Why is anyone pretending like they have a shit about this trash in the first place?

Why is anyone pretending like they have a shit about this trash in the first place?

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This but unironically.

Get woke, go broke

They weren't making fun of Trump 40 years ago

It's a lot more like
It's pretty fucking ridiculous.

are you asking about MAD itself or.jsut this one issue? all i know is that the latest issue had redlettermedia in it

I mean fuck most people who talk about Trump, but I’ve always respected Mad.

In today’s world how hard can it really be to print a magazine?


I grew up with bill clinton and George bush and I watched all of the entertainment outlets poking fun at them constantly. the goal was always comedy and it was lighthearted.

what we see now with trump is something else entirely, its just simply salt and butthurt at indescribable levels. trump derangement syndrome is a very real thing, ti's been three fucking years and these people cannot come down even one single notch in their anger. the goal is not comedy, the goal is venting, anger and propaganda. It is painful to watch as an outsider.

This. I don't like trump. not even a little, but I can't stand shows that are making fun of him because they are so unfunny and clearly just propaganda

maybe he should stop being such a dumb fucker

>A satire magazine doing satire against the sitting president
>Have literally done an issue about every sitting president since it's inception.


It's literally a copypasted DNC script they're all handed. You may as well live in China where the state media is given their instructions by the CCP on what to report.

you are implying that bush and clinton are equally mockable as trump is. also those men had senses of humor. trump is a little baby and hates being made fun of. he will tweet out at SNL just to say he's not watching and their skits about him suck. he's embarrassing and deserves all the ridicule.

But no matter what option he picks, he is a priori "a dumb fucker" according to the media.
That's the point.

Nice revisionism, cuck.

>what we see now with trump is something else entirely, its just simply salt and butthurt at indescribable levels. trump derangement syndrome is a very real thing, ti's been three fucking years and these people cannot come down even one single notch in their anger. the goal is not comedy, the goal is venting, anger and propaganda. It is painful to watch as an outsider.
It's not new, I remember what was said about Bush and it was neither funny nor satire, it was just spleen-venting rage. But at least they could claim the dude started a war or something. Trump they don't even have that.

we are each responsible for our own reputations. just as trump is responsible for his, mad and the others are responsible for theirs, and currently their reputation is that of a butthurt child that is still throwing an eternal temper tantrum over 2016.
Just because your subject matter lacks class doesn't mean you have to aswell.

SNL began sucking way before Trump became president, pham.


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I don't want to be a boomer and claim they died with the 70s, but...

Basically this. Not to mention it's just the same tired shit over and over.

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When people are saying they miss MAD they mean old MAD, not the current shit. Of course you can't think beyond current politics to understand that because you have no life nor any hope

Trump for jail 2020

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these admittedly fall into the same category as the trump ones. there's no attempt at comedy here, it's just anger. where's the joke? what was the point of this other than to just yell your frustration at the viewer?

at least there's an attempt at comedy here.

maybe mad just sucks these days and that's all there is to it.

>I grew up with bill clinton and George bush and I watched all of the entertainment outlets poking fun at them constantly. the goal was always comedy and it was lighthearted.
Then you should remember that Trump was a fucking joke back then too. He's ALWAYS been a low hanging fruit punchline.

>Yea Forums has become the establishment that gets butthurt by Mad Magazine

How hilarious.

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Trump is just such a hot button issue, for whatever reason, that they could say “Trump wore turquoise jacket”, the joke being Trump doesn’t know the word turquoise or some pissed off mail man bullshit


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You are pretty fucking dumb if you don't think Bush was talked about like he was a clown mate.

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>When people are saying they miss MAD they mean old MAD, not the current shit. Of course you can't think beyond current politics to understand that because you have no life nor any hope

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So are you going to post any of it, or what?

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Nah full on ironically or bust

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way to miss the entire point of my post. I was never saying whether SNL was good or not, just using his reaction to being mocked as an example of his manbaby character. whatever you think of the man's policies or that of the republican party, trump is a detestable human being and will go down in history for it.