ITT: Scrapped movies you wish it could happen

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No no, I've read that script.
This would've been the worst shit EVER

I thought Howard Stern was going to be Scarecrow

Marvel hasn't made a Spider-Man movie since they got him from Sony. I wish they'd actually pull the trigger on that and make one already.

>Jeff Goldblum Jack Nicholson
>no mention of Coolio but he's there on the poster
>wrong title

seriously though OP are the literally 50+ live action and cartoon movies Batman has been in since 1989 not enough or what

No, Coolio. He's even in Batman & Robin as Crane in a cameo.

>Shared the rights in 2016
>Only to replace him with some shitty OC with similar powers
Really a massive dick move on the MCU's part.

What was it about user? Also I still think it's not the shit we'd need, but it's shit we'd deserve

There was that 2008 Justice League movie I think

It was Nicolas Cage, with Madonna as Harley Quinn.

The Amazing Spider-Man 3
I really think if people had given the sequel a chance we could have had closure. I think the worst things superhero movies do these days is sequel bait and set up universes but end up doing poorly and discontinued and the audience gets no closure. No matter how crappy the original concept was the least Sony could have done was finish out the story of Mary and Richard Parker in some other media

I would have watched the Magneto & Gambit Origins flicks that never came to fruition.

>Kevin Smith's over-indulgent fanboy ideas mixed with producer who was afraid to give Superman a cape.

Yeah, sounds like it would be shit.

Imagine, it pushes darknight to a winter release, takes away some of Iron Man's Summer bank. Paramount wants team up money so they rush caps origin into the 1st 15mins of the Ultimates(avengers) movie due out in 2010 using the deleted Hulk suicide attempt\cap in the broken ice as a launching point of the film.
"You think this stands for France"
"Tony porking black widow still covered in his suit goo"
"Giantman smacking Janet around"
"Hulk eat/destroy a bus full of kids on his way to rape Freddy PrinceJr"
"Executive Producer Mark Millar"
Marvel studios is never formed due to the edgeVengers fighting grey EdNorton hulk.

That George Miller atrocity that never was could have fixed our timeline at the cost of the MCU.

>no more MCUck
Good riddance

Not a movie but I think Turf was supposed to be a series on HBO but fell through

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Batman vs Godzilla.

Iron Man 4 directed by Mel Gibson.

Not technically "scrapped" since it was never officially planned, but during the pressers for IM 3, RDJ made it clear that this would be the last stand-alone IM movie. An interviewer asked if he would make a fourth one if the studio hired black-listed Mel as the director.
RDJ instantly snapped "yes".

Imagine a flick where hyper-capitalist Tony Stark actually behaves like a hyper-capitalist, espousing various pro-freedom sentiments and decrying censorship and effeminate nu-male ideology. Basically it could have been "Payback" or "Death Wish", but with Iron Man!

Of course, (((you know who))) wouldn't get on board with the idea.

I’d rather have Batman 3 by Tim Burton.

hahaha it would be an epic keistani film that would pwn the sjw libcucks and (((jews))) as well! Praise kek, my brother!

The movie entered development in 2008, user. It would've only come out in 2010 or later.

Not gonna happen, doesn't tick any boxes.

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Triggered kuk.

>That little cameo it had in Zootopia
>"Movies that haven't even come out yet"

Sometimes cheeky is too cheeky

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How would that even work?
Does Batman become a giant Monster or something? Even for Godzilla, it wouldn't make any sense.

A mad scientist in Japan is mind controlling Godzilla to demand money. Commissioner Gordon and Barbara happen to be visiting, so they call in Batman and Robin. Memorable scenes include:

-Godzilla falling in love with Batgirl
-Batman and Robin fighting two sumo wrestlers on a train
-the pair running naked through a Japanese bath house with nothing but their masks on ('to respect their beautiful culture')
-Batman climbing up Godzilla's back and throwing a bomb in his ear
-using the mating call of a female Godzilla to lure him into a rocket and shooting him into space

And did I mention this was all done with the Adam West Batman?

Maybe it's a giant Bat shaped Man?

>"Tony porking black widow still covered in his suit goo"
Would pay admission price for this scene alone.

He gets the titans/outsiders/constantine/zatanna to conjure & bind giant trigon, swampthing binds the green to trigon's giant supernatural circulatory system (wooden horns justification), other magic users ritual Batman to avatar the giant swampy trigon after eating some plot centric tuber from swampthing.
Collosal Elemental fiery green/red trigon with a burned bat on his chest wallops Big G, as the non magic outsider/titans/leaguers do some hero shit/interference or whatever.

Also supes is off world w/the New Gods or on war world.

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Get off my planet you Gargantuan Galoot!

Holy MechaGee! Batman!,
It sure was clever of you to repurpose these old giant Toyman robots into the Daynamic Dynamos!

Indeed boy wonder, a fantastical feat Eastern Engineering with the aid of Bruce Wayne's Maebashi division.

MCUck detected

not a movie but that Batman '89 comic

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It was literally Coolio. He's already Jonathan Crane in a movie that got made by the director who pitched this one.

Definitely Justice League Mortal. Fuck Snyder, fuck Whedon and fuck WB.

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He wasn't Crane.

Given Hacksaw Ridge, I'm 95% sure his Iron Man wouldn't be what you think it would be.

Apparently Martin Short would be in it to as Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter wasn't in the script.

>Wanting a Batman comic written by Kate Leth

Batman comics are shit, but that's a whole different level.

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