Ballmasterz Season 2 Confirmed

We're coming home, lads

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Other urls found in this thread:!XuQnVKxZ!Hy9XNWkmucfRS-mmgyHDtw

>season 2 never ever
well whos laughing now fags

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Ace looks a lot like Mako in that pic.


>Tigtone renewed too
Holy shit, AS is based

I was thinking the kid from Shaman King. Also a sidekick with a bowl cut.


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What the hell is ballmasters.

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Is Tigtone any good? Never heard of it before.ove Ballmastrz though.

What’s Ballzmasters about, who’s the green haired chick?


The greatest thing you'll ever see if you actually look it up.

the green haired chick is part of the main cast. she dotes over ace (the little kid) and has violent moodswings.

Spiritual Superjail successor about S P O R T S in the wacky post-post-apocalypse. Go watch it.

Post-apocalyptic show by the creator of Superjail about a sport that has replaced war. The main team are a bunch of losers and this disgraced washed up former star player Gaz Digzy joins them. The boy in the pic is Ace Ambling, he is a naive idealistic type and he ends up discovering that he has the power to join with his team's ball, Baby Ball (the balls are alive in the sport) to form a powerful being called a ballmaster. The girl in the pic is Dee Dee, she's sort of bipolar and goes from loving and sweet to angry psycho in an instant. The characters are likeable, it's less violent than Superjail (people still die but usually come back to life moments later), and takes a lot of inspiration from anime. Animation style goes from barely animated to intensely amazing animation during action sequences. It's a lot of fun.

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Watched for the action scenes, stayed for Ace

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I have no memes. I have no words. I'm just happy because I loved this show.

B-ace-d Aceposter

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realtalk the biker episode was probably the worst of the season

Fantastic news.

yeah but Leto dressing up was pretty cool

I hope we get a beach episode

>gaz's flabby body forced into a bikini

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>More Umbilicus intros

Fuck yeah.

I hope we get Bob and Lulu centric episodes.

I fucking told you motherfucker countless times that there was gonna be a season 2 but none of you believed me. Now, who has egg on their face?

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This, though moreso Lulu. Unless they do something super out of left field with Bobbo.


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Finally more UMBILICUS!!!!!

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do we know for sure? we got faked out before

are there scenes of sexual nature involving that pretty shroom boyo?

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Not really sure how to phrase this, but I'm hoping for less Superjail style "XD lul random" and more... sincerity?
I dunno, the absurdity of the humor shines more when BALLMASTERZ is taken seriously, or when Crayzar shows up to drop some deepest lore.

He gets a boner from a rival team full of princesses

I think I read somewhere Dana Snyder saying they finished/working on season 2

those little sluts think I can't catch 'em huh?

>we get to see more of Gaz's delicious gut
There is a God, and He is good.

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We are. At the fun antics to come with season 2. We are laughing together.

titmouse tweeted about it

I hope they don't overdo the lore too much. I just want them to sprinkle a little bit of it throughout the season, like season 1.

pic unrelated, it's the only image i have on my computer right now

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ace turned me into a shotacon

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Ace a good lad

Can someone add a cock shadow to this image? Thanks.

Any news on Joe Pera's show or is it just forever forgotten?

I thought we already knew this

Could have sworn I already had the entire season but I couldn't find it on my computer.
Had to go archive hunting.

>Always the same fucking joke
And it always works on me

>0 results
anyone got a link?
I've seen only the first two eps!XuQnVKxZ!Hy9XNWkmucfRS-mmgyHDtw

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This is good


All I know about the show is that Yea Forums wants to fuck the boy. Is there actually anything gay about him?

Funnily enough was also the one most similar in tone to Superjail.

He gets tied up and his balls smashed in the princess episode.

That’s what I liked about it, the show is mostly done sincerely, but with good oneliners and some slapstick.

What'll Season 2 be about anyway?

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>DD leaves team
>They start losing nonstop

I get that they're supposed to be all about TEAMWORK but it felt weird that they lose like a bunch of times even with Gaz on their team just for missing one member.

Kinda wish it wasn't all just big talk. He always pulls the umbilicus joke but most of the time it doesn't do shit all.

More naked ace

This man is truely the most Based of all mankind.

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He turned me gay.

Don't forget Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal though. If the 2nd season comes out this year, we'll have two insanely well animated shows on adult swim at the same time

oh yeah, i forgot about primal. i hope it doesn't have forced romance like samurai jack (which to be honest, has a really low chance of happening because it's about cavemen and dinosaurs.

Does anyone have that image of flustered ace wearing mako's uniform?

real question is, does Gaz stay with the team or leave?

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Fucking FINALLY. Some actual Confirmation that Dana Snyder wasn't talking out of his ass on that Podcast.
And thank christ it's getting made, too. One of the last shows on [as] that really captures the silver age feel, everything else is either bronze or shit.

"I want a beer!"
Yeah, she is.

Not really. She hugged him once and never talked to him again.

other Ballmasterz maybe




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i miss the old ballmastrz threads. they were so comfy


crossover when?

>I wanna b-here


>Ace realizes it’s going balls deep

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>I wanna be 'ear.

>Other teams get Ballmastrz of their own
>or Babyball can combine with other members of the team.
>Figuring out how and why Ace was able to give that power boost to his teammates in the finale. Is Ace more than he seems? He's an orphan, so maybe his parents were special?
>episodes to flesh out the other teammates like Lulu, and Bob.
>now that the team know they have greatness hidden in them, they might set their sights on winning some big champion shit
>Rival team wants to replace them as the official team of Al-Shugarin (or however it's spelled)
>more lore about Crayzar/The Rad Wars
>Gaz studies the scrolls again and can now shift between Fat Gaz and /fit/ Gaz during battle to please both the fat fags and muscle fags.
>Ace gets magically turned into a loli for an episode

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They were comfy because there were things to discuss


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Or this?

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This is the best news I've gotten all summer.

Karakas flat out said he wants the second season to be weirder, implying either [as] or titmouse made him go with a bunch of simpler establishing plots for season 1.

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wow. ace looks really cute in that pic, op

He looks cute everytime user


One of the best adult swim shows you'll ever watch.

Same here

What is it about him that awakens these thoughts?

>tfw I only came to this thread for UMBILICUS
I am glad it's getting another season, though.
Pretty sure we've known this since February, right?
Wish the same could be said for Moonbeam City.

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Gaz falling harder into her old habit and gets even more fat and out of shape than when she started.

Teams start splitting up to find polar opposites from other teams to form their own Ballmastrzs.

I ship luna with ace


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Episode eight has a nude scene for him at the end.

Ace is something that’s become rare, a genuinely sweet and innocent little boy who believes honesty and integrity are superpowers that will let you win against all odds. This will awaken two emotions in you.

1) the open desire to take care of this charming boy and protect him at all costs, and

2) the secret desire to see him degraded into a little cockslut who clings to those beliefs long after they’ve been disproven.

That’s why.

I actually want to fuck him because of his bowlcut. That's literally all. Just his bowlcut.

Me when the season is inevitably shit and the moaning comes in for why the shit show was allowed to continue.


Based and bowlpilled

stop making me gay co!


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It's only gay if you are the power bottom.

Love him.

I don't think that's how it works, but I want to fuck this cute boy.

There might also be a chance at a final season of metalocalypse, dethklok is playing the festival out in LA, so hopefully we get some news on that.

>she's sort of bipolar and goes from loving and sweet to angry psycho in an instant
The term you're looking for is "tsundere." Dee Dee is an exaggerated parody of that trope.

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It's great if you like fantasy and/or classic Adult Swim insanity, but the uncannily mocap-animated fantasy art is a bit of a hurdle for some people. It looks weird and slightly disturbing until you get used to it.

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Hope the East will flood us with a second wave of fanart. It seems they have a strong following there, much stronger than in the West

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You only need to like him, nothing else matters when you can always make him gay

imagine him being like this looking at a fat dick knowing what's next

>people actually prefer Ace over best boy

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What if season 2 had a warden cameo

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The entire show is pretty much nonstop anime references.

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just watched a few episodes in a row, this shit is awesome. i like this a lot. i can't exactly put my finger on what's so great about it (besides good animation, etc.), but it might be because i feel like when american shows try to make references to anime, the references always end up being really uninformed, generalized, and incredibly cheesy. like the producers watched naruto or dragon ball ONCE and then, with the collective of other poor references to anime they've seen in other american shows, decide to make a show out of it.
with ballmastrz, yes it's sometimes cheesy, but it's done on purpose, and you can tell the creators have been watching anime for YEARS. good shit

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The creator said that he was partly inspired by sports anime, since there's not really an equivalent in western animation.

>people actually prefer best boy over a boring alien nobody

Maybe that was the inspiration but she's not actually a tsundere. She's not like ''s not like I like you or anything'. She is very upfront about the character she has romantic interest in, Leto, and she already has a relationship with him. She doesn't just get angry at him either, she gets angry at everyone, and alternates between lovey dovery and angry with everyone. She doesn't really correspond to any anime -dere type. She's just bipolar.

Just from what little I've seen it reminds me visually of the video game Dragon's Crown.

Well he made the coolest sports show since galactic football or heavy gear

Thatd be neat

ball masterz could make a great game if they build off the idea of speedballs and add a 3d element to it

ultra based

will she get her beer?

For real? I thought it ended after Tigtone plunged the world into chaos.

How does Leto managed to get a sex beast like Dee Dee?

People do realize that Dee Dee is just a parody of Lum, right? Green hair, two-piece, shitty boyfriend, temper; it all lines up. It's odd that I've never seen anyone shorthand describe her as that. Maybe Urusei Yatsura is less ubiquitous than I thought?
Anyway glad it's officially confirmed this is getting a second season. They kinda leaked it on the Adult Swim podcast this week with their interview with Karacas.

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Ace is mako
Flip looks like yagi or something out of m.d. geist

>season 2 confirmed
Wow, Adult Swim grew some taste for once. Great.

Tigtone also got renewed and they're gonna air gen:LOCK, too.

gen:LOCK is gonna be part of Toonami, tho, so weebs are whining about it.

>Modern Rooster Teeth
Pick one.

It's fine, I've waited this long for Yea Forums to catch on, I can wait until it's a hit on Adult Swim and wins an Emmy.

I still can't believe they got away with the character design of "Literally Goldust"

I've just realized that. On paper, it makes sense but in execution, not really. I mean, most of those are cosmetic features while the essence of Lum (being a space princess obsessed with a guy and living a normal life) isn't there

Revenge for Vince stealing Assy McGee

Lum isn't the only anime character with green hair.

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>Rooster Teeth

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That's not that a tsundere is, Yea Forumsumblr.

Hell yeah, time to rewatch in celebration

You do know you're not obligated to post a pic, right?

Baby Ball looks like Meatwad but sounds like Master Shake and that fucks me up like you wouldn't believe.

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regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality.

He even acts kinda like Master Shake

He's basically Orel.

All of Dana Snyder's characters are Master Shake in one form or another

The Alchemist is pretty shake-free but he doesn't really have a character outside of being gay and the chill-ish member of the Triad.
I think he was also the giant floating skull in Robotomy.

I hope the princesses and other teams return

That show is the closest thing we have to Xavier Renegade Angel this decade, it's so good.

Sheer disinterest and moping about except for the biker episode.

You haven't heard him in a JRPG

It certainly worked for the Gooks. Nearly all fanart I find from South Korea is lewd Ace

Where can one find these fanarts?

Still tickles me

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Dee Dee looks like a Leiji Matsumoto waif, though.

What about rush zone?

People who sexualize Ace should get the bullet, but otherwise I'm quite excited for S2

Every character besides main trio, Dee and Leto haven't been expounded on.
I'd like for them to not be one note for one thing

no matter how many definitions you pull up you still don't know what a tsundere is, man.
she's not an exaggeration of tsundere. like said, tsunderes are hard on the outside and reluctant about showing love, and then softies on the inside who eventually learn to show more affection. dee dee is the complete opposite. seemingly soft on the outside and dangerous and violent on the inside.
a+ for effort, though.

Probably yandere, like the mc's girlfriend in Mirai Nikki, but to a lesser extreme.

would kill for a tshirt with this art on it.

You'd kill for a t-shirt?

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Nah to hell with Mako, she's an annoying cunt when Ace is a lovely and cute boy.

The team with stink finger and the disco guy looked badass. I definitely want to see more of them

Gazpacho from Chowder definitely isn't like Master Shake

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He kinda is a PG Shake
Snyder excels at neurotic psychos


All worth it for the payoff in the season finale when they show that Umbilicus is completely OP when not telegraphed to hell by Flip's bombastic, rambling intros.

I'm gonna predict there's gonna be a moment in season 2 where Flip's monologuing about Umbilicus, but it goes on longer than the usual Umbilicus only to turn out to be a distraction, while the entire enemy team prepares for Flip's Umbilicus Ultra or something, Ace dunks a point in

I mean they showed that in the previous episode when showed a flashback to him Kenshiroing it up in the wasteland

She's very obviously a deliberate representation of the Western ham-fisting of the tsundere archetype that tends to bounce from girly and sweet to psychotic and angry with all the subtlety and panache of a Looney Tune.

Here's it's 'pilot' if you want to get the overall tone of the show.

It's Dnd fantasy humor about a murder hobo with a good coating of AS's flavor. As others have said it's style can be uncanny for people but it's easy to get over and just enjoy the show.

Is Primal out yet? Might have missed it.

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I much preferred the pilot over the series. Losing the frame-story of "some scribe writes awful self-insert fiction" was surprisingly damaging to the absurdist tone.