

Attached: Cliff-Robertson-Uncle-Ben.jpg (1400x700, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Don't date Mary Jane, she's a fucking whore"

>Check it out, Louis. I'm gonna be superhero. f*ckin sweet.

>I've fallen and I can't get up.

>D-Despite being 13% of the population-

>"Please stop pretending Tony Stark is your Uncle instead of me"

>H-he was bla-

>Peter i... i'm gay.... i fell love and had sex with a fellow soldier when i was proudly serving my Fuhrer with the 36th Waffen SS Grenadiers.... p.. please dont tell your aunt may.... i.. i really love you Peter

Powerful stuff

Attached: uncle-ben-mattered.jpg (452x540, 56K)

it was some fucking sandn-

>kill all women.

>Peter... the man who shot me... he was White!
>After all these years, after all the good work putting minorities down, one of my own got me

How would Raimi Spider-Man develop if this was true? Would he be not racist and try to help them out to make up for what Ben did?

>With great power comes great responsibility.

What did he mean by this?

Hardmode: No using white man's burden or anti-Semitic related remarks

/pol/ Cringe
/pol/ cringe
/pol/ cringe
/pol/ cringe
/pol/ cringe

Beter Barker

>faggot doesn't get a Sandman joke referencing the twist in Spider-Man 3

Ur cringe.

The Nazi Raimi memes are forced now


>people still laugh at em after 3 or 4 years

Yeah I'm sure all the 12 year olds that think nigger is the Pinnacle of humor still find it funny


This, watch the Iron Boy movie you fucks


>N-no Uncle Ben, I think he looked like an italian!

>Oh thank you Peter...

Have cope and sexilate.

>We burned every slopehead gook in a fifty mile radius...The fly boys in the helicopters were hacking up ashes Peter...My only regret is...I didn't get more of em...Huuurgghh....

>fried so many people they named a brand of rice after him

I hate fags who do more than like three responses. No one fucking cares about what you think about a bunch of joke posts. It's obnoxious.


Stay mad nigger.

>OP fucks up Peter's name
This thread was doomed from the start.

>The multiverse is real, Pete. Don't ask me how I know, because I'm about to tell you in explicit detail. I was your age when it happened. Wait, how old are you again? Actually, never mind, I was 12, still fresh-faced and rosy cheeked. My father took me down to the local whorehouse to lose my virginity. This was back when the age of consent was 10 and you could get a shiny Filipino hooker for a nickel. That wasn't a turn of phrase, by the way, the hookers were actually shiny. They'd lather themselves up in some sort of ethnic skin butter. I have no idea what they called it, but it smelled of coconuts and mother's milk. Can you even imagine it, Peter? A boy, no older than 12, stepping into a den of milky, coconut-scented debauchery. I was a kid in a candy store full of prostitutes. Naturally, I picked the bustiest one. They called her LaGuardia, because she boasted that she could send your dick flying to another land. Well, I don't know about that, but I'll tell you this -- the things she did to my virgin penis were beyond my early comprehension. I had no frame of reference, Pete. My world was hula hoops and jawbreakers. If I hadn't walked in on my father banging the family maid the month before, I would have been at a complete loss. So, anyway, I was going at her doggy style when it happened...

A portal opened up in the wall I had been staring at in a desperate attempt not to ejaculate. Naturally the surge of transdimensional energy and blinding light triggered a devastating orgasm -- one I've been attempting to replicate using strobe machines and microwaves ever since, but I digress. A man walked out of the portal and into my world, Peter. Well, I say walked, but, actually, it was more like crawling. It wasn't a very big transdimensional portal, you see. Much smaller than average. It was like watching the universe give birth. But that wasn't the whole of it, Pete. No, not by a long shot. Because that man who crawled out of the universal pussy was me. He was a little older, sure, but there was no mistaking it. He gave me a cryptic warning. It was mindboggling to me, especially in my state of post-orgasmic bliss. Between that and LaGuardia's confused , violent screams, I barely even registered it. He told me that he came from a universe where I married Marissa Tomei instead of Rosemary Harris. I almost busted another nut from the news alone, kid. Thankfully I managed to hold onto my ejaculate long enough to come to my senses and ask him if there was any way I could bang Marissa Tomei as well. As his portal began to draw him back to his world, his voice rang out behind him: "Garfield... Garfield... Garfield..." I can't tell you how many years I spent hunting down that damn lasagna-eating cat before I finally realised his meaning. There had to be a reboot, son. One so terrible that Sony would have no choice but to return custody of our franchise to bold and trendy enough to have Marissa Tomei play an octogenarian. Peter, you need to make this movie work. Then, and only then, can you make the next movie even better and the movie after that so bad that the studio has no choice but to start all over again. Garfield, Pete... Andrew Garfield... He's the key to all of this. Him and his glowing black nemesis... I'm coming, Marissa...


And so am I. Good work

If you have the power to make the world a better place or just help those around you live better lives, you have the responsibility of using that power.

Alternatively, use your gifts responsibly.

This post is 10x more cringe inducing than any of the posts it's responding to. Get your autism under control user.

Remember to sage and report all /pol/ threads

Bad bait autist. No (You) for you

>>"Don't date Mary Jane, she's a fucking nigger"
thats better

So Peter dates Michelle Jones instead?

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Learn to be funny
Learn to be funny
Cringe humor
/pol/ Cringe
Yea Forums Cringe
/pol/ cringe
Stay mad
It's a /pol/ thread
Stay mad
Stay mad
/pol/ cringe
bad joke but not cringe
This isn't iFunny

You OK?

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I ship Raimi Peter with Michelle

I don't mind women posting on Yea Forums but do they have to be so... woman?

can you newfags stop.. that guy's a troll. he's been going around telling random anons "".

You faggots are helping him derail the thread

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>the silverware, peter... don't let the negro take it
How the FUCK did he get away with this? And why was he worried about that clerk going to his house?

Not cringe but bad, eh? Looks like I'm moving up in the world.

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