Why is captain america so racist?

>We don't trade lives
>Proceeds to send thousands of wakandans to almost certain death in battle to avoid vision having to willingly sacrifice himself

So does cap not think Wakandan's count as a "Life"? because that's the only way to rationalize his statement.

Attached: captaimerica.jpg (1400x700, 128K)

Because America is racist.

it's a don't give in to terrorists thing

This is a good troll but if done right they could have escaped the battle of Wakanda with zero casualties. As opposed to someone just saying, "lol if I kill myself we win!"

Weird bait but ok

He’s from a different time

Done right means "Don't bring down your super shield and remember to position a couple squads at your rear like a grade school level commander would know to do so you don't HAVE to bring down your shield"


They literally explained why they did that you mouth breather

They explained they brought down the shield because otherwise the enemy was going to run around and flank them.

The problem is that any Military commander will know to plan out ahead of time contingencies for flanking since it's going to be the enemy's first response to an entrenched position (like they had set up)

They didn't know if the enemy would even be able to get through the barrier at all, until Thanos troops showed they had no issues with Zerg rushing it with massive casualties. They adapted pretty well, what do you think they should have done? Especially with their limited prep time.

We own your house

The Russos have never been able to write dude. Scarlet is also racist for trading all those lives for her fake boyfriend

Why would Wakandian know anything about military tactics? The Wakandians are a bunch of dumbasses that stationed all their force in the front line and no backup covering their rear.

Yeah. I don't know why Cap made the call to bring the shields down. Oh, that was Black Panther. Oh, then what you've said is worthless.


assuming your enemy is attacking a position they have no plan to deal with is the height of arrogance and stupidity-- if an enemy is attacking an entrenched position you assume they have a plan to deal with it ALWAYS.
Thinking "LOL, they can't beat this!" is the kind of thinking that leads to things like the Germans circumventing the maginot line.

This is a race of aliens with tech prowess greater than humanity, and they expect they're attacking a force field that they don't know how to deal with?

What were they supposed to do? Especially considering they have to fight basically as soon as the team shows up, maybe an hour or two at most to prepare

Put a couple token units at the back?

it didn't take anything to maintain a killing field at the shields since the things sliced themselves in half 50% of the time and plopped out onto the ground splayed out when they did, meaning you only had to have a fraction of that force there to mop up anyone getting through.

Spread your forces around a little better, these things were getting one shotted by a bog standard military rifle by Bucky, they're not that tough. (which begs the question how they could squeeze through when a virtual orbital strike by that ship hitting it did nothing if they're only as tough as a normal human)

They still had guys in the back, Corvus killed a few on his way to vision. The point was they didn't want to get completely surrounded and chose to distract the main force with a head on battle using the force field to control flow of enemies.

I don't disagree with you on the force field, though you could argue that it was just weaker to continuous physical pressure than it was to bursts of energy.

He is from the 1930s after all.

>Getting into hand to hand combat with super jacked alien mutants when you could have just set up multiple kill zones using heavy artillery and your giant shield
If you ask me the Wakandans deserved to die

At least Cap should have forseen that.

Don't you know user? Guns and anything but spears are the dishonerable lies of the white man.

You need to behave like your ancestors did thousands of years ago or you're a race traitor.

>what do you think they should have done?
Use ranged weapons.

Captain America is worth more to the war effort than a few thousand generic soldiers. Everyone understood this before the fight even started.
dats rite

Why didn't the Wakandans just use their uncontested air supremacy and highly touted tank-killing laser spears to kill the rabid alien dogs from afar instead of charging into melee and discarding those advantages?