Orange man bad!

>orange man bad!
>men don't know what it's liked to be judged by their gender!
>but muh russia!

I see a canceled maxi-series in the future.

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Not going to happen. This one has Didio's full support.

It would be a shame if this thread were to disappear

Comics are leftwing.

cry more.

>Rucka writing both Questions in future issues
Please no. I don't even give a shit about Trump commentary, I just want the Question in current things that aren't written by Bendis.

I see the shills are as eloquent as ever.


WHAT? How dare people consider the president who's locking people in cages to perhaps be bad! All criticism is invalid because you have repeated this magic catchphrase which makes the people in cages disappear!

Golly gee people in cages!?! That's awful! Only criminals should be put in cages.

Oh wait.

>orange man bad!
Objectively speaking, yeah Trump is a shitty president.
>but muh russia!
So you're defending russia killing it's journalists and whistleblowers.

What happened to hold the line at 2.99? 3.99 should at least come with a digital copy of said issues

>Only criminals should be put in cages.
Imagine being such a reactionary cuck that you label toddlers as hardened criminals deserving to be locked up in cages.

Stop lowering your standards.

Show me these toddlers in cages and I'll show you Obama's administration.

Where do you want them to be put? How do you know the sacks of shit they came with are their actual parents? Do want to send the children to be sent to 5 stars hotels? Because it's on your taxes.

This is all under trump's administration user.

>Because it's on your taxes
It's already on my taxes so how about instead of intentional cruelty we can treat them like fucking humans?

I had hopes for this
and then I read it and bam it was pol trash

>how about instead of intentional cruelty we can treat them like fucking humans?
The most human thing to do is to send them back, also if you want to blame someone, blame the fucktard Bill Clinton and his retarded wife who came with this genius idea user.

Trump is trying to STOP that shit you tard

Not all

How in gods name is this comic /pol/trash???

>I had hopes for this
Why? Rucka is either boring or cringe.

Imagine not knowing the laws of your own country. What these people are doing are misdemeanours, not felonies

Me too. I hadn't read much Rucka but I thought he he was okay and the Lois Lane lead interested me but it turns out he's terrible. Is there any writer I can get my hopes up for when I see their name on something anymore?


You are a bunch of fucking cowards. You will defend these camps but also blame them on the democrats amd the saddest thing is that you think you're being clever.

Jeff Lemire

>implying you read comics
Why do you give a shit that rucka calls trump a shitty president?

>blame them on the democrats amd the saddest thing is that you think you're being clever
So....pointing out the irony that they're using the "kids in cages" card only now, even though it was happening since Bill Clinton.

But what does pointing that out achieve? Are you implying they did it too, so it’s okay to do? You Trumplings always do this two wrongs make a right shit. It’s maddening. “Obama did this!!! Hilary did that!!” Why don’t you focus on the present you fucking idiots

>Rucka's Question

I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm not a suppoerter of Obama either, the Democrats and the Republicans are different sides of the same coin. Regardless "Why don’t you focus on the present you fucking idiots" is really fucking funny, you knew this was happening before and you didn't say shit, now that the trend is to hate the fat dude, you imediately jump on the shit-storm-train.

>Why don’t you focus on the present you fucking idiots" is really fucking funny,
It's literally the only thing you can do. It's like you're asking me not to care about a burning house because 4 years ago there was a kitchen fire.

The difference is that this is all intentional on the trump administration. This isn't careless bureaucracy but active targeting of immigrants.

Do you know what a zero-tolerance policy is? Do you know what it means when people say that a zero-tolerance policy to lock children in cages didn't exist before Trump?

I didn’t know this was happpening before. If I did I would be saying the same thing I’m saying now. But this is all you people do. Whataboutism and topic changing and strawmanning. No one can earnestly engage with you because you won’t let them. Don’t be surprised when every board on this website except one tells you to fuck yourself.