Times when the villain won

post some examples

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Real life.

how dare you defile classic simpsons like this

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Star vs.

aku had a good run, he won for like a thousand years

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Thanks mods.

And even when he was ultimately slain by Jack he got one last "fuck you" in by taking Ashi with him.

gaze upon my works, ye mighty and despair

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Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Yea Forums and iamgebaord culture having cultural dominance over the internet

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My biggest beef with doomsday clock is that everything Adrien did was for nothing

Pic related: the (pen)ultimate example.

Can't say more because it's literally the biggest cartoon spoiler of all time.

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But that's literally the entire point of his character. It's in his fucking name.

I mean Ramesses II and Alexander didn't outlive their accomplishments, everything failed after they were no longer around. In Doomsday Cock Ozy's work doesn't even last 10 years

How long other's accomplishments last is entirely irrelevant. The whole point of Ozymandias character is his works will not last. It's the entire point of the poem he's named after and subtly implied in the ending. A better thing to be pissed off about would be hacks shoving the message in your face instead of leaving it for the reader to ponder on like the original story did.

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That time Parallax re-wrote the whole universe so he could blame everyone he murdered on a space bug, and got away with it.

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He literally won at the end and unironically became a hero compared to what the protagonist did which literally killed billions

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>subtly implied
Manhattan literally tells him it was for nothing and the last panel of the comic we see rorscharchs journal about to be read

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That was an act of heroism though.

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>Out of nowhere W.I.T.C.H. fag

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>lets two guys hang outside and harass customers
>put seeds next to candy
>no one bats an eye

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Hell, even without that. He won in the Final Night. Nobody except Batman thought he died anything less than a hero, and Batman was clearly treated like the butthurt faggot he was for thinking that.

>This guy still hasn't forgiven a guy who killed his coworkers, destabilizing the entire damn galaxy because his boss got short with him for grossly misusing his power
>What a butthurt faggot
Fucking Halfags.

I know that there's the tumblr version, but what I need is the Yea Forums version

I feel like people tend to forget about how Dominator's canonically caused countless BAD ENDs before the timespan that S2 takes place in

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That is the tumblr version.

you mean the /pol/ version?

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When he started, there were about 3,000 (per Marv Wolfman) matter universes and 1 anti-matter universe. He resolved to destroy all matter universes.

When he was done, there was only one matter universe and one anti-matter universe. That's a 99.97% success rate. Statistically that's so close to 100% it makes no difference.

Just saying.

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That twist blew my 10 year old mind

It was KINO