Yea Forums General Drawthread

>Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Yea Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in
or #

Previous thread: #

Attached: 0ab7a3e2c4a7dd5fd1f0ad140cb08fb4ba96cef4.png (1415x2208, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:

requesting Lapis as pic related

Attached: 123.png (720x720, 299K)

Requesting the above scenario with the OK KO characters.

Attached: reacting to older KO.png (2368x2403, 1.32M)

Req Rawhide with a burger in her mouth and wearing sunglasses while she is preparing to shoot somebody with a revolver

Attached: image.png (1200x1502, 3.22M)

Requesting Felix and Sheba chilling out and smoking

Attached: MV5BUzZDg5ZjQtNzEwYS00OWQ1LWI0OWUtODQ5NjE4MDIyZDRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg2ODMzNTc@._V1_.jpg (720x576, 30K)

Awww, thanks for using my delivery as OP!

Requesting fusion

Attached: frog and human fusion.png (1600x1600, 854K)

You're welcome!

Requesting Black Strategy sunbathing.

Attached: tumblr_oyveelkfuB1s2usqro3_1280.png (1280x754, 279K)

Requesting Dmitri in this position

Attached: ADFD5EDF-C310-47F6-B90B-8B603FAD762D.png (1590x886, 2.58M)

What blonde boy?

Requesting These two dancing.

Attached: starlee and cody.jpg (360x274, 24K)

Man, I messed up.
I meant the black-haired boy, but I must've made a mistake.

Requesting Brad, Tuck or Sheldon rebooting Jenny using Mario's technique

Attached: Rebooting X-J9.webm (796x264, 2.79M)

Requesting Mildred wearing daisy dukes with the shirt of the top left ref-

Attached: dd.jpg (696x698, 178K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: spidermom fusion.jpg (749x535, 130K)

Requesting the blonde girl kissing the black-haired boy while the latter looks annoyed.
Bonus points if you can redesign the artstyle to be less ugly.
Even more bonus points if she has large boobs. (and maybe a thicc body, if you're into these kinds of waifus)

Attached: 3f55940526e6e81f31cd36edb60270775e87e62e_s2_n1.jpg (960x720, 146K)

Requesting Steven and Mandy eating pizza.

Attached: mandy threatens steven.png (3850x4900, 1.08M)

Requesting Princess Sherbet and Daisy Conrad wearing each other's clothes.

Attached: 1562217849928.png (417x400, 158K)

Requesting some Archie type scenario with them and Thanos.

Attached: death and death smaller.png (1655x1458, 3.72M)

Requesting the left image with Crimson Dynamo

Attached: laughing.png (1366x598, 972K)

Requesting April dressed like Sasuke.

Attached: april sasuke.png (1248x1080, 658K)

Requesting Toph sneaking in a Fire Nation village ninja style, and with ninja gear. She uses her hearing and her bare feet to navigate around guards.

Attached: Toph FN Village.png (715x220, 285K)

Requesting Carissa based on this using either version of her

Attached: 2018-10-25 12.46.49.png (720x296, 284K)

Requesting Charlie from Hazbin Hotel in the Ed, Edd n Eddy art-style.

Attached: CharlieEds.png (1800x1200, 1.81M)

Requesting Selina and Gwen in their juvenile delinquent years with nylon stockings or ski-masks over their heads. Preferably with Selina's hairstyle at right. Doesn't have to be this exact angle or setting.

Attached: Selina Teen Years.png (348x277, 174K)

requesting a milfy, curvy Priyanka Maheswaran dressed as Futaba from Persona 5( but with a midriff, big earrings and high heels). Give her big lips and maybe some pubes showing

Attached: 1562203248200.png (3192x1328, 3.88M)

Requesting more centaur(ess?) Merida.

Attached: CentaurMerida.png (2050x794, 1.9M)

Requesting Suzanne like the bottom pic

Attached: suz.jpg (500x1464, 235K)

Requesting the above team assembled like the DCAU Justice League

Attached: FE755E5E-8EFB-45D5-8025-8E4366F43273.jpg (4000x5373, 2.2M)

Requesting brown Heckpoo in a yellow bikini

Attached: 75467929_p0.jpg (1700x2500, 756K)

Requesting Frankie Foster dancing with Dylan in a soft slow dance together.

Attached: 20180226161717.jpg (640x480, 51K)

Requesting Plank getting an award.

Attached: captain plank.png (502x864, 422K)

>A Academy award?

Plank would be more deserving (and likeable) than Bree...

Requesting Nani and the Lifeguard in whipped cream bikinis with the Lifeguard sitting up and winking as she licks her finger with some whipped cream or a cherry that she took off of Nani.

Attached: Whipped Cream Nani Lifeguard.jpg (2636x3645, 1.07M)

Requesting Arcee, but dressed as The Bride from Kill Bill. That, or maybe a black and yellow paint job based on her clothing?

Attached: 5D1053E0-44A3-4F58-BA49-3CD1006888BC.png (1024x768, 798K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: creepy bastard fusion.png (1008x793, 151K)

Requesting Fee relaxing after a fight (implying that there was a struggle but she won)

Attached: FeeBigArt.png (427x434, 165K)

Requesting MilkyKau's OC selfsona with proportions more torwards her actual body without the infinity gauntlet.

Attached: milkykau_57511889_226171435015831_984367783113580181_n.jpg (1080x1045, 73K)

Requesting a redrawing of this pic on the left but replace them with Lord Dominator from Wander over Yonder and Finn from Adventure Time.

Attached: Her Cute Little Hero.jpg (1652x1716, 360K)

Requesting Raven eating worms.

Attached: raven civies reference smaller.png (1382x1582, 2.67M)

Requesting Azula in the same pose as the model with her face scowling, as if she's begrudgingly doing the pose. Thank you.

Attached: Model Reference For Azula.png (2000x1428, 3.67M)

Requesting Catra dressed as Tetsuo and Adora dressed as Kaneda.

Attached: Loud Yelling of Names.png (1500x1569, 1.98M)

Requesting Raphael and Mona Lisa from Ninja Turtles portraying as young romantic couple, just like Christopher Atkins and Kristy McNichol in The Pirate Movie on the top.

Attached: D0EC5D18-A898-4FB4-A39C-A5B181CF2849.png (750x1334, 1.97M)

Hopper as Raiden.

Attached: Hopper Raiden.png (3576x1920, 2.62M)

Ben looking up at Looma's arse.

Attached: Ben looking up at Looma's ass.png (1200x1768, 1.11M)

Requesting Big Barda wearing the apron on the right.

Attached: Apron request.jpg (2632x2544, 1.22M)

Requesting Germaine in the outfit on the right.

Attached: germaine clothes.png (1125x949, 867K)

Taking amateur Carmen San Diego requests.

Attached: CarmenEmoteavecuneloupe.png (224x224, 56K)

Requesting Gwenpool cosplaying as Slave Leia

Attached: gwen slave bikini.jpg (1170x996, 577K)

Requesting Catwoman receiving a belly rub like a cat.

Attached: catwomreq.jpg (1317x984, 304K)

Round 3: Requesting Amelia Bedelia dressed as a member of the French Foreign Legion (top left) standing in front of the Algerian bush (bottom left, ignore the soldiers). Please hand draw the landscape if you don't mind, thanks in advance!

Attached: 1562211461267.png (1008x928, 1020K)

Requesting fusions

Attached: 73876AA9-D3C9-4929-B846-0BAE6BAD8C45.jpg (640x681, 188K)

Requesting a milfy, thick, plump Gothel dressed as Rapunzel, with simillar body type shown in the right pic. Give her big pink lips, like the one of the top right pic

Attached: 1562363603838.jpg (3656x1920, 742K)

Requesting Beast from X-Men as JonTron

Attached: 220px-Beast_Jim_Lee_art.jpg (220x260, 26K)

are your parents proud of you user
do they know youre a mentally ruined degenerate

Requesting this scene redrawn with Anne punching Sasha. Same gloves and same leotards.

Attached: 45103021-3A4E-41C1-83A4-12AAE68E82AB.png (2000x720, 864K)

Carmen in a coffee shop pondering on her next adventure.

nu-Carmen or 90's DIC Carmen?

They are pretty proud

Either or, both are qt

Requesting Priyanka as the Dark Queen

Attached: 4D31CCBE-6923-4020-B742-08ACF298E32E.png (3871x3087, 411K)

Requesting Miss Elaina, Lady Elaine Fairchilde, And Music Man Stan (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) as if they were a Family of the 1980's (of the year of 1986)

Attached: 616346_142323235908870_114990940_o.jpg (2048x1952, 229K)

Go away Fernando.

So it will be nu-Carmen wageslaving a cup of coffee to OG Carmen

How about OG Carmen wageslaving a cup to Nu-Carmen because the first ran out of steam and a new leaf must spring? Also older women as waitresses are hot

Attached: 1561406209796.jpg (715x720, 53K)

Posting the sketch, I'll try to refine it.

Attached: Carmens working at Carmen's.jpg (1053x765, 176K)

Original Carmen is cute and sexy, and nüCarmen looks adorable. Good werk mate!

Requesting Spider man noir in a mage battalion uniform

Attached: Noir.png (1575x1024, 1.08M)

Requesting one or more of these girls as mermaids hanging out on some rocks, their bikinis being made of the corresponding shells.

Attached: girls.png (880x700, 728K)

Attached: comandysteven.png (2152x2000, 792K)

Requesting Korra as a mermaid

Attached: 1561695793867.jpg (563x1250, 76K)

Colored ver.

Attached: Carmens working at Carmen's color ver.jpg (1053x765, 244K)

Requesting fusion.

Attached: Horniess.png (2480x2312, 1.93M)


Requesting Bonnie Rockwaller either tweeting the reference or acting out the pictures in it

Attached: 34.png (1558x1122, 2.32M)

Crazy Jane giving a thumbs up

Attached: 6012194-jane (2).jpg (503x640, 88K)

Requesting Anne in an Antifa getup,
Aka, Annetifa, doing something sufficiently Anarcho-communist or anti-fash of your choosing.

Attached: 0287D3BF-B643-4E5B-8C2E-2BC9E88C6493.png (1334x750, 3.6M)

Requesting a redraw of this page from LMAC

For context, guy who appears in the first panel is Fred from Scooby-Doo

Attached: 1562347980197.jpg (4250x5850, 1.53M)

Requesting Pearl trying to tolerate Greg.

Attached: father pearl.png (570x680, 128K)

Requesting a 2 panel
the First: Dr. Flug looking at some test result, finding out that Gumball is his son and wondering if he should call Nicole to tell her.
the Second: Dr. Flug with phone in hand staring at a tv, showing security cam video gumball in his living room watching tv.

gave me the idea pasteB nT11JsV7

Attached: I have a son.png (1680x734, 1.13M)

Requesting spider dad with spider uncle sitting at a bar drinking beer.
Peni asking the bartender for a beer and them(dad,uncle) telling her "NO!".
gwen sitting next to them with apple juice box telling peni "there no point in arguing with them. they are not even letting me drink and I am old enought to fight villans but not old enought to drink apperently."
spider dad: "the drinking age is 21 and you are still a teenager"
spider uncle: "We dont break the Law only criminals do"

Attached: get me a beer.png (990x1108, 917K)

Requesting Percy Mori (from Barbarous) playing with a Skip-It.

Attached: BC816EC3-650A-4972-8131-E41B3EADD695.png (3352x1145, 2.81M)

Requesting April like in the image, getting her shorts/panties pulled down and her ass kissed.
Be sure to do her massive booty justice.

Attached: april.png (1812x1712, 3.27M)

Requesting a poster parody of the Men who Stares at goats featuring the Justice League from the Fatal Five movie. And have their voice actors from the movie in the billing, sans Miss Martian. Cause she takes Goat's place.

Attached: TheLeagueThatStaresatGoats.png (1629x616, 1.35M)

Requesting young Gwen feeling up older Gwen's chest, excited that she'll have boobs in the future

Attached: 1562216536269.png (500x377, 142K)

Requesting Kraven the Hunter hunting a Mega Man X maverick. Your choice of which one, but Web Spider gets ya bonus points.

Attached: 6419BAC1-38BE-4C69-9FE1-B8BE6E0792BD.png (1528x1528, 3.94M)

Requesting Velma Dinkley like the woman on the right. Same pose and outfit. Tongue out, too.

Attached: 56cdd5860a9527b417b6c3513e8965ed.jpg (1776x2288, 554K)

newbie here, I hope it looks alright

Attached: IMG_20190706_204340.jpg (3120x4160, 2.43M)

Not OR, it looks very nice!

Seconding this

OR here. It looks great! You should try coloring it if you can, but it's all right if you can't. Thanks!

Requesting the mermaids from Peter Pan as 18 year old human girls in bikinis. Possibly with the same tops or lack thereof.

Attached: 609E272B-CCFB-40E1-9A47-C7FA5D4E229E.jpg (1000x745, 114K)

I wish I could, but I have 0 coloring knowledge, it's something I wanted to learn after I'm done with portraits and facial structuring, but thanks for the compliment

Requesting Sharon Spitz from Braceface chilling on the water with her arms out like Maya from Redakai on the right (doesn't have to be the same camera angle) with the bathing suit in the middle 2 pics

requested this already

Attached: request5.png (1024x576, 322K)

Requesting Fusion please

Attached: PicsArt_06-29-01.01.12.jpg (1832x1440, 254K)

OR I guess? Looks fantastic and very cute. Well done. OG Carmen looks pretty and Nu-Carmen makes me smile.

Requesting a topless alternate of this image

Requesting Miko Kubota wearing the e-sports gamer dress on the left, while in any of the poses on the bottom.

Attached: gaymerdress.jpg (3080x1840, 849K)

>A slow dance like this

Attached: B28D675F-DBC5-4B60-8BF5-9AC391F39968.jpg (756x656, 66K)

Requesting Lucky Piquel (Bonkers) and Stromboli (Pinocchio) wearing speedos, holding hands, smiling, and walking on a beach with a sunset.

Attached: Lucky and Stromboli in Love!.jpg (1580x810, 201K)

Well Herny ain't gonna do it (unless you commission him to). Besides, what you're asking for falls in line with /aco/. So your best bet it to request it in thee /aco/ drawthread.

Attached: 2019-07-05_01d.png (806x1440, 168K)

Requesting the two Wally Wests fighting

Attached: 88687C0D-9655-4D8B-8D3A-05E454CA7F87.jpg (1546x1388, 853K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: Заготовка2.jpg (1007x793, 96K)

here it goes

Attached: tism.jpg (796x1022, 691K)

Requesting Luna (from Everblue) wearing jogging gear (be it a hoodie with bike shorts).

Attached: luna.png (1872x1080, 723K)

Pretty good

Requesting Captain Marvel yelling at Spider-Man Gunnery Sergeant Hartman style. With some spittle.

Attached: Capt Hartman.png (491x168, 118K)

>ass all out
>tits spilling over top of swimsuit

OR here, This is fucking fantastic, man. The coloring on this picture is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much, Roumgu.

Requesting the Kents running a Pokémon Day Care center

Attached: Jonathan-and-Martha-Kent.jpg (408x408, 86K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: 956816153.png (2548x2404, 792K)

Requesting this with Peridot.

Attached: Tatanga1.png (450x488, 371K)

Requesting Cassandra Cain and Barbara Gordon robbing a mob owned bank with nude (or white) stockings over their heads. Cassandra is the "good robber" and Barbara is the "bad robber".

Attached: Cassandra.jpg (104x125, 2K)

Requesting DCSHG Darkseid doing the Thanos Snap

Attached: 1548871872912.png (1435x925, 1M)

Requesting 90's Fate and Strange 2099 at the same thrift shop/dumpster flirting while looking for 90's clothes.

Attached: StrangeFate2099.jpg (1282x872, 571K)

Requesting Raven and Velma fusion

Attached: Monkey's paw bait.jpg (1864x2306, 882K)

Female Centaur are Centauride

Requesting fusion.

Attached: X Men Fusion 4.png (1600x1742, 1.16M)

Requesting an older exhausted looking star in a cheerleader outfit, while a smug brittney can be seen in the background

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-YalWHub79x.jpg (1483x1127, 305K)

catdayrefugees dot chatango dot com

Attached: catAdultVideo.png (956x677, 1.1M)

Attached: pawtriotic.jpg (680x453, 34K)

Requesting Miranda in these clothes.

Attached: 166px-Th17Urumi.png (166x300, 50K)

Requesting Mrs. Ladybug enjoying tea from a flower teacup.

Attached: mrsladybug.jpg (1112x1393, 142K)

Requesting any of those African Cats as “liberated” Americanized THOTs, celebrating America with lewds outfits and miniature american flags!

Attached: df296e339.jpg (2360x2060, 1.09M)

/r/ Aunt Polly in a similar outfit being fucked on her side with her leg thrown over her lovers shoulder. A smug or satisfied look on her face.

Attached: JXV19NU_d.jpg (640x465, 43K)

Requesting Scritches O'Snitches (the pink pirate cat) having 1 or 2 of he catgirls as slaves, naked and chained at his feet.

Attached: Scr.jpg (2116x1204, 440K)

Requesting big Nicole on the beach

Attached: Giant_Nicole_1556823845273.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Requesting local fat-ass French Cat betraying her country and displaying her goods like in the image on the left.

Attached: 92168.jpg (1028x652, 114K)

Requesting a low angle view of Bimm showing off her tits

Attached: bimmtits.jpg (1085x700, 184K)

Kind of a longshot, since it's 3 characters, but requesting the image on the left, with Callie Briggs, Felina Feral, and Ann Gora. In that order.

Attached: DmPcR9WkAASGAI.jpg (1864x1772, 850K)

Ann Gora doing public exhibition as she angrily reports on a military parade to distract from it or Callie in erotic patriotic attire grinding on a tank barrel or missile.

Attached: ann-gora-model-sheets-001.gif (995x624, 78K)

How about rectifying this criminal crime and actually having Peg in that MURRICA outfit, instead of just being next to some rando bimbo?

Attached: c2bceada2abfdf06ae15d967461bc5af.jpg (1715x1433, 1.31M)

Requesting the bottom pic with schoolgirl Hobbes.

Attached: hob.jpg (1752x2480, 675K)

Req Front Row Joe watching the movie while beret girl gives head and handies to everyone else because she finds it boring

Attached: frj.png (639x363, 407K)

/r/ those Samurai Jack emoji dogs as cats

/r/ naked apron Nicole cooking for a group of anons.

Attached: 1532857733233.jpg (1333x1897, 291K)

Requesting Henry like in the image on the left. Wearing those same women's clothes, too.
Olive can watch, too.

Attached: 1562157306262.png (2188x1488, 3.07M)

Requesting Leona in MMA gear.

Attached: 1541888225258.jpg (458x764, 84K)

Request Rufus pregnant with lactating tits getting groped and fucked from behind.

Req. Miranda in an American flag bikini

Requesting Ash ranting about superior spiderman to the point of tears to this badger kid who just wanted to talk about Tom Holland
(Also fucked up how the last thread died without fully reaching image limit)

Attached: PicsArt_06-24-10.24.31.jpg (2560x1440, 256K)

Requesting a poster of Felina Feral in an American Flag bikini and wearing an Uncle Sam hat that "I want YOU to defend cat titties"
topless or not is up to you

Attached: felinaposter.jpg (2322x1434, 635K)

Requesting Aby doing like in the bottom image. I don't care what top she's wearing, as long as she's got tight legging and a thong on like in that ref.
yeah, i know

Attached: 1562157435995.jpg (1384x3056, 661K)

Req Pamela wearing nothing but old torn dirty bad news t-shirt thinking it will make her relevant

Attached: pamela_bondani_digital_sketches_by_breakoutkid-d9xxay8.png.jpg (752x1063, 109K)

artist's choice
Yea Forums cats with an america butt plug

Attached: 617vBqBU7-L._SL1001_.jpg (1001x1001, 72K)

Eris in an uncle sam hat holding a sparkler and forcing mirage to lick apple pie off her body while roman candles in mirage ass and pussy fire off please!

Attached: e2ddf648d75b1cdfe0ea3e4415741e5a10714d2b.png (773x1246, 428K)

CC out and about in public naked, but her outfit is painted on. Maybe her teasing and messing with a guy/boy who notices her clothes are painted on.

Attached: 4221396001_5787630831001_5787630596001-vs.jpg (1794x894, 297K)

GWW catgirl spitroasted by the wolf and ice bun

Attached: gww.jpg (630x1200, 102K)

the Domenica In cat having her back petted/scratched and she keeps pushing her ass up more into the guy's arm lewdly

Attached: 1410127497108.jpg (2880x1200, 713K)

the el arca cats arranged 2x2 with their asses painted like the US flag

Attached: 1520639542164.jpg (3644x1304, 482K)

kitty malak in a watermelon bikini and winning a fruit growing competition or having her huge tits mistaken for actual watermelons

Attached: 1562113995972.jpg (1196x1124, 262K)

Mrs Katswell playing around with fireworks like in the pic
bonus for her daughters being embarrassed and/or for it going wrong hilariously

Attached: mrs katswell.jpg (2132x752, 347K)

nhozemphtekh from felidae as an anthro aggressively demanding to breed with a human or user she cornered or has pinned and is fucking already

Attached: Nhozemphtekh.png (756x368, 383K)

Could also go for a more cartoony situation by having their clothes blown up in a fireworks explosion

Requesting peg doing a strip tease in her front yard around a flag pole.

Attached: DtplgppV4AATS9u.jpg (1440x1080, 181K)

Requesting an older Eddy wearing his robes, sunglasses, pipe and a Hugh Hefner yacht hat. Bonus if he has an older bunnygirl Nazz sitting on his lap or he has his arm around her waist. Up to you if want it to be the real deal or just Eddy dreaming.

Attached: PlayEddy.png (1800x1200, 1.94M)

OR here, this is perfect! Thanks a lot, just seen it in the LMAC thread

This but with M'ress and James T. Kirk
Lots of cum, very messy, tiptoes, abdominal bulge, and ahegao if possible

Attached: req.jpg (830x1207, 421K)

Requesting Wildernessa Without her Mask

Attached: latest.png (187x289, 37K)

Requesting Fee and Foo streaking and Harvey Beaks chasing after them carrying their clothes

Attached: images-3.jpg (313x470, 36K)

This but Mrs. Katswell
Have the fat around her chunky orange ass mold around the seat like here

Attached: Queen of thiq.jpg (778x1200, 545K)

Attached: D448B62E-8237-490D-A7CE-B46291ECD4DE.jpg (1681x1767, 358K)

Requesting a version of that Coppertone ad with the dog but it's Coraline grabbing Courtney's bikini bottom

Attached: courtney_s_summer_time_by_grimphantom-dcgiwnl.png (4931x3450, 2.17M)

Friendly reminder to everyone that furfaggotry is an extremely severe mental illness that can only be cured by euthanasia.

Are mods not going to delete all of the caturday posts, like what's the hold up?


/r/ Beebe, the girlfriend from the early 2000's Spumco flash series Weekend Pussy Hunt, bound and gagged on a chair. Make it look like the cover of a pulp novel

Attached: beebe.png (2220x1520, 1.67M)

What's your goal just spamming the drawthreads every Saturday?

the goal

you guys have your own chat group. What's the point of using website.

annoy you >:3

>stop requesting Yea Forums characters on the Yea Forums drawthread and stop delivering the most requests on the drawthread out of the whole week

When you guys do this whole thing, the posts usually get deleted so it's clearly not allowed, and most if not all requests are pretty much nsfw and better suited for /aco/, or /trash/

This thread goes from extremely dead to extremely active, but only on saturdays does the jump happen....

Requesting Zuko giving Toph a headpat

Attached: a request.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

That's Caturday for ya. :/

Requesting Scooby-Doo Apocalypse Velma turning into a towering Hulk-esque monster similar looking to Lady Death

Attached: Apoc Velma transformation reference.jpg (2425x4519, 1.36M)

Requesting Finn slap his mother's butts,while saying whatever dialogue lines you want to put in the speech bubble,is your choice for interpreted it.

Attached: Buenos Dias Mom.png (470x1044, 238K)

Requesting a cat MILF being taken out to dinner and not being so subtle in their choice of clothing.

Attached: f7bzsd9hqu531.jpg (764x767, 81K)


Requesting Wilhamena wearing the Dangerous Beast costume from Fate.

Seconding this.

Also not the OR, but that's FANTASTIC!

Attached: Dangerous Vamp.jpg (2044x2472, 788K)

I want a followup to that Summoning pick from last week where the victims react to their enflattening.

Not the OR, but this looks great!

Requesting the page on the left but with Carol as Starfire and Michelle as Babs. Bonus points if Carol is wearing a heart Spidey shirt

Attached: 1562199566342.jpg (968x712, 198K)

I like don't know how to color so I just stopped

Attached: velma-raven.jpg (1600x2400, 726K)

Good lines my dude

Requesting fanart of Lady Echo from wakfu

Attached: E12BDE99-0C7A-4AF9-BF2D-1C855850F235.png (442x745, 223K)

Clip studio has a stabilization slider I have shaky hands like I got palsy

but thanks

Requesting portrait of U.S.Avenger's Squirrel Girl doing the double-peace sign while smiling

Attached: squirrel girl usavengers (5).jpg (1312x1378, 420K)

Requesting Lois Lane getting a surprise boob grope

Attached: lane5b079request05071ad134879506.png (1244x1220, 857K)

Requesting the Wonder Pets redrawn in the style of Thundercats

Attached: ThunderPets!.jpg (4534x1426, 1.13M)

Requesting Carnage wearing the outfit above

Attached: 47d6fe6ac.jpg (884x1560, 305K)

Requesting girl Kurt twerking in Scotts face

Attached: il_570xN.906688009_kbx1.jpg (570x314, 35K)

I'd like to do some but I'm mediocre.

Anything is fine- she needs more art! I'm sure your work would be good .

Attached: Zeldana you cant compete against the fastest hoe in the universe.jpg (919x1354, 699K)

Request Terezi Pyrope (the troll girl on the top-right) pantsing Karkat Vantas (the troll boy on the top-left), like in the bottom image.

Attached: kartezreq.png (584x1240, 388K)

Requesting Gogo with her suit unzipped in the back and asking for someone to zip her up

Attached: DzzUaYYX0AA29Oe.jpg (652x1200, 66K)

MCU or Comic Thanos?

Requesting April O'Neil in business suits

Attached: april bussiness.jpg (1512x1095, 582K)

Attached: flashvsflash.png (2000x2000, 3.76M)

Requesting Hippolyta reading a bedtime story the Muppet Babies

Attached: untitled.png (244x393, 180K)

This with katia and quill-weave from prequel, please.
Katia explaining while user is holding quill-weave in the back.

Attached: kuk.png (345x380, 60K)

pretty cool.

Requesting some of the X-Men kids (Rogue, Jubilee, Kitty, Kurt, Bobby, Boom Boom) spray painting "Muties Rule!" on a school wall. With dark, casual clothes and masks for their identities.

Attached: Sprayed.png (828x377, 405K)

Not OR, but holy shit this is beyond brilliant. Thanks for doing this ship

OR here and great!

Requesting kind drawfriends to help finish the Major Yea Forums Arcana.
Bonus points for unique IPs for every card.

Attached: co Tarot.jpg (2695x2680, 3.8M)

Comic Thanos makes more sense

Noice! Blog?

By user over at Yea Forums

Attached: kuk.png (600x600, 32K)

Requesting Jean Grey doing something cute or motherly with kid Cable

Attached: image.jpg (1987x3056, 1.57M)

Requesting thicc Peni Parker due to her eating Aunt May's wheatcakes

Attached: peni wheatcakes.jpg (883x347, 287K)

Or here, looks amazing. Thanks

Requesting something like this with Spider-Gwen where she’s striking a ballerina pose:

Attached: ABF2840C-7D21-4AF3-ADF3-64334002ABA2.jpg (1200x1088, 343K)

Sauce for those three fan art covers?

Requesting fusion

Attached: pearl fusion 2.png (1600x1665, 541K)

Frank Cho

not mine, but it's all I got

Attached: thiccperl.png (366x380, 49K)

Requesting Hal Jordan and Ben 10 hugging

Attached: DB909C42-BCB4-427D-8EF4-3712C09F2941.jpg (1602x1722, 718K)

You absolute madman

Thank you!

Requesting Jenny killing herself

Attached: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 095-021 jenny mutates.jpg (1988x3056, 1.96M)

Requesting UltraMan and BrightBurn happily playing catch with severed heads

Attached: pixlr_20190624192900328.jpg (2048x2048, 1.06M)

This image popped into my head last night and won’t leave me alone, so requesting Mysterio roller skating away from something while yelling “Fuck you, Spider-Man!” or something similar.

Attached: 34F0D394-BC4A-49B8-9FA3-96D0B869B9E1.jpg (1988x3056, 2.4M)

Attached: Echo at the beach with a france swimsuit.jpg (884x1136, 197K)

Requesting Rayla running or eating grass like a goat and Callum trying to stop her

Attached: 91c7016729c65082fb0734ab5e3880800f0f65cbb075c4320e5c85d86ac352d5.jpg (1463x1247, 316K)

Awesome work! Love the French bikini too. Great job, draw user.

which April is that?

This, but Hal and Ben hugging like a couple with the banter on top saying, "Love wins!"


Attached: raven.jpg (428x634, 146K)


Requesting young Gwen in the background like Velma is, checking out Future Gwen, who is in the same pose and outfit as the woman on the right in the ref Watch this bitch be a bitch and completely ignore a perfectly serviceable delivery. I sense a tantrum incoming in the future of these threads.

Requesting a lewd Airazor

Attached: Airazor Beast Wars Transformers.jpg (1920x2353, 533K)

You guys inspired me.

As for Hal I chose the DCSHG 2019 incarnation of him.

Attached: green guys.png (3096x4128, 809K)


Could someone redesign Silverclaw so she doesn't suck so much? I feel a silvery shapeshifter has some potential without making her just a T-1000 blob but I have no idea how to design myself.

Attached: silverclaw.jpg (383x366, 28K)

OR here and wow! Thanks a lot, you did awesome!

Requesting a fusion

Attached: 6415165146.png (2500x2500, 869K)

Requesting this Sub-Zero fighting Wolverine.

Attached: Sub-Zero_(Injustice_2).png (1088x1088, 1.64M)

Seconding, but take this to /aco/.

Requesting Team Lightyear (Which is just Buzz, Mira Nova & XR) at a Statue unveiling of Booster Sinclair with Com. Nebula & Woody on their side due to Booster's VA died a couple years ago.

Attached: team_lightyear_flying_in_space.png (350x340, 190K)

/r/ Rogue in the pose and outfit on the right.

Attached: D-l1axwWsAYNz73.jpg (1473x1200, 790K)

I legit don't get it.

Requesting Fat Thor and Wonder Woman on a date

Attached: A6B8456A-B8CF-4581-BC74-C79FC12D2A0F.jpg (3876x1377, 972K)

Both Sub-Zero & Wolverine are voiced by Steve Blum.

Requesting for Marceline kissing with her cute black mom,like in the reference picture on bottom.While also have Princess Bubblegum aka Bonnie" Bubblegum make this reaction of her saw this,like in the reference picture on bottom.

Note Detail:
>Marceline and PB are wearing the outfits from Come along with me episode.
>And the backgrounds also has to be from Come along with me episode as well.

Attached: Marceline x Black Mom.jpg (2126x1054, 362K)

Requesting a naked Bismuth with a very visible apron tan line from her blacksmith apron, covering herself like in any of the images on the bottom.

Attached: 3610.jpg (2112x3208, 798K)

no self-awareness at all, huh?

>/draw this cartoon character as an anime character/ general

that is really cute

and just like that I've got another crossover crack ship

Requesting your Yea Forums waifu driving the Metal Gear REX

Attached: metal-gear-solid-metal-gear-rex-1100-plastic-model-kit-kotobukiya.jpg (864x576, 83K)

>/spammy's still afraid to go to other boards, and keeps ban-evading to post here/ General

And it's not just Yea Forums shit, come on.

Puppets technically count as Yea Forums, right? Because I wanted to request an anthropomorphic Gypsy.

Attached: MST3K Gypsy.jpg (700x523, 67K)

that looks like Hank Venture eating worms dressed as Raven, nice.

me too, now i want to draw them together some more
Can I get a drawfriend to draw their version of older mandy, please?

Attached: mandyco.png (1350x1784, 427K)

Requesting Cho-approved Diana playfully teasing.

Attached: Slampig Woman.png (1004x900, 957K)

Requesting Ash Williams having Pizza with the Ninja Turtles.

Attached: daeo3f0-a80145cd-5b00-41c2-8703-017564d7a9ba.jpg (705x960, 99K)

You know it's blatantly obvious to spot you, spammer? Who am I kidding? You don't fucking care.

Requesting Death of the Endless in a magical girl-style uniform, maybe inspired by the darker magical girl outfits in SailorMoon or Madoka

Attached: image.jpg (3000x3000, 577K)


this but with Lord Commander/Jack and John Goodspeed from Final Space

Attached: e83.png (2518x1024, 446K)

Requesting fusion.

Attached: helenjen.png (3377x2967, 2.7M)

Requesting Duleena Duneeda from Ballmastrz 9009 dressed as Lum, and chasing Ace with lightning bolts.

Attached: Ballmastrz Request.png (1207x1387, 1.8M)

Requesting a small comic or scene the following scenario:

Katara: What? What you mean with "don't make a fuss?" You are not exactly a proper lady yourself. You flirt with everyone!

Fem Sokka: W-What? I don't flirt with everyone!

>"Oh Yeah, there was that time when I flirted with the pirates to steal an statue right under their noses,but I was only pretending okay?" -

>"Ah yeah, there was also that time when I used my dress to hide those bombs, and the enemy soldiers thought that I had giant breasts! Haha,it was just PRATICAL"

> "Or-or when I had to pretend to be Aang's sassy sexy mother, and the principal was so distracted by me that he forgot why he called us? That was just my character!"

Katara: You were flirting with that shopkeeper 30 seconds ago!

Fem Sokka: We don't have much money and he had meat! And he was cute! And he had MEAT

Attached: voSVVTz.jpg (640x800, 68K)

Are you ok?

what is this about now?

Literally look at your reference

But I’m not the Madoka requester.

I don’t know, I just want to see Death in a sailor miniskirt, I guess.

Sauce on that swimsuit bismuth?

Attached: 5d7eefa1cd9c5a913ceb750c79412ad3d0840c32_s2_n1.jpg (3180x1376, 791K)

Requesting Colors

Attached: 05a9da64e5a9e34e7959d12f37bf6c8834cf0e73.jpg (902x619, 112K)

/r/ a Wilhamena verison of the right pic. Please draw her in the same microkini and you can tell she likes wearing it!

Optional Bonus:

Add any OK KO character of your choice in the background being overwhelmed with Wilhamena beauty. Even better if that character is in a swimsuit too!

Attached: Wilhamena Bikini.jpg (904x664, 226K)

Requesting Donut Boy drawn as Shaft

Attached: Donut Boy.jpg (8950x4476, 3.51M)

Requesting Taz infected with the Tasmanian devil facial tumor as seen in the middle pic and he's sitting down the same way Winnie the Pooh is in the rightmost pic.

He's very sad and saying, "Taz got tumor..."

Attached: Taz Got Tumor.jpg (1654x748, 189K)

Attached: dayum abs.jpg (919x1265, 1.05M)

Requesting Carol Danvers carrying Peter Parker into her sex dungeon.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-FkTsFQx4G5v0.jpg (1727x1200, 616K)

Requesting Miles Morales hitting on a depressed goth girl riri with zero success

Attached: pixlr_20190526232320491.jpg (2048x2048, 2.06M)


Attached: spiderthing.png (1084x1292, 137K)

Requesting Penelope Pitstop as a Flash variant

Attached: Penelope Pitstop.jpg (1901x512, 126K)

Attached: 2019-07-07_01ca.png (1028x850, 244K)

Why the pic for ants?

NICE. Thanks for the delivery!

Thanks user kek

Noice and thicc

Not OR but, this is amazing mini comic.

Requesting Betty Boop drawn wearing the Rockettes outfit

Attached: 1562262596074.jpg (4480x2680, 1.6M)

Any requests?
Rule 63 / Genderbend only

Any of the Sinister Six That hasn’t been done yet, like Rhino, Kraven, Vulture, or Sandman

Lord Boxman

Jon and/or Damian, preferably Jon

Attached: 9A96F064-2ED2-4A59-AD39-AD502635D775.jpg (1400x2126, 537K)

Requesting genderbent Candra

Attached: CANDRA Mr-and-Mrs-X.jpg (3536x4220, 3.92M)

How about some female Symbiote Spider-Man?

Attached: 903C4E67-B94B-4D06-B518-A54FA6C8E899.jpg (1920x2784, 355K)

Martian Manhunter

Requesting Vambre and Prohyas from Mighty Magiswords

Attached: 13AB602A-80C2-46C2-A18C-8343AFECEC67.jpg (966x911, 381K)

Requesting the Captain Marvels and Green Lanterns in a tug of war

Attached: 8E0FA82B-5B4E-4F43-B98A-E63812EF1F59.jpg (2315x2482, 1.17M)

Requesting this rule 63 Ben in the same pose as the pic on the right

Attached: jen 10 pic2.png (1432x808, 756K)

Oh. Thanks. I'll fix it.

wolf of wall street mandy
morning dood.

Attached: mandiee.png (600x1000, 134K)

>Implying this ever gets requests fulfilled

>delivering spam
Good job faggot

thanks mane! looks great

I literally drew dumbass


Ignore him.

>Any of these SuperFriends OCs

Attached: b21f15ebc723ceb9d3a17d8e3e6029d7--dc-characters-cartoon-art.jpg (606x393, 40K)

looks great

then /r/equest something more interesting yourself :^ )

Requesting Nani in a red lifeguard one piece with the Lifeguard standing behind her fondling her body like Ragyo is doing to Satsuki

Attached: New Hire.gif (1128x480, 3.74M)

Requesting Fire & Ice as Pre-Schoolers where Fire protects Ice from bullies.

Attached: fire_and_ice_batman_batb.jpg (689x480, 74K)

>implying interesting stuff gets delivered.

What about Nani groping older Lilo to maintain the incest angle of the KLK gif?

Attached: surf_s_up__by_jackfreak1994-d6vsqzp.jpg (600x820, 479K)

Tg'd Hiro failing at watching porn

Attached: requesst.png (766x1500, 977K)

Requesting Hayley Smith wearing these clothing while she’s pulling on her underwear. If possible, can put some accessories around her body like in the reference?

Attached: 19540E4D-4DF3-4DE3-9246-1250E38BB8DD.jpg (3508x2044, 957K)

Requesting Shortstack She-Hulk like pic related. For a friend.

Attached: RCO010_1468942620.jpg (1008x1559, 261K)


Requesting Leggy Lamb playing baseball on the farm with Droopy as the catcher

Attached: leggy baseball.jpg (925x1420, 475K)

Fucking fantastic

woah, not OR but that's really good. Love it everytime you deliver, user. Do you use

Requesting A drawing of Shezap (character wearing green and black) laughing triumphantly while Kelly holds a defeated Shezow in her arms like the comic book cover on the right.

Attached: Shezap Shezow request.jpg (2264x1522, 1.02M)

Requesting a pin up of young, skinny Madam Mim based off of the one on the left.

Attached: elvgren mim.jpg (1866x1412, 421K)

If anyone is interested, could someone please redraw sexy fanart of young Madam Mim with her true old lady form?

Let's see if anyone still loves her!

Attached: Mad Madam Mim.jpg (759x873, 124K)

Seconding. Sauce on that pin up?

Hope you Enjoy.

Attached: Velma.png (1296x1728, 425K)

Not OR but hot!

You absolute madman.
Seconding for the absolute hilarity.

Gil Elvgren.

Or. amazing mini comic, buddy. Always happy to see you around

Top slut.

>me too, now i want to draw them together some more
please do

that's very nice

more of Shortstack Dextra please

Attached: Dextra Canon Design.png (500x969, 1.08M)

Requesting some actual monsters peddling Monster energy drink, like in the image on the right.

Keep the human boy, and the whole outfit, where applicable. Or at least just the tight t-shirt and hat.

Attached: d1a8b37ee98cb8.jpg (2092x1184, 438K)

I'd hate to request something twice in one thread, but:
Requesting Carl Foutley as a grown-up woman.

Attached: CarlF1.png (861x589, 302K)

>I'd hate to request something twice in one thread
Nah, you don't. You did it with that other ugly show, too.

from the old drawthread, days too late but the deep end cannot ignore blondes in old glory bikinis!

Attached: Pacifica_murricuh.png (835x1080, 481K)

Oh deep end

Classic Deep End, what’s your blog anyway?

Have you seen the last thread? I've only ever requested one thing.
I no longer request more than one time.

Do you draw fat guys, Deep End? Would you please do my request:

For some reason, Deep End only uses social media for uploading that mediocre Jenny render of his.

Requesting Wilhamena laying underneath a sun parasol in a whipped cream bikini.

Attached: Pass me that SPF 1000000.png (3292x1500, 1.87M)

Saw this, wanted to color it

Attached: Mysteria and Her Fake Tits.jpg (937x600, 140K)

Requesting Panda in a watermelon print bikini.

Attached: 5DBD947F-9798-4A3C-AD27-A97CB5041641.jpg (882x640, 152K)


Requesting Slinkman and Haida holding hands please

Attached: 3EADE7AB-E3D0-47D2-9202-88B93A3DFE37.jpg (422x867, 85K)

What did the anons over at Yea Forums do to you?

Requesting some time-skip Amphibia stuff with either Older Maddie in the Pond Scum Armour from Kingdom Death, or Older World-weary Sasha as the Champion Weaponsmith, also from Kingdom Death.

Attached: kingdom death.jpg (2230x794, 455K)

Requesting SyFy-tan, wearing the outfit on the bottom image.

Attached: 8b0ce410f9e09ea4d15eaf17ebb0b8ec59300cb8.jpg (1536x2344, 453K)

Requesting Lady MacBeth, from Project G.e.e.K.e.R., like in any of the two images on the bottom. No mecha-arm, obviously.

Attached: 43214401_477508646091104_6132488965927186772_n.jpg (1404x852, 299K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: pirate fusion.jpg (1800x1800, 181K)

Requesting Coop and Mike fixing a car.

Attached: 1562068179704.jpg (4000x3435, 1.32M)

Requesting Lori and Summer looking at their phones borely and saying they should hang out more often like the girls in the picture.

Attached: 1562068739996.jpg (3996x1329, 612K)

Requesting princess morbucks making it rain on Pacifica northwest similarly to the reference .

Attached: 1562068446913.jpg (4000x1439, 445K)

Requesting Ben 10, Kim possible, Xj9, Danny phantom, and Jake long dressed in the same suits as the 5 African men in the reference with the same poses as them as well. Basically the same as the those guys but with the 5 characters.

Attached: 1562076887341.jpg (3264x952, 952K)

Requesting this scene:
Playing out between Solaria and Eclipsa

Attached: 0190c9d4c127b07c6e02666165350344e2eb4d5cr1-639-653v2_hq.jpg (639x653, 62K)

Requesting Maddie and Kylie posing with ghost hunting shotguns.

Attached: 1562074728462.jpg (4000x2956, 959K)

>requesting with homework
nah, dawg

Requesting Azmuth and plankton playing a game of virtual chess.

Attached: 1562077181338.jpg (4000x1977, 643K)

Requesting Samurai Jack and Mao Mao and sitting and drinking sake similar to the reference.

Attached: 1562077426439.jpg (4000x1735, 561K)

This awful fan fic needs to die

Requesting a trap wet tshirt contest

Attached: tarps.jpg (3350x1020, 407K)

Requesting Dr. Doof, Professor Membrane and Ford Pines playing a boardgame of your choice.

Attached: 1562077869467.jpg (2139x4000, 592K)

Requesting Nella the princess knight trying to teach Dave the Barbarian some sword moves.

Attached: 1562078230590.jpg (4000x2486, 764K)

Requesting Gary and teen Atomic Betty teaming up to go on a mission and Gary overreacting and getting excited and her telling him to calm down.

Attached: 1562078594470.jpg (4000x3850, 560K)

Requesting teamo supremo as teenagers and a redesign of their kid costumes that are now teenager costumes. Around 15-16 years old and taller.

Attached: 1562079199529.jpg (4000x1375, 688K)

Requesting Finn from Adventure time making out and hugging with this black hair girl

Attached: OTP.jpg (2652x1296, 557K)

Requesting Zeta from shimmer and shine, Gwen and Sabrina in black witch clothes like the ones in the reference at the top.

Attached: 1562079464257.jpg (3261x4000, 922K)

Requesting Ricochet and Omi in a ring about to fight.

Attached: 1562080111816.jpg (4000x1965, 589K)

Requesting a recreation of this poster but with Mr. Herriman as the guy on the right while Mr. Whiskers is the guy on the left and he is dropping carrots and Mr. Herriman has a vacuum.

Attached: 1562080799163.jpg (4000x2299, 722K)

Requesting Mung Daal and Butterbean in a cooking contest making pancakes.

Attached: cooking contest.jpg (2115x4000, 917K)

Are you ok? Are you well?

Requesting anything with resistance Enid.

Attached: req.jpg (697x690, 98K)

Being used as windshield wipers

What's wrong with it?user

Requesting Trudy X and Agent K in a boxing ring about to spar with each other.

Attached: sparring.jpg (4000x1160, 424K)

Request from a previous thread.

Attached: Ahsoka HUMANED.jpg (1450x2370, 792K)

Found a half-drawn Gwen I had lying around, too.
Was gonna use it for lewds but thought why not do this Hope it's something like what you wanted.

Attached: Gwen's a Maniac, Maniac.jpg (1688x2317, 753K)

holy shit nice

Potential Alternate Text: Anakin'd

I feel you, my inking looks like it was done in an active earthquake zone.

Something about the linework in both of these literally makes me want to vomit.

here, take this to Yea Forums, they might finish it... maybe

Attached: slink&haida.jpg (762x628, 77K)

Requesting Joker Shredder doing the "Here's Johnny" scene from the Shinning.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 97K)


Attached: ComicPage2.jpg (3335x4500, 3.45M)



Thanks for this. I made a post in their drawthread. I’m now wondering if /cm/ does drawthreads as well.

Awesome work

Nice work!

I didn't make it, just commissioned it a few threads ago. This guy does great work and does commissions if you want something that looks near professional.

Of course. It looks too good to be requested

Here's the request thing plus a bonus.

It took a while.

Attached: syfy.png (731x684, 155K)

Nobody fucking cares to see your commissions. We’ve told you this repeatedly. Hell, we’ve even caught you delivering shit for yourself

>Being this mad
Nothing wrong with someone happy with a commission user

lol people told you to fuck off with shit that doesn't even belong in a begging thread like this one
plus, advertising is against the rules

That’s not what these threads are for. If he wants to show off his wallet, he can go to deviantart. Heck I’m fairly sure it’s Murrlogic

Cute stuff, Perla. Good work!


A nut job who’s obsessed with deforestation and white bread, which in turn drove away his family and few friends.

Not him, but you and other people cared enough to reply and praise it.

I felt an actual deja vu while delivering this

Attached: fee.jpg (428x634, 181K)

I know that guy. Someone thought I was him once because my fetish is poor income guys fucking high class haughty women

Because they didn’t know it was commissioned you dunce. Anybody can pay a good artist to deliver your autistic crap. The fun of these threads is artists WANTING to do ideas

The fun of these threads also is seeing these stupid ideas be created, whether by people in the thread or being commissioned

No, not really. This isn’t a “share art” thread. It’s a request/delivery dynamic. That’s not to imply the art isn’t appreciated, it’s just no one cares about your personal commissions.

Requesting Wilhamena as a mermaid wearing a clam shell bra

Attached: Wilhamena.png (357x642, 91K)

There's more than one way to enjoy a thread, friend. Seeing how artists put their own spin on requests/ideas as they realize them is a big part of that for plenty of people. No need to get mad about it.

But it's not a request at all

Pretty sure it was. Few threads back.

Requesting Velma lifting her sweater and pulling down her skirt enough to show she isn't wearing any underwear like Tifa is on the left

Attached: no underwear.jpg (1804x1422, 334K)

it was a request first then or decided to commission it since he's been showing the progress of it though it was a cool drawing this is not the place for this. it doesn't matter now anyway since it's already finished so we can get back to normal and you two can shut the fuck up about the whole deal

He's just going to keep doing it anyway. Autismbucks is strong


clip studio paint. i dont use any antialiasing on my brushes which is why my lineart looks very pixelated/chunky

Attached: 2019-07-09_02b.png (1050x1428, 138K)

requesting X-23 posing in some strappy black lingerie like the pics on the right.

Attached: x-23 strappy lingerie request.jpg (2748x999, 793K)

WIP, anything you'd like to see changed? Ill change that nose 100% sure and prolly go over it with fineliner or something, we'll see.

Attached: WIP.jpg (3120x4160, 2.66M)

Nice! Now I've got to find Atomic Betty porn.

where is the guys that told me to draw adult Pacifica with a Waitress outfit?

i also made the flat one like 2 days agoo

Attached: oppaicifica waitressoutfit.png (2000x2000, 623K)

No, this looks great so far thanks for doing this.

Im not the OR, but thank you sir, I was waiting for this delivery

i live for this (you) im glad.

Requesting Desna wearing women's work out shorts.

Attached: work out boi.jpg (1949x1020, 201K)

another (you) for you, good stuff

for summer, put Exo-suit Jenny in a sling bikini and give her a similar figure like the girl on the right.

Attached: jenny sling bikini.jpg (975x749, 316K)

Requesting Blue Diamond lying on top of White Diamond nude, but angled so you can only see side boob/butt.

Attached: stackables.jpg (4490x1414, 679K)

Seconding this

Not really a art request but can someone post the donut steel image?

Not OR but, the comics you been making lately are really good, keep it up.

Could someone do a fusion between Black Manta and Mysterio? They both have awesome designs that would blend well together

Attached: Black Manta and Mysterio have awesome head fashion.jpg (3552x3296, 1.12M)

not the or but have another you for the quality

Requesting the top pic but with Courtney and Tiff

Attached: 153633587720.png (2324x2670, 2.42M)

damn, that is some pro grade shit. not OR but i'd be happy if i was him. very nice

>pro grade
lol no shit, stupid, money was involved

Requesting a redraw of the Fuck Me scene from Freddy Got Fingered with Zeus and Hercules from the Disney film


Requesting a parody of the Freddy Got Fingered scene featuring Wonder Woman & Cheetah. With Cheetah doing the "Daddy would like some sausages" scene and Wonder in a foot cast that's dedicated to Rip Torn.

Attached: 1505727145642.jpg (990x600, 171K)


Requesting Akihiko style Steve Rogers.
In other words, Captain America:

- shirtless, mask-less, tattered clothing
- Stars and Stripes or US flag Cloak,
- fighting gloves

Attached: 1562201557359.jpg (4744x2048, 1.61M)

Would a shark based mermaid be fine?

What was this even for

here you go

Attached: splish splash i was taking a bath.png (2000x2000, 362K)

Nice job

Not OR, but nice job.

We need more mermaids

Who is the best waifu for open requests?

Requesting Disgust bathing

Attached: 8ebb34f559e5f7f3bb0817224f408627.png (857x776, 254K)

Blue Diamond
Panda Delgado
Nani and the Lifeguard
April O'neil
Bonnie Rockwaller
Marie Kanker

A good list of who not to do.


Hate to add fuel to the fire, but this guy has a point . While I do like the characters listed, nonetheless have been requested to the moon & stars so many times I've lost count! Is it that hard to ask for a little more variety instead of seeing Wilhamena request #254? Or another request involving Nani and the lifeguard, who had a grand total of 2 lines in the first movie? Variety, people!

Okay Joker. Tone it back a bit, will ya?

Besides someone else suggesting them, I don't know why drawfags don't draw more different characters for those requests on their own, are they that limited? Don't they like anything else at all?

nope we hate everything you love.

We need more Oppaicifica

>While I do like the characters listed
You are still part of the problem

Then I'll stop.

>the absolute state of SU fags

At least you admit half your show is waifu bait.

OKKO too.

5, maybe 6 depending on who you ask and what version you use, of these girls are underaged. what a surprise

>All these characters
>None are Angel from TMNT
How does it feel to be WRONG!

Might take another request.

How about your favorite obscure waifu waiting for her turn at waifu of the month?

I bet your list is better.

Requesting Shelby from creature from the lake posing in a bikini like the image on the right.

Attached: Shelby bikini request.jpg (2508x1076, 300K)

As oppose to everyone else?

I would say Azula as mermaid Since I agree with the user saying we need more mermaids. Mermaids are hot, especially in chessecake poses. but is also a very good choice, plus we get you see who your favorite obscure waifu is.

[Spoiler] Cheese cake pose? [/Spoiler]

Hell yes it is.

A cheese cake pose is a sexy but tasteful pose. I can't post a image since it'll get deleted, but this guy's bikini image would be considered cheese cake, except that the bikini top would completely cover the nipples. Quite popular in the 1920's/30's, but not risque enough for today.

Attached: 10574-22_1024x1024.jpg (817x1024, 115K)

And I post I fucking image like a retard. My apologizes everyone.

Requesting Xochi from (Victor and Valentino) wearing these clothing while, sitting behind the chair posing. If possible, can you put the name of the character on the chair?

Attached: 15145658-5813-4C14-89EF-592662331000.png (2085x1560, 2.23M)

Not the OR, but this looks pretty good! Good job!

I second these

I used pen for visibility, but I made a couple bad lines sadly. I hope you like it

Attached: 15627935633793557353787826083853.jpg (3120x4160, 3.17M)

OR here, well done I really appreciate the work.

it diddnt turn out as well as i hoped but here you go

Attached: koiqueen.png (2000x2000, 126K)

Not OR but noice!

Requesting Kimiko as a rule 63 MK Scorpion.

Attached: KimikoTohomikoRobesWudai.png (250x405, 38K)

lol, so mad


Requesting Maddie Fenton in a bikini pulling one of the straps to the side, showing off her tan lines.

Attached: always_prepared_by_dltoon-d2xhq1o.jpg (841x951, 103K)

Requesting Bonecrusher fighting Bane

Attached: Bonecrusher ref.png (1740x1252, 3.23M)

Requesting Blue and Yellow Diamond sharing a Chocolate Priyanka Cone with whip cream.

Attached: Ice Cream Request.jpg (1340x1064, 304K)

Attached: Bathing Disgust.png (1038x900, 598K)

Excellent work, Jam!
>Not OR, btw.

Holy shit! This is OR, awesome fucking job RuckeySquad. Thank you so much!

Close nuff?

Attached: Felix Weed joke.gif (1756x1240, 1M)

>Holy smokes! (pun intended)
Excellent work here! Not the OR, btw.

Not the OR, but wow, this looks relaxing.

Requesting Livewire shitting on Electro for stealing her "Obnoxious electric media supervillain" gimmick.

Attached: livewireelctroreq.png (1857x884, 1.99M)

Attached: im sorry.png (1357x587, 50K)

One boiga comin up

Attached: f8fbddb4-a402-497c-b343-f370478f7da5-1.png (998x1516, 366K)

OR here. Thanks, man. Great drawing.


Attached: b71596bd-e459-451c-8606-37113bce179c-1.png (810x1512, 261K)

No problem my men

But why though?

This looks pretty nice. Not the OR, by the way.

I hope you find this satisfactory

Attached: superfriends.png (1703x1271, 321K)

Surf's up user

Attached: pelekaipoke.png (895x1279, 133K)

OR here. Thank you so much


hope that's to your liking user

Attached: fireandice.png (1049x755, 114K)

the world can always use more germaine!

Attached: germaine.png (857x1257, 149K)

thanks for the deliveries

no problem, I have another delivery to make but the thread has reached it's image limit unfortunately.

Ooh, what was it?


What's the best fetish to draw?

Probably an ass,thigh,and calves combo. Tits are nice, but nothing can defeat the trinity of thicc.


Is that a dominatrix sub-fetish?


So like the Triforce and the Light Force?

That was literally my intention for my request.

new thread when?


Depends on who you ask. Me personally? _No.


In what way is it not?


You filthy whore.

OR and holy fucking shit. Was not expecting a gif or something this amazing. Thank you so much user
Hope the people in the next Felix thread like it too



Your anatomy is superb user

Post referenceless requests

They won't be drawn, user. What's the point?

You really think so? I feel like I could've done the horse-butt better and the tail too. Thanks for your compliments tho.

Eat up bump limit

requesting Poppy from League of Legends as a barmaid album for references.

All of these girls competing in a "Miss Yea Forums Drawthread" pageant with Marco being crowned best girl

How about letting the thread die and not bumping it because you want to? What's the point of prolonguing a thread?

People are always gonna bump it at page 10 to make us suffer

good stuff user

Marcella from Legend Quest in sport outfit

Mysterio removing his helmet to reveal a hand holding a gun where his head should be.

Steven Universe and Azula bowling

Kamala angrily waifu posting

Peter Griffin as a god.

Spider-Man eating flies.

Tsundere Venom, but female

Generic JRPG final boss fusion of Eris and Dominator

Who owns the rights to a drawthread pic? If I requessted a pic on a drawthread and a drawfag made it, does he still own the rights to it since he drew it, or is he implicitly giving me ownership since I requested it?

Neither of you, because it's art of copyrighted characters.

They're copyrighted characters mashed together. Cartoon Network owns it.

>Cartoon Network owns it.
Even the Nickelodeon or Disney characters?

It was an OC drawthread that the pic was made in. I'm posting this in the regular drawthread because I figured more people would see it.

Then the artist has the rights, since they're more likely to have proof they drew it.

Can you prove you made the request? Because you didn't. I did. It was my request and you're trying to steal it. Shame on you.

Allright. Disappointing but at least it's an answer.

The IP owners may own the copyright to the characters, but the artist owns the copyright to the specific image in question; IP owners can't use the image without the artist's permission.
The requester owns nothing, as no legally enforceable contracts were entered into to transfer ownership of copyright.

Even with a commission, the artist owns the copyright to the image, unless transfer of ownership of copyright is expressly agreed upon (and appropriately compensated). it's an anonymous thread, there's no way to contact the original artist. :/

It doesn't matter. No one is going to sue you for using the image.

Sounds kinda hot. In what way though?

Galaxy sized woman with several star systems as wings. Closest to lewd and JRPG final boss I got

Nice Or here. It's perfect. Thanks so much.


New thread when?

So like that clown king in Final Fanstasy VI?

When we reach 500 posts

500 posts and then when it really low on the board
So a few hours probably

Soon, just remember to post a lot here and soon we can make a new one.

We're actually pretty close right now.

Who are her waifus?


Some generic slice of life anime

Yeah, but sometimes they pull some things
We'll see

I also want more older Mandy

With skulls?

A little lewd.

Rocket Raccoon and Black Cat smoking in bed after doing you know what

Poor Azula.

Reminds me of tintin

Yes, while kissing

More gwen tennyson/daphne blake /ll/

And now, we wait

He already is you fool


Good thread

New thread

Xochi as "Lola la trailera"

Ms. Mysterio?

Holy shit! I’m sorry that I missed this! Thank you!!!!