Marvel's Secret Warps

I'm really interested in these new comics, and seeing which new fusions we have. Solderi Supreme's Annual already gave us a LOT of new fusions, but I'm waiting to see many more. However, some characters are really difficult to identify, so I would like you could help me to identify. I'm particularly confused by the characters that appear on the cover of Ghost Panther's annual. This is as far as I could get:

1º) Iron Man 2020 (Arno Stark) + Thor (Dargo Ktor)
2º) Strange 2099 + [???] (Could it be Hulk 2099, John Eisenheart?)
3º) Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) + [???]
4º) Captain America (Danielle Cage) + [???]
5º) Ghost Rider 2099 (Zero Cochrane) + [???] (A White Tiger)*

*On one hand, I think about Kevin Cole, but its feminine shape and the amulets in its neck makes me think about Ava Ayala.

Any ideas?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Hulk seems to be a fusion with Felicity rather than Strange.

I don't know which Felicity you are talking about, but you are wrong. It IS Starnge 2099, only she has her original first outfit that used in "Fantastic For 2099 #6".

The Sun tatoo in the belly, the mark crossing her eye, the jacket, the long hair with white stripes... It IS Stange 2099.

Spiderman 2099 and Ravage 2099.

White tiger is my mommy

(*Facepalm*) OF COURSE!!! What a fool I am! Only this is Ravage's original look, before becoming a were-beast. This makes me think, will this "Miguel" turn into a Man-Spider or something like that? (Creepy).

Thank you so much, pal. I owe you one.

The absolute state of Yea Forums

God she's so perfect

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>4º) Captain America (Danielle Cage) + [???]
Strange 2099. Makes sense since present-day Captain America and Strange were fused together.

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Strange 2099 is the green chick beside Cap
>Eye tattoo
>Sun on her belly button

I prefer mommy zemo

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Cage is fused with another magic future character.

The dress, the boots and the fishnets around her arms make me think of Nico

But you'd expect the Staff of One

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You are right! It's her!! About the Staff of One, I don't see it so important. I mean, it has a lot of power, but Nico can cast spells by her own too.

Holy fuck

Warp waifus are the best

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t. brother from another mother

Yeah prob her.

The cap strange has no shield anyways.

>tfw no big tiddy goth Zemo gf

Holy shit

How can people actualy eat this shit gimmick?

Oh my god, they just plopped Zemo's hood on her, that's fucking hilarious

Hex 23 X Arachknight is my ship

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Should be its own line.

I wanna see DC's version of this now

Dude, surely Arachknight is married or fianced to "Marley Jane Watson", who is a warp of the wives of Spidey and Moon Knight: MJ and Marlene. Marlene and MK even had a daughter, so she could be warped with Annie May Parker.

Now, since all these characters have been "decoded", I just want to know who could be merged with Jean Grey as Phoenix in the "X-Brotherhood" scene of Soldier Supreme's annual. Because of her suit, the closest idea I have is Polaris, but I'm not sure.

Goblin queen

>Annie May Parker
Mayday Parker needs more love

There already are one, pal. It's called "Earth-32", where we have SuperMartian, Bat-Lantern, Aquaflash, Black Arrow and Wonder Hawk.

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It's not that I don't love her, it's just Marlene and MK's daughter is closer to Annie's age as a kid.

I think it's Polaris, was Scott there? Because he's be merged with Alex
>Punch Beams and Atomic powers
>Electromagnetism and Telekinesis/Telepathy
Christ those are some combos

It's not adultery if one of your split personalities is doing it.

>MJ: "I'm real sick and tired of you using that Excuse Tiger."
What about Felicia? Ana Kravenoff?

God damn

welcome to earth-32

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Does anyone have the Zoom Manta fusion?

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Lol flash. Two flash into one.

>What about Felicia?

Stained Glass Scarlet.

>Ana Kravenoff?

Kraven was shown to be merged with Bushman.

i get the joke but it would have been nice if the artist had tried to do something with his suit color/pattern. like maybe a lighting patterned ring splinting his body between the two

.Star Canary
I dig the design
Eh, but interesting
>Hawk Beast
Kinda redundant
>Night Lantern
I like the outfit
>Donna Wonder
Also redundant

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My bad, i forgot Strange had a mark too.

found this on the booru

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kamala plz

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Actually, it would have a lot more sense if Felicia is merged with Midnight. One Cat burglar with another Cat burglar. Both their fathers were cat burglars too. This could give us "Midnight Cat".

Merged with her own clone? Interesting and funny idea, but I'm not convinced. The only clue here is the costume, mainly the gloves.

This one could have her own "Avengers team", merging Kamala's Champions and Kang's "Avengers" as Iron Lad.

A Jigsaw/Bogeyman fusion could potentially be horrifying.

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>Punisher Pack
Jesus Christ How Horrifying!.jpg

Not sure, but I would prefer this fusion removed or modified. After all, some changes has already been made; because the "Eye of Agamoshtur" was originall the "Eye of Agamodin", but Odin was already merged with Howard Stark.

And frankly, Power Pack combined with the Punisher? It gives me the creeps!! It's really too sad, and how can Frank Castle be merged with 4 kids at the same time? Two of them could be the deceased kids of Frank Castle, but there's still 2 more.

It has way more sense the combination of Punisher with Hellstorm.

I like her better in bondage

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>and how can Frank Castle be merged with 4 kids at the same time?

Deadpool was merged with both Doop and H.E.R.B.I.E.

Like I said, an error they will surely change later. Odin was merged with Agamotto and Howard Stark, but the "Eye of Agamodin" is now "Eye of Agamoshtur".

I have only one regret in life: Steve Dillon wasn't able to draw this.

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So who did namor get fused with?

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Such an odd ship, neither Moon Knight or Spider-Man has ever had any real relation with either X-23 or the Scarlet Witch. They've barely even interacted.

Well, to be more precisely, Spider-Man wated to KILL Scarlet Witch because of what happened in "House of M".

I have to say, When I heard about "Salem's Sinisters" I knew we would see a warp between the Sinister 6 and Salem's 7. I thought Kraven and Brutacus would be merged because of the lion's topic. Now, however, I think maybe it will be Puma and Brutacus.

Also, I believe this group will debut on Arachknight's Annual, as he will work alongside the "Terrific Two".

I'm sorry, what? Spider-Man, the man who not only is even more autistic about not killing, but who has also gone out of his way to keep others from finishing off Carnage, Fisk or Osborn multiple times, wanted to kill THE SCARLET WITCH? Are you serious?

>who not only is even more autistic about not killing than Batman
Oops, forgot to end the sentence.

Yes, I am. That's because Scarlet Witch, warping reality, made all his dreams come true. Uncle Ben and Captain George Stacy were alive, Aunt May has a perfect health, Gwen Stacy was alive too, she was married to Peter instead of Mary Jane, and they had a kid named Richie. Not to mention Spider-Man was rich, famous and respected.

The idea of warping reality in such sick way, knowing none of this was real, almost makes Peter go insane. Even more when after reality was restored, that meant she lost his son. Peter wanted to kill Scarlet Witch and Magneto for this, but Wolverine assured him he wouldn't have the chance, because he would do it before him.

That's stupid, whoever wrote that clearly doesn't get Peter, and based on the fact that I've never seen this brought up anywhere, I'm guessing that later writers ignored it.
Other villains have done far worse to Peter, and he's only ever been driven to even consider murder in the heat of the moment in extreme cases, where he always relented.

Lyja? Alicia Masters?

They haven’t done far worse, because what she did was real. And technically he still has memories of it.

Guess it should be an alternative love interest of Reed, but I don't know any other aside of Sue.

Worse than show him the happy life he was always denied, just to take it from him like a senseless dream? I don't think so. Besides, although I know Peter for years, you have to understand everyone has a limit. Back in Renew Your Vows, Venom threated Peter's family; he swore he will eat baby Annie's brains, and nothing will stop him. Knowing Venom said the truth, Spidey did what it must be done. He killed Venom taking a burning building over him.

I'd never like the idea of Spidey killing someone, but this was a father doing what he had to make sure a psycho won't threat the life of his baby girl ever again. Drastic, but I doubt any other father in his possition would have acted different.

Not anymore she can’t, she got her arm magically fixed in the current runaways run so she still needs the staff for magic.

A better question is what happened to Valeria and Franklin since their parents are now one person.

That's not the thing, pal. She recovered her arm, but her powers were still increased because of her encounter with the Witchbreaker. Besides, the source of her magic is in her blood, the Staff of One only increase it enormously. Even so, she still have limited magic power by her own; like telekinesis and teleportation.

Because it's written well.

Because the writing is good and it's fun.

She doesn't seem to have any magic on her own anymore

She keeps getting power boosts to do magic without the staff and it gets reset by the next writer. On two different occasions she's learned to fly but now she can't

Right now she can summon the staff without bleeding but each spell infects her with the evil magical being that inhabits the staff

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I still don't get why it was Magik+Sabretooth and not Magik+Kimura.

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So this is what Elsa would look like in the MCU

Shame she died

Because normies don't know Kimura.

Black Bolt. He is the Black Mariner, Namor Boltagon, King of Atlantillan.

So when are we going to get to see Arcturus Romm and his Microknights, Starrionette and Terminsect? The joke being that they're both toy-based, Mantlo-penned series now owned by Hasbro, so only vague allusions like this could be made.
Dani reminds me of Kaluu, but it obviously can't be him.

Kaluu got warped with US Agent

If the theme is meant to be "future characters", why Nico and Aya..?