THE FLASH Season 6

What are your expectations, Yea Forums?

>Godspeed appears to be the main villain.
>Julian will apparently show up.
>Sue is apparently being introduced.
>Cisco and Caitlin still around.
>We're getting a new Wells.
>Reverse Flash will be heavily featured.
>Casting for "ethnic" main villain (probably Godspeed).
>Casting for new awkward black scientist character that'll join the team.
>Alien tech will be involved somehow.
>6x01 is titled "Into the Void". Bloodwork will appear.
>6x02 is titled "A Flash of Lightning". The Monitor will appear.

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The CW is fucking casual trash and Godspeed deserves to be forgotten

Think they'll start using the other forces now?

I doubt it. Too recent.

They only now introduced the Negative Speed Force.

>(probably Godspeed)
Godspeed was already used as some V-9 junkie in the future.

>new wells
Just fucking stop with it. Just keep Tom as RF

He's coming back.

Silencer was only introduced in the comics a few months before she showed up on Arrow.

Its because Arrow has to constant introduce new characters to even have a plot.

An alternate future that got erased with Nora.

[Spoiler] He's back lads! [/spoiler]

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You're getting both.

Wasn't the new teased villain Red Death?

That was just a reference.

They wouldn't have bothered making such a neat suit for Godspeed to waste it on a one-episode appearance.

>They wouldn't have bothered making such a neat suit for Godspeed to waste it on a one-episode appearance.

You'd be surprised.

>We're getting a new Wells.
>Reverse Flash will be heavily featured.
Goddamn this show is stuck on the tires spinning.

They even re-used Trajectory's suit, bro.

You can literally measure how important a villain may be by how much effort they put in giving him or her an actual costume.

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They've been teasing Thawne having a pivotal role in the Crisis literally since the pilot, they better deliver on that.

New Wells is obviously just an excuse to keep Tom Cavanagh on show, but I'm willing to play ball if he's more entertaining than Sherloque.

>Zoom was Flash's suit spray painted black

Oh boy I can't wait for them to drag out the mystery of WHO IS GODSPEED for 3/4 of the season only for a shitty reveal which just causes more drama.

They already know he's August Hart.

Betting hes going to be a different guy due to the timeline changing.

Possible, but I doubt they'd make a mystery out of it. It didn't happen with Devoe and Dwyer.

the sudden history re-write of Zari was the single most interesting thing these cw shits have done since the first season of the Flash. I just wanna see how that pans out, I could not give a shit where the flash goes from here. at this point it's just mindless bad tv to have on while I do weed

>the sudden history re-write of Zari was the single most interesting thing these cw shits have done since the first season of the Flash.

Really? They telegraphed it a mile away, and the conclusion is obvious.

>The Legends meet Nu-Zari who doesn't remember them.
>Nate remembers eventually, drama ensues.
>Behrad dies again, Zari has to use the totem again.
>Either regains her memories through timeline fuckery or rejoins the team as a completely new person.

it's all predictable soap opera trash mijo, im just saying im much more fond of this current soap opera trash than what they've been putting up the last few years

It's really weird seeing villains that debuted not even 5 years ago get live action counterparts.

But why? The new Wells shtick is overdone and old. Of them all Harry is the most realized and they effectively concluded his character in s4. Tom signed on to play Eobard Thawne, so let him just be that

Godspeed isn't that much older

I miss her. Well, at least her tits.

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I dont want both.

I haven't watched this shit since season 2

>But why?

Because Thawne can't be a regular character and they want to keep Tom Cavanagh around.

Bring back Patty.

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