>how's it feel to lose your virginity, Mama's boy

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Too bad Enid got it first.

Puffy rat pussy

>ywn have dozens of rat babies with Fink


>Watching this scene
>Get hazy flashbacks of my babysitter, who was leaving for college soon, on top of me breathing heavily on the kitchen floor when I was 4 years old.
This made me feel uncomfortable

Youtube link?

>Nobody will ever take your virginity


Storytime or GTFO

(1) I was left with a babysitter, who was chill with my parents at the time. She had taken care of me for about two months when this happened. She had a boyfriend and they been seeing each other for a couple of years. That was until she discovered him cheating with another chick. She was nice to me up until that point.

there's a mega for the ep in the OK KO thread

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(2) She broke up with him and the whole thing obliviously hit her hard. But she kept face because she needed the babysitting money for college. It was about a week or so after the break up when the event happened. She drank a couple of beers in the kitchen when she saw me and invited me over.

(3) I can't remember the entire event, only that she kissed me and later on she was on top and looking at me panting. The memory after that was me sitting on the floor while she was sitting in the living room, muttering furiously at herself and trying not to look at me. It was the last day she babysat me because she left the day after (she was suppose to stay for a couple days more but guessed she hightailed it out of there after what she did). I never knew what happened to her after that, she might had a few issues and it's possible that her family found out because they moved out of town in less than a week after it happened. All I could say is that in hope she's either in prison or dead.

That's fucked up yo

You knew all this about your babysitter's personal life, understood it, and remembered it all from when you were 4?

Wow, you must've been as smart as a child in some sort of fictional melodrama.

>obliviously hit her hard

>All I could say is that in hope she's either in prison or dead.

You should be thanking her. If not for her you would be an incel wizard like the rest of these Yea Forums chumps

I pieced the whole thing after asking a few old neighbors about her. I just wanted to know what made her snap.

Is this supposed to be a feral Fink?

One man's trauma is another man's fantasy. Quite predictable, really.

>almost all the new episodes have dark endings


Based babysitter, should have popped the cherry before hightailing outta there

What episode?


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what type?

i'm watching the episodeto get more refences holly shit i love mad bitches like her

Better post em when ur done bro


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