We're not going to cut it off! We're just goin' to snip it, so it looks bigger.
We're not going to cut it off! We're just goin' to snip it, so it looks bigger
Other urls found in this thread:
Have fun with that, I guess.
Not if I have anything to say about it, Shlomo...
Good grief, It's Foreskin Man!
man this episode really shilled circumcision hard
I thought circumcision was only a jewish thing but apparently it's a thing in all of North America?
Yes, it's fairly common in North America even for people who aren't Jewish.
Which is unfortunate, because it should be illegal unless its a medical necessity (there are certain medical conditions that cause your foreskin to be fucked up that are best remedied by circumcision).
My parents are fucked but god bless them for not letting me get snipped.
No wonder Israel is their greatest ally.
No one really knows exactly when circumcision started. Blacks did it and so did the Egyptians. Moses wife only circumcised their son after God threatened to kill him. biblegateway.com
Which Blacks?
it caught on as an anti-masturbatory precaution in the late 19th century then just carried on as a 'health practice'.
I am kind of glad my parents never had be circumcised because I hear you can see the difference on a brain scan during infancy due to the trauma.
don't know why you said "blacks did it and so did the egyptians"; you can just say either one. they're the same thing, no need to be redundant.
>reducing the length of something makes it look bigger
Why are American's so prissy about having there foreskin removed? I noticed that with the whole Silent Hill 4 fiasco.
>making your penis smaller
>to make it look bigger
Jewish logic
>sex organ
>Jewish practice
I dunno user any situation where several of these words and phrases are combined usually skeeves me, and circumcision involves all of them.
Nigro-Congo. You can read more about it here: en.wikipedia.org
Egyptians are not black. Black people of that time were called the Nubians. observationdeck.kinja.com
>egyptians are not black
stopped reading right there. pick up a history book for once.
Can you give me a better example to explain why I'm wrong? Could you try to read the article a little, I think what you're trying to infer to is actually talked about in what I linked.
not gonna spoon-feed you. open your eyes. all the evidence you need that we (blacks) were egyptians is right there in front of you.
Ah, now I understand why you're upset. But please try to read these articles.
If you are trying to say that Nubians and Egyptians co mingled (though they mostly fought) then you are correct.egyptprivatetourguide.com
But if you are saying that Nubians were the majority of ancient Egypt then you are wrong.
why should i waste my time reading your white articles? the colonizers have white-washed history time and time again. oh wow, they'll admit that the ancient egyptians weren't white. i guess that's some step towards progress? but they STILL won't admit that they were black.
and black they were. you've been fed lies your entire life. educate yourself, and wake up.
>lmao dude why are you so pissed off about having your genitals mutilated as an infant
My fellow user, the first article I posted actually shared your sentiment. In fact it takes about it in the first several paragraphs.
In my last post the link even helps explain how black Nubians and Egyptians lived together.
I understand you are upset and that you probably think I'm just another /pol/ parrot. But I am actually not arguing with you, I'm agreeing with you. Please don't shut other people out. If you want people to understand and listen to you, you must do so with them.
its illegal to have your babys earlobes removed, even though it doesnt REALLY need them.
it is illegal to remove any part of your babys sex organs if it is female.
but a male baby....
>Silent Hill 4 fiasco.
A /pol/friend told me the Kellogg's guy made this practice mainstream
i apologize. i am just so used to white people trying to cover up and deny our history, even openly mock it like this asshole:
yes, honky, we WERE kings, and we ARE kings, and you can't take that from us anymore.
Why are women so prissy about having some of there vagina removed?
wow look at this cool cracker using the big bad n word
bet you feel super cool
I thought africans were the only ones who mutilated clits?
Egyptians had pharaohs. Your people had chiefs.
Europeans had kings. I guess this means all WYPIPO are royalty then.
look at the honky with his honky memes and racist bullshit. i ain't got time to argue with your bullshit.
>Go to an autistic mongolian basketweaving forum
>expecting to not get into an argument
The joke is on you nigger
Circumcision is barbaric and should absolutely be outlawed. Just because some desert people thousands of years ago cut their foreskins off because they didn’t have enough water to wash their dicks doesn’t mean we need to.
Actually there were kings and queens, not just chiefs. Like how ancient Nordic people actually had kings and queens and not just jarls.
Here's one as an example: youtube.com
Weren’t Egyptians largely black mixed with Saudi/Syrian traders due to their borders meaning the population was generally mixed? Especially the royals, who were keen on preserving ‘paler’ skin in their bloodlines but ended up inbreeding themselves stupid.
It's not even a clean practice. Most often they take the whole organ out because the operation is not done by a doctor or anything close to it. It has more to do butchery or a barbaric war act than the word circumcision even imply.
The antagonist of SH4 has umbilical cord symbolism which some guy interpreted as circumcision symbolism. Starting from that point he basically edited a large part of the Silent Hill wiki to suggest that trauma from circumcision is a major theme of SH4 and other games in the series, spawning huge edit wars.
I'm circumcised but I never even knew what circumcision was until I was like 14
Kinda weird imagining myself as a baby getting my dick mutilated though, kinda makes me shudder.
I'm a South Korean and I'm grateful my parents didn't do this shit to me.
Google how come so many South Koreans are circumcised, it's a fucking depressing bit of history.
>Korean War
>wow these Americans came to save us and fight with us
>they are all so tall and handsome and polite and productive!
>we are fucking inferior to them! how should we emulate them?
>let's worship everything American!
>oh, so American parents do this circumcision thing to their boys?
>*hears about dubious medical benefit claims*
>let's make this into a fad that will last for decades
It's much less common nowadays, but just like 10 or 20 years ago, circumcision in many parents' mind didn't even have to be justified. It was just something parents did.
Juxtaposed with the fact that most Korean boys have to serve in military for 2 years...
"If you don't get circumcised voluntarily, the military will do it to you without any anesthetic."
Was a popular meme among boys. Depressing but simultaneously hilarious things like 16yos voluntarily showing up to get circumcised was a thing.
The incentive structure was all fucked up as well. Thousands of urologists practically lied to themselves and the public
>whole Silent Hill 4 fiasco.
Can you explain.
Its common in porn, too.
>yes, honky
Oh now i know you are larping. Nobody expect old black people use that word.
I wouldn't know, I'm not interested in porn with guys.
Are you stupid.
Its a pointless cosmetic surgery, like any surgery it comes with a chance of complications, and performing it on non-consenting infants is incredibly fucked up.
You can't really tell in porn desu, if you're erect you don't really see much of the foreskin for most guys
>unless its a medical necessity (there are certain medical conditions that cause your foreskin to be fucked up that are best remedied by circumcision).
that's probably why it happens in general.
ounce of prevention and all that gay shit.
As far as I can tell it's basically a Skub thing. Every person you talk to who is against it uses extremely over exaggerated language, implying their thoughts are emotionally dictated and also that they know that the simple truth would not be enough so an extravagant version is preferable to them.
Yes you can, uncircumcised dicks are like a loose sleeve that slides up and down over their dick, circumcised are tighter and not like one of those water snake toys.
Because it'd be the equivalent of immediately removing everyone's tonsils at birth because they could get tonsillitis. It's completely pointless and a fucking weird ass practice that doesn't really ensure better hygiene.
you are aware Matt and Trey are jews, right?
They already remove your appendix whenever they're inside doing anything else though, because it's useless and could cause a problem. Tonsils arent useless.
Ancient Egyptians were Semitic with some Negroids hanging around in their ranks. Currently they are mostly black though.
They're mormons you motherfucking moron
Just look at the mummies, retardanon.
Doctors don't just remove your appendix simply because it's useless user. You don't perform unnecessary surgical procedures on someone. Hell even the situation you mentioned can only be done if a doctor is already performing some sort of procedure on your abdomen and is accredited for the procedure. I didn't wake up without my appendix when I had my wisdom teeth removed.
You don't know what a jew is, do you?
Turns out this is wrong and the appendix serves immuno functions.
Now why would the medical industry want to reduce your immunibility against disease?
Hello I am Jewish and do not have my foreskin. I do not really believe in God too much (only kinda), but I don't miss my foreskin. All I know is a life without it. Some people are really bitter about being circumcised but I think have a foreskin is just hyped up by the big foreskin companies to sell us penis wash and decorations for our dickhoods.
>I didn't wake up without my appendix when I had my wisdom teeth removed.
That's what you think.
i really don't want to mutilate my newborn son, but... the six billion demand justice...
its not even about hygiene, that argument is beyond retarded. its called showering. the whole point is literally to remove nerve endings and make playing with your dick feel less good. they are sick in the head.
Are Canadians also circumcised?
Aboriginal australians did it just to be badass.
No, only other country to do it for non-religious reasons is South Korea because America told them to do it when they were occupying them in the Korean War lmao.
>Every person you talk to who is against it uses extremely over exaggerated language
Half the people responding to that guy are equating it to having your fucking dick cut off.
Hardly, removing your foreskin is pointless and like any surgery can fuck up royally.
Forcing it on infants as a matter of course is nonsensical.
People often confuse North American circumcision with Judaism. They actually have nothing to do with each other.
The real reason why American (non-Jewish) boys get their dicklet mutilated is because Kelloggs Cornflakes man wanted to prevent boys from masturbating (which obviously didn't work). Then it just became a habit and parents thought their kid will get it too since the father is like that.
>Then it just became a habit and parents thought their kid will get it too since the father is like that.
That is fucked up, even moreso than doing it for any religious reasons.
This is like those deaf parents who campaign against their kids getting treatment because it is demeaning to "deaf culture".
Sounds like you're cut and angry at that.
Only Matt is half Jewish, Trey isn't Jewish.
It's more like it's asked
>do you want the baby boy to be cut or uncut?
>well I'm his father and I'm cut, so I guess he should be cut too
And this went on and on for generations. Parents are afraid of not leaving boy uncut because cut dick is such a norm and they are afraid he'll be treated differently. For example many American women refuse to have sex with uncut men because they find it so weird and gross.
>Implying the father is ever asked
Its pretty much the opposite in the rest of the world.
It was retarded when the writers of Venture Bros had a couple of English girls act that way.
>Many American women refuse to have sex with uncut men
>European men considered exotic and sexy
Sounds like ((they)) failed there.
Oh and by the way Kelloggs Cornflakes man wanted to use carbolic acid that would be used on girls' clitoris to prevent excitement so they wouldn't masturbate either. But it was never used and so we only have boy circumcision tradition.
>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.
>a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] ... and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice
>In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.
Maybe it's a climate thing, like ban on pork.
It's hygienic. Furthermore, most women find the uncircumcised gross
Except that's a fucking meme and it almost always causes more harm than the marginal amount of complication it'd prevent
Somewhat true. He did develop kellogs cereal as an anti-libido food, because apparently he thought if he forced young boys to eat this stuff for breakfast everyday they'd lose the desire to jerk it.
Oh boy here we go again with this stupid argument
>Cutting off a protective layer of skin is hygenic
Yeah dude who needs eyelids bro just cut them off.
There is no argument though. Circumcision is utterly retarded and only done because of stupid cultural ideas.
They're not though. I know you KANGZ are desperate for some history of your own, but stop trying to steal it from other civilizations.
Right and wisdom teeth are crucial too
>yes, honky, we WERE kings, and we ARE kings, and you can't take that from us anymore.
Lmao dumb nigger
>A protective sheathe of skin is the same thing as wisdom teeth.
Imagine being that much of a cuck that you think an external anatomical feature is not needed.
And imagine being so desperate to defend mutilation you compare it to anomoly incidents like wisdom teeth.
As fucked up as that is, user, that's pretty much STILL how it is in America. You have to be actively on guard in hospitals to prevent your son from getting snipped when he's born.
It is a stupid fucking argument. All this involves is shit flinging about. Something that still works with or with some extra skin. You faggots constantly cry about it and start blaming others for something that your parents decided who thought it was to keep you healthy but no let’s blame the whole fucking world for it. Just shut the fuck up about it already and delete this off topic garbage
Jesus Christ...
So why are you faggots so obsessed with this word?
You think that's crazy, he also suggested electric shocks, enemas, tying up kids' hand and using a penis cage to stop boys from touching their dick
So you're just cut and angry people don't approve of mutilation.
Because it sums up exactly what you are, you're willing to mindlessly listen to stupid arguments with no sense of reason.
You defend mutilation on literally no solid ground.
>projecting this hard
No I don’t fucking care you faggot. I’m tired of this topic popping up on boards it shouldn’t be fucking on dumbass
>Something that still works with or with some extra skin.
Oh yeah, I sure do LOVE having a cracked, calcified, desensitized head that can barely feel anything! It's just wonderful having a shaft with skin pulled so tight that actually getting into anything could potentially rip it! It's great having all the attending neurology and such of a functioning sexual sexual system, EXCEPT for the stimulus it expects!
No problems here!
Yea Forums isn't fucking reddit newfag. Off-Topic shows up all the time, either ignore it and pick shit you like or fuck off back to whatever hugbox you use.
The people who are against it to the point where they are vocal about it lead to sad little lives and blame all of their shortcomings on their circumcision, completely forgetting that the vast majority of Americans are also circumcised just like them. I saw a post on a forum about men's rights where a guy who was convinced by these people that he should confront his own mother about it did so crying and was posting because she laughed at him and told him to grow up.
>>>Oh yeah, I sure do LOVE having a cracked, calcified, desensitized head that can barely feel anything!
Oh yeah it’s great making up shit to validate my argument. Fuck off and move this thread to >>/trash/
Sheesh what a cunt.
Yeah, that kid was a loser.
chan isn't fucking reddit newfag. Off-Topic shows up all the time, either ignore it and pick shit you like or fuck off back to whatever hugbox you use.
>go to weapons board to discuss guns
>it fucking there
>go to /ck/
>it’s fucking there too
Fuck off and move this topic somewhere else you immense faggot.
You know what I think is that circumcision is a mating technique in the Jewish community. Jewish woman will take anything if its 20% off.
>Go to X board
>X board is not a cleansed monolith of tightly regulated topics
Cry some more then and fuck off back to your safe spaces or ignore it.
>y-youre just making up stuff!
Look at your dick right now, user, if you're cut. See all those cracks and lines on your head, like it's just another bit of skin? It's NOT supposed to be like that. It's supposed to be smooth and glossy. It's supposed to be sensitive enough that touching it when it's not covered by foreskin is supposed to feel like something OTHER than regular skin.
You're so broken by your trauma you're being wilfully ignorant.
Cutfags are losers, what else is new?
>unironically supporting genital mutilation because it makes you look tough
>expecting a woman to understand why a man was against circumcision in the first place
Holy cope, batman
But he's right though, the head of your penis is supposed to be sensitive and moist.
There's also an increased chance of impotence and erectile dysfunction later in life.
I'm sorry your parents chopped off part of your cock when you were a baby, it's clearly caused you some serious mental damage.
There's nothing sadder than a cut man defending his mutilation, not knowing what it cost him.
It's not that it makes you look tough, it's that there are hundreds of millions of other functioning adults in the US that are giant fucking babies about it. Lead a normal life and quit blaming you inadequacies on your dick "traumatizing" you.
So you're saying people should just ignore the fact that genital mutilation still exists in the US for literally no reason?
>if you're erect you don't really see much of the foreskin for most guys
I'm uncircumcised and I typically have to pull my foreskin back to fully expose my tip when erect.
Sure is summer in here
>You're so broken by your trauma you're being wilfully ignorant.
What fucking trauma you fucking idiot? Do you assume everyone who is circumcised are mentally ill because they can’t touch their dick a different way? No because I don’t reflect on dumb shit and I move with my daily life not giving two shits about it unlike you.
And I’m sorry that you’re a dumbass that can’t see that most people don’t give two fucking shits about it. Quit trying to say I’m traumatized because I couldn’t give two shits about it. But you’re going to ignore that and keep thinking I should subscribe to view on it when I never will
>I don't reflect on dumb shit
>When people who point out Genital Mutilation is a scam and horrible you get defensive as fuck about it.
>J-Just ignore it it's normal to have the tip of your dick cut off!
>parents decide for their children
And you’re defensive about how others dicks should look when you’re getting fucked by them
>implying I'm not a functioning adult leading a happy life, in spite of my mutilation
I guess people are only allowed to care about injustices if they're wretches at the got Ten of the totem pole, huh?
I guess mutilation is okay.because it DIDNT ruin my life, right?
Get off your fucking high horse, you cunt. This is an exceedingly clean cut issue (hah) that has only one moral response.
Literally yes.
>if they're wretches at the got Ten of the totem pole,
Sir, you should calm down. It's effecting your posting.
And you get off yours. If you don’t want your kids to be circumcised it’s completely fine. But coming to the COMICS AND CARTOONS board to talk about is retarded
>No because I don’t reflect on dumb shit and I move with my daily life not giving two shits about it unlike you.
Yeah, good for you, but then people like you do it to your sons, and they do it to their sons, etc. Imagine being this fucking defensive about a mutilation that objectively DOES lead to increased chance of sexual dysfunction later in life, not to mention the chance for actual mental trauma and botched circumcision, for litterally NO benefit.
You're one of the lucky ones that didn't have any ill effects, good for you. It's still objectively wrong.
Do you blame people with mental illness for being weak willed?
No, this isn't a matter of just my kids. This is litterally abuse.
Can this thread just fucking die already
No. Fuck you. This is a bump just for the sake of spite.
It’s not my fault you can’t enjoy smooth jazz
>This is litterally abuse.
It's part of society, different cultures do different shit. Did you know that in some places around the world small children as young as 6 months old are paraded into town centers, placed on display in front of watching pedestrians and have needles shoved through their bodies to be adorned with ornate baubles? It's fucking disgusting.
>Stupid behaviour should be allowed because muh culture.
I'm sorry, I thought this was America.
Yeah, I do, and that's barbaric too. It's ALL fucking barbaric. The fact that you're unironically defending cosmetic surgery because some parents are shitty and decorate their toddlers.
It being "culture" doesn't justify it.
>American exceptionalism now means accepting of idiots.
Imagine betraying your own founding principles so hard.
Freedom means freedom to do dumb shit
>dude, it's muh FREEDOM to mutilate my newborn son because my dad mutilated me, because neither of us knew better!
And no you do know better. Stop being a defensive faggot and understand that this culture has harmed you, and it needs to be changed.
>Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.
Yeah, but it doesn't mean the freedom to perform cosmetic, unnescesary surgery on children incapable of consent.
You'd be rightly vilified for getting a tattoo on your newborn, but a circumcision is okay because MUH CULTURE.
Fuck you.
But...he gotcha
>You'd be rightly vilified for getting a tattoo on your newborn
Hospitals tattoo identical multiple births all the time.
>understand that this culture has harmed you
You need to grow up and have some agency over your own life.
Sauce? Because that seems dumb when you can just tag them.
I mean isn't he?
Except he didn't, and even if his point was valid, comparing ear piercings to circumcision is retarded.
Ear piercings
>dont cause loss of function to the affected organ or system
>can be easily healed if desired
It's still ridiculous to get them on anything younger than 6 year old or an age who can give the barest inklings of consent.
Yeah, but they're not permanent, you fucking idiot.
Yeah, I am, by recognizing that I have been harmed by this cultural practice and taking steps to resist it.
What fucking retarded point are you trying to push? That bad things aren't bad because most everyone does it?
Yeah dog, blaming something from before you can form memories as the reason for all your inadequacies is taking responsibility for yourself as an adult.
>Yeah, but they're not permanent,
No, they are.
There was a thing on National Geographic about multiple births. The Dahm triplets are a famous example of it.
>Yeah dog, blaming something from before you can form memories as the reason for all your inadequacies
Who the fuck said anything about that? That's some serious projections there, friend.
Am I not allowed to be against thongs that are wrong, even if they DIDNT fuck me up in general?
>blaming something from before you can form memories
Oh, so is abusing an infant before they grow up okay? They'll have no I'll effects or trauma growing up because of it? That's okay, they can't remember any of it anyways, so go ahead and hit that baby!
You fucking idiot.
>No, they are.
Cool, that's another thing to be against then. Why the fuck would you tattoo a tuplet when you could just tag them, or hell, a temporary tattoo that can be reapplied.
I'm getting too heated about this. I just boggles my mind that anyone could knowingly defend anything that has nothing but harmful effects.
>That's some serious projections there, friend.
That's funny considering you are trying to convince others to be mad about things they don't care about.
>things they don't care about
Apathy is death.
I would chop their clits with my teeth hnng.
>accusing others of projecting
>and understand that this culture has harmed you
Yeah, because you SHOULD care about objectively harmful things that are being done to people without their consent. That's part of being a good person.
Yeah, the cultural practice has harmed you, out of no choice of your own. Just because it hasn't utterly ruined your life or the like doesn't mean it's not harm.
Are you being intentionally obtuse because you want to be, or do you just have room temperature IQ?
user, stop being such a dummy and realize that these people are just trolling you.
Of course people know that things like that are harmful.
People don't care because to stop the cycle, they'd have to admit that they were once harmed against their will.
It's one of a number of early episodes that didn't age so well. Though the early seasons are still gems of simple humour on the whole; I just finished watching the first three seasons and started Season 4 two days ago.
There are creepy pro-circumcision groups all over the globe that push for it. Guess where they're most successful?
I know Trey used to have a serious conk on his nose when he was a youngster, before he started having work done in college. But he doesn't look or sound that Jewish to me, certainly compared to Matt.
It's even worse than that - imagine if tonsilectomies had a huge risk of causing conditions worse than tonsilitis itself, AND imagine if the overwhelming majority of these tonsilectomies were performed according to medieval if not outright savage practices, AND if there was a weird pedophilic angle to it as well.
This is what you sound like.
At what point did that user silence another?
My parents were non-committed, stupid, autistic drones that got me circumcised because someone told my mom it would be for "health reasons". That's the most I ever got out of them.
When you're a drone and on auto pilot for life you do seemingly contradictory things but in reality there is no meaning behind the actions.
This but they snipped me.
w/e, I have no other perceptive for me so theres nothing to complain about
Everytime they've tried calling anyone that says they should grow up a fagot or stupid.
It's time to be an adult user, quit blaming your parents and your dick
I see Israel has taken over
You're right user, I will take personal responsibility.
First things first: How do I get my foreskin back on my penis?
Oh that's easy what you do is move forward with your life and quit being a little bitch about it and eventually it will come back
Neat. Good to know the skin will unrip if I don't pull on it.
cosmetic procedures on unconsenting babies is fucked up regardless but the male equivalent of FGM would be Wholesale Donger Removal -- never having a chance to feel pleasure as an adult
also infant girls get their ears pierced all the time, just so they don't end up "looking like boys"
I think I like these answers the most. Your foreskin is just that. Skin. I don't live a life that's any different from any of my friends who had their foreskin removed. It's just Americans who obsess over it.
No user, your foreskin is magic and it's where all the good economic, romantic, and good life choices of your future are stored and when your parents remove it that makes you a beta cuck for life unless you shitpost on Yea Forums about it.
The thing that really gets me is that no one can say actual reasons to get circumsized that aren't false. All these anwers are "it's just skin" or "why NOT do it".
Infants actually go into shock due to the pain, and a significant number die from complications caused by the procedure.
it doesn't matter either way
So quick question aside from all this debate. How would you write the episode today?
It isn't a troll. You have no idea how serious circumcision advocates are.
if it doesn't matter then why do it? why defend it, why continue it. who peforms a surgery that doesn't matter on a infant.
>shhhhhs, you poor ignorant boy. I will speak for you on how these horrible JEWS have DESTROYED YOUR LIFE by giving you a circumcision like the vast majority of all other Americans.
The chief reason is that it is a religious ritual in an overly influential ethnicity.
Then there's the fact that the foreskins are sold to make-up companies and used in a fairly large variety of products.
Then there's a vast array of bad science done to prop it up, including the mention in this thread of phimosis being preferably cured by circumcision.
It is interesting, because the natural penis is more pleasurable for both the male and his partner. (The foreskin has as many nerve endings are your palm.)
In older women, it reduces the need for lube, as it functions as a gasket, preventing them from losing natural lubrication and thus becoming rubbed raw during intercourse.
>ritual by the infuential
>harvested for use commercial use
>defended by false studies
how far does this rabbit hole go
I don't think I would. In the case of Underpant Gnomes, one could rewrite it in a way that presents a more balanced argument about localism and competitive capatalism without just sucking globohomo dick. But for this one, there's no way to really justify the major plot event of Ike eventually getting his foreskin removed against his will.
Have you ever had a foreskin?
Yeah, for like 2 weeks.
Then you precisely have no idea how much you're personally suffering from the loss of this body part. Even independent from the fact of the risk of permanent disease and deformity from the involuntary operation AND the needlessly dangerous ritual fashion in which it is done, even cases like yourself still have no perspective on what the body part is like. You have no idea what was taken from you. There's no reason for you protect a practice that was forced on you as a child, there's no shame in having been a helpless infant. You don't have to protect a practice that's known to be damaging, and which deprived you of a normal experience.
>personally suffering from the loss of this body part
Are there really people on this site so young to not know about the OH SHIT NIGGER meme?
It feels like every year I lose more about this place to time.
Given that the last post directly addressed the greentext you linked to, and a dozen other posts in this thread have completely addressed it as well in this thread, I'd have to conclude either trolling or serious self-deception at this stage.
Think about how culture passes down from elder to younger, and then think about whether the conditions of the current internet are conducive to this happening in any reasonable or sensical way.
The internet we grew up with was a place with intersonal connections, selectable space, a high set of basic standards and where weirdos could fuck off to their own pit without bothering others. In other words, it was the opposite of IRL shit with publich schools crammed with retards who shouldn't have anything to do with each other, getting forcefed mindless lessons that teach nothing, and in the process learning a whole swathe of anti-skills and mistalents from the bad examples set all around them. The modern internet is a lot closer to this grim reality than the old one. The loudest, glossiest and stupidest opinions are the ones most kids are exposed to, and exposed to exclusively, serving as disinfo that prevents the development we went through.
A veteran editor from the Silent Hill wiki had a massive meltdown over circumsition and starter his personal Crusaders against it in the wiki by vandalizing several articles, banning people left and right until one of the owners banned him and reversed his edits.
It is honestly too much to explain, look it up on Google, there are a couple articles about it. Well worth the read.
>It's an "Incels try to justify their disgusting looking foreskins" episode.
>It's an "Incels try to justify their disgusting looking scar tissue" episode.
Except it's not "just" skin, it's litterally an entirely different type of skin that's far more sensitive than normal skin, and it protects your actual penis from becoming calloused. Imagine if you had your lips removed because they're"just skin", or if you had your eyelids removed. That's what the equivalent of circumcision is.
>hurr durr
>It's a "Jews try to justify infant genital mutilation to satisfy their barbaric desert religion"
>Scar tissue
>Women want be anywhere near a disgusting disease ridden foreskin.
When will these memes end? It's like these incels have never even spoken to a woman.
>Waaaah da joos are the reason I can't get women!!!
>American men have been brainwashed through generations of abuse and mutilation to believe this is normal
>American women, never seeing an intact penis in their lives, are also brainwashed to believe that this is normal
I know you're mad that an important part of your body was taken from you, user. I know you're mad and ashamed that you'll never, ever be able to experience what real sex feels like. It's okay, though, it doesn't make you any less of a man, and you don't to fool yourself into pretending that it's actually a good thing.
You shouldn't even be angry at your parents, they didn't know any better either. You should be angry at the disgusting, systematic effort to push circumcision that has robbed you and so many others of an important part of their sexual life.
>still going on his incel tangent to dodge the fact that he's been mutilated for no good reason
On the chance that you're not a troll, user, I really do feel sorry for you. It's so shameful to see someone defending their abuse with such zeal.
Underwear makes your argument a moot point.
I know it's fashionable to pretend cultural relevatism is a thing beyond intellectually determining why certain things were done, but it was good that the Brits stopped Indians burning widows and Africans practicing slavery and it's good to stop circumcision.
You know I can cum just from squeezing my foreskin? It feels THAT good.
>Fabric is suddenly not absorbent
You're fucking retarded.
No it doesn't. Good God, you're brainwashed.
That sounds more like a BDMS fetish that a medical procedure.
Your exposed dick rubbing up against your underwear still makes it calloused, user.
>the colonizers have white-washed history
Not our fault nigs never learned to write. Also nice bait.
>Falling for the MGTOW memes.
That's just beyond sad.
Pretty much this, you almost never see circumcised people complaining about it, but you constantly see anti-snip activists saying that other people are complaining about it.
Mormons are Jews? Wat?
>Part of the Gawker network
No thanks
>not gonna spoon-feed you.
You're even worse, don't make claims and then refuse to back them up.
Just like you rarely see people born blind, or without arms or legs complain about it.
It's an obvious downgrade, but they simply don't know any better, so they're content with the downgrade.
Sure, that makes sense, but the uncutfag argument is that cut people hate it, when 99% of the time it's the uncut obsessing over it.
I mean what else can cutfags do besides accepting they were mutilated at birth? It's not like I'll convince him or regrowing a foreskin, but maybe he'll consider not mutilating his newborn when it's his turn.
Never has for me. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
When your argument only works if the opponent is brainwashed, it's not a solid argument.
>tip of your dick
Do you know what a circumcision is?
I got cut on my teen years because I had phimosis
Those are just idiots. The true uncut argument is that it's a pointless procedure that is a direct downgrade.
>you should let infants speak for themselves
Just how stupid are you?
This thread man. It's like a bunch of manlets yelling at tall people for being born tall, except even better.
Except it's not a downgrade. Life just isn't as good as you thought it'd be. You can make as many excuses as you'd like. But you have to deal with that fact, someday.
Come on user cutfags aren't as bad as manlets.
Except it objectively is.
Except that's objectively your subjective feelings.
Except it's an objective fact.
No user, every thing wrong with our lives is because of a minor procedure that every single male in our country goes through
Except that's objectively your subjective feelings.
It's only a small minority of conservatives that complain. Young men. Who are angry at the world and looking for an excuse.
>disgusting uncut virgins whining about chadcuts
Srlsy, have sex.
Wait, you won’t because uncut guys are disgusting.
Being circumcised shouldn't be something people should feel ashamed of or belittled for. They had nothing to do with it and it happened to them.
the vast majority of circumcisions are not medically necessary and we should actively discourage the practice when possible.
That sounds reasonable to me, yes?
>I don’t reflect on dumb shit and I move with my daily life not giving two shits about it
You've made multiple posts in a thread specifically about circumcision and are getting mad about being proved wrong. Me thinks you care.
>parents decide for their children
Because they are told by doctors it has health benefits when it actually doesn't.
Except it's objectively true, indisputable fact, and if you say it's my subjective feelings again, you'll objectively be the biggest faggot on this site.
As an uncut guy, I like the way this one speaks. Other people who got snipped, follow this one's example.
You are not even black but a full fledge nigger
Jesus you must have a small dick
Indisputable fact requires scientific proof. That's why we've used the scientific method for seven hundred years. Otherwise, it's just your subjective feelings.
I dare anyone defending circumcision to prove this Jew wrong.
And it's been scientifically proven as being an objective downgrade downgrade.
Also, you're now the objectively biggest faggot on this site.
Congratulations on being number at something for once in your life.
Shit, he's even checking my digits.
It's not Americans, it's just stormniggers because MUH ((9(090((JOOOOZZZ0))90)0))!1112
Where is this scientific proof, user? Also, I know I'm was a man-fucking fag. If you thought that was a victory, it was just your subjective opinion.
He's right, though. How can you say that feelings are objective?
>be Christian
>the apostle Paul says you no longer have to cut off your foreskin
>do it anyway
I don’t get it.
It's not my job to prove that mutilating babies is stupid.
If you want to do it, YOU need to prove that is has ANY positive reasons to be done, and no saving half a second not pulling back your foreskin in the bath is not a positive effect.
Because it's not my feelings, but pure fact.
You should go to Arthur's website. I've heard that they can teach you about the difference.
You're the only one talking about feelings and jews here buddy.
Ha. You're so lazy that you can't even invest in anything other than being upset on Yea Forums. I seriously love this fucking thread.
Nigga I'm literally just shitposting like the rest of you, I have no horse in this race. If Americans wants to be idiots like usual, be my guest.
But yes, this has been a fun thread, and nice trips.
>Dude mutilate your genitals for those American whores.
>parents decide for their children
>What is bodily autonomy?
>Apostle Paul says you can choose to do it or not, it doesn't matter either way
ftfy. also, Paul was a jew
Reminder that there are two types of female circumcision: One that is very similar to male circumcision, and one that makes them unable to feel sexual pleasure at all.
So comparing male circumcision to female circumcision is a totally valid argument, since there is a version of female circumcision that is done for cosmetic purposes and would still be seen as abhorrent to Americans.
ITT: JIDF and anti-semites
Something that doesn't exist for children
>Children don't have bodily autonomy
>You can beat them, rape them, cut off parts of them. It's okay, 'cos bodily autonomy is something that doesn't exist for children.
Jews hate Paul and see him as an apostate.
Only Matt is a Jew.
Was that game any good?
He was, just like the guy who started the Gender theory. Fucking mad scientist shit there
Pretty short, yet quite repetitive. Roiland's unscripted ramblings can get a bit stale by the end
>Defensive Americans that can't accept the fact theat they were wrong have no argument
>all they can do is resort to punching at some imaginary Incel MGTOW strawman
Here's a hypothetical, for you all.
There exists a nation where it's considered fashionable to surgically remove the ears at birth, making the sides of the head flat. This is done to both genders equally.
Hearing efficacy is greatly reduced, of course, although most people can still hear. There's still a significant risk of deafness and ugly scaring, though.
This practice has been done for nearly two centuries by this point, and 95% of all people in this nation have it done. Most men and women wouldn't dare dream of dating a person that still had ears.
There's a small proportion of the population that thinks this is ridiculous; most of this group are normal people who know that other nations don't practice this, but there does exist a subset (many of whom actually were rendered deaf at birth) who believe all their problems can be blamed on this procedure.
Most people mock this group of anti-auralcisors, citing the subset of worthless NEETs within them. They say that since everyone has had the same procedure, that can't possibly be the cause of their problems.
This obviously ignores the fact that this disability is foisted on the population, equally, for no good reason, even without the increased risk of deafness or scarring because of it.
Any outside observer would be rightly shocked and appalled at this.
>Jewish practice
And also Islamic
Don't forget Dr Morston, the creator of Wonder Woman and the Polygraph test, who created a psychological theory of "Love Leadership" to justify his polygyny abd belief that women are inherently superior to men in all respects.
I'm a dental assistant, children don't get to decide anything about any medical procedures they receive. We routinely remove teeth and do procedures that parents request that children actively do not want.
An internet cult with too much time on their hands is responsible. They're literally everywhere and with a lot of fringe groups they've taken root on Yea Forums as well. slate.com
You don't need to resort to using simile or metaphor.
The practice in and of itself speaks for itself. The majority of circumcisions are medically unnecessary. There's no reason to continue performing the procedure as often as it happens. It should be unanimous to discourage medical procedures that are unnecessary.
kek that sounds hilarious, you have a link to it?
>most of this group are normal people
Here's where your analogy falls apart, anti-circumcision posters are weirdo mouthbreathers.
>by Mark Joseph Stern
No wonder he's so offended at the idea of men not wanting their genitals surgically altered for no reason.
>Removing rotten teeth is akin to a medical procedure that provably scars the kid for life, renders him incapable of real sex, and has absolutely no benefit whatsoever
>incapable of real sex
How retarded are you, exactly, if you think you can't have 'real sex' without a foreskin?
Nope not even rotten teeth, we remove completely healthy baby teeth all the time. Everyone over 15 gets referred to our in house oral surgeon for wisdom exts even if they aren't having pain. There's also tons of over non surgical treatments we do without childrens consent.
Except they're not, most are normal people who realize that it's a ridiculous, harmful, barbaric practice that was introduced by a overtly anti-sex nutjob. Even then, it doesn't matter WHO is criticizing the practice. It's obviously harmful, whether you made it out okay or not.
Your entire argument is, quite litterally, ad hominem at it's finest.
I can't find it, I think it was on Reddit.
>we remove completely healthy baby teeth all the time.
Christ, why. What possible purpose would that serve unless they're crooked or fucking up alignment (and thus not healthy in the first place)
At the very least it's just baby teeth, and those grow back.
Parents don't want to wait for nature to take it's course and have them come out on their own in like 3 months. Also pulling misaligned teeth isn't a practice anymore for children, we'd wait until they come out and send them to ortho
>keratinized desentisized bellend
>huge portion of nerve endings lost
>most women who've had both prefer uncut dicks
Circumsized men cannot experience complete sex
>source: my ass
You people are literally mentally ill.
>most women who've had both prefer uncut dicks
Something anti-circumcision posters will never experience cause they're all a bunch of neck bearded mouth breathers with the social skills of a school shooter.
Kill yourself out of Yea Forums
I really don't care what women prefer. Personally, I think it looks better anyway.
Sex and jacking off still feels good (and I don't even need lube). So, you know, I'm not going to wallow in self-pity over something that can't be changed. I'd advise you all to do the same.
>Chronic masturbators on the internet so pozzed by the kikes they actively argue against improving their most cherished hobby
Are you saying circumcision improves masturbation? Or that being uncircumcised improves masturbation?
Because if you're meaning the latter, if you're circumcised you can't get un-circumcised. There's no way to 'improve' your most cherished hobby.
Seeing people defend their cut dicks is fucking hilarious man.
It's good that you're not gonna let being a cutfag affect your self-esteem, but it's important to know this stuff so if you have a kid, you know you shouldn't cut him.
Seeing people feeling superior about having an extra piece of skin on the end of their dicks is fucking hilarious man.
Ah yes, him. Reading up on him is... enlightening to say the least.
Not that anyone on Yea Forums actually reads sources when they ask but.
I'm not going to have children, because I hate them.
But if I did, it would actually be a rather difficult choice - I had severe, painful, debilitating phimosis for most of my life until I got cut when I was a teenager. I'm not sure if there's a way to determine whether or not its present at birth, but if there is, I would rather save my hypothetical son the pain and discomfort of getting circumcised when he's capable of actually remembering it, assuming he DOES have a condition like mine. Because it sucks - both dealing with the phimosis itself (although when your foreskin turns into a piss balloon for the first few times when you go to take a piss, it's kind of funny) and recovering from the surgery.
>School nurse was jewish
>Failed me and a few other boys on PID for being uncircumcised
>Had to get foreskin removed without anesthetic (for traditional reasons I guess?) and retake the test
>Got called "Turtleneck Tim" for the rest of the schoolyear
>Still only got a C minus
Fucking sucked, man.
I had a couple teeth pulled but I can't remember why anymore. I think it was so my adult teeth would grow in straight but it didn't work. Two of my canines grew in sticking out and bites my lip all the time.
On the plus side I can grin like an octoling so it's I can't complain.
still a jew, stormweenie
are you a jew or something? why would you get circumcised just because a jewish nurse says you should?
It's a shitpost, user. Penis Inspection Day (PID) is not a real thing.
Because you can't graduate if you don't pass PID?
>Linking cirp.org
On the off chance you're one of the dudes suckered in by the intactivist cult and not a diehard member, I just wanna point out that you're linking to a heavily biased "scientific" site and that there's been study after study that contradict what they like to dress up as truth, particularly in regards to sensitivity/sexual function.
tl:dr, doesn't matter if you're snipped or not, you can fuck just fine.
oh, okay. not american, didn't know what PID stood for.
>complete sex
If by enlightening you mean erotic
Ok here's a wiki link talking about Nubia and its history with ancient Egypt: en.wikipedia.org
There's other treaments for phimosis besides just saying "fuck it" and cutting the thing off altogether. You don't amputate ingrown toenails, do you?
>"Uncle Fizz"
There's something about that name that's a little unnerving and I can't put my finger on it.
It's always sad that a polite and reasonable post is buried and ignored. I agree with you.
i'd tried other treatments, like topical corticosteroids and stretching. nothing worked, and by the time i got circumcised the tip of my foreskin was almost entirely scar tissue due to years of the hole trying to close up and my piss blasting it back open, often with blood involved. the hole was so small, and so hell-bent on closing itself up completely that many times it would be EXCRUCIATINGLY painful to urinate.
Damn son, I'm trying to eat here.
>I can discredit any source I disagree with by claiming it's fraudulent
I find that last statement extremely hard to believe
Dicks are beautiful with foreskin and disgusting without it
it's just schizos trying to find an excuse for why they're so pathetic
>Time to kick back and enjoy a nice Yea Forums thread while I eat
>Should I watch some funny stuff on /wsg/?
>Should I go into a nice food thread on /ck/?
And then you picked the foreskin thread.
Uncle anything is weird but not as weird as Sir Perky
I forgot what tab I was on.
I once got high and drunk with a bunch of friends and we kinda had an orgy. It was super embarrassing because I have self-esteem issues, but to my surprise not only I was bigger than my two other friends, the two girls were much more interested in my uncircumcised dick.
Feel free to call me a liar, I don't care. That day truly boosted my confidence, even if I don't remember anything outside of that and probably something fucked up happened because none of the other guys talked to me since.
>Never has for me. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
Motherfucker, if you were circumcised at birth then the tip of your dick would have become calloused early on in your life. Diapers are course and irritating. A urine soaked diaper cant help much either I imagine
Today I shall remind them.
gee I wonder why this thread has over three hundred posts
you guys must really be enjoying discussing south park
Egyptians were white, too.
Reduced sensitivity, or a lifetime of smegma cleaning. And i didn't get a choice, but still, if dick cheese really does smell that bad, or leads to frequent UTIs, i'f say fair trade.
Just wash your fucking dick when you take a shower, it's not that hard. Circumcision only """prevents""" STI's in dirt-poor shitholes without hygiene in the first place.
>America:circumcised dicks + put a man on the moon
>The rest of the World: no circumcisions, no man on the moon.
>America: circumcised dicks, lost to illiterate rice farmers
>Rest of the World: no circumcisions, didn't lose to illiterate rice farmers
>here's a link to a non egyptian kingdom and its history with egypt
friendly reminder we faked the moon landing after astronauts returned from the moon with proof of an ancient civilization
>fair trade
not really. have fun dealing with ED.
I propose a new form of eyelid circumcision be mandatory.
It's just a flap of skin. Who cares? Are you a baby? Just wear sunglasses bro lmao.
American's think that not only does it make your dick look better but that getting rid of the foreskin also prevents certain medical problems.
The fact is though is that it does neither and actually has a very high chance of fucking up your kids penis.
Unless I have somewhere important and prestigious in the day to be I shower at night before bed after exercising. During the day my foreskin gets nice and sweaty and pungent. Sometimes when my gf is out and I'm alone and bored and feeling particularly weird I like to slide the tip of my thumb into my foreskin and roll it around in there, building up a nice hefty dosage of scent before bringing it up to my face and having a good huff.
Anyone else?
That's because you didn't like the link that was 'Part of the Gawker network' And that link was used to explain who the Nubian were and their relationship with Egypt like I was trying to do with my original post. You're just as bad as the guy who refused claims but didn't back them up.
Imfuckingplying they critically read that shit for any reason other to try and prove their preexisting worldview right.
For most of the western world their religion is essentially the equivalent of a local country club. They may talk about being good little christians following the word of god but even they don't realise that they turn up to church mostly to feel good about themselves and keep in touch with the neighbours and have a coffee afterwards.
To be fair, myself and others have made relevant posts on it, but no respondants.
This is exactly why most muslims and even most jews attend mosque and synagogue respectively. The relationship is all backwards: country club is LIKE a church.
>>Rest of the World: no circumcisions, didn't lose to illiterate rice farmers
France did
I feel like everyone's done this at least once.
I don't need to. After a lengthy jerk off session, I reek of the scent.
My man.
Who wants an american, jewish or muslim woman these days?
>most women
You mean American hambeasts?
My gf told me once that she really likes dick smell.
>i can circumcise penises
extremely based and redpilled
Yeah, mostly because anti-sex religious nuts like the Kelloggs company grew really powerful in the early 1900s and marketted circumcision as a really desirable thing by hyping up masturbation as this big scary mental illness. It just sort of stuck in the American consciousness as a result.
He definitely was a huge anti-masturbation nut. It was literally why he invented his cereals. I think he advocated both male and female circumcision, and even lobotomies, in pursuit of that. I know for a fact he wad obsessed with promoting yogurt enemas as a wonder drug.
yeah, but the difference is that Dr. Marston was based as fuck whereas the gender theory guy was literally a real-life supervillain
>got his hands on a pair of twins (both boys)
>burns the dick off one of them so he can turn him into a girl
>forces the twins to rehearse sexual positions with the "girl" on bottom
>publishes his findings as successful even though both twins killed themselves
There are actually techniques for stretching the penile skin that can be used to basically induce the growth of a replacement foreskin.
>pick up a history book for once.
I've read plenty of history books on the Egyptians and pretty much all of them trace the Egyptian people back to West Asians (Middle Easterners) who emigrated to that region.
Sorry, African History =/= Black History.
The first time I saw an uncircumcised dick was that jarsquatter video. We called it the "alien squirt gun"
Every time I see a thread that goes into this subject on Yea Forums, the level of vitriol really shocks me. I mean, I might just be biased 'cause I got cut, but like. I don't think it ever affected me at all. I don't even remember it. I didn't even realize that dicks weren't just like this by default for years.
Goddamnit user, i spit my drink. I'm keeping that one.
Cut dicks are easier to suck, too much foreskin can ruin it (even though it's fun playing with it).
My father is cut and when I was born, apparently my mom said "Well, he should be the same as you so he doesn't get confused, right?" and my dad basically went "No, that's dumb." I'm grateful that he did.
Women don't know shit about having dicks.
Why was your mother arranging sex between you and your father?
>be from post commie state orthodox christian
>parents didn't cut me
Thank goodness. You poor suckers will never know the pure joy of holding the tip closed while peeing and see it balloon up.
>only a jewish
It's Abrahmic thing
Jews, Muslims, and Christian republic of USA do it.
>all these seething cutfags and/ or Jewish shills
Wew lad
Yeah, but they're French.
>I don't think it ever affected me at all.
Imagine that you, and most other people in your nation, were artificially partially blinded at birth for the sake of fashion. You can still mostly see, and society is set up to accommodate this, and everyone has the same disability. Let's just say colors aren't as bright and vivid as they should be.
And then one day you learn that this isn't done in other countries, and that there is an entire spectrum and intensity of color that you have never experienced and will never get to experience. You don't even know what you're missing out on, and it can only be described to you in poetic terms, but you do know that you're missing out on something.
You'd be pretty pissed off that this is a practice, right?
Have to mark your slaves somehow.
I thought you were Wakandans N Shiet.
The SH wiki is a joke, and like 60% of it is full of shit and non-canon stuff.
Women are just retarded when it comes to circumcision.