Post YFW MCU Spidey's films in college end up being better than the Raimi Films

>Post YFW MCU Spidey's films in college end up being better than the Raimi Films

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Iron Boy Jr sucks

Will he be allowed to go to school or college after being framed for terrorism and a murder?
Anyways, school trilogy, college trilogy and adult trilogy sounds good

I just hope to god the college trilogy gets a new set of writers

I can’t wait for more Spider-Man villains changed to be Iron Man villains.

I am so excited for Norman Osborn to be a disgruntled Stark Employee.!

I am glad Disney is killing everything that makes Spider-Man Spider-Man and making him MCU-Fied.

>Implying that Holland’s gonna grow like 7 inches

He'll widen and put a man voice on


Doubtful. I don't mind anymore. Iron Man is only a symptom. The problem is that Sony and/or Marvel wants Spider-Man to integrate into the Avengers world when he operates the best without outside influences. I really hope they introduce Gwen or real MJ.

>Norman Osborn as a disgruntled Stark Employee

Nah he's probably a business competitor in the weapons department who fucking loves Stark for moving away from Weapons. I just hope we get to see him at the Bern 1999 party, I don't know but I just love the idea that a bunch of the movers and shakers of the MCU world were there.

How can the core concept of Spider-Man even work now that everyone knows Iron Boy is Twinkie Ass Peter Parker?

>I really hope they introduce Gwen or real MJ
They won’t. Enjoy Iron Boy dating Zendaya.

you say that like it's hard to do

Homecoming and Far From Home are already way ahead of those pieces of shit

>Iron Man is a such an huge asshole that people hate him irl as well

Spider-man being a known quantity kind of increases the chances of a new Spider-person I'd think. Peter retires into anonymity (I mean he's already participated in saving the world once, add in Mysterio, a bunch of local crimes like Toomes and he's had a rather decent hero career (compare this to Tony were his first 2 villains were explicitly targeting him and Avengers 2 was his fault as well.

How long until some user tries to go after Holland
while he's on set and blames Tony Stark

holland is already 22? he's not growing lol

he's gonna be 5'6" forever
casting spider-man to be shorter than Iron Man is really a shame

5'8 and they can do some movie magic

yeah they did make him appear the same height as zendaya on the carnival bridge, and she's 5'11"

>Movies so bad they had to take Jonah from Raimi's movies