Batman in Darkest Knight

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>red hood pleading
this is going places

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I like the concept but we'r on page 15 and Bruce is still narrating the obvious. I can't remember if Barr was always like this.

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Is this the BatLantern from Wednesday's GL? Thanks OP

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Based on it. Morrision added to the concept.

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>returns immediately
Were the Guardians this dense

We live in a..

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yellow submarine

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Might do the Metal version too.

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Seems Two face is merged with Evil Star.

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>no introduction to supervillains or explanation of how Selina became Star Sapphire
this is sloppy

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Right in the vag?

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Joe Chill didn't wear a clawhammer suit, what is this

Justice Lanterns.

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Sinistro Joker

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>never left Smallville because reasons
This is itself an entire story


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>Sinistro Joker
Joker never existed in this timeline and Sinestro never went after Red Hood, how the fuck

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Just writers whim. Fate and stuff.

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>Fate and stuff
single malt whiskey and stuff

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Thanks for the storytime OP

Room for sequel. But never happened.

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He did show up in Countdown arena though.

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That Flash use was hella tight.

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Dark green.

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Interesting, but this is illegal distribution of intellectual property. Desist immediately.
It's Bogdanoff, but how?!

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I wonder how much of this story Morrison will acknowledge on account that Earth-32's Bat-GL has more obvious Batman look.

Not very much.

Maybe I should do the Pirate Batman book.



It was alright but it introduced more things that it was prepared to explore

Well that was a multiverse level Batwank story. So he tamed parallax I guess?

He tamed mankinds darkness.