuse my weakness like this. Best girl, full support.
Black people are generally understood to be people of African descent. Most if not all official descriptions of race that use the term "black" abide by this definition.
Brown is an all-encompassing term for people with brown skin.
I suppose it's possible it's a case of people using different dictionaries, but I've never encountered a situation where this wasn't understood to be the case.
>Brown people are terrorists from middle-east
>Learn your definitions and stop marginalizing colored people you shitlord
>all of these "hurr durr black girls" threads
>still one of the least desirable dating groups
why are you faggots jerking off to brown anime characters instead of going after real africian queens
>getting real girls to date me
>tfw met a qt foreign African student in college
>exchange numbers and sit next to each other and partner up all the time
>fuck it all up by being too nervous to chat casually and never bothering to text her after the course ended
I would rather find an average black nerdy girl, I never know what to say around pretty normie chicks.
Natalia from Michiko to Hatchin, but she’s a very minor character. There are other great girls though
In animation brown characters can be negroes, terrorists or illegal immigrants; problem is writers never tell us what they're supposed to be.
I guess they want to cover all bases at once.
can't argue with this
>never tell us what they're supposed to be
That happens occasionally, but it's usually really not as ambiguous as you're making it out to be
s'why it's called ambiguous brown
I don't know why you guys keep thinking that Yea Forums let alone Summer Yea Forums in the morning is mature enough to have this discussion.
It's just a thinly-veiled excuse for a cheesecake thread.
Both of the twins are pretty good.
>that smug look
She looks like such a self-confident bitch.
Fuck that shit, girls should be modest and somewhat insecure.
I feel your pain
And god, I just wanna toss Tiana on a bed and massage the soreness out of her body and cuddle the fuck out of her
Where is this from? I know she's from the d&d cartoon.
I think it is from a porn comic made by Fred Perry
yup, that's Diana the Acrobat.
I believe the artist for that comic is Fred Perry
>dat hair
>Forgetting Nubia
This kind of thread belongs on some other imageboard. Yea Forums hates ALL black people and wants to see them all exterminated.
Yea Forums, like many boards on this site, is rife with posters with conflicting views on everything who love to sperg and argue.
Chocolate appreciation threads aren't anything new to this board.
>Chocolate appreciation threads aren't anything new to this board.
They aren't anything new to this site and contrary to "popular" belief. A lot of us have no issue admitting that we find black women attractive.
I'm biased though because I'm a black guy.
>Yea Forums hates ALL black people and wants to see them all exterminated.
yet i might a blackgirl thread on black history month and no one was cryin about it
oh shit, wazzup my nigga
Apart from /pol/ tards
>rife with posters with conflicting views on everything who love to sperg and argue
Except when it comes to blacks, Jews, women, Latinos, LGBTs, etc. They're ALL hated and Yea Forums wants to kill them all.
DCAU Amanda Waller also does things to me. Guess I like a woman who gets shit done.
99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of Yea Forums is /pol/.
So what's the least /pol/ thread?
It's from that cancerous Wasp title with Nadia and her Mary Sue LGBT "GRRL POWAH" science crew
Sup bro.
I love Max!
There is none. It's all /pol/ all the time now. You just have to accept it and keep your head low.
This meme is exactly why /pol/ thinks it runs the site. It's not true but they'll gaslight everyone into believing it is.
smug Talia is best Talia
It may seem like that at times, which as far as I can tell is due to
1. /pol/ is actually one of, if not the most active board on this site. I think it was determined it gets more posters than even Yea Forums, so unfortunately it’s common for a lot of posters on other boards to also frequent /pol/.
2. There’s a lot of shoehorned diversity in media lately, and often times Yea Forums‘s first reflex is to respond with backlash when these characters get posted, regardless of whether or not any complaint is justified.
People who are more rational do post here, even if they get drowned out or if they only turn up in cheesecake threads
confident girls make my dick hard.
Pity most of them turn confidence into bitchy attitude.
Ahsoka Tano, maybe not really black, but she has lips which might be more common in black women, also tanny skin.
If you simply wanted to post Orange Buttcheecks, you only had to tell.
best looking black girl i've ever seen
Hey that 70s Storm isn’t accurate.
You were saying?
a good filename? on my Yea Forums?
>girls should be modest and somewhat insecure.
that ruins the fun of breaking their confidence with my cock doesn't it?
The secret is trying, you only win if you keep trying and acknowledging what works and doesn't.
This. Also don't be that guy who only wants them for their skin color.
cute feet
I like her but I prefer her mother
Comic version is better. They're more willing to show of her cute feet.
is she black?
delicious chocolate toes
No my fault there is barely any black girl living close to me
I love Lolirock
Was she the one who has that strong african bodybuilder of a cousin who got akumaztized to an anasai based spider? If so yes.
why the male sadida are so disgusting wtf
>Comic version is better.
Said no sane W.I.T.C.H. fan, in any context.
You did watch episodes I and N, right?
I miss Lolirock
>*MMA fighter
And yes
>>still one of the least desirable dating groups
You do realize that's compared to other women only - and that that still means they're almost infinitely more desirable than the vast majority of men, right?
If guys could get dates just by lowering their standards as you're implying, Yea Forums literally wouldn't exist.
Personally, my ranking goes
...but they're still head and shoulders over other gals.
I could have swore it was cousin because she already had the younger twins as sisters.
for me it's a tie between Talia and Carissa, I get why no one cares about lyna but Carissa is pretty cute with the whole warrior princess vibe
cute pits
Black men go for small weak white boys all the time over black girls.
You've made me sad...
Yes. But when they stay confident without becoming arrogant it truly its the best thing ever.
Did this cause any rage, or is Cat Grant too minor of a character for anyone to care about race-changing?
Or does the fact that they made her so much more attractive also help?
>that bod
>those smarts
>dem bare shoulders
No Aisha from Winx? Really?
It made me very angry. Angry that she isn't real.
Smuk make ya SEETHE?