The fate of Disney
The fate of Disney
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>disney acknowledging the existence of pocahontas
nice try
What's wrong with pocahontas ?
I'd watch Mark Henry star as Mulan
I would watch Mark Henry Mulan. That man is dope.
Is Ariel’s new family black or is she the black sheep of the family?
Wreck-it-Ralph. I can't imagine such a stupid film getting a remake, unless they combine it with the sequel, which could be interesting.
Now Eilonwy and the Black Cauldron, I wish they'd do something with that IP.
stop building clout for this movie
>rapunzel has magical pubes and pit hairs
>"I'll make a man out of you"is Mixed in with "Some bodies gonna get it"
I want this
Beyondly garbage is it's first problem.
>Mark Henry as Mulan
Take all my fucking money.
I have no interest in the little mermaid remake but I'm happy it's making you so angry.
Um, I'll Make a Man Out of You is problematic in the current year, so we'll remove that from the film.
Its progressive tho user, Its about a woman identifying as a man and their struggles
>Mark Henry will make a fucking Man out of You!
Who the heck is his guy?
Former pro wrestler and strongman dude. He's a pretty cool guy.
Always good to see a nice picture of a man and his son.
After he's done throwing you around like a sack of potato.
So is actually strong or is it Wrestling hype?
Actual strong.
>By basically ending his lifting career at the age of 26, it is probable that he never reached his full physical potential as a professional lifter.
Jesus Christ. The man could have been a real life Hulk if he continued to lift
I want a Disney remake but only staring wrestlers.
he's a legit world strongest man, and also one of the only ones to do it clean. he quit lifting because everyone was on steroids.
stop feeding attention to anything that happens in the modern day. starve it.
if you're part of the media conspiracy, just starve.
No, use it to draw attention where it should be. Replacing people with others is an issue in itself. It's even better to talk about it this way because it's keeps these idiots away which want to talk about IQ and genes all the time.
I refuse to believe that this isnt a marketing sham
It isn't. The people in charge are all Jews. This is intentional ethnic replacement.
Replace the clowns and people won't notice when you replace their neighbors.
and there hasnt been any negative backlash from it whatsoever. I think the based mouse knows what its doing
I'd watch Dogatoullie
Black Ariel means we can have black Triton.
And that's a world I want to live in.
Disney's never making anything beyond remakes ever again, is it?
The genocide of my people is turned into a cartoon musical? With a singing raccoon? I mean, think about it, Dog. The real story of Pocahontas is about a bunch of white boys who come to my land, bribe the corrupt Indian chief, kill off all the warriors and fuck the Indian princess silly. Would the white man make a story about Auschwitz, where the inmate falls in love with the guard and they go off singing love songs with dancing swastikas?
Fuck off red bois are not Indian. They are Natives Amaricans
user thats not even close to the real story of Pocahontas
stfu kike
Na red boi. Go die of mesales and get scalped
It clearly is. Look how to heart faggots like these anons are taking the casting of a mermaid from a mindless cashgrab reboot. The purpose of most advertising is to produce extreme emotional reactions from people and now companies can do it easier than ever even with soulless children's movie reboots that most of the people who're talking about it wouldn't have given a single fuck about but are now passionately debating about as if their whole world depends on it.
this only makes sense if you assume being white is one of ariel's defining attributes
Whoops didn't mean
dogatouille and marklan sound based
Yeah, I would be okay with black ariel if she still has the red hair.
It is.
>Wrestling hype
Look at the names on the wall, all of those wrestlers that have completed John Cena's one ton challenge
Millennials and those in their 40s in the west are destructively uninspired. Fuck them. I prefer zoomers who are naturally weebs.
how do you know she won't? we have no idea what hair and makeup will do to that actress
How is it not?
Reeee black women bad!
No one is saying that you fucking retard. People are just sick of this race swapping crap.
I think I figured it out even if this movie bombs Disney will continue make shit movies to fit their agenda but make 1 or 2 good movies a year which people will flock to, so from them 1 or 2 movies they make a year the profit is enough to keep them afloat. They cannot lose
Are you okay, OP? Did the remake of a fairytale upset you?
Why are you lunatics so obsessed with defiling European culture?
you /pol/ cunts should be happy about that, since the movie is gonna be shit you'll be able to blame black people...
also Ariel's identity has never been related to her skin colour
So dont watch them. The only reason they are doing this is because people are paying to see it still. Even if the characters looked like what they are suppose to its still a live action remake of what are considered classic animations, why do these even exist. Oh, its for money, there is no artistry behind it, its blatantly clear that its about money, so why give them the time of day. Move on, ignore it, noone would like it even if it was accurate.
How do A Danish marmaid suppose to be Black?
Then why change it?
It's about replacing established characters, and about using this symbol to rile people up with the purpose of raising awareness and maybe even forming a resistance. At least against that replacement of characters by SJW, maybe even about things beyond that (immigration, demography).
I wish the agenda behind this was to wake up white people to their genocide, but it's more like pissing on their grave.
>Roman Reigns made the wall
>still not over with the [know-it-all fans]
>Danish mermaid
>looks and sounds nothing like a Dane
Disney had no choice when making an acceptable live action Little Mermaid movie but to cast a person of black Caribbean ancestry that can provide a dignified and inspiring representation of Caribbean people after all of the criticism from Caribbean-Americans about appropriating Carribean musical styles merely as exotic ornamentation while having a crab that looks like a lobster be Ariel's unpaid servant/slave that shucks and jives for her like 'Bojangles' Robinson in a Shirley Temple movie with an accent done by a black man played for laughs as comic relief.
Has it occurred to you that she isn’t Danish?
The world should honestly move on past white people we got two world wars and some of the worst political ideologies from them everyone can already imrpove on whatever beneficial things they created.
I thought he was supposed to be Shan Yu.
She was created by a Dane, so I'd put my money her being a Dane over an African.
It's seriously insane that you people openly advocate for the genocide of a race of people, and you feel zero remorse or immorality over it.
you can literally replace Danish with any other european country and it wouldnt change the movie
Ariel isnt attached to any culture so face it, her skin colour has literally no umportance
>Ariel isnt attached to any culture
She's very specifically attached to European culture.
Ngl, that sounds even better, even if Shan Yu was as deep as a wading pool.
>European culture
literally doesn't exist
Jesus Christ you people are sick.
>Implying that you wouldn't watch a film where Mulan beats the shit out of the Huns to Somebody Gon Get Their Ass Beat.
You guys know there are black people in Denmark, right?
>and there hasnt been any negative backlash from it whatsoever.
lol the cope is real
lol that's not a thing
neither does black culture and African culture
Forcibly trafficking Africans into Denmark doesn't suddenly mean Danes are now every ethnicity.
You know native Danes are not black, correct? You know when The Little Mermaid was written 200 years ago it was by a native Dane and not an African squatting in Denmark, yes?
yep, I don't see how this fact changes anything
>culture doesn't exist
What level of brainlet is this?
Disney is right. it owns the shit.
if you fucks cant take capitalism then move to Communist China.
Wrong, we don't belong to /pol/.
Yes. So what?
absolutely lazy ass company
all these look like those mediocre western AAA games
>muh realism
>muh cinematic experience
i want cartoon experiences. not realistic cinematic garbage
174 years later and anglos still can't handle the irish.
Aesthetically speaking it is. Ariel is the iconic red haired and pale skinned Disney princess, the idol of many little red haired girls who see themselves in her (for some reason nobody likes Merida). Making her black not only deprives the pale skinned and redhead audience of their princess, but it's also a lazy and cheap attempt to win over the dark skinned audience, who instead deserve their very own new dark skinned princess to look up to (Tiana doesn't coun't, for the majority of the movie she's basically a frog).
wtf learn to read I never said this
so ? if you want the real pocahontas story just watch a documentary, this is a romantic musical about tolerance starring a historical american figure
it's similar to abraham lincoln vs zombies
i don't see what people are complaining about
they are the same race
look at the actor who plays the talkative guy in Ant-Man, I couldn't even tell if he was indian or mexican
You are kidding, right? European culture is the base of Western civilization.
>European fairy tale
>not attached to European culture
I refuse to believe you're not being dumb on purpose
You seem upset, faggot.
Skin color depends on the environnement, the melanin hue of your epidermea id the result of physical adaptation from the climate
That's why they are black in subsaharan africa but fair skinned in scandinavia, which, by the way, IS WHERE THE LITTLE MERMAID IS SET
There are no black people in Europe unless they or their parents are immigrants
there is no such thing as european culture stupid cunt