How do you think they’ll end Thor’s story when Chris Hemsworth finally decides to stop playing him?

How do you think they’ll end Thor’s story when Chris Hemsworth finally decides to stop playing him?

Kill him off? How?

Will they do that dumb “Thor is a title” thing and have someone else be Thor?

Attached: DD0A7684-DF66-4A83-B395-0328026CFEEF.jpg (1920x1080, 544K)

Thor being magical makes recasting a lot more likely IMO

Can probably bullshit something where he gets majorly fucked up and is regenerated with secretly asgardian magics to look like the new 25 year old actor

Thor vs the Beyonders
if they have Hyperion then just do a film version of their last stand

jane foster is out of the picture and beta ray bill is too expensive on CGI for being a protagonist.

that's gonna be difficult

Asgardians had reicarnation lore in the comics. I'm not sure about the details but they can say that Surtr destroying Asgard was part of the cycle. Easy way to bring Asgard and explore more of Thor lore.

Valkyrie. She’s already Queen

Wouldn’t that mean Odin and Loki would come back recasted too, if they reincarnated all of Asgard?

Just recast him

Natalie Portman said she'd be willing to come back

who I really want is Sif though

Oh please no

>Chris wants to stop
>oh nooooo its Jormundgandr! The ONLY thing that can KILL Tho
>Blah I am dead

>Tis only a ruse! For I was reborn as Donald Blake!
>I now carry a cane and have a doctorate
>also I look different

Not that hard OP


Make BRB something slightly less inhuman so it's easier on the CGI.
If they can have Thanos and Prof Hulk in two long movies, they can do the same for him.

Makes him Rune King Thor and just sends him somewhere in space

>Thor goes off to be the new All-Father and rebuild Asgard
>Gets replaced by Thunderstrike

Attached: Thunderstrike jusko.jpg (736x1137, 513K)

>reicarnation lore in the comics. I'm not sure about the details but they can say that Surtr destroying Asgard was part of the cycle.

China might not like that

Hemsworth will never stop.

Why not

He's only 35. He can probably go on as long as he wants. Probably like how Jackman did with Wolverine.

>beta ray bill is too expensive on CGI for being a protagonist.
That doesn't make any sense

Or hhe dies in some comedic way at the beginning of guardians 3, and someone else gets the hammer.