This is the last straight, white, male Yea Forums character on British television. Say something nice about him

This is the last straight, white, male Yea Forums character on British television. Say something nice about him.

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Why does Templeton get more pussy than him?


Did you mean Beanfork?


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You can't disprove that with some fag's fanart you absolute fucking wanker

I can and have.

Uh about that

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is this an edit or real i probably sound retarded but

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Attached: DM6e4a3fcc928c98f817a56ca20.png (478x295, 147K)

dont lewd the mouse

Obligatory post

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>You must have a romantic relationship with every female you encounter

This is your brain on Yea Forums

i genuinely prefer this porn artist's DM design over nu-DM

I can't tell you, there's so many episodes I wouldn't be able to pinpoint the one it came from. Very possibly though

It's "Danger at C Level".

but why wil.e

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He deserves some love.

Is the new series actually any good? I remember watching the original along with it's spin-offs Count Duckula and Victor & Hugo as a kid.

not as cleverly written but still entertaining. pacing can be kinda fucked tho

it is real

You didn't suck nearly as bad back in the day.

We'd have drowned in custard if it hadn't been for that mite.

Attached: CustardMite.png (278x221, 95K)

After I posted that one, the intro bugged me so I had to find the good one.

Yes. I recommened.

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female squawkencluck is a shit waifu

>DM used to be a slightly vain but massively heroic and selfless SECRET agent
>DM is now a full blown narcissist who constantly puts the world in danger and has no real emotional connection to any of his friends and hes a transvestite for some reason

what the actual fuck happened

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greatest secret agent in the world can dress as he pleases guv

in all seruousness, the original shorts were parodying something the newer shorts aren't. the joke is lost so they add a new joke. call it historical progress

This show was shit the moment they thought womanifying the Professor was a good idea. There was no reason to do it other than to create non-gay shipping bait and to undermine and feminize DM to reduce his "toxic masculinity". Those crossdressing gags come out of nowhere and aren't funny, but look at how long they go on for. Our cool mole guy was reduced to this bitchy chicken rapist just to ruin DM's personality and reputation as a badass hero and to make him look like an incapable retard because girl power. I guarantee that none of nu-Squawk's bullshit would hold up if she was dealing with old-DM, he'd put that cunt in her place. But then I suppose that would take away from the message that girls > boys.

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i thank him for his service to queen and country

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>aren't funny

thats subjective

the princess cindy one made me chuckle. the danger-thon one was pretty awkward tho


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The absolute state of the manlets on this board.
The show used to be a sausage fest. They needed more female characters. Bad writing causes the show to suck. Not the existence of women.

>mfw this will never actually be canon

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But it looks like Tumblr shit, retard.

As an Amerifag, thank you for inspiring me to watch this. I needed more gay trap mice in my life.

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Um OP, are you feeling alright?
That's a mouse

you talking about plipperdipper?


Fucking reactionaries

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>This is the last straight, white, male Yea Forums character on British television.
I can name FIVE (FOUR, THREE TWO, ONE) off the top of my head.


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It might as well be, user

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This is no time to be conversing about Pencilcrease, we're supposed to be saying something nice about whats-his-name!

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I bet Horrid Henry would browse Yea Forums

Thank god crossdressing came back
Classic gag in old cartoons and I was worried the world was becoming too pussified for it


You're adorable but I hate how the new show is screwing with my headcanon and retconning things that don't need to be retconned.

DM's always been narcisstic you fcking spoon thats his whole deal

>At least it's not... Pink.

>my headcanon
You mean...?