Why are boomers so much better at humor than millenials?
Why are boomers so much better at humor than millenials?
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Would be better without the speech bubble
where is the water edit
>why don't you like OLD THING you dumb no-nothing kids!?
Fuck millenials.
Muh nigger culture muh twitter muh avocados
Bunch of faggots
Millennials must be stopped
>You are old and about to die
Unironically true
>Have sex, millenials!
it's true
millenials are slowly but visibly building a world of shit that is obviously much worse than what we already had and kill a lot of great sub- and actual culture. And there is nothing wrong with pointing that out
And deep down they know it's true. Otherwise they wouldn't get so defensive and build shitty headline mosaics for example
The wine cork was replaced because non-superstitious people discovered that the wine will keep longer if you use a cap.
>Yea Forums is full of fucking Zoomers
Please die, old people
Because Millennials think they're better than Boomers
Internet built this world of shit and as the main provider of Internet """culture""" ,people should blame you fags for making things worse
you are the ones misusing a system that we only built for digital letters and information.
At some point millenials started using it to send eachother funny pics and porn, and thats when it all went downhill
Millennial generation (early 1980s to mid-to-late 1990s).
mfw Im a dirty millennial
They're not. You just think they are because they subscribe to the same dumb shit you do.
Baby Boomers are dumb as bricks, ruined everything and refuse to let people have fun.
>will millenials kill home ownership
Boomers already did that when they decided to sell all of them to chinks
>started using it to send eachother funny pics and porn, and thats when it all went downhill
So when Yea Forums was created?
I'm sorry friend you must be lost, /pol/ is just a few doors down
I dont think you even know what /pol/ is.
cool story tranny
>refuse to let people have fun.
lmao, the generation that killed politically incorrect humor and made dank memes a thing judge others for not being fun
>doesn't get what the real issue with pokemon go is
>"but ur dumm as bricc"
>>doesn't get what the real issue with pokemon go is
And Baby Boomers do? They just learned how to use Facebook.
>No argument
because Boomers think simpler in terms of life approach, while millenials have some serious complexes (narcissism, existentialism, stress, depression etc), which makes boomers more fluid in self expression while millenials are always more focused on their complexes, often not just trying to make a joke but to have some hidden meaning or some shit. And millenials also killed humor in general. racist jokes are nowadays seen as post ironic
Because you have to have wits to be witty. Millennials couldn’t work a potato clock even if you stabbed it directly into their brains.
Going outside isn't really going outside if you just walk slowly while looking at a screen. You go outside to embrace the real world. vidya is pointless waste of time
what intrinsic value does looking at some flowers in the real world have vs looking at them in a virtual space? neither of it fucking matters bud. do what you want.
>vidya is pointless waste of time
hello Yea Forums
He's right though.
Unless you're running around in the wild using clothes you made yourself, camping in a tent pegged down with wooden pegs you personally carved using the knife you forged yourself, only eating the food you cooked or hunted personally, then you're a dead-end post-modern nu-man over-reliant upon technology and unfit to survive
>in this thread millenials that don't know what millenial mean complain about millenial
Like fucking clockwork.
now thats what I Call obsessed
So everyone here
>Boomers create participation trophies
>Boomers fearmonger the idea of going outside
>Boomers fearmonger the idea of meeting people
>Boomers create their own private safe spaces
At least on boards that aren’t /out/
What a crummy comic
>kill a lot of great sub- and actual culture
name 5 (five) things that millenials killed that were actually worthwhile
What's so crummy about it, zoomer?
How did we kill marmelade ?
Because boomers are a joke.
>ruined brunch
das it mang
He was a dog once! A DOG!
How come millenials have housing issues when they are living rent-free in the heads of boomers 24/7?
>Boomers doomed entire world to ruin
>And yet they have the gall to whine about how concurrent generations don't wish to preserve their 'culture'
not him but i thought crummy was the adjective used the the "pail of water" strip
>Why are people with less money and more obligations not doing as much as we did?
>Dang fucking kids!
It gets crowded fast.
>Boomers doomed entire world to ruin
Buddy, it wasn't boomers who spent their youth being degenerate drug-addled war-hating hippies, that is all on the millennials. They doomed the world to ruin by wasting their inheritance on college degrees and avocado toast.
millenials should be getting married more often, they have plenty of sex but decide to remain unmarried. i swear so many fucking single moms that guys don't want to be with, so that decreases number of couples, and even then, about two thirds of my students (5th graders) have step parents or only one parent, it is really depressing.
So you're saying that people born in the late 40s through early 60s weren't ever hippies?
that's your argument?
>step parents
so people DO want to marry people with kids
checkmate, atheist
Does that make me something?
Marriage cost stupid amounts of money, from the ring, to the ceremony, to the honey moon to the 50% chance of divorce you're talking about thousands of dollars in a world where most people live week to week with less than one thousand dollars in savings. Single parenting is rough, but is it really any worse than a broke house with parents who hate each other?
By not buying their shit.
>Entirety of childhood
"Make sure you go to college!"
Become an adult
"Why didn't you go to a trade school?"
Yeah no, fuck you. We followed the script as it was given to us by the adults who should have known better.
wtf I love millennials now
For the child, yes.
Try not to read this in a crotchety old man voice.
>boomers sell off the helium stockpile in 1996
ROFL, kids these days and their unintelligible jargon!
almost all good music
patriotism and political thinking
human respect
>tfw you will never make fun of trannies on Yea Forums with your grandmother as the two of you wait for the cookies to finish baking
Oh shit, is this the thread where we pretend to be old people and extol how our generation was the best there ever was and did no wrong? I love these things.
Damn kids! Haha, what fun!
>You will never shitpost about sony with your grandma.
Does Ben Garrison count as a boomer?
Those were millennials
>promiscuous millennials are killing mcdonalds
The hell.
>it wasn't boomers who spent their youth being degenerate drug-addled war-hating hippies
is this irony?
no user, you have it wrong
zoomer = generation I don't like
Maybe? Mostly he's just insane.
He just has no idea who the boomers actually are and probably uses it as "conservative person who is noticeably older than me"
Way to prove them right.
Do people really like this guy anymore? It's a theater major who larps other people's labor for a day and then has the nerve to extol a "by your bootstraps" narrative
>Ranting about NWO long after everyone else found other scapegoats for the world's ills
>Ranting about damn trolls ruining his comics
>Step by step goaded into the deepest corner of alt-right, all while barely aware of his metamorphosis
The one that really gets me is the:
>Millennials are killing Applebees
Of course we are, it's fucking garbage.
Almost all of the things in those newspaper clippings are understandable financial reactions. Nobody wants to blow their cash on golfing trips, going out to eat all the time, buy expensive clothes etc, when they graduated college during the recession and are financially behind where they should be. It's a huge economic lull-your avaerage mid-30s person probably has more in common (financially) with a 25 year old than a 45 year old at this point.
>why are millennials killing their bosses
Wait, but that's actual murder, not slowly deteriorating a tradition.
>that book
God damn it it's been months since I last thought about it
Applebees deserves a slow and painful death.
its because its either that or be alone forever, so... and 99% of the time, the dad is the step parent funny enough
only things necessary are the ring and the license IIRC. only millenials i know who got married and had the whole shebang are when the guy was an engineer so you kind of have a point. also giving birth to a child cost thousands of dollars in freedomland too and yet they still keep em popping out. god once im 30 it really will be date a single mom forever or be alone forever
He needs to bring back a pail of water.
Whoa, millenials have been raised to become serial killers. Though in this case it is killing concepts like the way Carmen Sandiego steals concepts.
On edge of boomer line, so I remember the shitty old days.
>almost all good music
Like disco?. Music today is better than it has been in the last 10 years.
>patriotism and political thinking
someone didn't live through the political shit storm that was the 60s and 70s.
Really? Broadcast TV sitcoms recycled the same old jokes for 40 years.
Shitty Hana Barbaric 3FPS cartoons?
>human respect
For example?
Go look at mid 60s though the late 70s, then then gansta rap craze in the 90s.
Wow, the one thing Ben Garrison is right on.
Damn, this guy really wants you to lick your boss's boots. That or whoever is paying him is getting him to shill that pledge.
>Here's your change
>gives him a rabbit
that's fucking gold
sounds to me more like you're just tuning out, that or you're an outrage culture fag.
music, cartoons, literature, fashion, movies, these things are all more accessible now than they ever were before, not to mention that nothing is truly "dated" anymore. You can wear pants from the 70s or watch a movie from the 40s and it's all still good.
Human respect, manners, civil rights is only enhancing these things. You're probably just mad you can't say shit like "nigger-riggered" or call people fags outside of 4 chan dot org.
And as for comedy, here's the greatest American comedian of all time, George Carlin, shitting on Boomers.
Ive noticed late boomers seem to be a lot more amicable and considerably less boomery. I wonder why that is.
>On edge of boomer line
So you're in your 50s? Post proof
>Music today is better than it has been in the last 10 years.
which were also millenial products, going from shit to less shit isnt quite the accomplishment
>Really? Broadcast TV sitcoms recycled the same old jokes for 40 years.
no, jokes that would get you socially shunned nowadays, just as an example. Or at least clever jokes, not randump humor
>For example?
nobody cares about the whole, or other people. Millenials brought hardcore narcissism into the world. People back then at least somewhat cared about community, nowadays you get words thrown at you for that, and it shows how this has ruined society
you are clearly just larping, judging by your shitty nonarguments that are the rest of your post
They know that they're less than 10 years from sitting in a nursing home shitting their pants so antagonizing their caretakers is a bad idea
>6'3" no exceptions
why that specific?
>not to mention that nothing is truly "dated" anymore
Tell that to literally any normie
Nobody listens to music from before the past five years, nobody reads comics from before the 90s, nobody watches cartoons from before the 80s, nobody watches movies from before then either. The amount of people I've met who have never seen Star Wars or heard Thriller is astounding
>your quality boomer entertainment is more accessible nowadays, clearly thats one point for us
Boomer fougth wars, raise kids, and even build all current tech
Millenials dont even have sex
>You're probably just mad you can't say shit like "nigger-riggered" or call people fags outside of 4 chan dot org
comblr is real
Perfect replica of daddy
Millennials don't care about other people? Nonsense. How else do you explain the rise in social justice if it's just narcissism? What do you call the people who've brought attention to concentration camps at the southern border of the states? What do you call people supporting local artists, farmers, and local businesses? Millennials get brandished with the feelsy "social justice warrior" labels but then you're gonna say they don't care about communities?
Maybe it's just your "community" you belong to. Wonder what that is.
A boomer would call that self-serving clout chasing and virtue signaling
...what the fuck is going on in this image?
Shut the hell up and prepare for more Jojo memes, old man. It fills my heart with joy knowing that Dungeons and Dragons, video games, and anime have taken over the minds of the youth. Don’t forget that the first people on the internet, the freaks and outcasts, shaped the culture of today’s children because it was easier for you to hand your kid a tablet than to actually take care of them.
With the rise of streaming I'm sort of against that notion that no one will ever rediscover old things. Maybe for now people aren't watching anything beyond 80s cartoons, but I wouldn't rule it out. Then again I am far from a normie.
Yea Forums used to be love before you shitty /pol/ tier outrage fags came in and ruined it.
This is the main problem with that generation. They're far too insular and selfish. Lord knows how their golden generation parents let them grow up into such brats. All my grandparents came from poor, impoverished European countries to live and work in a better country, and proudly fought against fascism that was terrorizing their home countries.
.... Yeah!!!! Inventing the Wheel is totally the same as cutting off your cock.
Isn't this the panel comic that shamelessly rips off Far Side on every level?
Why hasn't Gary Larson ever sued this guy?
oh boy!, I'm so thirsty
I'm 33 and I spend a depressing amount of time thinking about the whole wife and kids boondoggle. Between the fact that I'm fucking damaged (I wouldn't be here otherwise) and it basically being impossible to find a half decent woman that actually wants to settle down, I keep coming to the conclusion my only choices are permanent bachelor or finding some over the hill girl and having a shit marriage fir the rest of my life. My own parents having 35 years of misery in their martiage really doesnt help matters.
I guess, in summation, it's really hard to find a girl you can even trick yourself into believing might lead to a relatively happy marriage these days, at least when you are as mediocre as I am. And I refuse to "settle". Doesnt help I feel like so many girls, even ones I think might have a thing for me, are actually kind of hostile towards men.
Boomers were right about the millenials.
t. Gen Z.
Boomers shot at a bunch of brown people in bushes because rich people here were scared of communism. Now they all have PTSD about people stabbing them from the bushes but refuse to go to therapy because of reasons.
Also, Gen X is more responsible for the tech boom than Boomers are.
>social justice
Literally just a charade to get followers
>Government Controlled economy.
You think that Boomer is aware his comic bashing Left wing fags?
>twf you don't remember the fucked up past my parents lived, childhood was probably the best fucking years in a while and just when i finished school the country got on a ride to being authoritarian shithole
>buying good cheese now is a luxury
>non-zero chance to have bread as a luxury in a decade
guess the country
That can't be the truth. I know I feel similarly about LGBT people having rights and shit, and I don't have any social media presence, just the notion of the fact that all Americans should be treated equally. I know there must be others who feel as I do.
You know that when boomers say "millennials" they mean you, right, not people in their 30s.
Somewhere in South America or maybe Eastern Europe.
Everything is super sterile these days. I was watching some action movies from the 80s and forgot you can have genuine violence in films. This era of pg-13 or bust and diversity quotas really fucks with film making.
You say cope. But I can confirm his story.
I feel like virtue signalling and sniffing your own farts about how good a person you are doesnt have a thing to do with being a good person. A perfect example that comes up on Yea Forums regularly would be loli and shota witchhunts. You gave these "good" people that go out of their way to destroy anyone that draws loli or shota internetwide. These poor 2d victims need these "good people" to protect them. And when lives are ruined they pay themselves on the back at how good a job they did. It disgusts me.
How tame was John Wick compared to old movies? Never seen it, but it should have plenty of blood.
Why haven't you snorted a Tide Pod yet?
I really dont see this level of discrimination a lot of lgbtwhatevers claim to be facing. Especially not compared to a lot of minority groups. I feel like people just want to bitch.
Ah, so this is the power of the "generation of peace". Don't you have some hygiene to neglect?
Bread isn't a luxury in Venezuela yet?
Compared to old 80s movies, fairly tame. Not that it's a bad movie. And its r rated so it's not really what I'm talking about.
therapy is a sham
Food is a luxury in Venezuela at the moment.
The millennial is immunized against all dangers:
one may call xem a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of xem like water off a raincoat. But call xem a millennial and you will be astonished at how xe recoils, how injured xe is, how xe suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.
wanting black people to not get shot at preemptively by the police is totally equivalent to yelling at someone for jerkin their gherkins to anime 12 year olds.
>How else do you explain the rise in social justice if it's just narcissism?
SJWs are naraccistic as fuck.
>What do you call the people who've brought attention to concentration camps at the southern border of the states?
Lunatics like AoC.
They're detention centers.
>and proudly fought against fascism that was terrorizing their home countries.
I wouldn't consider replacing the regular fascism with US model corporate fascism (or soviet red fascism) as an improvement.
Are you even vaccinated?
And yet people act like they are doing the world just as big a favor. It bugs me. People have no sense of reality.
They're not detention centers, prison in America gives you a bed. These concentration camps literally cram 120 Mexicans into cells that fit 40 people, don't give them pillows, and only let them bathe when people come by with cameras.
Look, immigrants shouldn't be coming into the country illegally, but if you're not going look at the facts, I question your capacity of basic human empathy in addition to being smart enough to read. You've drank too much of the /pol/fag kool-aid, Just because people you don't like are addressing these concentration camps, doesn't invalidate how bad they are.
If anything, I'm pissed off that no one gave a shit during the Obama administration, when the exact same thing was going on.
>the rise in social justice if it's just narcissism?
because social justice is purely narcissistic? It's an ego trip for the mentally retarded who can't win any authority on this world without an artificial moral high ground. when they say "those pooorr minorities" what they mean is "look I care about others I'm so special love me more NOW"
Because the people that hated Obama enough to point out everything he was doing wrong dont give two shits about immigrants.
I don't agree with it either, the cold war is a major shitshow for that. That's not the point though, at least for the soldiers it was a just cause.
Vietnam was just shooting at jungle asians to get a better stake with US model corporate facism, and our involvement with the middle east has been that too. It's getting more and more obvious.
Are you? Or do you not believe in science like the rest of your ilk?
Careful now, you're awfully close to being that type who calls any challenge to power structures or civil rights a certain kind of marxism
it's almost as if both political parties only care about themselves while they make morons like us fight with SJWs and brown people instead of banding together to fight against the ruling class.
>a trump joke that hasn't been used before
The wars in the Middle East have lasted for 20 years but Millennials never had a huge hippie bitchfest about it
People have had bitch fits about it since the start. What do you mean?
>People have had bitch fits about it since the start
Dunno, the big anti-war protests sorta disappeared once the Change (no actually change included) guy got into the office.
Go back to breadtube, white boi
"being love" is not the same thing as being comblr
>having parents this miserable, paranoid and full of hate
you know the memes would be funny though!
>there are people on Yea Forums who actually argue that baby boomers are okay guys
So are you just contrarians, actual boomers or genuinely in your 20s/30s and think your parents did a swell job with the economy and culture during their period of hegemony (which is still ongoing due to their numbers, unusually for an ageing generation).
Haha, what the fuck? Is that Ganondorf? Does Garrison still think he's the cool memester of political cartoons because he knows about /pol/?
There is a difference between literally shitposting in real life by flinging your own shit at cops while tripping on acid and peacefully protesting over a war which was started over provably false pretenses for some retarded neocon goal of isolating Iran, an invasion of which is practically impossible due to geography and the economy consequences of turning the Persian Gulf shipping lanes into a warzone.
This is ignoring that there was a lot of anger at Bush because manufacturing basically fled the country during his tenure and this caused the recession of 2008 to be a massive fuck you to everyone involved when they realized there were no jobs left.
Whining about the eternal boomer is such a reddit thing to do.. You reek of LGBT angst.
>I think zoomer is millenial WHO CARES MY WORDS ARE RIGHT
I don't think anyone did a great job, I just know every person of that age isn't horrible, and if I did it would be just like boomers hating everyone under a certain age.
>No U!
Wow, you sure showed me
I never denied that our detention centers are overcrowded.
That's on them for pushing our capacity to handle migrants far, far past its breaking point.
To call them "concentration camps" is insanity. They're the same detention centers we've been using since forever, until the entire southern continent was told they can just waltz in, falsely claim to be a refugee, and get free shit forever.
what in the living fuck....
It's weird you say that because people have been doing it since before reddit was the boogeyman of the age, so I assume you're some kind of boomer-faggot hybrid attempting to shift blame
user we're talking about people who in their youth opposed authority because they weren't in control, then as adults constantly championed "following the rules" and eliminated huge loopholes they benefited from while imposing massive costs and bad policies which benefited them as adults until the idiotic belief that they could pay their kids less and somehow squeeze more money out of them for housing. The "greed is good" mantra of the boomers in the 1980s is why this civilization is rotting from within, the belief that they've worked and bankrupted everything but still deserve 30 years of retirement is killing everything for future generations and they are total narcissists who insist there's nothing wrong with that and future generations will just have to suck it up and pay for those pensions.
Normal people historically do not straight up tell their kids "haha you're fucked, but make sure to keep me well-fed until I croak and I don't care what happens to you". That's straight up diagnosable sociopathy, the way they ONLY seem to care about bad things when they realize those bad things will impact themselves.
It's the detainees fault their conditions are so bad?
>The "greed is good" mantra of the boomers in the 1980s is why this civilization is rotting from within
The western civilization was doomed long before boomers were even born. Hell, it most likely was destined to get fucked before the 20th century even started.
Don't you have a nuclear power plant to protest?
>going out to eat all the time
millenials eat out more than past generations 3 to 1, they are also fatter for it. igen ( 20 somethings) eat out much less
When your generation holds 30% more incels per capita then those geneations before and -after- you, something has gone wrong.
Unironically, yes.
The denial rate for asylum seekers is somewhere at 61%.
These are people who thought they could enter the country, get a court date for a hearing, and then just not show up.
This is the border crisis, causing the overcrowding at detention facilities.
The facilities would have more than enough capacity if the entire bottom half of the continent werent such indefensible assholes.
Calvin's dad...?
They didn't grow up in a world of internet connectivity and extreme media meta-awareness, the basic way joke writing works has changed dramatically since the 80's and 90's.
Memes are so meta and self-referential that they're basically impenetrable nonsense to the elderly
Look upon my works ye mighty and weep for I am the god of death
Damn kid who want to play video games instead of defending their country by killing people.
>playing wow on a console, standing up
I don't think that part is feasible
The only time in last century it actually defended itself, it was sailors against Japs.
Still grateful for their aid against krauts, though.
even the controller is upside down
All of this shit that mellinials are "killing" would come back if the government would roll back tax cuts for the rich, close tax loopholes and start a wealth redistribution program.
People have to have money to use it to invigorate the economy and keep all the bullshit industries in that pic afloat.
If you can't manage a little thousand of people detained with all that resources you live in the most inefficient place on earth.
boomers really are the best generation
fuck videogames
The ones that let Wall Street to ruin the country?
Jesus Christ
why boomers do this?
>Kills innocent Nazis
>Kids become lazy degenerates
Serves them right
I'm pretty sure it's above 30,000 at this point, at minimum.
This post reeks of entitlement, I wonder who is behind it...
>socialism will fix this!
Fucking hell
So it's just a coincidence that all the self-serving programs and policies created by boomers saw western civilization suddenly tank downwards, and they were just unlucky? Sounds absolutely retarded, much like the boomers themselves.
But this still doesn't change the main point- which is that normal people don't look at the Roman Empire falling apart around them and say to their kids "those Franks are going to fucking murder you, but at least I won't live to see it lol". Never in history has a generation taken so much from their parents, and given so little to their kids, and then gloated about how smart they were for making sure they themselves were set for life while their descendants inherited a disaster and they were totally aware of what they were doing with no remorse.
...on a mirrored Genesis controller to boot
Wear sunglasses or take pictures in their car?
Throwing money at millenials is like throwing money at African Americans; they just blow it on dumb shit and become poor again.
>All these white, privileged males complaining they're thousands in debt and they have shitty lives
>MFW I'm a latino in the military, can just apply for scholarships since I'm brown, and live in SoCal so they HAVE to suck my brown dick.
>Get military benefits for putting dehydrated food in a big metal box
>Get a full paid college experience
>not taking your jobs, I'm taking your CAREERS
Jaja, nada personal gringos.
>socialism would save capitalism
Let's not be retarded faggots, yeah?
>Let's not be retarded faggots, yeah?
Where do you think you are?
So what would you do faggots?
Do you have any facts to back that up.
>implying being in the military doesn't put a ton of annoying ass restictions on your life
>inb4 "I-I don't c-care"
The only real way to go is to have rich parents who pay for it all.
Cut taxes, cut job-killing regulations, allow businesses to refuse to serve people they don't want to, outlaw abortion and repeal Obamacare
Ah, the classic Poe's Law.
Black American in the 90s
ah, the classic whiny fake media adherent
>Cut taxes
we have been doing that for decades and it doesn't work, rich people will just pocket the extra cash.
>cut job-killing regulations
we have been doing this for decades also it doesn't work.
>allow businesses to refuse to serve people they don't want to
But they can already do that?
Oh you mean black and gay people don't you.
>outlaw abortion and repeal Obamacare
Oh you're just a brietbart style republican arnt you
And what will happen if there are a war with Mexico. Even Syria has more capacity to detain people. But we're talking about the country with private prisions.
Millenials aren't allowed to find things funny in case someone gets offended.
Shut up bugman, of course you would cut of your cock and think it's more profound and important than the invention of the wheel
what is the meaning of the poached egg in the middle
I'm gonna fuck your gf so hard when you're deployed man.
We turn their entire country into a nuclear wasteland, which is even better than a wall.
Because you are one and therefore have a bias.
People who have rich parents who pay for it all become commies. Just like how most modern nazis would have been the first to be labeled as subhuman by old school Nazis.
Jokes on you, I'm gay
>millenials are killing lunch
Its called being poor and starving.
And loss all the resources? If the US doesn't needed Mexico that will happened long time ago
I'm a commie and my parents never payed for college, hell I dropped out since it was money and my degree (graphic design) is virtually meaningless.
Jokes on you, she's your mom
I'll fuck someone in your family then, latin people hate that yeah? If I walked up to your hypothetical smokeshow latina sister and gave her my fat slavic cock.
It did before. Ever heard of the New Deal? Roosevelts made the best presidents.
>it wasn't boomers who spent their youth being degenerate drug-addled war-hating hippies
Yes they did what the fuck
At least you got some sense of what it's like to be a working man. Just promise me that you'll eventually kill every champagne socialist if you start the revolution.
When will the greatest generation meme die?
Why do people hate avocado toast so much?
we used to say get cancer here but I think u are the cancer.
find them when they are young or dont find them at all, by young i mean before 25 but generally best to find future wife in college age or high school age before she would eventually ride the cock carousel
They literally have never tasted avocado. The USMC is a shitty recolor of a perfectly fine deal.
They were pretty fucking based. If Teddy won instead of Wilson way back when, we'd have had socialized medicine and better women's suffrage rights back then. Bull Moose Party was fuckin baller.
Trust me, I wanna drive a car into an Elizabeth Warren rally at some point. I hate this "woke" establishment-endorsed fake-progressivism, literally idpol bullshit. Bernie or Bust motherfuckers (Gabbard or Gravel would be cool, but let's face it, it ain't happening)
>People who have rich parents who pay for it all become commies.
Thats more of a middle class thing, most of the truly rich failsons/daughters become neoliberals so they can keep their morals relatively intact on the social level while being able to justify and propagate the fucked up system that got them thier money in the first place on the economic level.
We will kill them last but they WILL die slowly.
Also Based