I haven't seen one of these in a long time, let's have some appreciation for two of the greatest aliens to ever grace the big screen and then the comic store.
To kick the thread off:
>what's your favourite comic and why?
>what's your least favourite comic and why?
>which species is your favourite?
>what art style/design for each do you prefer?
>do you own any related merchandise?
>was AVP a mistake?
Alien, Predator and AVP Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the deal with how quick they grow from chestpopper to full size? Seems to take fuckall time and they don't even need food to do it, so how's that work
>was AVP a mistake
The arcade game is worth the bad movies
>was AVP a mistake?
the first comic book with machiko was pretty fucking great
Some of the better comics explain this by showing them eating what's left of their hosts, the game AVP2 does too. As for their growth speed, it's later explained with their nature as bioweapons which along with the Engineers is a concept I actually like.
It was explained in commentary in AvP that the Preds breed them to grow faster
Really jealous of this German edition of Aliens comics that we don't have, even though it's co-publised by Dark Horse. Basically it's a best of compilation collecting the best artists like Kelly Jones, Bisley, Corben, and Mignola in oversized black and white
>We're getting Archie vs Predator 2
>It will be the last Predator crossover after Disney gets them
>Archie vs Predator 2
Didn't Archie fucking die?
Machiko is great.
shame they will never use her for a movie (and probaly if they do turn her into a nigger)
Was thinking of buying the Neca figures of this guy and Scarface from CJ, but I just can't buy Neca anymore after experiencing the vast superiority of Hot Toys.
from this line?
Yep. Most recent Neca one I bought was the series 8 jungle hunter, it's fun to see the new things they're bringing out. Apparently they're producing Dachande and Machiko now, so that's cool I suppose.
>was AVP a mistake?
The second game is great.
the first game is great
>was AVP a mistake?
It's had great comics, some good games, toy lines have been fun, only the movies have bombed
They also have great mods for Skyrim and Minecraft
Would watch/read.
Probably wouldn't solely because I don't know the first thing about Metroid.
I feel kind of the same way. I still buy the NECA figures based on the Dark Horse and the Kenner-inspired figured. I wish HT would do a Dark Horse Predator like Ahab or Broken Tusk, and at least one Kenner inspired figure or at least something beyond the movies.
Why are Predators so good at crossovers?
Since the previous two were less than stellar, Yea Forums, how would you write and produce an AVP movie? You have access to all the actors, sets, funding, equipment and kitchen sinks you need. What would be your ideal viewing experience to craft? How would you wipe the failures of 2004 and 2007 from the public's mind and replace it with fond memories and smiles whenever the phrase "AVP movie" is spoken?
Hard mode: you can't just make a movie adaptation of one of the better comics. It has to be an original story like the other two films except good this time.
Going by Samus' best status I'd give it to her, before Japan turned her into an insecure housewife.
Have it take place in the future
Show some more mutant Xenos to make them a bigger threat to humans and Predators alone
For the love of god better human characters
Keep a Predator alive
Why is Lucky hunting the gems and a predator? Why did the gems ally with a predator? Why is Lucky such a threat that an alliance is necessary? I need answers.
I preferred the art in the first series.
Predator is essentially a typical action flicked crossed with the Predator, Predator 2 is a typical buddy cop movie crossed with the Predator. Predators are built for crossovers. The only thing you shouldn't do is cross them with themselves, which is why Predators and the new film were so middling.
Also making movies about crossing over with Aliens
They're after his lucky charms.
>was AVP a mistake?
In what way and in what context? The premise itself is essentially cool vs awesome. As for the franchise itself...it had its ups and downs. But now with fucking Disney owning the franchise along with Aliens and Predator, we'll probably never see anything new anymore.
We'll get earlier AvP2 + Primal Hunt on GOG and Steam before anything new from the franchise. And the first two movies were all but good. Should've set them in the Alienverse with Colonial Marines thrown in as the underdog.
Aliens Stronghold is the best Alien comic. Prove me wrong faggots.
Which one is that again?
Yeah, I got a question regarding the Alien franchise.
Why didn't Weyland Yutani send a team of androids to secure an Alien egg and then bring it back to their labs so they could gestate it in a controlled environment?
Manipulating a bunch of space truckers doesn't seem like the best idea.
W.Y. They don't give a shit and are simply pants-on-heads insane.
Possible IU reason: androids can't improvise like humans, androids are way pricier than humans
Actual reason: Plot
They actually did send a team of synths in the Earth War comics. It's just that there's not much to get emotionally invested in with a team completely made of robots.
The truckers were closest and the company wanted to claim the ship before anybody else could find the signal. Expendable employees are fine for scoping the place out and being unwitting test subjects should they find anything nasty down there. The android just monitors it all so WY know how to handle the derelict spacecraft once it reaches home.
but mother revealed it was a plot from before they got sent out i thought
Now that Diseny owns them like a flatform shoed hooker on the stip does that mean we'll get Jerry or other likeable characters in the next movie?
Too bad we never got that Aliens cartoon series.
Do you know a sonuva bitch when you see one, Yea Forums?
i'm tellin ya jerry, one of those predators has a thing for me...made me a shield out of the aliens you know, penis head...giddy up
but buddy on this planet, what am i gonna do for fruit?
Can't their exoskeletons tank small arms fire that can still hurt predators? Also aren't the queens and higher castes basically super geniuses that only care about species propagation? I recall one basically playing the role of subservient pet until it got to earth and ripped her captor to shreds.
It was prearranged before the crew got sent out.
The AvP game they made in 2010 had Weyland Yutani do the right thing ( until the Aliens got loose). Grow the Aliens in a lab and then use expendable employees to gather behaviour data.
I watched the first Alien movie, and man what a boring-ass movie.
So the shredder was really a predator all along... It makes sense.
>*ring ring*
>Hey, what the hell is this thing, some kind of Jamaican bio-weapon?
To a degree this is true even of the lower castes. Six from the last AVP game tricked her captors to escape too.
>"We don't know why it's here..."
>Steven Spielberg
>"We don't know what it wants..."
>and John McTiernan
>"All I know is..."
>Make the greatest film in years
>"We're gonna need a bigger boat."
>That reveal at the end when the shark gets facehugged.
>When the Nautical Predator made a eyepatch from the scales it cut off Jaws.
I'm so happy this has art.
>that predator that activates his self destruct as his boat is going down
Predator like to scarp with anything
He needs a balling cape
Have you seen the upcoming Alpha Pred?
That book was absolute insanity and easily one of the most fun comics of the decade, up there with Scioli's TF vs GIJoe.
Can we get more fun Predator comics?
So, does this mean Pred's a Bettyfag?
Turned out he picked both
I cackled, damn it.
as a matter of fact....
but yeah, read the comic, it's completely balls to the wall crazy. The predator is tearing out the spines of the kids left and right, skinning their skulls with his mandibles, wears Betty's hair scrunchie, and dukes to the death with a hulk version of Archie - all in classical archie-style artwork.
It had a lot of great moments
Holy shit, Neca's making that? It looks amazing. I sort of lost hope ever since they started using terrible colour schemes and the same moulds over and over, but this guy looks perfect.
Actually make it about Aliens fighting Predators. Make the human characters just as badass in a way that makes them likable without overshadowing the lead monsters. Also set it in the future.
Wanted to post another crossover gif, but it exceeded the size limit, so I posted another pic without checking if it was already posted first.
one alien that looks like gigers classic
one predator that looks like winstons original
some human space pirates and maybe predators interacting with engineer tech. keep it small and focus more on the actual fights and choreography
>deadliest of the species because you know why
>aliens with skull under the dome are always the best designs
>still got all those kenner toys in boxes somewhere
>yes it was. please reboot it disney
Alien is one of my favorite movies. I recently rewatched it and saw one of the cables used to lower the alien down during one scene and I don’t know if it makes the movie better or worse to me for it.
>I sort of lost hope ever since they started using terrible colour schemes and the same moulds over and over,
To be fair, a lot of those crazy colored ones NECA did were just their re-imaginings of the old 90's Kenner toyline. The line is extensive enough that they can do some of the weird stuff on the side.
The still do the more "realistic" looking ones from the movies, and even the comics. Some of the crazy looking ones have been their best ones.
No, I mean talking about some of their movie predators. Take their Youngblood, for example. Look at how flat the colour on the mask is, look at how bright yellow the skin is. It's the same with the other AVP predators and more, the colours are just ugly and nowhere near the level of Hot Toys. I realise that asking for HT quality in a £10-£20 figure is absurd, but their older paint jobs are far better and I don't know why they messed it up so bad.
nice throwback
Post it on plus4chan and link it here.
They really fucked up with the predator franchise.
Literally just make it Predator Vs. and you're golden.
Predator Vs The Terminator
Predator Vs The Seven Samurai
Predator Vs. The Man With No Name
Predator Vs. Mystery Incorporated
Predator Vs. The Thing
Predator Vs. E.T
Predator Vs. Chicago's #1 Pimp
predator even had a crossover with witchblade/the darkness
if they ever do make another predator movie. or an aliens vs predator one
you think they will finally show female predators?
I picked up an arcade Alien yesterday, I love those designs
why am i turned on
>female predators7.jpg
Post the other six pictures, please.
Sometimes it can go wrong
So vary vary wrong
I wish it could roll up into a ball
i wish i esat dfdruit fruit foll up roll u
Most of the ones you said sound rad as hell, and would be sure as shit better than this clusterfuck.
I mean they turned Predator vs Archie into a great book. No reason they couldn't do any of the others you listed, and get it done right.
What went wrong?
Did you have a stroke while writing this?
I was reminded by this thread that this exists. I can't remember if it was any good though.
There are some cool designs for female predators on the bottom row of this old picture. I like them more than the canon ones desu, especially "Young Huntress"
Also, female predators are canonically bigger and stronger than their male counterparts. You can see a female the main cast call "Big Mama" in one of the comics. I think it's the ones with the white hybrids.
Conan vs Predator works so well conceptually. Probably wouldn't even be the weirdest thing Conan did that week.
Has it been explained why the hosts doesn't feel anything until the chestbuster pops out?
You would think that having huge-ass snake growing in your chest might be a bit uncomfortable.
Maybe the chestburster can produce anaesthetic or otherwise block out its presence in its host's mind? The AVP games show that impregnated hosts feel pain, though, Tequila for example.
Oh do i have a treat for you.
Pretty decent and comfy channel about Xenomorphs & Co.
I hate the Human = Predator thing.
I haven't watched this or Covenant. Should I still watch them, Yea Forums, or stay away? The Predator looks a little better than Covenant on the surface, I'll say that much.
Stay away.
Covenant has better direction, but I guess The Predator is slightly more fun, even if it is pants on head retarded.
>Paul Jenkins
If nothing else it's guaranteed to be fun
Post yfw you realize Marvel getting the publishing rights to AVP means the likelihood of crossovers outside of Marvel are next to nonexistent.
I still can't accept Prometheus or Covenant. The idea of the Engineers/Forerunners having created humans, aliens, and predators AT SOME POINT didn't bother me all that much, because it left room for thing being ancient and still relatively unknowable. NOT KNOWING was part of the whole appeal. I did not want to know that the aliens were created like 10 years before the first Alien movie or whatever it fucking was. The idea that the xenomorphs were just some random hazard of space, the unspoken implication that any number of other horrors could reside out there, that was powerful. Stripping away all the mystery reduces them to nearly nothing and I hate it. But whatever, what's done is done at this point.
Oh don't worry, disney will buy everything at this rate, so we'll still be able to get those crossovers.
>and predators
Wait, what?
>Engineers creating aliens
I love this idea, makes their pants-on-head-retardedly deadly nature far more believable in universe. Really, you think an organism that perfect just evolved? Every facet of the species just screams artificial bioweapon.
>Engineers creating humans
I like this one less, it fucks with the fossil records as humans in Prometheus share our universe and lineage. Plus, making all life on Earth? Seriously? Maybe if it showed them fucking around with existing animals to guide+accelerate their evolution (maybe producing mammals) I'd like it more.
>Engineers creating predators
What? Since when?
Prometheus and Covenant don't say anything about it, but the AVP series used to flirt with the idea if I remember right. Since they all but confirmed it with humans and xenomorphs, and since The Predator confirmed predator gene fuckery, it's a logical conclusion to draw.
Let's be real though, in a world where Engineers created all life on Earth and also Xenomorphs, it'd be awfully weird if the Predators were the only other naturally-occuring species that just so happens to keep crossing paths with the other two.
>what's your favourite comic and why?
As far as Alien goes, I pick Aliens: Labyrinth. Interesting story, great atmosphere and appropriately disgusting to boot. Dead Orbit gets an honorable mention, since it is good, but at the end of the day it's too similar to the first film, as well as Isolation.
For Predator, I'll go with Big Game, closely followed by Bad Blood.
The crossover with Tarzan was nice too, at least on a concept level.
>what's your least favorite comic and why?
I found something enjoyable in each one so far.
>which species is your favorite?
I alternate between the two. On one hand, I really like the concept of the Alien as a "perfect organism" and Giger's design is great, even though we've gotten accustomed to it over the years. I like the biomechanical nature and the hive mindset, as well as it's breeding cycles.
The Predator on the other hand has a great design as well, and the Yautja culture is interesting. I also like the tribal aspect of the species and their seemingly dated technology.
I can't pick a favorite so I'll go with both.
>what art style/design for each do you prefer?
Giger's original design is perfect as far as I'm concerned, but the Alien Queen is just as iconic. I also appreciate the fact that Ridley Scott kept the alien's design in Covenant closer to the original, with the semi-translucent dome and the visible skull underneath.
As far as the Predator is concerned, you have a lot of room for improvisation with their armor and what not. My favorite in terms of design is probably the City Hunter from Part 2. Largely unchanged from the original, but somewhat sleeker.
NECA has had some awesome designs in their Predator lines too. The blue Scarab predator is my favorite.
>do you own any related merchandise?
Yes. Aside from all of the comics I mentioned, I own some figures and a box set collection of the films from each franchise.
>was AVP a mistake?
It's a really cool concept, although I view it as it's own contained canon.
P.S. here's the Scarab Predator I was talkng about.
Got me thinking how much I'd prefer a Pred movie set in ancient times instead of that quipfest horseshit Predator 2018.
P.S. 2
The Neomorph in Covenant had a pretty decent design, even though the movie was meh. It was more simplistic, but unnerving enough.
bruh, look at dis dood
>tfw you hear ANOTHER Alien/Predator film is coming out
Did Kurosawa show up in much else? I can't quite remember.
I own some figures and a box set collection of the films from each franchise
Post your collection.
This would be amazing. Conan in a war like any, with a Predator hunting the champions of both sides.
She's only ever shown up as an easter egg in the background of fighting stages
NECA's Scarface is pretty damn cool
They even made new wristblades? Damn. It's a shame the inside of his mouth looks so flat, though. It's also too bad that Concrete Jungle 2 is never ever.
one more bump
I guess some are just kind of hit-or-miss.
They did several other AvP Predators, and all of them had washes over the armor to bring out the detail and give them a much more dimension.
I guess the yellow is kind of up to opinion, but a lot of the other figures had darker grey armor so the yellow was a lot more muted, and even had more brown toning through out. Honestly, that Youngblood is maybe the worst looking Predator out of the like, 10 AvP Predators they did.
Oh, that one looks far better. I'd still dull the yellow down to a more jungle hunter tone, though.
In general, the AVP preds from NECA have forgettable color schemes. But the sculpt is great and was retooled for more interesting preds like Scarface, or the Clan Leader.
Personally, I'm looking forward for the new Wolf
There's also the Laser Shot Pred
As an European not familiar with Archie, is Archie vs. Predator worth checking out?
>the new Wolf
Oh, god, I just remembered their old AVPR line. Ten of those twelve figures were different versions of Wolf and the articulation was consistently atrocious. I think I still have the xeno warrior somewhere.
So what would happen in this crossover?
The old AvP:R line was pretty bad, but it was from 2008 or whatever, when they were still kind of taking notes from McFarlane and just doing pre-posed figures with some novelty joints for articulation.
Their Predator line proper didn't start until 2010.
Some flavors just go with everything.
Wasn't there another comic that had either Xenomorphs or Predator and Terminators?
Unless I'm confusing it with a comic that just had "terminator like robots".
Best crossover.
I mean they are Aliens.
Here's the prototype
How will the aliens and predator fare in your favorite show/comics?
I think they might conquer the ATLA world
Vary much
I always find it funny how the Engineers and the Preds treat humans and each other
In the movies the Engineers are kill humans on sight, we are their mistake
The Preds on the other hand, only kill us if we are a worthy challenge, help humans build, and in both AvPR and in The Predator despite being okay with murdering a few of us don't want us to lose our planet
Just do a straightforward adaptation of the AvP2 video game, because its story was actually really good.
>that pic
"...I still know a son of a bitch when I see one."
God, so good.
Because the extent of their character is
>hunt the thing
You could make Predator vs anything and it would work
>Predator vs Calvin and Hobbes
>Predator vs Pink Panther
>Predator vs Popeye
Literally just go off the comics.
AvP set in the future with the only human characters being Colonial Marines, company reps, and maybe a civvy or two they have to keep safe.
I assume it was one of these
>Bishop mentions that androids like Ash had a reputation for being "a bit twitchy", so you'd need some humans to help the robot complete its goal
>they were closest and wanted to lock that shit down pronto
>they never encountered the xenos before or at least didn't have a 100% understanding of how they work like they do in Resurrection
>they could easily throw the truckers under the bus if something went wrong, whereas "why did you send these robots you controlled to pick up a bio weapon" is a lot harder to explain if they got found out
There's prolly some EU stuff that ruins it though, hence why it doesn't matter
You have to be 18 to post here
>that flashback where Herman Melville fought a predator in a Massachusetts fishing village and that's what inspired him to write Moby Dick
It was a little clunky but I'm a sucker for worldbuilding
>Predator vs Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin turns out to be a powerful psychic who subconsciously brings things he imagines to life-- hobbes is a legitimate mental projection he creates when no one else is around.
the predator doesn't even know what he signed up to fight when he goes down there.
Audibly kekd
I think in Aliens Salvation it was said Androids can't claim anything, it has to be at least one human
I was close to getting a Scarface figure on an Ebay bid today, but man, I wouldn't spend $50 or more on a single Neca figure.
Personally I think the predators probably darwin'd themselves off.
When a movie ends with one intentionally trying to infect their species with autism, you know they can't be long for this world.
Literally everything
>constant lame jokes
>terrible CGI
>rehashed ideas from Predators, but done worse
>characters' mental disorders are either punchlines or plot devices
>like nothing happens during the second act before the big predator shows up
>that shit with the predator puppy who gets lobotomized and becomes an animal sidekick
>utterly ineffectual joke human villain
>Olivia Munn trying to act
>that fucking sequel tease where Boyd Holbrook gets a predator Iron Man suit with machine guns on its shoulders
>plot is literally about a predator who wants to inject himself with autism before global warming kills every Twinkie on earth
I honestly think RLM was onto something when they speculated that Shane Black wrote the worst fucking soft reboot script imaginable on purpose just to see if it would go the way of Jurassic World and Star Wars and make over a billion dollars as a joke.
I know people who unironically defend it with "just turn your brain off it's stupid just like le cheesy epic 80s movie LOL" and now the movie itself just puts me in a bad mood whenever I think of it.
And it even wasn't the worst thing I paid to see in 2018.
There was some hints he was a Super Predator
His signal wrist blade, the use of dogs, and even the plot of spicing with spine juice was a nixed idea from Predators
They're both hilariously fucking terrible to the point that I personally use them as a litmus test it determine if someone has good taste or not.
Strap in and give it a watch, just bring booze and maybe some friends, you'll have a blast if you like watching garbage burn.
I've got a theory that Prometheus and Covenant are actually meant to be Ridley Scott's commentary on the Alien series
>Ridley Scott makes Alien
>already he dislikes the sequel because it introduces shit like the Queen and USCM, making it into more of an action franchise with guns and catchphrases
>by the late 90s his creation had action figures and comic books
>the very concept got bent over and fucked by people like Joss Whedon
>Paul WS Anderson makes AvP (which Prometheus goes out of its way to retcon out of existence)
>It's one big story about how drastically a creation can get out of the control of its creator, since as far as Ridley Scott is concerned it all went to shit from Aliens onward
I can appreciate his personal connections to these movies but that don't make them good.
What's the best comics to start with Aliens, Predators, and the two colliding?
>Really, you think an organism that perfect just evolved?
Humans put toxins on their food to make it spicier. We inject ourselves with viruses to improve our own immunities. We can ingest nearly any living thing, sap it of its nutrients, and convert the rest into biological poison that we can use to grow more food. We've developed armor and weapons and tools that allow us to breathe in space and under water. We use needles to ink patterns into our skin and expose ourselves to radiation to change our skin's pigment. We've split the atom and can manipulate electricity.
Humans are fucking scary when you think about it, so something like the xenomorph
>lays offspring in living host
>has acidic blood
>bulletproof caripace
>can survive extreme pressure
isn't all that far-fetched
I love the Batman/Judge Dredd/Alien crossover universe.
aside from the bulletproof part, all the other shit can be found on our world already
This desu
Is there one of those Yea Forums Recommends infographics for Alien, Predator, and AvP comics?
It's not a caripace, but shit like bears and hippos can legit tank a shotgun blast if you get them mad enough
And even then it'll just make them angrier
Not that I've seen but if you want AvP stuff stick to any comic pre 2000s
I remember a story about a singing Alien but I forgot the name of the book and what it was about.
I like how left unchecked the Xenomorphs just take over
It's a big list.
Damn, looks really promising. Too bad I probably won't get it.
Requiem may have been dogshit but Wolf's design was pure sex.
If memory serves, Jerry was an android structured in the form of a xenomorph, as it was intended that he could be used to infiltrate hives and study active xenormorphs without being destroyed as a threat. His creator had a thing for making him smoke cigars - he's the OP's picture.
The problem is that humans being made by the same engineers makes little sense, why make a species that would compete with them more directly then throw them somewhere far away instead of keeping them close as slaves?
Also what does that make of our very clear evolution on earth? how the fuck do they just seed life and it ends up looking exactly like us with exactly the same DNA when every other living being on earth didn't?
The most impressive parts of that aren't direct results of evolution, they're what happened because of how our brains evolved so they could create things like science, culture and records. The xenomorphs? They don't have anything like that. Their feats are 100% due to their immediate biology which is too goddamn perfect to make any evolutionary sense. Evolution doesn't do "perfect", it does "just enough". It just so happens that our "good enough" let us expand beyond what evolution gave us. Xenos scream intentional.
That's three Predators I'd do too many
In the original movie it implied it literally was eating metal and wiring, but I am pretty sure that was in the director’s cut now that I think about it.
Alien: Music of the Spears. Its about a rock star that becomes obsesaed with the signature alien shriek for his music so he kidnaps a facehugger egg and his bandmate volunteers to incubate it. He raises the alien and uses his recordings for his music but then it escapes, kills his owner, and goes on a rampage at a rock concert.
That sounds delightfully fucked up.
Another story I never quite got was Aliens Labyrinth
Best predator comics was obviously Predator : Big Game. Still the best predator ever came out since original. Bloody Sands of Time, 1718, Nemesis were interesting reads either.
I read most of the early works of Aliens but never found the one that actually attracts me. I think Outbreak, Nightmare Asylum, Genocide, Rogue, Sacrifice, Crusade, Labyrinth, Glass Corridor were quite amusing.
>Being a boy, loving predator and alien and getting this bad boy in his hands out of nowhere
Timestamp that shit
I mean Prometheus is really really stupid so there's that
>want to run a predator-based quest over on /qst/
>mfw people will always ask for aliens
>mfw will only ever play second fiddle to the original Predator Quest because of how amazing that was
>mfw probably can't run a quest worth shit anyway
Jesus they made the alien BUFF AS FUCK in Mortal Kombat.
It was born from a tarkatan so it has a shorter head, heavier build, bigger teeth and, most notably, arm blades.
I have a small collection of alien and predator toys in storage. No clue if they're worth anything, though. Lost my damn alien scorpion and mantis.
I think the AvP franchise could combine really well with a military spy franchise like GI Joe and Command & Conquer.
Found this old gif from predator 2.
the problem is they have no ability to travel through space without other species being dumb and ferrying them to other worlds.
Plus there's tons and tons of easy countermeasures if you don't rely on bog standard "lets send lots of unsupported infantry in so they can use them to breed!"
Nuke it from orbit and then reterraform afterwards, no counter. Send in your AI robots and Androids as troops to kill them since they can't use them to reproduce.
>when a predator makes it through the whole movie without dying
The lead up is pretty funny.
Since they went full retard anyway the case at the end should've had a xeno egg in it instead of fucking ironman. Also you just KNOW the only reason for the literal autism related plot was because someone involved with production has an autistic kid.
>look Jimmy look
>they WANT him BECAUSE he's autistic
>just like you!
>you're not defective, Jimmy
>you're the next step in human evolution!
>were you listening at all?
Kinda sad.
I always thought they would both work very well with the Half Life series, particularly HL2. Preds more than aliens since they have more of a reason to be there what with space travel, but a xeno queen vs gonarch fight would be fun to see. I feel like AVP there would end up similar to the Ryushi comics.
They secretly want the autistic kid as a bioweapon to eradicate the super preds with.
If they can convince the super preds that autism is super special awesome, the super preds will steal the kid not realizing its a trap, and then make themselves into giant autistic retards who obsess over Yu gi oh online and remove themselves as a threat.
Is Dark Horse every gonna publish the AvP series in an oversized hardcover like they did with pic related?
Predator psyops so deep, brainlet humies can't even fathom.
>The only thing you shouldn't do is cross them with themselves, which is why Predators and the new film were so middling.
See i've thought that for years. I've also thought just what kind of movie would a Predator be good paired with, and i think it has to be whatever is popular and iconic of the particular era in cinema.
Imagine a Predator movie that has the same gritty, dead serious tone and realistic setting as Zero Dark Thirty or Sicario. Spend little time with the Predator and just make sure the movie builds up it's crime/terrorism theme up, show the world of humans being violent, ruthless and chaotic and work off that angle once you insert the sci fi, with the Predator being just a logical conclusion to senseless violence that's already there.
it was printed in Proland in 1994, I see the original print is from 1991
I pulled the photo from internet
I like that its Samus who has the predator by the throat in this instead of the other way around.
I'd make Predator: Concrete Jungle the movie.
>was AVP a mistake?
Yes, shit got us Predator 2. And then the rest of the shitty movies is history, all plagued from concepts from the comic.
Like that "honor code" and "yautja" bullshit.
Like the people who made that shit up didn't watch the first movie.
And the retards who like that shit must hate the first and only true Predator movie.
Those are just a inconsequential few weebs who like that fake Samurai bullshit because they want edgy antiheros instead of amoral serial killers with standards
I like both Predator and Predator 2.
>honor code
Makes sense, their whole thing is based around proving yourself in battle. Besides, remember how the jungle hunter deliberately avoided killing unarmed prey? Honour was part of the character since day 1.
>was about to detonate a nuke in the middle of a populated city
Honor to the preds is like honor to the samurai of old, posturing self righteous bullshit. They only go along with honor for their own egos and to make themselves look good, but will happily discard it when shit hits the fans.
>Makes sense, their whole thing is based around proving yourself in battle.
They're hunters. It's not battle, In the end it's still about killing.
>Besides, remember how the jungle hunter deliberately avoided killing unarmed prey? Honour was part of the character since day 1.
Remember when the predator deliberately killed Poncho with a headshot once he had all his ribs broken and was just slowing Dutch down? What's so honorful about putting someone down the second tormenting them is no longer fun for you?
Predator 2 was great
they hunt for sport, and theres no challenge in easy kill
it's boring
they're not really predators
ye the writers shouldn't ascribe too many human values to them
>In the end it's still about killing
Yes, killing things still capable of killing you. They refuse to hunt things that wouldn't look impressive on a wall, i.e. things that can't fight back from the get-go. You need only look at the POW from P1 or the pregnant woman from P2 to see this.
>the predator deliberately killed Poncho with a headshot once he had all his ribs broken
Prior to this, Poncho held a weapon and willingly entered a fight with the predator. The moment he fought back he became worthy prey. Besides, incapacitating prey that started the fight fully healthy doesn't suddenly grant that prey immunity. Poncho was injured while fighting and therefore still fair game when he was killed.
That was to prevent a prey species from stealing their technology which would bring disgrace upon that particular predator since the entire species seems keen on keeping their tech mostly to themselves. Disgracing yourself is worse than death, hence a surefire as long as nobody cuts your arm off way to stop anyone from getting your shit at the cost of your life. Remember, the honour system isn't for the benefit of the prey, it's for the benefit of the predator.
Based on the game or the comic?
Poncho was still holding his gun. Anna tried to pick it up before Dutch told her not to.
Why do aliens and sexy ladies mix so well?
You're saying a guy who literally couldn't sit upright due to all his bones being broken is a threat against an invisible alien with a plasma cannon, and killing on extreme technicalities like this is somehow honorful and not every bit as amoral.
The predator doesn't care about honor, only sportsmanship, this is the problem with the whole concept of a honor code, the predator doesn't level the ground with us out of an ethical imperative, only for the sake of making the whole exercise entertaining to him.
>You're saying a guy who literally couldn't sit upright due to all his bones being broken is a threat
No, he WAS a threat earlier in the fight. Incapacitating prey before killing doesn't render the trophy void.
>The predator doesn't care about honor, only sportsmanship
Honour IS sportsmanship to them. You shouldn't try to project human ideas of honour onto them since they aren't necessarily the same. Predator honour revolves around killing things that can give you a good fight on the hardest difficulty possible. While you don't need do do insane difficulty for every kill, higher difficulty kill = more rep in the clan.
Human honour involves respecting your opponent, engaging in chivalry, yada yada yada. Predator honour, conversely, does NOT mean caring about prey. It means gimping yourself to progressively higher degrees to make your victories more and more impressive and only spending time killing shit that gives you a challenge.
>Human honour involves respecting your opponent, engaging in chivalry, yada yada yada. Predator honour, conversely, does NOT mean caring about prey. It means gimping yourself to progressively higher degrees to make your victories more and more impressive and only spending time killing shit that gives you a challenge.
But then you're using a human word that means one thing to describe a non-human thing that means a different thing. It's willingly inviting a confusion and misrepresentation
These are fictional things so there's seldom an excuse not to name things properly
What would you call it? The closest single word I can can come up with is "honour", but maybe a more accurate description would be "rules of the hunt".
Maybe it'd be more accurate to call it the pursuit of glory than a code of honor.
Attention! I want to marry a xenomorph.
That is all.
Glory, Renown, Fame, they all fit better than Honor really
Orginal quest?
I don't like them, those make preds seem less rule-bound somehow. That's why "honour" or "rules" fits better, it actually implies their whole hunter's code thing exists.
Be warned, reading these threads in rapid succession may cause feelings of intense elation, awesomeness, melancholy and various other extreme emotions often related to partaking in Cool Shitâ„¢.
Thank you kind sir
It's all good. Be sure to read the first few threads and tell me how you found them before this one dies!
Was Linn a stand in for Ellen Ripley? We got Dutch.