There are a lot of unproduced superhero movies. Some came closer to production than others and had full casts lined up. I'm posting those casts.

Starting with Tim Burton's Superman Lives, from 1995.

>Nicolas Cage as Clark Kent / Superman.
>Courtney Cox as Lois Lane.
>Chris Rock as Jimmy Olsen.
>John Mahoney as Perry White.
>Tim Allen as Lex Luthor.
>Jim Carrey as Brainiac.

Attached: Superman Lives.png (807x663, 703K)

J.J. Abrams' Superman: Flyby, from around 2003-2005.

>Josh Hartnett as Clark Kent / Superman (Studio's pick, the director wanted Matt Bomer).
>Scarlett Johansson as Lois Lane.
>Shia LaBeouf as Jimmy Olsen.
>Christopher Walken as Perry White.
>Sela Ward as Lara.
>Robert Downey Jr. as Lex Luthor.
>Anthony Hopkins as Jor-El (who would've been an evil dictator)
>Joel Edgerton as Ty-Zor (Jor-El's evil bastard son and Superman's half-brother)
>Bruce Greenwood as Jonathan Kent.
>Julianne Moore as Martha Kent.

Attached: Flyby.png (1083x590, 949K)

>Jim Carrey
They would’ve told him to do is comedy-isms, when Carrey could probably be intimidating

Tim Burton's Batman 3, from around 1992.

>Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne / Batman.
>Robin Williams as Edward Nygma / Riddler.
>Rene Russo as Dr. Chase Meridian.
>Marlon Wayans as Dick Grayson / Robin.

Attached: Batman 3.png (728x893, 861K)

>barely mature Scarjo

Joel Schumacher's Batman Triumphant, from 1998.

>George Clooney as Bruce Wayne / Batman.
>Chris O'Donnell as Dick Grayson / Robin.
>Alicia Silverstone as Barbara Wilson / Batgirl.
>Nicolas Cage as Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow.
>Madonna as Harleen Napier / Harley Quinn.

Plus cameos from Nicholson, Pfeiffer, DeVito, Carrey, Jones, Thurman and Schwarzenegger.

Attached: Batman Triumphant.png (564x605, 512K)

>Jim Carrey as Brainiac
I need this.

Attached: 1438808265614.jpg (454x248, 38K)

Darren Aronofsky's Batman: Year One, from 2003-2004.

>Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman.
>Morgan Freeman as Big Al (the street-wise, black Alfred).
>Kurt Russell as Detective James Gordon.

Attached: Year One.png (962x416, 536K)

Joseph Zito's Spider-Man from around 1985.

>Tom Cruise as Peter Parker / Spider-Man.
>Bob Hoskins as Otto Octavius / Doctor Octopus.
>Katharine Hepburn as Aunt May.
>Adolph Caesar as Lt. Jake Marotta (OC, Spider-Man's ally in the NYPD).
>Peter Cushing as Professor Solomon Rosomorf (OC, Peter's mentor at Empire State University).
>Stan Lee himself as J. Jonah Jameson.

Attached: Spider-Man 1985.png (707x667, 695K)

James Cameron's Spider-Man from 1995-1996.

>Leonardo DiCaprio as Peter Parker / Spider-Man.
>Nikki Cox as Mary-Jane Watson.
>Gloria Stuart as Aunt May.
>Lance Henriksen as Carlton Strand / Electro.
>Michael Biehn as Boyd / Sandman.
>Tommy Lee Jones as J. Jonah Jameson.

Attached: Spider-Man 1995.png (619x572, 583K)

Would’ve been Batman 89 tier. A good adventure, but completely inaccurate to Spidey’s essence

What happened to Chris O'Donnell and Nikki Cox?

>>Tim Allen as Lex Luthor.

Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4, from 2011.

>Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker / Spider-Man.
>Kirsten Dunst as Mary-Jane Watson.
>Rosemary Harris as Aunt May.
>J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.
>John Malkovich as Adrian Toomes / Vulture.
>Anne Hathaway as Felicia Hardy.
>Bruce Campbell as Quentin Beck / Mysterio.
>Dylan Baker as Dr. Curt Connors.

Attached: Spider-Man 4.png (836x565, 745K)

Barry Sonnenfeld's Wonder Woman, from 1998-2000.

>Sandra Bullock as Donna Troy / Wonder Woman.
>Lynda Carter as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman.

Attached: Wonder Woman 1999.png (809x589, 563K)

>Robin Williams as Edward Nygma / Riddler.
Aside from Keaton and this the other casting choices are fucking terrible. Holy shit we missed out on what could've been kino.

>Courtney Cox as Lois Lane
She was hot back in the day

Joss Whedon's Wonder Woman from 2004.

>Evangeline Lily as Diana / Wonder Woman.
>Nathan Fillion as Steve Trevor.

Attached: Wonder Woman 2005.png (799x621, 734K)

Jonathan Hensleight's The Incredible Hulk, from around 1996/1997.

>David Duchovny as Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk.
>Gregory Sporleder as Novak (OC, main villain, became bug monster).
>Lynn "Red" Williams as Miller (OC, secondary villain, became ant-monster).

Attached: The Incredible Hulk.png (959x415, 671K)

I want to live in the timeline where this was real

Nick Cassevetes' Iron Man, from 2004.

>Tom Cruise as Tony Stark / Iron Man.
>Famke Janssen as Bethany Cabe.
>Jamie Foxx as Lt. James Rhodes.

Attached: Iron Man.png (1200x525, 834K)

Is that the kinky one with terrible jokes and a weak Wondie?

David Goyer's The Flash, from 2005.

>Ryan Reynolds as Wally West / Flash.
>Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Victor Vesp / Turtle.

Attached: The Flash 2005.png (865x503, 612K)

Greg Berlanti's The Flash, from 2011.

>Chris Pine as Barry Allen / Flash.
>Rachel McAdams as Iris West.

Attached: The Flash 2012.png (797x567, 514K)

Was goyer’s script the one where it ends bittersweet?

iirc, there are Robin toys from the movie that still had high top fades.

Need it

Peyton Reed's Fantastic Four, from around 2003.

>Alexis Denisof as Reed Richards / Mister Fantastic.
>Charlize Theron as Sue Storm / Invisible Woman.
>Paul Walker as Johnny Storm / Human Torch.
>John C. Reilly as Ben Grimm / The Thing.
>Jude Law as Victor Von Doom / Doctor Doom.

Attached: Fantastic Four.png (1244x363, 695K)

Ryan would have been such a better Wally than Hal

George Miller's Justice League from 2009.

>D.J. Cotrona as Clark Kent / Superman.
>Armie Hammer as Bruce Wayne / Batman.
>Megan Gale as Diana / Wonder Woman.
>Adam Brody as Barry Allen / Flash.
>Common as Green Lantern John Stewart.
>Santiago Cabrera as Arthur / Aquaman.
>Hugh Keays-Byrne as J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter.
>Teresa Palmer as Talia Al Ghul.
>Zoe Kazan as Iris West.
>Jay Baruchel as Maxwell Lord.

Attached: Justice League.png (1042x565, 921K)

Tim Allen as lex luthor would be better than people realise, fuck you warner bro's for canning this

>John C Reilly Ben Grimm

Fuck me. Marvel need to roll with that casting choice if they ever get round to making a FF movie.

>Tim Allen portraying a condescending, egotistical, maniac

Spot on casting

After Fury Road, this is looking increasingly like the biggest missed opportunity in recent history. Imagine if DC had come in at the same time as Marvel were getting off the ground with Iron Man and delivered a complete cinematic universe straight out the gate, with George fucking Miller as the mastermind behind it.

>>Anthony Hopkins as Jor-El (who would've been an evil dictator)
>>Joel Edgerton as Ty-Zor (Jor-El's evil bastard son and Superman's half-brother)

Was that a later draft? The one I kept seeing online wasn't like that. Ty-Zor enslaved Krypton or something, and kept Jor-El prisoner.

Probably wouldn't have gotten made with Leo as Spider-Man, wasn't there some report that Leo didn't want to work with Cameron again after Titanic?

>Was that a later draft?


>Jay Baruchel as Maxwell Lord

That titanic slut would work too as MJ

Seriously, they made a later draft that was even less true to the source? Of course then Johns had Jor-El go crazy due to Doctor Manhattan, but that's a different story.

Armie Hammer should be Green Lantern.

wasnt there supposed to be Doc Ock?

They tried a lot of different ideas.

didnt this stuff make it into the 2017 script?

One of the producers wanted it, but he was never in Cameron's script.

Dolph Lundgren was gonna be Eddie in the scrapped Venom movie under New Line from the late '90s. Goyer had written a script that was greenlit before things fell apart.

A catchphrase like "GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST!" would have been hilarious coming from Christopher Walken.

O'Donnell did an NCIS spinoff for a while.

Was there a cast for that Nick Fury movie that didn't get made because Ennis spooked George Clooney away from it? Or was Clooney the only one attached?