>Chase the black demographic so hard you lose the Mexicans.
Was it worth it, Disney?
>Chase the black demographic so hard you lose the Mexicans.
Was it worth it, Disney?
Those pfps look black to you?
There's a sort of brutal simplicity to the mexicans. Folks in the West have to write essays to say "You know maybe making an iconic redhead black is a bad idea", where as if you piss off the Mexican's nostalgia they'll just call you a dunkey
Mexicans are self-hating dumbasses, not exactly surprising. I did see a lot of Latinos in general being jerks about it using the flimsiest of excuses...
You gotta understand people in this region don't have the same societal filter Americans do, where yeah, got can be racist but you get a lot of pushback for it. In here a lot of people are endoracists and lots of comments that wouldn't fly elsewhere get a pass. For instance I saw some retards saying shit like "La Sinegrita" (sorta like "The Little Black Mermaid as a pun). That doesn't mean it's right, though I don't expect Yea Forums to agree on that.
non burger here, explain
what is the mexican salty about?
Aren't black people a minority in Latin America?
Seems like they're hating blacks, not themselves.
They're not salty, they're just being dicks.
>"Haha, this killed me... Whatever, no one is going to pay attention to them"
>"Well, I wouldn't be surprised..."
Mexicans aren't a race. Lots of people here in Latin America are mixed, so we have as much black as we do white and indigenous, some to more degree than others.
Post yfw this of all things is what starts the race war.
Damn they based
Black people and Hispanics are like water and oil.
>The rapunzel one
My fucking sides
I hate my people. They hate what I hate but for the wrong reasons. Bunch of retards. Nuke us please.
>White people aren't even involved in it.
>It's just Hispanics killing Blacks, with Asians taking potshots at whoever gets close enough to their towns.
And we tend to act like actual people and not manchildren with a victim complex too
Not everywhere, no. The countries closer to the Caribbean have 30-40% black population (with like 30-50% white/mixed and the rest are indian), which goes lower as you go down the continent.
>blacks, like amphibians, favor wet, tropical climates
Checks out.
Savage as fuck
It has more to do with the slavery and the colonization history around these countries in particular but go off.
More like butthurt as fuck
Never gonna happen without support and a massive amount of prodding. People are too cowardly and lethargic these days.
I wonder what would actually happen in that scenario now in greater detail. For all the white hicks egging the minorities I imagine most whites would just blink in quiet shock the prophecied race war has nothing to do with them and “what do?” mantra.
These latins ain't sheeei am right my homie?
It's great how "POC" are more racist than any white person could dream of being and how it fries liberals brains.
Based Spics.
But Mexicans still aren't black though.
They're mostly brown and to a much lesser degre white.
Most spics hate blacks though, even black spics hate blacks. Fuck, in my experience, even Africans hate American blacks.
Makes sense Mexibros would be salty about Ariel. Their biggest boxer is a fuckin freckled ginger. And all their celebrities are like blonde or brown haired Ariels.
I'll do a jig although I am spicanese.
Whites are more racist than mexicans. But blacks are probably the most racist.
Please give us a lecture, professor.
Jesus have you ever even seen a black person?
Awesome job lately mods. This is absolutely comics and cartoons.
Ignoring the condescending tone, Spanish colonizers brought African slaves to what's now known as Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Caribbean, which is where they settled the most. Dutch colonizers did the same thing in the Guianas, but Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay etc didn't have as much slave workforce given their geography, which made difficult the passage through the region in some cases.
Sorry, Portuguese colonizers did it in Brazil, not Spaniards.
>Whites are more racist than mexicans
Whites are more racist than mexicans.
No they aren't. Idiot.
Goddamn spics are ruthless.
Yeah they are.
White people are unironcially one of the least racist people around. South Americans are way more racist, and don't even get me started on Asians.
>t.white person
You haven't been around alot of white people. I've seen more southeast asians hate on blacks than white poeple. People still use negro and equivalent words in asian countries.
I'm Asian which is how I know how racist we are. We just hide it well. But keep that victim complex going.
Americans are more racists than any other countries. Other countries would usually just be colorist.
El basado y rojopilled
>White people aren't even involved in it.
You're the first to shoot people,all it take for you retards is memes to turn you into terrorists.You'll be in the front line the moment a race war happen, be honest about it
>You haven't been around alot of white people.
I've been around white people all my life so I think i know a little more about them then some casual observers.
>white people are the least racist
>nobody likes niggers
>blacks don't even like looking at other blacks
>niggers are the most racist
>he doesn’t know about the real life black ethnic cleansing Mexicans attempted back in the early 2000s
It's sad how ignorant and delusional you are.
>You're the first to shoot people
That's not what the FBI says.
Care to translate? I don't speak whatever language the South Americans are fluent in.
Ad hominem, try again
But fine, Anglo-influenced countries are more racist than other countries. Non-Anglo Europeans are unaware the concept of whiteness.
>You're the first to shoot people
Whatever helps you sleep at night, user.
>Americans are more racists than any other countries
Damn... What did he mean by this one, bros?
Is this another "Spics think they're better than everyone else" thread?