Overrated Stuff

can we just admit that he isn't as good as people make him out to be

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What do you think he was lacking? He had a pretty massive output of entertaining comics with characters and worlds that became major staples of the genre.

his art style is kinda blocky and annoying to look at and his writing has aged horribly

Sounds more like a personal preference issue than a talent issue.

>His writing
user, Stan Lee re-wrote his dialogue. His older stuff, from before Marvel, is fine.

then why is his DC stuff also bad


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Much of Kirby's art got butchered in the inking stage.

This, I had the chance of see some reproduction of a few pages only penciled and his composition and dynamic made there is as good and even better than modern artists.

How was his DC stuff bad exactly?

He literally created marvel comics but yeah you're right.

He wasn't overrated. Just a bitter asshole.

That's one way to make it obvious to everyone that you worship the ground Stan Lee walked on.

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WataMote is very overrated.

You don't have to pick a side to acknowledge Kirby was a bitter asshole who burned bridges with every company he worked for.

>his art style is kinda blocky and annoying to look at
Something isn't bad just because you have shitty taste

Yep, you're not a Stanfag. Not at all.

He stuck to a vision that was proved right by the very companies that fucked him over. The demands he had were industry standards by the time Epic and Vertigo came out. Allegedly, he made more money out of a single Spawn issue than any of his books ever.

Stan Lee re-wrote that too.
You're welcome.

Watamote has lost every ounce of teeth it once had at its inception

This, I remember seeing some of his sketches and it was solid work.

I thought Kirby was overrated once upon a time too, user. Then I read enough comics to realize that yes he's a fucking god, just also an acquired taste, both in art and writing. OMAC, The Losers, Kamandi, Black Panther and post-1965 Thor, Cap and FF are some of the best comics ever made. You likely just need to read more Silver/Bronze age comics to put the writing style in its proper context. he's the best "cinematographer" in all of comics. he always places his "camera" somewhere unexpected that delivers maximum emotional power. once you know to read for shit like that it blows you away.

but I agree New Gods is slightly overrated but that's mostly Vince Colletta's fault. He phoned in his inking so hard.

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The only Kirby comic I've ever enjoyed was Mr Miracle. I can't stand his art style and have no idea to this day why people hold his work in such high esteem, he honestly seems like a 60's version of Rob Liefeld, albeit with a more tragic and relatable life story that people somehow seem to equate with the quality of his output.

One of the biggest laughs I've ever had was hearing an art critic unironically compare Kirby's art to Moebius and Kim Jung-Gi. Fucking hysterical.

'overrated' is a totally meaningless criticism. yeah, you don't like his art, but obviously plenty of people do, so why is your opinion anymore valuable than theirs?

His work looks even worse in the pencil stages.

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He wasn't bad for designing gods and aliens, but his super hero costumes were terrible and lazy.

What's so bad about it?

>but his super hero costumes were terrible and lazy.
Counterpoint: They were more memorable and better-designed than most 90's, 00's and 10's costumes.

Everything. Perspective, proportion, composition blockout, lighting...

I think literally the only Kirby pencils I've ever seen and liked are a Black Bolt he did. Frankly I think the vast majority of his work is outright ugly.

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>Everything. Perspective, proportion, composition blockout, lighting...

None of these are much of a problem in there, perhaps you don't understand the terms you used? Or are you one of those drones that think art is automatically bad because it's not realistic?

Kirby's art had a compositional power and kinetic flow that I've never seen matched in Western comics. His superhero slugfests have never been topped, at least in the way they conveyed motion & force.

That being said, I've always thought his art was weird and blocky looking.
The user who called Kirby an acquired taste has the right of it.

They are only more memorable because back then, the costumes weren't changed every two years. They have been forced down everybody's throats until they got used to it
And unlike Spider Man's costume, they needed drastic changes from other artists to stop being ridiculous

You're just MCUck and hate when costume is not realistic, right?

I agree, Kirby is overrated. His faces are outright disgusting

Maybe you're one of the Kirbydrones who don't understand the basic fundamentals that need to be applied even in stylised work.

Jack drew some fugly art and had trouble doing his ideas justice in writing, but damn it, he got those comics done and succeeded well enough to inspire others.

And when he did well, the readers got that Tiger-Force at the center of the Universe.

However much I like Morrison's gilding of Kirby's New Gods, I wish Grant had tried to unpack and adapt what Jack was going for in The Hunger Dogs.

Oh fuck off with this Stan did everything wrong and Kirby is saint. As much as i like New Gods his writing is not good, better than Ditko's but not better than Stan's.

Don't you fucking remember when he stated he created Spider-man and Hulk? You kirbyfags claim that Stan did nothing but steal Kirby's stuff when that is hardly true.

>He stuck to a vision that was proved right by the very companies that fucked him over
So why do people blame Stan and not industry at the time? He was only editor for god sake.

Nope. I take good spandex costumes over black leather any day. But even X-Men's shit Matrix cosplays are better than X-Men's Kirby Diappers

>jack kirby art

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That's not Alan Moore

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There's a breathtaking amount of skill in that pin up drawing and all his pencils, user. Fine you don't like Kirby's style but calling him "overrated" just exposes your own ignorance.

For all the Kirbypilled anons in this thread here's a worthwhile post on Kirby's pencils by Tom scioli: tomscioli.com/?p=229

>You don't have to pick a side to acknowledge Kirby was a bitter asshole who burned bridges with every company he worked for.
-He left Marvel in 1942 because Martin Goodman tried to screw him out of contractual money owed him on Captain America.
-He left DC in 1946 because he realized he could make as much money publishing on his own rather than splitting the money with DC.
-He left Crestwood in 1954 when he found out Crestwood was shorting him on contracted profit participation.
-He was fired from DC in 1959 because he wouldn't pay an editor kickbacks.
-He left Marvel in 1970 because DC offered him more money and creative control.
-He left DC in 1975 because management changed and they tried to change his deal.
-He left Marvel in 1980s because of editorial interference and their unwillingness to return his original art when they were returning it to other people.

Gee, can't imagine why he was bitter.

>picking a side in an argument between old Jews over who owes who money

Wow, is that the best you could do?

He made 2 good movies in the 80s and nothing but garbage after that.

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Not sure about Hulk. But Steve Ditko made Spider-Man. Jack Kirby wasn't the only artist that Stan Lee stole the credit of.

Because Stan Lee had owned Marvel since he was twenty-two?

Based Kirby.
This is something Moore has talked about before, how creators don't stand up for themselves and let the companies exploit and fuck them over.

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He drew "a" Spider-Man for Stan but Stan hated so he gave the gig
to Ditko. Kirby unfairly added it to his list of very legit grievances because it probably all blended together at that point.

Stan Lee never owned Marvel.

It was owned by Martin Goodman until he sold it to Cadence Industries in 1967. From there it passed through several corporations and finally ended up as part of Disney.

Stan was ALWAYS an employee, not an owner.

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But he was a company man to the bitter end

You fucking idiot i said that Kirby said he was who made Spiderman and not Ditko.

Maybe try not to jump in, assuming people know what you're talking about, next time and people will have an easier time comprehending you.

He was face of the company but can you blame him? He was charismatic compared Steve or Kirby. Steve especially didn't want to be in spotlight and Kirby kinda wanted to but he was autistic with no charisma.

user, this is not obscure thing.

If you don't think it's an obscure thing, you've got an autism problem. Most people think Stan Lee made Captain America.

I don't blame him at all for being the friendly face of Marvel, he was good at it and it worked. But he was on Marvel's side not his fellow creators' side from day one.

Most people think Stan Lee wrote the Marvel Universe like he's J.K. Rowling with Harry Potter.

It's more than a bit upsetting.

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Kirby didn't have Lee's charisma but calling him "autistic" is unfair and childish. He regularly let fans come into his house and chatted with them while he drew and plotted over the phone with Stan.

People who think Lee or Kirby did everything are both wrong. Think about their combined effort.

Just because normies are obviously retarded doesn’t mean Kirby or Ditko did absolutely everything on their own or carry Marvel on their backs singlehandedly. Have a wakeup call.

See, but i dont know who you're arguing. Since i never made a statement like that.

Daily reminder

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Dialogues are awful

Nah it's good. Not enough superheroes quipping about video games and Chinese food for you?

The fact is - he was. It's that simple.

A talented guy who wasn't afraid to break molds and worked like a -
Well, like a New York Jew with bills to pay, I guess.

Stan Lee created heroes. Jack Kirby created gods.

Imagine a Steppenwolf who reallly was like a Genghis Khan type.

Ah, well...

You know, I have heard of people like you.

Once you mature, you feel so embarrassed.

Even Alan Moore doesn't think he is as good as he is made out to be.

Source or fuck off.

>A panel that's nothing but Thor wrestling Magnir and Mjolnir flying towards him
>Vinnie still finds a way to fuck up something and gets Mjolnir wrong
I get that deadlines were his main preoccupation so he would intentionally fumble backgrounds, but this is just too much, this man was truly a genius at sucking.

>Kirby drew more than a year than Quitely has in his entire career

Also good post, Tom is great, I don't know if he had switched to this "inks over pencils" style but Go-Bots is done that way and I much prefer it to his old, "digital Kirby" stuff in Godland (which was often great but way too many times relied too much on copying Jack without quite knowing how to do it)

Oh, I just assumed. Alan is working class, through-and-through.

Remember when Kirby submitted ideas for NFL uniform re-designs? Still wondering why they were rejected...

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>But he was on Marvel's side not his fellow creators' side from day one
What are you talking about? He was fighting for creators right's.

No it is not. Kirby was great artist but not great writer.

Hey, you know who else isn't all that great? William Shakespeare. I read his stuff, and it's all full of cliches.

And that Ernest Hemingway guy -- what's the deal with people thinking he was a good writer? His work is so simple and familiar.

itt: MCU Yea Forums tourists and Stan Lee cocksuckers

I said it many times. If this guy is the "king" of comics, then Alberto Breccia is the god-emperor of comics.

Evidence: desuarchive.org/co/thread/107021770/#q107021770

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Not a good example because Kirby is so singularly dynamic that he's not even cliche

I think user was being sarcastic, especially with the shakespeare example... classic artists from the past may seem less influential and visionary to the people in the present because of how many times they have been imitated since their day.

I get that buy my point was it doesn't even apply to Kirby because some people are so influential that they appear cliche but Kirby is influential and so difficult to duplicate that he doesn't even appear cliche. I agree with the user's sentiment.

Ah, I see. Kirby is one of a kind.

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