Why do people care so much about a Disney live action remake?

Why do people care so much about a Disney live action remake?

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It's a disgrace and insult to the animation to make these soulless Lifetime original quality movies
I don't care if she's black or whatever

Because Disney is indirectly continuing the cancerous "cartoons are for kids and live action are for mature adults" trend by making them.

You act like this stigma is going away anytime soon.

Racism mostly.

No one had a problem with any of them so far, and liked the first several movies. But the second they see Halle on screen everyone now has a strong opinion about the remakes and claims to have always had that opinion.

It makes billions

This seems like a marketing move more than anything.

They've already sold all of the dolls and merchandise that they're going to sell for classic Ariel. By changing the character's appearance, now they can make parents and grandparents buy all the new Ariel dolls and merchandise.

soulless cash grab by banking off of other people's talent while "updating" the story to a more contemporary audience

>No one had a problem with any of them so far, and liked the first several movies.
In what world do you believe this?

The fact that everyone fucking loved Jungle Book, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. Nobody complained about those and they did extremely well in theaters.

Little Mermaid comes along and all of a sudden people are trying to hide their opinions behind shit like "integrity of the originals" and claiming they want to stop the entire series. When in reality they were fine with the series until a black lead character showed up. Now they want it to stop.

>Nobody complained about those and they did extremely well in theaters.
I remember very specifically here on Yea Forums that people complained about both beauty and the beast and Aladdin.
With Beauty and the beast, they complained about disney making le fou gay. I remember several threads about it quite often.
With Aladdin, people bitched about the casting choice for genie.
To say this is new to the little mermaid is patently untrue.

People here have been complaining about the live action Disney remakes since day one.

Do you not see the pattern?

>Did not like a LBGT addition to the cast
>Did not like a black man being added to the cast
>Did not like a black woman being added to the cast

And all of a sudden your complaints have no weight whatsoever and come off as nothing more than plain old racism/homophobia.

Everything you said is still just plain old racism

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Whether or not it's racism, homophobia or whatever else you might think it is, people did complain about those before the little mermaid remake.

On top of that:
Some did great in box office sales. Some didn't. They did not all do extremely well, however.
Reiterated: Not arguing about your opinion on this being homophobic or racist. Just correcting you on some minor points you made that were erroneous.

Plenty of people bitched about Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin, right alongside Burtonland and Maleficent.

Cinderella was passable and forgettable seeing as there's no real discourse about it and only Jungle Book is seen as having been worth the effort.

By the same faggots who claimed DmC backlash was 'about the hair'. Why argue with someone whose major skill is misrepresentation?

Are you new? There was bitching about every single one of those.

People complained about the 1996 live action version of 101 Dalmatians.

>Racism mostly.
Best marketing strategy. How do you get people interested in something they seen before.
1. Change something that didn't need to be changed.
2. The Change in itself is both an attack to provoke people and a defense by saying "If you hate this, you are Racist!"

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Didn’t the Fantastic 4 reboot bomb?

If the only reason they hate it is because a black person is in it, then they ARE racist. There is literally no other excuse for that behavior. They are racist who do not want to see a minority in their movie.

Because it's nothing but an easy cash grab at nostalgia and the Chinese market?

does the chinese market want to see a black little mermaid?

I just grabbed a photo of race change comic character.
Same could be said in reverse. Why should anyone care about.movies done twice, just because they added (X) actor/actress

If you don't like it, don't watch it.

There is a huge difference in "I don't want to watch this" and "I don't want other people to be able to watch this" which is what you are saying when you want Disney to stop making movies. You want no one else to be allowed to see something.

Pretty much every attempt at adapting fantastic four outside the comics has been unsuccessful.

>The fact that everyone fucking loved Jungle Book, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. Nobody complained about those and they did extremely well in theaters.
>The fact that everyone fucking loved
>Nobody complained
Nigger from which bizarro world do you come? The hate train for liveaction cashins has been a fucking constant for years and with good reason.

Then why are they so successful?
Why are the only complaints coming from an anonymous forum known for bitching and moaning about anything they see and hear?

Probably if you thrown in enough CGI.

Yes I want less garbage to be produced.

Normies and Chinese people just keep eating them up, but there's all sorts of hardcore Disney fans that fucking hate them. Of course, you have some that are so stuck in brand loyalty that they still end up paying for them.

Success is not a measure of quality you dum dum

That's the very definition of racism

Disney SHOULD stop making movies and give others a chance. It's crazy the amount of great movies people will never see. But hey let's all watch Will Smith do Genie, and everyone suddenly start talking about Robin Williams being iconic even though they replaced him in Aladin 2.

Buut I know my shouting is the same as an ant telling a car to not run it over.

>Then why are they so successful?
Varying degrees of success.
Some of the live action films did quite well. Some did not.

Pretty sure racism refers to how you treat people not movies

Victimhood gives the incel a purpose

They replaced him in a straight to video movie that was disliked. That makes him no less iconic.

>People complained about Emma Watson as Beauty
>POC complained about a white prince as a suitor in Aladdin

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Oh my fucking god that is haunting.

Your opinion on what is or isn't racist was not the point of the post. Rather, user said that no one complained and that this is an entirely new phenomenon with the little mermaid. Which is just plain wrong.

They hated will smith because he gave a different style of genie
They hated le fou being gay because it changed his dynamic with other characters .
They hate the mermaid because she is so different from how she looked when they saw the orginial in their childhood

They didn't need to give her a 5 head. No nice her Hermione

Or they don't like seeing iconic characters being changed you dumb fuck bitch.
Making Ariel a non sexy redhead is like taking the S off Superman, the glove off Freddy Kruger or the giant tits off Lara Croft.

/pol/ demands attention, no other reason.
>Inb4 live action shill, I didn´t watch a single one of these remakes.

Its not /pol/ its latinas who hate blacks

>or the giant tits off Tifa

>white character played by black cast
If you oppose it, you are a racist!
>black/Asian character played by white cast
It’s racism, whitewashing!

It's going to happen Everytime. Do something original, that way nobody gets ass blasted.

I felt the choice to hire that actress is quite insidious
i felt they didn't hire her cause she's a good actress or a good singer, never heard of her myself so i can't judge
but she was only chosen so that Disney can shield themselves from criticism, especially from a time when there's a growing size of disney fans who grow tire of the live action remakes.
they also easily scored some sjw brownie points by hiring her and if the movie fails, the sjw will blame the racists

honestly if people weren't starting to turn against the live action remakes and calling them out for what they really are which is a veiled attempt to prolong their copyright
Disney would've hired a white actress and called it a day

>honestly if people weren't starting to turn against the live action remakes and calling them out for what they really are which is a veiled attempt to prolong their copyright

Doesn't work that way

Is Minions and The Big Bang Theory good to you?

Because it's the one 2D Disney movie that most closely aped anime for its visual style.


Well those things aren't helping

They want to pretend that Disney that has been anything other than a soulless megacorporation that makes money off infantilizing the masses and is a whore to popular "trends"

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>Why are the only complaints coming from an anonymous forum
Because if we complain anywhere else we're labeled racist and banned because close-minded little drones like you will not accept opposing points of view. Which subreddit are you from? You're clearly new.

because i'm sick of disney not adapting others stories or telling new ones. i'm sick of them taking their classics and making them watered down sjw twitter porn with actors that either don't try, can't live up to the original, or mannequins.

So is prince Eric still gonna be white or will he also get a race change?

huh, guess i was wrong.
thought that was how it works.
cool, thanks for the info man.

>it's not done to extend copyrights, Disney's just fucking lazy
Honestly that's almost worse

I hope they make him asian

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Dumbo was not hyped enough and undeperformed. The Little Mermaid was in the same pat and Disney used the outrage card

People always seem to forget Black Cinderella with box braids and her Filipino prince. Also Whitney was best fairy godmother and Brandy was a beautiful Cinderella.

So uh if everyone hates us negroes, why do they sexualize us so much?

Well aside from the fact that none of the recent Disney Liveaction remakes of their animated movies have been good and serves to erase the old animated movies to pass these live action movies as "improvements" and "serious versions of the story" it's mostly racist people being angry that a black actress got cast as Ariel.

And it's mostly the racists that screams about this at the moment, so we get posters from /pol/ & Yea Forums posting about it here


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If you have a problem with a black person existing in a movie, then you are in fact racist. There is no other spin you can make for that attitude.

they're the nu-disney version of those direct to dvd sequels

>No one had a problem with any of them so far
They utter shit you fucking monkey ass faced mong.

Sounds more like they decided to hate the character, then got to work trying to find another way to rationalize it as an excuse. Fact of the matter if they hate gays and POC

It really does make the perfect shield though. Now at least half of the people crying out for Disney to stop making remakes of the animated films have to shut up or else they might be outed as racist and potentially lose their job, be hated on all social media, become outcasts. etc

Because it IS racist. It's literally no other complaint. All anyone has been pissed at is
>OMG a black person in my white movie!!!!!

By that logic, Avatar is the best movie ever made.

>Because it IS racist. It's literally no other complaint.
So you're saying that any criticism right now of the movie is 100% racism?

>Won 3 Oscars
>Won 90 more awards after that
>Highest grossing movie ever made
>Nothing but 4 star and 10 out of 10 reviews
>One of the top five films of the American and >Chinese cinema history

In what fucking universe do you live in where avatar is not insanely, ridiculously, unbelievably successful?

Whelp, the only think you have to go on right now is, Halle Berry is playing Ariel. Nothing else, nothing to criticize, no film has been seen, no songs have been heard, no visuals have been seen, no pics made, nothing. All we have is black girl playing white fish. And people have been nonstop bitching, moaning, and complaining about black girl playing white fish.

So yes, right now as of this very moment, any criticism is in fact racism because the only thing you have to complain about is the actress and her color. 100% nothing else can be said.

He said best, not most successful.
Unless you believe these are synonymous.

>So yes, right now as of this very moment, any criticism is in fact racism because the only thing you have to complain about is the actress and her color. 100% nothing else can be said.
So if I criticize this because I am not interested in any live action remakes Disney makes of any of its animated films, that's racism, is that right?

>And people have been nonstop bitching, moaning, and complaining about black girl playing white fish.

I like how you retard SJWs phrase this. Like your entire thing isn't bitching and moaning about stupid shit. Like your non-stop whining about inane shit isn't what inspired the casting choice to begin with. I hope you fucking kill yourself.

Dumbo bombed, why is everyone forgetting this lol

& yes people have been bitching the live action remakes suck, Transformers 2 made a billion dollars & it's one of the worst movies ever made, sales don't mean quality

Yes absolutely. Because all the complaints that have been made in the last three days are nothing but
>I don't like this african american girl playing a white character
Which is a racist thing to say and think. If the only complaint anyone is making is nothing but hating that the race of the character is not what they want, then they are absolutely being racist.

The original characters weren't black. People like the original characters. That's why the movie is even being made, because people like the character. For most thinking and feeling people, who are not mindless animals like yourself, if the entire reason they're seeing a movie is because it has a character they like then they want it to actually be the character they like. It's not racist to want to see your favorite character, in a fucking nostalgia-based remake movie. Are SJWs even human?

You're kinda changing the subject user, and not really refuting what they're saying.

A direct refutation would be something like, oh, I don't know:
"This is a live action remake, I am uninterested in live action remakes of original movies" would be a direct refutation and proof positive of a criticism that is not in any way shape or form in race, sex, sexual orientation or identity.

But I'm sure nobody has said anything like that in this thread or anywhere else. That would directly prove them and their assertion that any criticism of this is racist.

Different user. There are definitely a lot of valid criticisms, but there's no denying a lot of people are freaking out because niggers. If, instead of black, they made Ariel a latina or even changed up her entire iconic appearance while keeping her white there would not be as much outrage. Maybe some, but not as much. I'd include "Asian", but I'm not so sure. White women tend to freak out about Asians.

Yeah, I'd rather they make original properties if they wanted to have a black lead so bad, but at this point I really better things to worry about aside from a shitty live-action Disney movie I'll never watch.

How in the fuck does a movie affect your life? If you are not going to see it, you are not taking any part in it, you are not investing anything into it, why the fuck does it matter that it exists? How the hell does that hard you in any way? It's not like Disney is going to send people to your house, take all your copies of the animated movie and demand you go buy a ticket to see this one. It does nothing to you.

But you not wanting it to be made is doing something to others.

>Which is a racist thing to say and think.

Is it racist to say the inverse, worthless evil retard?

>all the complaints
So not one person has criticized it for any other reason?
You are certain of this?

The only difference is the fact that you want there to be a difference. I think you have been drinking from the Yea Forums contrarian kool aid that you actually think people hate this movie somehow despite it being nothing but success, acclaim, and people everywhere genuinely loving it.

No one has seen the movie, No one has anything else to make a complaint about other than they do not like a black girl playing the character, and 100% only because she is black and no other reason. Even then, as of right now we have no other reason to say anything else about the movie since no one has seen even a teaser for it yet.

Not a single word of that refers to anything I said. I'm not even entirely sure you quoted the right post.

Because I didn't say it affected my life. I didn't say it matters if it exists or not. I didn't say it harMed me in any way. I didn't say it did ANYTHING to me.
I didn't even say I didn't want it to be made.
I brought forth a criticism of the film that was not rooted in race, sex, sexual orientation, or sexual identity.
My criticism did and does nothing to anyone else but let them know my opinion.

>You're kinda changing the subject user, and not really refuting what they're saying.

I don't deem the subject worthy of my attention or refutation. I'm just laughing at the worthless retards whining about other people "whining", when the "whiners" are just reacting honestly with tweets that take half a second to type to a change that was only made because SJWs whine non-stop all day every day 24/7 and have been for an entire fucking decade at this point. And the actually whiny SJWs respond to these supposed "obsessed whiners" with absurd tantrums, bizarre pseudo-psychological novels about the nature of racism, and accusations of Nazism. Meanwhile the "obsessed whiners" did nothing but take half a second to write a tweet about something stupid that a corporation they did that they don't like. You freaks have zero intellectual honesty or integrity.

What else is there to complain about? all we got is the actress playing Ariel and nothing else.

If they casted someone like Laura Harrier for Ariel, people would be more okay with it i think, i mean it's Ariel, shes meant to be 10/10

Im sorry but Halle Bailey is a bit ugly & is a step down from the likes of Emma Watson

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Well that casting decision has shown an active intent to disrespect the source material, so why wouldn't that be enough to criticize it?

If it really didn't bother you and did not affect you at all you would not be here arguing about it. You would shut up and go on to something else.

But nope, you want this to not exist and you are going to inform others how it should not exist. And it's all rooted in a minority casting choice. Congratulations you're a racist.

Except these don't pile up in bargain bins after the first year.

>The only difference is the fact that you want there to be a difference
So, just so we're clear, I don't want to misrepresent what you're saying, now. I just want to understand what your position is.
You believe that a movie being more successful than one or any other movie makes it better. Is that correct?

>Our source close to the production has informed us that Disney is looking at people of color for various roles including Ariel, Eric, and Triton.

So being black is disrespect?

Halle Bailey looks fine and her appearance isn't the issue. It's that Hollywood has been trying to erase redheads for years now and blacks are already over-represented in film. If literally any other minority was cast I'd be fine with it.

Fuck off tumblr cunt

>you want this to not exist and you are going to inform others how it should not exist
>And it's all rooted in a minority casting choice.

Could you show me where I said this? Or anything to suggest that?

You have been a whining contrarian so fucking long that you genuinely cannot see the difference any more can you?

Changing a ginger character to a black one for absolutely no reason is disrespecting fans of the character and disrespecting gingers, yes.

>What else is there to complain about?
Well, I'm going to hazard a guess here:
We also know it's a live action remake of an animated film.
Do you think that's racist to dislike a film for that reason?

What's next? A drag queen Ursula?

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Doesn't the world really hate gingers a lot right now anyway? On paper it definitely looks like that

So again, did I misunderstand what your position is then?
Could you please help me to understand what your position is then?

It's racist for you to give any kind of a fuck in the first place because it doesn't affect you. The damn movie is not even made for you. Whining white incels are not the target audience here

I would prefer it either be a faithful remake, it's own thing entirely, or faithful to the original story. Instead it's going to be a very politically correct version of the original cartoon, which didnt feel offensive in the least. I've been thinking about it recently and I feel story changes are pretty inevitable too. I doubt modern Disney would allow a story about a girl being motivated so much by her crush on a boy. I expect some narrative changes so it's more about being free from her overbearing father etc etc.

>Halle Berry
Her name is Bailey lmao. But they all look the same to you, huh

>It's racist for you to give any kind of a fuck in the first place because it doesn't affect you.
So, it's racist to have and express any opinion on live action Disney remakes?

I would prefer an original animated film. Not CG, not 3d animated.
Just an animated, 2d film. I am not interested in live action remakes.

We want Disney to make NEW shit. And GOOD shit that we can take our entirely hypothetical kids to. This threatens to be neither, hence our consternation.

Eat the multi-billion dollar corporate slop and pretend it's social justice, you weirdos

You keep trying to hide it.

It's racist you say
>I don't like that Disney cast a black girl for this role

Quit trying to hide that by trying to reword things and weasel around that. The fact that you are doing that now shows that you fully recognize what you are saying and doing.


>say "I don't want a black actress, she should be white"
>get called on it, labeled racist
>backpeddle "Err, uhh...well....wait, why is just voicing an innocent opinion considered racist?"

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That's pretty much gonna happen, if the leaks are accurate, Ariels mom will be in it, so obviously shes gonna get wasted by those damn humans & explain why Triton is super protective of his daughters

It makes sense anyway, cause the disney version of little mermaid is about a dad letting go of his daughter

>You keep trying to hide it.
Hide what?

>It's racist you say
>"I don't like that Disney cast a black girl for this role"
And I'm not racist. So I didn't say that.

>Quit trying to hide that by trying to reword things and weasel around that.
There's nothing to weasel around. I don't like and am uninterested in live action remakes of Disney animated films.
>The fact that you are doing that now shows that you fully recognize what you are saying and doing.
I have said precisely what I meant to.

Because the live action remake is racist towards Whites.

>>say "I don't want a black actress, she should be white"
When and where?
Can you link to where I said that?
quote me where I said that.

ALL you have right now is black actress. There is nothing else but a title and a date. So unless you want it to be titled something else or come out in the summer your only fuel is black actress.

which is racist, you are a racist

there is no such thing

So what is your complaint. Why can't a company make a movie out of a property they own that kids will want to see?

I liked malificent because it told the story from another perspective but everything since then has just been soulless remakes. I’m more annoyed by Ariel being yet another forgotten redhead but beyond that the movie is just there to bury the original like all remakes

>ALL you have right now is black actress.
We also know that it's a live action remake.
>There is nothing else but a title and a date.
And that it's a live action remake.
>So unless you want it to be titled something else or come out in the summer your only fuel is black actress.
Unless I don't like and am uninterested in ANY live action remakes.

>I’m more annoyed by Ariel being yet another forgotten redhead

You realize that you are just trying to find another way of saying you do not want a black girl playing Ariel. which is a very racist thing to say.

Because they're trying to remove redheads from western media. Its not a coincidence anymore. Mary Jane, Starfire, April Oneil.

We're no longer in /pol/ conspiracy territory. They've made it very clear that redheads are not allowed and I'm not going to stand for it. Gingers are already vanishing from the gene pool

>So what is your complaint.
It's directly in the post you quoted:
>I don't like and am uninterested in live action remakes of Disney animated films.

>Why can't a company make a movie out of a property they own that kids will want to see?
They can make it if they like. And I can voice my opinion that I am uninterested. I don't think they shouldn't. I just will be uninterested and will not like it.

>make originally white character a different color

"It's wonderful! You're just a racist if you don't agree."

>if you make a character that was originally of color/ethnicity played by a white person

"This is white washing! It's racist!"

fuck all this garbage.

Hasn't western media been complaining about redheads for years now?

They have no souls, gingers are ugly, nobody likes seeing gingers on screen, they are the least photogenic people on the planet, etc.

Maybe this is modern media actually listening to what people have been saying for over a decade now

>"I don't like and am uninterested in live action remakes of Disney animated films."

>"you are a racist."

This isn't an exaggeration. It's not hyperbole. It's quoted verbatim from this thread.

Maybe in another time when white people did not move across the globe and enslave everyone and make them second class citizens in their own homelands, whitewash all history to make it entirely white-centric, write books about the "white man's burden", and reap all resources and riches leaving all other nations broken and deslate, maybe then you might have something to complain about.

But everyone else does not want to see some more colonizers on screen in every fucking thing that comes down the line.

Very racist seems excessive, kinda or even just it is racist are enough. You’re addition of very shows you’re not very smart are you?

Then why do liberals love Muslims so much when they did the same thing?

I hope Prince Eric is White in the remake, we stealing your women black boi

He is so it’s all about colonizing dem hoes

It's people's childhood

Because even though they enslaved thousands of white people and did their fair share of conquering and making others second class citizens, they're victims because they're brown(TM)

I want BLEACHED jokes. I live in la so every girl I end up with I make BLEACHED jokes in my head and it always makes me smile.

HARD, so much so it's considered one of the worst superhero movies ever made along side films such as the cat woman movie and B&R, ouch

I dont know if it's just the circles I run with, but I've honestly seem more people complaining about people complaining about her being black, than actual complaints about her being black.

The movie is double COLONIZED because her father is black as well as her love interest

People see these movies to see life action re-creations of the stuff they saw in animation.

Remove the likeness of the main character and you basically kill the main premise for most people.

Are they looking for some new audience? Don't know, but this is my impression.

you need first to make people interested in seeing this remake, and people pretty much ignored the announcement when it happened.

The casting "controversy" is enough to put the movie in the map, but will it be enough to make people interested in seeing it?

I mean, we're on Yea Forums, we're shitposting. Only a madman would take anything we say seriously.

I guess if it's bait or just shitposting, I was just taken aback how blatant and bold it was.

>Halle Berry
>Halle Bailey

Potato, potato.

They want young adults with kids to bring the kids to see these movies thereby refreshing the brand. And 30 year olds that saw these movies as little kids obviously love taking their little kids to see these. So it's working.

>a black girl to get a new demographic to see it
>harry styles as eric to get white girls to see it

disney knows what they are doing

show me the Yea Forums screencaps from back then

okay so we're gonna assume the top half of a mermaid is just like human skin and would follow the same traits as regular humans. So if she were to live in shallow warmer waters, like the Caribbean or Mediterranean, where she has more direct access to sunlight, she would have to have darker skin as water intensifies UV light. She'd have less protection from the sun so she'd have to develop more melatonin.

On the other hand if she lived in deeper colder water she'd be more pale due to lack of sunlight but she'd also need more fat (or blubber, whatever it would be called on a mermaid) from the colder temperatures. So to say that a size 0 white mermaid is what any mermaid would look like is more improbable than Halle Bailey. At least she could be a mermaid!

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Yea Forums was founded in 1976, when DARPAnet was launched

How many bait posts does Yea Forums needs for the userbase to stop being so freaking stupid?

Holy shit, it's been years of the same shit and it still is the most profitable board for shitposting

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>convincing white parents and grandparents to buy black dolls
Well that a gaping net loss already.
I hope they make bucketloads of merch so I can see it rot like the Alladin merch in my Walmart clearance isle.

>Aladdin, people bitched about the casting choice for genie.
And Jafar

>people liking something I love must be bigotry! And that's as terrible as murder!
You are retarded if you think your opinion matters now that the Facebook masses are bitching about it

>develop more melatonin.

>On the other hand if she lived in deeper colder water she'd be more pale due to lack of sunlight but she'd also need more fat (or blubber, whatever it would be called on a mermaid) from the colder temperatures.

There's some really bony, lean fish in deeper waters that don't really utilize blubber.
Of course when you start bringing science into this, there's a lot more questions that need to be asked. But like you said. It's unlikely to see any sunlight any deeper than the euphotic zone. Which makes atlantis about 200 meters down.
If atlantis is any deeper, you have to wonder where all that light is coming from and why you can see anything at all that's going on in the film.

But it would be possible for white/caucasian or pale skin if they never went any higher up than say...100 meters deep or so.
Usually, burning and tanning happens mostly with whales and other marine mammals that spend a significant amount of time at the surface. So anywhere between the 100 and 200 meter range is plausible for atlantis to be set at and still be mostly pale skinned.

That movie was trash you insipid louse

>made Ariel a latina or even changed up her entire iconic appearance while keeping her white there would not be as much outrage
You'd be wrong.

Honestly, I see a double whammy of reboot/remake fatigue and lowered market appeal for premise.

I mean, I could be wrong, but that's how I am perceiving the whole thing.

>films such as the cat woman movie
Yeah even Halle agreed

No I'm sure most of western media was calling redheads hot
>Mary Jane, Ariel, Amy Pond, Hawkgirl, Wendy, Vicky(according to the fandom), Batgirl, Rorshach, etc.

Is it racist to want Mulan played by a Chinese actor, not an american?

Ariel was obsessed with the human world before meeting Eric, he wasn't her sole motivation. I swear, do people actually watch these movies?

if you haven't noticed, compared to other faster entertainment media boards, Yea Forums only gets a trickle of content that sparks discussion (since only a fraction of the board keeps up with comics) so everything is more magnified by default by how long it sticks around

nothing besides jungle book is worth anything when it comes to these live action remakes

Is this hypothetical American an immigrant from China or 2nd or 3rd generation immigrant?

>nothing besides jungle book is worth anything when it comes to these live action remakes
Fucking this.
I finally just convinced my brother to watch the Original and new Beuty and the Beast and I forced him to write down what he thought was well done in each and only then did he see the fucking light.

Disney does seem to be speeding up production of them.

Jungle Book, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast were a year apart. But this year we have had Dumbo, Lion King and Aladdin just a couple months apart. Then Lady and the Tramp coming in November. 4 in the same year is too damn much.

I'm actually not sire whose playing her just that my normie family found out about the information I already knew about the new Mulan(no songs, Mushu, or General Li Shang) on the 4th and were freaking the fuck out and I was just like yeah I know.

She should be native American and defend her land from invading Asian invaders

It definitely looks like they are not trying nearly as hard with the others like Jungle Book. That one seemed like they were really trying to make a decent adaptation.

But the rest just seem really mediocre and forgettable. Except the costumes, they go fucking crazy with overly elaborate costumes with weird levels of intricate detail throughout, But the acting is just dull, the song routines are low energy, and nothing else really looks like anyone was trying.

>(no songs, Mushu, or General Li Shang)
So they're taking out the best parts of the movie?

Also they wont have the huns but will be fighting evil wizards. Love interest will be a rival who knows she's Mulan.
Source: my normie family probably on facebook

Google says Mulan is being played by an actress named Liu Yifei

All the ones after jungle book aren't even worth a thread honestly, besides just one to say "hm that was unremarkable and not worth remembering". If I was a new parent hypothetically, there's no reason to buy or rent those versions over the animated originals. And if the kid watches through all of those animated movies, there's plenty of other, much better movies (live action or animated) I could show them.

>they go fucking crazy with overly elaborate costumes with weird levels of intricate detail throughout,
Something about how they do it make the costumes somehow MORE bland than the cartoon ones and I cant tell how or why. Like Cinderella dress wasn't nearly as nice and the one is saw on the DisneyWorld Cindy.

the pol shitflinging around this movie sure is putting a damper on the renaissance of fuel for my mermaid fetish I should be getting

Why even call it Mulan then?

>Also they wont have the huns but will be fighting evil wizards. Love interest will be a rival who knows she's Mulan.

I am skeptical.
If true though, that doesn't sound like I'd wanna watch this. The only one of the remakes I might remotely be interested in would be the jungle book, all the others sound pretty unbearable.

If new Malifacent, Cinderella, B&tB didnt explode with porn this wont.

Why was Dumbo called Dumbo? it was a completely new movie in every way

Not more bland, just they added in too much detail to the point where you cannot tell anything apart any longer. They add in too much tiny detail that it becomes a massive blur of shape and color to the eye on film.

Most shitflinging is directed at people saying this is a weird choice. I see very little openly racist commentary

I don't really give a shit about live action remakes but as far as I know LM has been depicted as white/Danish for the last 180 years and now Disney thinks a fish lady from the bottom of the sea needs melanin.

I'm a quarter Danish, can't we have this one?
Is that racism?

>mermaid fetish
In fairness, we had mermay a couple months ago.

The Jungle book was damn amazing, but it's pretty clear these remakes are not following the same process, they all felt souless and cynical in comparison.

This honestly, I'd rather have my kids see the original animations than the bland as hell remakes.

Better movies on every way.

When I started reading the sentence, I thought you were implying the race casting was an insult to the original. I'm glad this post turned out to be based.

Too bad more people aren't saying FPBP and are just talking about /pol/ conspiracies.

Only China seems to agree it should say Danish, Westerners think that's wrong think

she looks like a hammerhead shark bro

Niggers and SJW watch movies, anything to get them to watch movies means Disney gets to profit.

You have your own damn country an local entertainment media just for you. Wanting someone else to make shit for you is just entitled.

the irony of this

Did you know that Twitter has full power over trending hashtags? They do this so nothing unsavory gets traction. There was a sock puppet account probably made by Disney behind the original #NotMyAriel and Twitter was completely behind the tag. The only people fueling it are Disney themselves.

1) The live action remakes in general suck.

2) They had no good reason to make Ariel a nigger. This is bullshit and they're only doing this to pander to the social justice crowd.

None of what you listed were good nor does any breathing soul think they were better than their originals. Yes, none of them have "integrity of the originals" and they deserve every bit of hate for every pandering change they made.

The amazing, talented original staff behind The Little Mermaid didn't not accidentally not make Ariel black. It was by design. Ariel is not black and never will be regarded as it. Muh wacism card works better on tumblr, by the way. You're really outing yourself.

I'm not too political, but I do have a question. Once a character goes black, is there any going back? I mean, if ten years from now they want to make Nick Fury white again, will people be upset because the role has been entrenched by Samuel L. Jackson?

If this new Little Mermaid is successful, will people expect Disney to rebrand the Disney Princess line with the new Ariel?

It’s weird how they chose Little Mermaid for casting a black woman. Unless they are planning on changing the story a lot like A LOT, Ariel is one of the worst role models for women so they are giving a weak female character to a black chick...

>success is box office money and not what people think about it afterwards lol
You're so fucking retarded. People are morbidly curious. That's why people keep giving them money. I saw Cinderella out of curiosity. It was okay enough for me to attempt to watch the terrible Jungle Book and the horror that is Beauty and the Beast, then I stopped there.
Just because I bought tickets once to watch the movie doesn't mean I liked them. I watch plenty of bad films I've paid movie tickets for. Only some slimey money grabbler like yourself thinks box office means quality of a film. The Disney remakes will be regarded as a mistake and embarrassment in not even a decades time for the history of the company.

If China thinks that, I can't wait for them to tank this film. They also didn't like Black Panther. China doesn't care about woke exclusivity, nor do the other Asian countries.
Japan doesn't like Tiana, for example, and she's one of the worst selling Disney princesses worldwide.

>unironically quoting renfamous the whale on what cute mermaids should look like
Pic related.

She's white skinned with red hair because she was originally depicted as white skinned with red hair. It's not that hard to understand. Also, please go back to your containment zone on Twitter, Ren.

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You'd think the people that say they don't care about these Disney remakes would stop talking about and completely ignore them at this point.

This. Shills deflect the truth with “but they’re just for kids” and “it’s not made for you”. Remakes are garbage and EVERYONE deserves better. If you want to show your kids Lion King or Little Mermaid, just show them the originals. Disney should make new movies for new generations.

all live action remakes are shit
don't believe me? name a good one.

at least the Jolly Blue Giant wasn't a fucking disaster, it was just bland and dumb. This is looking to be a fucking disaster.

What the fuck are you on? Did you happen to ignore the internet for the last 4 years? Cause even earlier this year people have been mad at Aladdin and the Lion King

>No one had a problem with any of them so far
So are you like eight months old or just pretending to be retarded?

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>Once a character goes black, is there any going back?
I don't see why not. Disney cast a black Cinderella when they adapted the Rogers and Hammerstein musical for tv and a white actress for the 2015 movie. They also had a black Ursula in both Once Upon a Time and Descendants yet she'll be white in this movie.

Which is the ‘defense’ part.
It bombed because people were racist, just like the Female Ghosrbusters bombed because people were misogynistic.

>The fact that everyone fucking loved Jungle Book, ... and Aladdin
Kid you are retarded.

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I'm actually unsure what the definition of racism is anymore besides "Fuck you, you should like the things I like."

I worry that's an old trend, though. I think if they ever cast Ariel properly as a white girl in any new remake, everyone will have a meltdown like it was always that way.

Imagine if Princess and the Frog got a remake, and Tiana was changed to be a ginger. How would you feel?

I think Tiana makes more sense to be black since it takes place in New Orleans.

Except they didn't "add" them to the cast, they took existing cast members and made them that way to the detriment of the story.

But fuck it, smoothbrain twitter tards would defend Disney literally raping them in the eye if it meant that they got good-boy points from the mouse cult.

Sure, everyone's problem with Aladdin was that Will Smith was in the cast and not that he was painted full-body blue and looked like a CGI abomination. To the point where you couldn't even tell he was black, just that he looked ugly as fuck. That's racism against the blue man group.

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And it makes sense for Ariel to be white because the story takes place in Denmark and she lives at the bottom of the sea (no sunlight)

I would be upset if Tiana was made white, and I’m upset that Ariel was made black. You know they did it for woke bucks, not because they honestly care. If they did, they’d create more original animated films with POC leads. Ever notice that Princess and the Frog was the last Disney animated film with a black lead, and the only film since it with a POC lead was Moana? It’s cause Disney honestly doesn’t care. Ariel being black is to get attention and money from guillble people. Not because it makes sense.

Well it's a good point.

Think about what a mermaid is some half. Fish creature that lived under water. Why would she have dark skin.

UNLESS, she was constantly going to the surface thus sperating herself from the other mermaids.

Also I hope you're aware literally no one is buying the idea that you're not a samefag trying to falseflag for "le pwn the libs" points on Yea Forums.

True story. The Bull rays from the sun cuck the pigment of your skin.

Both the Descendants and OUaT casting happened less than five years ago.
>everyone will have a meltdown
Like Disney gives a shit. They'll ignore and proceed to do what they want.

Nobody likes Tiana is the thing. Did you know the favorite female character from that movie is actually Charlotte? The social justice types claim they want black princesses but they don't actually support them when they come out. I've only ever seen people post Charlotte,

Attached: charlotte.gif (261x282, 304K)

If Ariel were to be played by a blonde white woman how many people would have protested?


I'm curious because they talk about redheads being replaced. Would they still protest if she became a blonde woman?

iirc, people were hoping for some blonde actress to play her before Disney announced it's blackwashing.

Twitter would’ve been upset. There was a riot when Disney so much as mentioned they were only in talks with Melissa McCarthy. Blue checks broke down over the fact a white actress was being considered over flavor-of-the-month and relatively unknown black musician Lizzo (who retweeted a petition to recast herself as Ursula)

God forbid white actors and actresses get hired (or even just considered) anymore, right?

Scarlett Johansson plays black widow.

I would have.
Stop Gingercide.

who is "They"? Are you going to wait for a few replies and then accusing everyone of being from a certain place with a certain ideology?

"They" refers to anyone who are protesting that redheads are being replaced by black people. I wonder if they care more about the "redhead" part or the "white" part.

Do you think literally red hair is natural or something? lmao

Yes, most white Hollywood actresses have bleach bottle blonde hair. They'd have loved a white person with blonde hair to be announced. The actress probably would take some red to her hair for the role. Even if they kept it blonde, it could've given a sun-bleached look and people might've accepted it.
Ariel just isn't black and does not have kinky black hair. It's about as purposefully different as you could've cast that character for no reason.


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>turn iconic redhead mermaid into that chick from Splash
Like I get. that splash did well when it came out but no dont be a fucking Eisner.
Instead we got
>the mer-negro

Better red then dead!

Critics would complain Disney finally fucked up and went with Eisner's stupid Splash suggestion 40 years after the alternative was shown to be better

If she dyed her hair red I'd be cool with it. Otherwise no.

Little Mermaid is quite popular in China for whatever reason, so on chinese social media people were a little off about the casting choice

China is pretty obsessed with actors having to look good looking, the main reason the new star wars movies didn't fly with them

Somewhere on my old drive I made a ginger genocide pic with the blonde 90s batgirl and other redhead to blondes or brunettes because I'm no cherry picking city slicken boot lickin left winging bullshiter with half a brain.
Wish other people would make it look nice tho.

>China is pretty obsessed with actors having to look good looking, the main reason the new star wars movies didn't fly with them
Based China is based

Yes they would. I don't read comics and the only Nick Fury I know is black. It would be a shame to change him.

But they don't run old movies in cinemas. You can show kids the originals only on shitty home TV screen.

Where did you get the strange idea that originally little mermaid was set in Denmark? Just because the author is Danish? Well, Romeo and Juliet are English, then.


>I've only ever seen people post Charlotte,
Because she is the best fucking character in the movie, along with the villian and the distant cousin of King K. Kool

Beowulf is Old English but it takes place in Northern Europe

Force Awakens did great in China because China fetishizes America (the same way weebs fetishize Japan but on a societal scale) and Star Wars is the quintessential "Hollywood movie" experience.

Every nuwars movie since has been diminishing returns though, right up to Solo which bombed so hard there (and really in general) it's almost funny.

I'm just as upset they are doing more shitty live action remakes. The shitty racebaiting marketing gimmick just makes it more awful.

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I know, right? Disney was behind the #NotMyAriel hashtag.

price eric is a reference to old Scandinavian kings named eric for one

the big complaint about it was the actors were not pretty enough & they didn't turn up for the sequels

They also hated the fat Chinese actress meant to appease them, ironically.

You didnt take half a second to write this screed and i can tell you spend every waking moment here

china doesn't take pandering as well as westerners think, iron man 3's extra china scene was seen as an insult

they are quite an interesting movie going demographic

Not true. At least in my country, there is re-release from time to time

tbf she gets all the best expressions, so reaction images come more naturally

I agree. None of these movies have any substance, even fan made parodies have more heart. The live action remakes are like the iceberg lettuce salad of media. I don't blame them because they'll always make tons of $$$$$ but they're somehow all shockingly forgettable on their own and shitty. They lean on the originals' successes completely and are nothing on their own.

China's taste is shit. They love godawful mermaid and ocean shit. They'll hate this because yeah a lot of them are extremely racist. But most of their most popular movies are godawful dreck.



Most likely the same amount of protest. You underestimate these people's priorities, remember the Genie?

The extremely popular will Smith? Yeah.

I too do not understand why anyone would even care about Disney's movies that aren't 2D or 3D animation? Their characters or stories are pretty bland and absolutely not thoughts provoking and made of everything else Americans feed to their children.

Viral outrage marketing by Disney.

The niggering up of a Danish fairy tale to appease the sjws

>I don't want other people to be able to watch this
Of course i don't want that. I don't get why Disney even is making these movies.and why people are going to watch them.

>don't like this african american girl playing a white character
If they are gonna do that then at least hire attractive black girl. Even my black friends were saying how ugly the bitch was.


>Nobody likes Tiana is the thing
But i like her.

Because it's just another browned perversion of white european culture and a testament to the overarching anti-white sentiment in the minds of lunatics who run the asylum. They celebrate our destruction and are cannibalizing our culture, hijacking it to create pure shit from what was once gold.

Seriously, just abandon (((western))) propaganda and watch old cartoons and old anime. Disney and everything inbetween is just liberal propaganda. That's why it exists. That is why it must die

Because everyone is a fucking lemming and can't see far enough in front of their face to notice that everything is done for outrage clicks nowadays and them getting pissed is just feeding the machine.

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Joke's on them, the more outraged we are the closer we get to a race war

Good thing we can give the FBI your pseudonym when you'll invenitably shoot a movie theater over a bad remake or some shit similar
Over movies ?

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Rose’s actress is vietnamese, that probably didn’t help.

Exactly, look at the live action beauty and the beast movie as an example, dispite that movie making a huge buck at the box office nobody and I mean nobody talks about it at all, whenever someone brings it up they always talk about the animated film

You're all just spreading knowledge about this Disney adaptation by responding to manufactured fake outrage designed by marketing strategists. You are all just earned media accessories meant to virally spread this topic.
If you don't like it, don't talk about it so that less people know and talk about it.

It feels like Disney was worried that their remakes were dropping in sales so Disney decided to go with Generating a controversy similar to Fembusters.

Like them casting Mellisa McCarthy as Ursula was stunt casting to drum up interest and most people didn’t care for it so it seems they decided to lean into that with this

>felt they didn't hire her cause she's a good actress or a good singer
She IS a good singer, though. Literally look her up. As for acting, idk. Maybe she does suck, but as a singer she’s all right.

Identy politics has made a segment of the population that lacked a racial identity develop one. From other groups that have
a developed racial identity, we can tell these groups take affront at "loseing" characters and storys that were of their race, and pride in original characters or race bent characters of that race.
The current Hollywood trend of remake everything, combined with the aforementioned cultural shift and Influx of people wanting to racebend established characters results in a slowly growing backlash that's starting to boil over.

>Tl:Dr the Jews did it, but they also jewd themselves

They want to see a pretty ginger teen in a bikini

Yeah, my country is taking over animation. The fuck are you going to do about it, nerd?

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>2019 caring about anything
Why do people care about anything bro?

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